This was actually a really fun game, it's a pity there weren't more levels :) But a nice setting and good atmosphere, so good job!
Recent community posts
I liked the build up as it felt the world was gradually falling apart. The atmosphere was certainly well paced but the ending could have been longer. But other than that it was a fun little game :)
I actually really like this game. It didn't do the usual jump scare tactic and the graphics worked really well with the overall feel of the game. Good work!
I really enjoyed this game, far more than I thought I would. I don't often jump in games but this one got me a few times!
I really enjoyed playing this game, I thought it was the right length and had an interesting story within it. And the tension was built up nicely over the period of the game :)
Ive only just got through the start of the demo but it's such a beautiful game! The look and atmosphere is stunning and it looks like itnhas so much promise. It reminds me a lot of the forest in that for an independent game, it looks incredible. I'm looking forward to seeing more!