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Human condition and human nature are indispensable in the span of human life. Whatever the man experiences or feels, is recognized as emotional expression and those expressions are either objective as they are mostly similar to other’s... more
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      HumanitiesFilm and LiteratureHuman Rights and LiteratureFilm and Cultural Studies
The theme of patriotism in Hindi Cinema has manifested itself through jingoistic dialogues, cinematic symbolisms and patriotic songs. The theme of patriotism has changed its code with the passing time. The changing codes of patriotism are... more
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    • Film and Cultural Studies
After a short section on the earliest stage in the film history of dreams, the »cinema of attractions«, the essay will give a detailed analysis of dream representations in Wilhelm Pabst’s "Geheimnisse einer Seele" (Secrets of a Soul; D,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Programme – Les études culturelles : Enjeux, pistes et apports pour les recherches sur les cinémas d'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient Les cinémas d'Afrique et du Moyen Orient constituent un ensemble d'histoires et de contextes politiques,... more
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      Middle Eastern CinemaAfrican cinemaAfrican cinema and screen culturesArab Cinema
ABSTRACT The present research study will try to evolve in close symbotic relation between the metropolis and cultural, social conditions and predicament in the selected movies such as Delhi Belly directed by AbhinayDeo, Delhi Six by... more
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      Popular CultureFilm and Media StudiesFilm and Cultural Studies