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Showing posts with the label dinosaur

Are you a Dinosaur?

Are you a Dinosaur? Are you extinct? Or are you a Cookie Jar? Recently I have felt more and more like a Dinosaur. And it's not only about getting old. It's about having and attitude like a Dinosaur. Not sure if it is bad or good. Dinosaurs probably are misunderstood? Right? Dinosaurs can be fun and scary at the same time. Cute and useful. They like coffee and can be fashionable. Fun at Valetine's Day. And can have their own Restaurants.. I am partial to the T-rex and not because I have short arms, but I think she might be misunderstood.  So if you see a T-rex or someone who acts like one, remember that they are passion about who they are and what they do. They just show it with T-Rex attitude. Enjoy Janet