Pawprints On My Heart

Showing posts with label Stryder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stryder. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fangs for the Memories

fang display

Some of you may not realize it but I am missing a tooth.  Notice in the picture above you can only see one.  The story behind its removal is still my secret but don’t worry, I don’t miss it, much.  Meowmy still gets upset about it when she sees my remaining one but I just remind her that it doesn’t hurt.  Are there any furry friends out there that has the same issue?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

There’s a jealous boy in our town….

Watch as jealousy runs rampant during our latest outdoor photo shoot.

Scotch fence


mancat walk





Oh kitties, there’s enough love and film for you both!  Be nice Stryder.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Meowmy has been running around like crazy lately!  The month of May is full of celebrations and we are almost finished with them all.  First there is Meowmy’s birthday, that was on the ninth.  She had a great one.  She bragged that it was more like Christmas than a birthday.  She got a laptop from her mom & dad and a bike from almost dad, Bob.  She doesn’t have a picture of the laptop but here is her new bike.


I suppose it’s nice but its still a little scary for me when she rides close to me.

After that it was Mother’s Day and another birthday to celebrate.  And last weekend she was helping Bob celebrate his birthday!  He got lots of nice stuff like new clothes and glass figurines and movies and stuff.  They celebrated on Saturday by spending the day swimming.  Meowmy said it was super fun.

Now Memorial Day is coming up and then June will bring it’s own craziness with it, 2 birthdays and 2 anniversaries. I hope somewhere in all of it that she can still find the time to post for us kitties.  Lately we’ve been feeling neglected and need more attention and blogging time.  I’ve put her on notice and have been ignoring her steadily and not sleeping inside at night so I think she is getting the message.

Well that’s all for now.  I’ve got to get back to my bathing.  Talk to you all again soon!

April Z 038

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A little help please….

May 028

Hi!  Its me, Scotchy.  My brofur Stryder has been hogging the blog lately so today I’m taking over.  Ya see, I have a little problem and I was hoping all you kitties or kitty moms out there might be able to help me.

In the past few weeks I have been developing mats in my long floofy fur.  They are big and bad and knotted right up to the skin.  They are all along my tummy and thighs and my girl can not brush them out.  Now whenever someone pets me all they feel are those darn mats and they seem to be growing!  Do any of you know how to deal with them?  My girl is considering taking me to a groomer but I’m afraid they will try to shave me!  Please help, I don’t want to loose all of my beautiful fur for the sake of these silly mats.

Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mancat Monday

Rule # 3.  Always be sure to ruin good photo ops.  Do your best to always look away from the flashy box right as your person snaps the picture.  Or even just close your eyes. Here are some prime examples.

April Z 012 April Z 029 April Z 034 April Z 037

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is a picture of me and my brofurs. We was all borned together on April 1st, 2004. Sugar was our momma. We had two other brofurs, but they moved to a farm. The big man named us all after the Lord of the Rings movie characters. The gray guy above me is Frodo. He could be kind of a meany sometimes so we didn't snuggle often. Meowmy was happy to get a picture of it for prosperity. The other fluffy guy is Gandalf. He was my best buddy.
Gandalf, or Gandy as we called him, was a gorgeous mancat in training. He spent a lot of his time with the next door neighbor cat named Lucky. Lucky was a feral cat who found a home but never seemed to give up his love of the wild outdoors. One day Gandy went off catting with Lucky and he never came home. We hope that he found a new place to live where he could be happy and loved.
The same thing happened to Frodo, aka Frodie. Its like once Gandy left Frodie took over the job of Lucky's sidekick. They hung out together like best friends and then again one day, he just never came home. It broke everyone's hearts to loose another beloved kitty.

Soon after Frodie left, I started to spend time with Lucky. This really worried my people. They thought that I would be the next one to go. And I was! I left for two whole weeks! Meowmy was worried sick. When I finally decided to come home I was scooped up and taken to the V-E-T! They said if I got new turd then I wouldn't wander from home anymore. They were right. I love my home and my people. They give me everything I could possibly need and more. But sometimes I sit outside and wait. I wait to see if my brofurs will come back. Meowmy doesn't like it when I stay out like that but she just doesn't understand. I can't give up hope. Maybe one day I will see them again. Til then I'll be waiting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Many Thanks

Thank you all for coming to my 5th birthday party. I had a blast! We wore Meowmy out really good, she has been recovering for the past few days. Ha ha! Mancats don't fool around when it comes to birthdays. lol. She took some pictures during the party so hopefully I can get her to post them sometime soon. But guess what!?! We've got another birthday to celebrate! Tomorrow is Holmie's 16th birthday. Sweet 16! In case you don't remember, Holmie is our almost older brofur that lives with Meowmy's boyfreind Bob. So we will be partying again tomorrow, be sure to stop by and help us celebrate a very special mancat.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We Ain't Foolin Around!

"Happy birthday to one of the most wonderful kitties I have ever known!"-Meowmy

We have a special cat nip cake all baked up nice for your special day.

Guest, please help yourself to the refreshments. We have:
A touch of fresh grass to nibble on?
Get the party started!
There is Tuna Juice Punch for everyone.
Perhaps you little ones would like some milk?
Adults please help yourself to a niptini.
Or perhaps you'll join us in a champagne toast?
For dinner we have homemade macaroni and cheese. Mmmm yummy!
We also have fresh shrimp,
some wonderful ham,
and of course some tasty chicken.
Thank you all for joining us on this special day. Now everybody dig in!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mancat Mond...err, uh Tuesday

Mancat Rule #2: When your Meowmy misses a blog deadline, make sure to let her know YOU were ready and waiting so it was all HER fault.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mancat Monday

Tip #1. Always blend into your surroundings.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello again!

It's been so long since you have seen any of us the typist thought it would be a good idea to refresh your memories. We are still as cute as ever, you can plainly see. Lots has been going on here at our house.
Christmas came and went. We really enjoyed ourselves under that tree. Scotchy especially liked to hang out under there but she would constantly test her limits by chewing on all the colorful lights. She would be quickly evicted but she always came back for more. Aunt Josey sent us some lovely presents that involved nip, of course. She really knows how to pick 'em! Sugar tried to bring home her own present for everyone, but she let it go as soon as she got in the house and forgot to make it dead first. We all tried to help get it back under paw but we just couldn't get the job done. We were too busy being shy because Meowmy's Gramma was visiting. The Food Lady finally captured it and let it out the back door. Sugar was quite insulted but she got over it when the Party Mix came out.
New Years was a bit lonely. Meowmy left us alone for the first time after her surgery. We didn't know what to do with ourselves without her here. Lucky for us she hurried home the next morning, unlucky for her it was because she was in pain cause she tried to celebrate a bit too much. She thought she was healed enough to get back to her social life, turns out she really wasn't. It took her way longer to get better than she had ever anticipated. She's only just now strong enough to get back into the swing of things.
Which brings us to Valentine's Day. We sure had a nice one! As reward for being such good nurse kitties the Food Lady got us a great present! We got a CAT TREE!! It's fantastic! It has three levels you can sit on, and you can scratch the whole thing and never get in trouble! Even when you put a BIG hole in it the first week you have it --Scotchy. Plus Meowmy got sprayable nip to put on it to help it smell nice and yummy. We also get prizes in the form of Temptations when you climb all the way up to all the platforms. Scotchy has created a maneuver that allows her to circle the main pole while lying on her side. It's truly an inspired move. Anyways, it stands in the kitchen in front of the huge windows that over look our back porch and the woods behind the house, so you know there is plenty of eye candy. It goes all the way to the ceiling! We also got our very own lazer mouse toy and have created several games the have us climbing up and down that tree. It's the best time we've had in a long time!
Oh, yeah, Meowmy said that she had a nice time on Valentine's Day with Almost Dad, Bob. He made her a seafood dinner and brought her sugar free candies and pretty rose petals. He asked her what she would like such as a teddy bear or knick knack. She asked for a 6 pack of Aquafina raspberry water instead! Weird isn't she? Actually we're quite proud of her because that was a healthy request. She has been working really hard on getting healthy. On Friday she got weighed at the doctor's office and she has lost 82lbs! Woo hoo! Way to go Meowmy! Headbonks for everyone!
We would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you who have been stopping by to continue to show your support. We have missed you all too! Your encouragement has really helped us keep Meowmy's spirits up. We hope to soon be back on a more normal blogging schedule but until then we will still be keeping up with you, our friends.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Note From Kellykat

I just wanted to thank all the wonderful furry friends and beans who have been leaving me messages of encouragement and support. I feel special everyday that I discover one waiting for me. It means a great deal to know that there are so many fabulous friends that have me in their hearts.

I also have received many Christmas and Get Well cards from you. They are all beautiful and I have surrounded myself with them to remind me that I need to hurry up and get better so I can resume my place in the blogosphere!

While I have been away from the keyboard I have been well taken care of. We do A LOT of this:

The kitties take turns keeping me company and its just what the doctor ordered!

Thanks for not forgetting us and I promise that the kitties and I will be back real soon. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Holidays

Check out these lovely graphics from the Human at Zoolatry!

We are wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season. We will not be around for a while as you may know cause our typist, Meowmy, is having surgery tomorrow. She asked us to say a great big "thank you" to all the nice kitties and beans who have left her messages of love and encouragement, it has meant the world to her to know that so many friends out there care for her. We will be purring for her and taking care of her until she is able to return to her blogging duties. Thanks for coming by, we hope to see you all real soon!
-Stryder, Scotchy and Sugar

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

King Stryder

I know this may look a little feminine but my Meowmy assured me that this is truly my Mancat crown. I like all the sparkles, don't you?

Thursday, November 6, 2008