Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March: 30 Days of Lists - Days 8-14

Week 2

Week 2 of the 30 Days of Lists Challenge: 
I love making lists:  things to do, things to learn, things to research, chores to do, bills to pay.......  You name it and I have probably made that list or will sometime in the future.   Lists keep me organized and on track, helps me to remember what things I need to accomplish (which often happen at last minute & in panic mode).  

Day 8
 Fashion, toys, books, almost about anything is brand new at one time, goes out of favor and then recycles back into being the "newest and greatest things ever."  I should of added Mason Jars to the list above too.  I love the things you can create with mason jars.

Day 9
 A note to a younger me, I think I talks for it self.

Day 10
 Like most people, I have been in a love-hate relationship with my body for years.  This is something that I am currently working on.  o feel better about my body.

Day 11
 The grocery list has changed since the kids are grown and gone.  But it still has the 6 basic food groups.  Yes, chocolate is an essential food group.

Day 12
 Technology:  I can never keep up.  Not very computer savy, always have to ask my Son or one of my Team Members to help me figure it out.

Day 13
When you get married and have kids, you learn to compromise and educate yourself on subjects of interest to them.  But there are still some things  that I have had to learn for myself.

Day 14
I love to learn and have a stack of "How to.." or "Books for Dummies...." 
I will probably be adding more to this list.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March: 30 Days of Lists - Days 1-7

Week 1

I love making lists:  things to do, things to learn, things to research, chores to do, bills to pay.......  You name it and I have probably made that list or will sometime in the future.   Lists keep me organized and on track, helps me to remember what things I need to accomplish (which often happen at last minute & in panic mode).  
Day 1
The first day of the month is also the day that I look at my monthly goals for the year and see the progress I have made and the progress that still needs to come.   With this one task, I was able to cross off a few sub-tasks of long term projects:  Journal/Scrapbook about Me, learn a new skill (Photoshop Element 13) and updating my blog at least once a week (which I think I am behind on).
Day 2

I think the above list is self explanatory.  How many times (years) have we made resolutions only to trash them within a few days or weeks.  There are a few that I keep.
Day 3
This list was specific to the music I listen to... the thing is there is really never anything specific.  I listen to Country in the car and something with a beat when working out.  If I hear a song I like, I will buy it on iTunes. 
Day 4
I think this one is self explanatory.  It also explains a lot of my interests.
Day 5

I think at some point every one feels sad and we each have our very own tricks to get ourselves happy again.   A few of my favorites are listed above.  Though there have been events of sadness that have only been left behind by letting time pass or having to take a new path.

Day 6
Wish there was a Book Club in Northern Colorado. I love to read and would be interested in joining a group. there use to be ones at Barnes & Nobles here in town, but when they closed that was it.

Day 7

  • These lists were created in photoshop elements 13 (on my list to learn) and with Becky Higgins Project Life series.