Week 2 |
Week 2 of the 30 Days of Lists Challenge:
I love making lists: things to do, things to learn, things to research, chores to do, bills to pay....... You name it and I have probably made that list or will sometime in the future. Lists keep me organized and on track, helps me to remember what things I need to accomplish (which often happen at last minute & in panic mode).
Day 8 |
Fashion, toys, books, almost about anything is brand new at one time, goes out of favor and then recycles back into being the "newest and greatest things ever." I should of added Mason Jars to the list above too. I love the things you can create with mason jars.
Day 9 |
A note to a younger me, I think I talks for it self.
Day 10 |
Like most people, I have been in a love-hate relationship with my body for years. This is something that I am currently working on. o feel better about my body.
Day 11 |
The grocery list has changed since the kids are grown and gone. But it still has the 6 basic food groups. Yes, chocolate is an essential food group.
Day 12 |
Technology: I can never keep up. Not very computer savy, always have to ask my Son or one of my Team Members to help me figure it out.
Day 13 |
When you get married and have kids, you learn to compromise and educate yourself on subjects of interest to them. But there are still some things that I have had to learn for myself.
Day 14 |
I love to learn and have a stack of "How to.." or "Books for Dummies...."
I will probably be adding more to this list.