Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 2003
The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the change in Michael Oakeshott... more The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the change in Michael Oakeshott' s conception of political activity in the context of British postwar political thought. This is done by examining the shifts and nuances in Oakeshott's production and by relating them to other contemporary thought. No specific method is applied, but the philosophical presuppositions of the 'Cambridge school of history' are largely shared. The main thesis is that Oakeshott' s notion of political activity shifted from an early near despise towards a laudation of political activity in his late production. It is also argued that many of Oakeshott's central concepts, such as authority, power and tradition, were also altered accordingly during the period after the Second World War. The study also argues for a closer relationship between Oakeshott' s thought and its contemporary context than is usually conceived: Oakeshott is both seen as a modeller of discussion and responding to it by his own conceptualizations of political activity. This study also takes a stand towards a disputed question of Oakeshott's understanding of the practice/theory relationship and it is concluded that Oakeshott modified his account of the significance of political activity in the conversation of mankind. In this conversation of the modes or voices of experience/ civilization politics finally conversates in equal terms with philosophy
Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jy... more Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jyväskylä | University Library | SherpaRomeo | JYKDOK. Login | Send Feedback | User's Guide | en | fi. JYX; Master's theses; Political science; View Item. ...
Por fim, gostaríamos de agradecer fortemente aos autores, à Editora da FURG e à Coordenação do Cu... more Por fim, gostaríamos de agradecer fortemente aos autores, à Editora da FURG e à Coordenação do Curso de Relações Internacionais por acreditarem neste projeto. Desejamos a todos uma ótima leitura! Satolep, janeiro de 2017.
Anthony Farr has taken quite a challenge when starting to compare two as interesting but also as ... more Anthony Farr has taken quite a challenge when starting to compare two as interesting but also as notoriously difficult writers as Jean-Paul Sartre and Michael Oakeshott. It has certainly not been easy to find a way through the vast amount of original texts and commentary literature into an interpretation which would bring out the ideas the writer wishes to highlight and leave aside the more irrelevant discussions. It hasn’t been easy to find the thematic and conceptual constructions where the ideas of the two writers encoun-ter and where focussing on points of interest for political theory be-comes both possible and fruitful. This may be one of the reasons why, when reading the book, we find that it is somewhat difficult to see for which kind of audience this book is written. The text varies from a strong generalization to interpretations which call for a specific knowledge of the texts of the thinker in question. Farr offers us an overview of the history of phi-losophy which aims a...
Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jy... more Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jyväskylä | University Library | SherpaRomeo | JYKDOK. Login | Send Feedback | User's Guide | en | fi. JYX; Master's theses; Political science; View Item. ...
87 Mikko Vähä-Sipilä EUROKRATIAN OLEMUS Johdanto Eurokraateilla viitataan yleensä Euroopan unioni... more 87 Mikko Vähä-Sipilä EUROKRATIAN OLEMUS Johdanto Eurokraateilla viitataan yleensä Euroopan unionin (EU) keskushallinnon poliittiseen ja erityisesti hallinnolliseen eliittiin, vallanpitäjiin, jotka näyttä-vät toimivan aidon demokraattisen kontrollin tavoittamattomissa. Tämän läpi- ...
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 2003
The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the change in Michael Oakeshott... more The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the change in Michael Oakeshott' s conception of political activity in the context of British postwar political thought. This is done by examining the shifts and nuances in Oakeshott's production and by relating them to other contemporary thought. No specific method is applied, but the philosophical presuppositions of the 'Cambridge school of history' are largely shared. The main thesis is that Oakeshott' s notion of political activity shifted from an early near despise towards a laudation of political activity in his late production. It is also argued that many of Oakeshott's central concepts, such as authority, power and tradition, were also altered accordingly during the period after the Second World War. The study also argues for a closer relationship between Oakeshott' s thought and its contemporary context than is usually conceived: Oakeshott is both seen as a modeller of discussion and responding to it by his own conceptualizations of political activity. This study also takes a stand towards a disputed question of Oakeshott's understanding of the practice/theory relationship and it is concluded that Oakeshott modified his account of the significance of political activity in the conversation of mankind. In this conversation of the modes or voices of experience/ civilization politics finally conversates in equal terms with philosophy
Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jy... more Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jyväskylä | University Library | SherpaRomeo | JYKDOK. Login | Send Feedback | User's Guide | en | fi. JYX; Master's theses; Political science; View Item. ...
Por fim, gostaríamos de agradecer fortemente aos autores, à Editora da FURG e à Coordenação do Cu... more Por fim, gostaríamos de agradecer fortemente aos autores, à Editora da FURG e à Coordenação do Curso de Relações Internacionais por acreditarem neste projeto. Desejamos a todos uma ótima leitura! Satolep, janeiro de 2017.
Anthony Farr has taken quite a challenge when starting to compare two as interesting but also as ... more Anthony Farr has taken quite a challenge when starting to compare two as interesting but also as notoriously difficult writers as Jean-Paul Sartre and Michael Oakeshott. It has certainly not been easy to find a way through the vast amount of original texts and commentary literature into an interpretation which would bring out the ideas the writer wishes to highlight and leave aside the more irrelevant discussions. It hasn’t been easy to find the thematic and conceptual constructions where the ideas of the two writers encoun-ter and where focussing on points of interest for political theory be-comes both possible and fruitful. This may be one of the reasons why, when reading the book, we find that it is somewhat difficult to see for which kind of audience this book is written. The text varies from a strong generalization to interpretations which call for a specific knowledge of the texts of the thinker in question. Farr offers us an overview of the history of phi-losophy which aims a...
Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jy... more Michael Oakeshott through a postmodern looking-glass. DSpace/Manakin Repository. University of Jyväskylä | University Library | SherpaRomeo | JYKDOK. Login | Send Feedback | User's Guide | en | fi. JYX; Master's theses; Political science; View Item. ...
87 Mikko Vähä-Sipilä EUROKRATIAN OLEMUS Johdanto Eurokraateilla viitataan yleensä Euroopan unioni... more 87 Mikko Vähä-Sipilä EUROKRATIAN OLEMUS Johdanto Eurokraateilla viitataan yleensä Euroopan unionin (EU) keskushallinnon poliittiseen ja erityisesti hallinnolliseen eliittiin, vallanpitäjiin, jotka näyttä-vät toimivan aidon demokraattisen kontrollin tavoittamattomissa. Tämän läpi- ...
Papers by Suvi Soininen