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Abstract The significant roles of human motivational factors such as parents, peers and teachers in influencing students to learn English have generated so much attention among scholars over the years. However, very few empirical... more
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    • Motivation in Second language learning
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    • Language and Culture Teaching/ Learning
English movie has been proven to be an effective tool to improve English language learning process in classroom. However, very little empirical research has been carried out to determine students' interest in this teaching material,... more
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      English Language Teaching and Mass Mediateaching of English as a foreign language and incorporation of cultureCultural and Linguistic Influences on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
An experimental investigation was conducted to compare preferred models of English for personal, national, and global communication in ELF context between Filipinos and Indians. Drawing upon the data gathered through questionnaire and... more
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    • World Englishes
An experimental investigation was conducted to compare preferred models of English for personal, national, and global communication in ELF context between Filipinos and Indians. Drawing upon the data gathered through questionnaire and... more
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      SociologyWorld EnglishesAmerican EnglishIndian English
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Though moving across borders is a common phenomenon in the contemporary globalised world, travel writing as a genre has still retained its significance as well as some of its traits from its colonial predecessors. Thus, while many... more
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    • Globalization And Postcolonial Studies
A potent example of the nascent genre of mock/neoliberal bildungsroman, Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger stands apart from other allies like Mohsin's How to be Filthy Rich in Rising Asia and Hwee Hwee Tan's Mammon Inc. due to its narrative... more
    • by Oil, like other fossil fuels, permeates every aspect of human existence. Yet it has been largely ignored by cultural critics, especially in the context of the Global South.... more
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      World LiteraturesPostcolonial StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesGlobal South
In this essay, I work under the premise—to reiterate what we state in our introduction—of an understanding of oil fiction that takes into account the material conditions of its production in the context of extractivist regimes that thrive... more
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      World LiteratureEnvironmental HumanitiesAnthropocenePostcolonial Ecocriticism, World-Ecology, Environmental Literature
Pakistaniaat is a refereed, multidisciplinary, open-access academic journal, published semiannually in June and December, that offers a forum for a serious academic and cre-ative engagement with various aspects of Pakistani history,... more
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      Environmental HumanitiesEnergy Humanities
Recent scholarship on world literature has called for an increased focus on asymmetries of materialist conditions. This article considers "world ecological literature" with a focus on the capitalist worldsystems and colonial energy... more
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      South Asian StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesEnergy Humanities
Book review of Lieven Ameel, Jason Finch and Markku Salmela, eds. (2015) Literature and the Peripheral City
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      HistoryLiterary GeographiesFinch
The theme of patriotism in Hindi Cinema has manifested itself through jingoistic dialogues, cinematic symbolisms and patriotic songs. The theme of patriotism has changed its code with the passing time. The changing codes of patriotism are... more
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    • Film and Cultural Studies
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a sub-task of information extraction in which names are extracted both from the text and linguistic corpora which is still a tough nut to crack for NLP researchers in existing Machine Translation (MT)... more
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      Machine TranslationSentiment AnalysisGenerative morphology
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    • Sociology
Newspapers occupy a significant place in the life of a modern civilized man. They have evolved in due course, to create a distinctive language of their own which, while sharing core features with the language of common use, has different... more
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