
We have peaked ...

Looking at this graph one easily gets the impression that we have reached the oil peak:

Peak oil

See the full store with some nice links on treehugger.

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Chiquita - the arms smuggler

Sometimes life really is so amazingly wicked. And then I mean evil, not cool.

Just the read a post from yesterday on GreenLaGirl about the fruit company Chiquita. It seems they have been smuggling 3400 AK47 to terrorist groups in Latin America. The reason they give is to protect their farmers ...

I am at loss of words ...

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Save Sweden's Ancient Old Growth Forests!

Yesterday I signed this appeal for saving ancient old growth forests in Sweden.

To the Swedish Government:

- Protect all remaining old growth forest in Sweden,
increase the funding for nature conservation and fulfill the
environmental goals for the forest! (Living forests-levande skogar)

- We want to protect the forms of nature conservation that are
safeguarded by law: nature reserves, biotope protection areas
and national parks!

It is very important that the last ancient old growth forests in
Sweden are under the administration of a non-profit authority,
rather than forest companies.

- An important part demand is that all forests with high value for
biodiversity which were found during the inventory of state
forest shall by protected from forestry!

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Stop the clash of civilisation!

Talk is rising of a ‘clash of civilizations’. But the problem isn’t culture, it’s politics – from 9/11 to Guantanamo, Iraq to Iran. This clash is not inevitable, and we don't want it.

So where to start? The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the key symbol of the rift between Islam & the West. It's time to step up and take the initiative.

Add your voice below and when leaders meet in late March, the message will be delivered in a way they can’t ignore.

Petition to Israeli, Palestinian & international leaders: The Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies at the heart of a global clash threatening to divide us all. People from every corner of the world want a just and lasting peace in the Middle East - and the international community can and must help bring all sides to the table. Start Real Middle East Talks Now, and stay at the negotiating table until we have peace.

Sign here!

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