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Reduplication mark 々

i wanna ask you about donojiten 々. These mark's function is to repeat a word right? But when I searching まだまだ、休み休み、泣き泣き on website dictionary and replaced by 々, cant found those words meaning. So ...
user25631's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Meaning of 道々 and 口々

I wanna clarrified meaning of these words. Is that right 道々 is 'along the way' and mean of 口々 is 'bad mouthing'? Is there any chance that both of them have another means?
yurinda's user avatar
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3 votes
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Difference between 晴れ晴れ and 晴々しい is?

Im in research about structure and meaning of reduplicated word. I want to ask about the difference between 晴れ晴れ and 晴々しい is?
yurinda's user avatar
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7 votes
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Repetitive words (e.g. どんどん, ぺらぺら, いらいら...)

This is one area that sometimes dings me on tests. While I can generally figure out what is meant from context, I only know a handful offhand. The question here is twofold: Is there a specific name ...
Kaji's user avatar
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