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Some Remarks on Architecture of the Romanesque Collegiate of St Martin in Opatów The Collegiate Church of St Martin in Opatów, one of the most significant examples of local Romanesque architecture, still remains not a fully... more
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    • Opatów
Aktualny stan badań i nowe koncepcje interpretacyjne romańskiego Tyńca Opactwo tynieckie, kilkukrotnie badane i będące tematem licznych pu blikacji, wciąż nie zostało całkowicie rozpoznane. Kwestie sporne dotyczą w dużej mierze jego... more
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      Benedictine MonasticismBenedictine architectureMedieval Benedictines
P race remontowo-konserwatorskie prowadzone na terenie dawnego klasztoru bożogrobców w Miechowie w latach 2010-2011 poprzedzone były badaniami archeologiczno-architektonicznych. Były to pierwsze badania klasztoru i miały charakter... more
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Monastic Architecture in Poland by the End of the Eleventh Century. A New Perspective. The oldest architecture constructed for the use of monastic orders has rarely been the subject of synthetic studies that would consider functions of... more
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      Czech HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyCzech & Slovak StudiesHistory of Hungary
The relationship between two important centres of power: Kraków and Prague, were taken on a num - ber of planes. One of them was the architecture of the cathedrals in these centres and mutual relation- ships between them. Although, the... more
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      Media StudiesArchitectureCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Kraków
The remains of medieval Wislica consist not only of the well know upstanding Gothic collegiate church and the house of its canons, but also of archaeological sites located in various places of the old town centre. Fieldwork... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Art HistoryMedieval Archeology
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Primate A.I. Komorowski wanted his body to be laid in Łowicz and his entrails in Skierniewice. During the anthropological analysis of the skeleton, lesions and marks after the tissue removal were noticed. These observations were... more
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,,Ich bin unter Euch alien erstens die vollkommenste gerade Zahl (grofle Stille); bin zweitens unter Euch alien der einzige wahre Wiirfel (spottisches Ldcheln von der Prasidentin und der Ems); bestehe drittens aus zwei gleichen Quadraten... more
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