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Questions tagged [reduplication]

畳語. For questions related to the repetition of morphemes in words such as 人々, 見え見え, or ピカピカ.

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How is this sentence divided? "まぁまぁと"

A!? 君…! 死んだとか、法事の場で 忌み言葉を発してはいけません!」 B「こわぁい……助けて…」 C「まぁまぁ君たち」 A「まぁまぁと繰り返しを連想するのも忌み言葉です!」 The dialog is a back and forth between 3 people. They are at a funeral. I used the letters to show who is ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What words do and do not admit a reduplicated (plural) version?

In this answer, Boaz Yaniv mentions that reduplication "...only works with short word, usually those one-kanji and one or two morae long." Wikipedia says there is a short list of nouns which ...
Saegusa's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled?

1 - Higurashi / Umineko When They Cry Minor spoilers for Higurashi season 1 and NSFW / violent content: See 1:41 here when Sonozaki wants to go to the 'fun-filled' underground torture chamber. I ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Is there contrastive reduplication in Japanese?

Japanese has lots of reduplication and some say it is a trademark of Japanese. It occurs in all kinds of parts of speech, which in English it does not. It is used for some plural, intensity, and more ...
Oran Matheus's user avatar
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年々 is 【ねんねん】here, right?

Someone else already asked here How do you read these kanji 年々? (I am just making sure that I understood.) In the following sentence, 年々 is read【ねんねん】, correct? 小学校入学【しょうがっこうにゅうがく】を控【ひか】える子【こ】...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Can 数々 be read as【しばしば】?

Can 数々 be either 【かずかず】or 【しばしば】? The websites and both analyze the reading of the following sentence similarly: パンデミック発生後【はっせいご】、ニューヨーク市内【しない】でもアジア人【じん】に対【たい】するヘイトクライムが数々【かずかず】報告【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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In how far does the なん〜かん〜 pattern generalize?

In phrases such as なんだかんだ and なんでもかんでも, there seems to be an underlying pattern なん〜かん〜, creating a 'this and that' kind of nuance. Cursory googling reveals that なんでかんで seems to exist, as well as ...
Five Peaches's user avatar
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Does the Japanese expression ''peko peko'' come from the English word ''peckish''?

I just learned that ''I'm hungry'' is : Onaka suita but can also be : Onaka peko peko I noticed that the ''peko peko'' was written in katakana. Does it come from ''peckish'' ?
Kantura's user avatar
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Reduplication mark 々

i wanna ask you about donojiten 々. These mark's function is to repeat a word right? But when I searching まだまだ、休み休み、泣き泣き on website dictionary and replaced by 々, cant found those words meaning. So ...
user25631's user avatar
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How do you read these kanji 年々?

How do you guys read these kanji 年々 in a sentence? I've found on Japanese dictionary websites that it can be read both 'nen-nen' and 'toshi-doshi' and it means 'year by year'. So which one use in a ...
user25631's user avatar
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Reduplication and words form

Does 態々 derived from 態と? And does 態と derived from waza 「業 」and case-marking particle 「と」?
user25631's user avatar
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Reduplicated words

Why I-keiyoushi is used more in reduplicated words than na-keiyoushi?
user25631's user avatar
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Reduplication words

What is the difference between 久々 and 久し振り? Is 久々 derived from the root of 久しい?
user25631's user avatar
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Form and means of japanese reduplication

Im on my research about form and meaning of japanese reduplication. Have you guys ever heard or use 休み休み? What exactly the meaning is? If I translate 'resting multiple times' is it right? Thanks
user25631's user avatar
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Meaning of 道々 and 口々

I wanna clarrified meaning of these words. Is that right 道々 is 'along the way' and mean of 口々 is 'bad mouthing'? Is there any chance that both of them have another means?
yurinda's user avatar
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Meaning of 忌々しい

Is it true that the meaning of 忌々しい is "annoying"? What is the root word of 忌々しい and its meaning? Is it 忌まう?
yurinda's user avatar
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Difference between 晴れ晴れ and 晴々しい is?

Im in research about structure and meaning of reduplicated word. I want to ask about the difference between 晴れ晴れ and 晴々しい is?
yurinda's user avatar
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Repetitive words (e.g. どんどん, ぺらぺら, いらいら...)

This is one area that sometimes dings me on tests. While I can generally figure out what is meant from context, I only know a handful offhand. The question here is twofold: Is there a specific name ...
Kaji's user avatar
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Are there any rules governing voicing in words formed via reduplication?

Consider the following words: 燦々 sansan 散々 sanzan Both of them are formed via the reduplication of san, but the latter word has the second instance voiced, while the former doesn't. Was there some ...
senshin's user avatar
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What is the difference in usage between a plural using (a) the kanji repetition character 々, (b) a plural using -たち, and (c) the singular?

I know that there are some noun that are made plural by the kanji repetition character, such as 人々 and 国々. My question is, how does this differ from using the non-plural form of the noun? And how does ...
rurouniwallace's user avatar