Rats, rats, we're the rats
We prey at night, we stalk at night, we're the rats
I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules
Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into
Rats, rats, we're the rats
We prey at night, we stalk at night, we're the rats
I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules
Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into
Whelp, I am officially too dumb and/or impatient to finish this game haha. The concept is super cool but after grinding away at a wall for 15 minutes and not making any progress I didn't really feel like continuing. The art is great tho and the hand yeeting you into oblivion when you're caught is awesome. Once I even managed to use it to get up a ledge becuase one of my limbs got stuck in a rock while the hand was lifting me.
Imma be real with you chief, this spellcasting system fuckin rules. I love the fact that you need to improvise your spells on the spot and that you can't use the same thing for too long, It keeps C A S T I N G S P E L L Z always fresh. If you plan to continue making something with this I recommend expanding a little on the options and refining the enemies a little, add more variety.
Another thing that might be worth experimenting with is that once a spell overheats, it doesn't go to a cooldown but its locked. In the current version, technically you can just use your op spell wombo combo until it overheats then wait until it cools down, or just jump between 2 mixes of spells. This kinda goes against the idea of forcing ppl to make up new spells so if theyre locked instead of put on a cooldown that could lead to more forced experimentation. Once a set amount of spell components have been locked every time you lock another component a random one opens up.
You could also try adding new spell options as items you can pick up to expand your arsenal, the more you find the more options you have.
Anyways, cool gaem and I see a lot of potential in a magic system like this. I found that cycling through all sorts of spells, just clicking on 3 random components and figuring out what it does while im already using it to shred some goons is incredibly fun.
Okay this game is one of the best submissions based on gameplay. Its so addicting and theres so much stuff you can do differently between playthroughs, it simply beckons you to play another round, play another round. It was quite a delightfully devious move to have a leaderboard with the minimum requirement of 12 nights, becuase that kept me coming back even more haha (Unfortunately the farthest I got is 9).
The only feedback I have is that there should be a way to see the effects of the ingredients when using a controller. For my first 3 runs I had no idea what any of them did l basically just picked them at random.
But alas, the music is a jam and the artstyle is pretty cute. This is a great game already so im excited to see what its going to look like when its not just a prototype :>
Lightmode vs Darkmode users
Great game, I had lots of fun playing thru it. At first it felt weird that jumping and shooting were tied to the same button but I got used to that fairly quickly.
However I felt like the dimension switching mechanic was quite underutilized. I didn't really feel the need to switch mid fall, I mostly went through the first long descent in the shadowrealm and it meant that i only had to fight half the enemies. After clearing that part I had enough materials to upgrade my damage to 1-2 shot enemies so they weren't an actual issue from then on. Weirdly enough I started switching way more after this since I could now just switch and kill sentries immediately. I actually accidentally killed the boss in less then a second, before i realised what was happening, due to my damage being upgraded to high hell.
That being said I really enjoyed the fact that you have to break your fall by shooting. It's a satisfying mechanic and created an interesting interaction when my damage was high enough to kill the bricks in one shot, because now I couldn't just land on a single brick that easily. Gaining upwards momentum and raining hellfire upon the goobers below feels great.
Overall loved it :> and the art/sound design definitely enhanced the experience even further.
Great concept for a game and also one of the most complete games I've seen during this jam. I genuinely do not have any feedback because all the mechanics are interesting and they work as intended. I really enjoyed going through the puzzles and I hope to see more if you continue working on it :>
This is such an adorable game, im melting. Very creative way to implement the theme
This is such a fun game, and the amount of polish is amazing too, the smoothness of the animations and movement, the artstyle, the music *mwah*. Something that i noticed is that the multiplier never gave me 4x in the scoring even if I reached that part of the bar next to the cauldron. Either way it felt great to play. I love the easy to grasp potion brewing mechanic that becomes a pretty fun puzzle with limited ingredients.
God damn this was so much fun. Really interesting upgrade mechanic but I do wish there was a way to know if you unlocked everything possible. I only had the middle spell, the meteor spell, the circle flame spell, the mud slow spell and the collect radius spell, I don't know if I missed anything. But besides that the gameplay is just great stuff, clearing that big enemy group is just so much fun
stunningly beautiful game. The art, the concept, the execution, the music, everything is simply splendid . I had a hard time stopping after i had made a very pretty planet for myself haha. I don't really have any big feedback but since I want to give something a little nitpick will have to do. The star collecting sound is a bit too loud in my opinion, its a sharp sound so it can hurt the ears after a bit. But other than that I love this game, bravo.
Fun little game with a nice gameplay loop, I enjoyed it :> Although after minute 3 its almost only fending off enemies and not searching for new ingredients. I was going to say that the throw just doesn't work sometimes but halfway through my last attempt I realized that it always aims in the direction of the cursor lmao. The attack however felt slightly off for me for 2 reasons.
Firstly because there is no diagonal attack even though you can move in 2 directions at once which meant that i often approached an enemy from a diagonal then missed because the character only hits in front of them. Secondly, sometimes, especially when attacking in quick succession, the character doesn't turn around if you change directions. For example if i attack down then try quickly attacking up the character does move upwards but they still attack in the same direction as before.
Other than that a short description of what the poition you just got does would be cool imo. Anyways cool game!
Thanks for the feedback! yeah the three ledge jumps were the first and hardest obstacle i come up with lol. Didn't have the heart to make it any easier. As for the other one good on you for noticing, I only realised after the deadline and couldn't change it so lets just call it an intended skip ;)
You are supposed to be able to go up the staircase then through a window to reach the ending but I unfortunately made it really unclear what you need to do since those last rooms were one of the things I barely had time to implement haha. I'll probably make it clearer with lighting once i have time to resume working on the game. Not to mention that a simple jump isn't enough to reach the top of the screen so the player has to boost themselves in a pretty awkward position to get up, thats also something ill have to fix later. Either way im really glad you played it.
I'm glad to hear that! Obviously lack of time can screw plans over, I wanted my game to have so much more stuff in it too but i simply couldn't do it all before the deadline lol. Tbh difficulty is quite hard to gauge, I also made mine way too difficult. I'm definitely gonna check out the update tho, cant wait :>
Holy hecc this is such a beautiful game. So well made and incredibly polished, so I really wish I could only have praise for it but I have to agree with other commenters: the game is too punishing for a gamejam. I really really wanted to get all the lore fragments and finish the game but after failing the final(?) gauntlet 5 times and falling to the bottom of the tower I just can't. I spent over hour on this and about 50% of that was just me climbing back up to the place where I was previously.
Making punishing games isn't necessarily bad, in fact one of my favourite games is getting over it but in the time I spent not even experiencing anything new in this game I could've looked at like 4 other submissions. A tab in the escape menu that lets you teleport to any extinguished bonfire would make this game a 1000 times better.
I love everything else about the game though, the movement, especially the dash feels very satisfying and precise. The part where you have to jump right at the end of a dash to keep the momentum is really cool, it was a very clever idea to put a little green circle to signal where you have to start the dash from. And the lore fragment thats there is a really good reward for it (my working theory is that we play as the Lilu). Overall one of the coolest games here that i sadly wont be able to finish.
PS.: Another small thing that I noticed is that looking up makes the game really struggle. This doesn't really impact the experience but I thought you might appreciate feedback on things that might be worth looking into
Great experience! Not many of the submissions feature full on voice acting, but this game does it quite nice! I also loved the papers please-like dilemmas of wanting to help out ppl or refusing them because they wont pay you too well or wanting to earn money but not being sure that it's the right thing bc theyre doing shady business. Either way the game-part is also done quite nicely, my one gripe is that the very first customer started going on a whole monolouge while the timer was running so i ended up accidentally not serving him haha. I don't know if thats intentional or not but it made me feel like im missing out on their clever lines
The fact that you made this as a solo dev is astonishing, the art is great, the sound design is fantastic, the setting is spooky and the gameplay is fun too, well done! I had lots of fun playing through it. At first I was confused why the turn timer reset sometimes but if ended up understanding correctly the basic 1 spell doesn't reset timers but every other one does. Either way super cool game, though it might be a bit too rng dependent sometimes. perhaps a slay the spire-esqe enemy intention popup would be good to experiment with?
For green I stacked the table and the cauldron on top of eachother next to the bookshelf then I climbed up the trashpile to get to the high shelf. For blue I just climbed on the lower shelf because i wanted to jump on the hood dude's head but ended up seeig the potion when they went by.
Cool take on the game of chess and very creative ingredient names lmao. Sometimes it felt like the enemy piece that killed me just spawned out of nowhere. A slower death animation that shows the enemy piece moving to your king to capture it would be nice
What a fun experience. I love short retro horror games like this and The Entity looks and sounds creepy so well done. Especially the rapid approaching footsteps if you don't see it. Chills down the spine. I also really like that you have to scroll to charge the lantern, reminds me of those kinda spin recharge flashlights.
Anyways for feedback here's my two cents/things I noticed throughout playing:
- I wish the lantern recharged faster. Once its out i just find myself scrolling the wheel for way too long at a fire
- At one point I barely just left the campfire but i was in the shadows so the entity had the opportunity to attack me, but it attacked from behind, where the campfore was, which doesn't make much sense if they're afraid of lights
- At one point it was approaching me from the top of the hill and i whipped my light out so it just started floating above me lmao
- Sometimes the game just lags, a little more optimisation would be great
- I feel like there should be a small light source on top of the rock formation, to give at least a little time to read the task update once you assemble the rune
Other than that I really loved it ^-^ Having to bait it at the end was a frightening task, but the sprite change to frowning was great.
PS.: I found Thor D:
silksong real holy shit. I really liked it, movement using the bombs felt off at first but as i got used to it it got pretty fun. In fact I forgot multiple times that i have a jump button lol. My game was also a celeste inspired platofrmer with a weird movement mechanic so it's fun to see other ppl's takes on similar stuff. Great game ^-^
But fr, cute game ^-^ I liked how you had to rely on sound to get the approximate location then swoop in for the capture using the light.
Cute little puzzle game :> I had fun throwing everything at the cloaked figure and making them drag it around the room even though I couldn't get the cauldron to stick as a hat lol. The last potion was also in a pretty creative spot
Such a fun little game, handsome squid expansion when? But fr I loved playing it and the bossfight was a great way to finish it off. gathering ingredients then searching for recipies to use them in is a fun mechanic. Great submission for your first jam ^-^
Incredibly well made. The aesthetics, art/music are wonderful, I can't praise the game enough. Definitely one of my favourites from this gamejam. The body feels a tad heavy but that doesn't really negatively impact the experience. I really hope you continue development and thanks for this cute experience ^-^
Very well made! Runs smooth, has a nice atmosphere, but for now its mostly just a waiting sim. It is quite addicting I do have to say so this is definitely a great framework but try to come up with a way to differentiate it from games like stacklands.
Good game. Spent a bunch of time getting more and more powerful. It has quite an addictive gameplay loop, altough after a bit its almost impossible to die. No matter how far i went from the portal I just got surrounded by enemies and they didn't even deal damage lol. A single mouse swipe was enough to deal with them all. Overall great stuff ^-^
Awesome game. Cool style, fun mechanics, and non-stop action. Love the camera movement too
Gawd daymn, that was difficult. I wish i could say I solved it sompletely on my own, but I'd be lying haha, I had to look up the guide in the game design doc near the end becuase it never occured to me to go down with the cristal and climb up through the small vent. Managed to solve the parts before that on my own though so im proud of that. Other than that I had a fun time figuring out how the mechanics worked. ^-^ The only one i couldn't grasp on my own is that the static screen lets you 'save' one broken wall between resets. Even though I saw the little slideshow i didn't get what it meant.
Anyways, everything else is marvelous. Really unique mechanics and awesome execution. not to mention the nice art that goes with it.
Awesome as hell. smooth gameplay and awesome art/music. The level of polish on the game is amazing and I love the shadow wizard money gang cameo. One thing that I would change is the velocity at which the explosion propells you is quite fast, at times it almost feels like a teleport
Yeah, I wanted to create a less steep learning curve for the transfer mechanic but unfortunately I ran out of time haha. Still really glad you enjoyed it!
I love the characters so muchh, great work from the artist, especially the vampire drip. The game is short and cute, works like a charm ^-^
I am amazed at how good this game is, Its so cool!! ^-^ The gameplay is smooth, I didn't encounter any problems, the music is perfect for the setting, the art is cute, and just the right amount of goofy and just everything about it is great from premise to execution <3 I love it so much that all the sound effects are self made it creates such a charming experience. I spent like 1-2 hours on this game just goofing around, trying to make the biggest, baddest humonculus in existence.
The few pieces of feedback I have are:
- I don't see the point of the healing mechanic. If you can just recycle the humonculus to get back the same ingredients, you can basically just make the same one and it gets created at full health for completely free. Either make healing humonculi free or give some drawback to recycling
- Very rarely if I open a menu it becomes invisible. I found that the best way to counter this is to remember where the 'go back' button in the menu is and just press that area. everything goes back to normal then but it would be nice if you could look into why this is happening
- perhaps a recipie book for the elements youve already made and a reference book for all the powers and traits you've already used would be pretty nice, but this isn't a necessity
Once again, this is probably my favourite gamejam entry so far and there are a lot of bangers in here.
Hairy Pooper, the boy who farted
Cute game!
Darkest Dungeon if it was Papa's pizzeria lmao. Great game, had lots of fun (lv16 is my best try) but i couldn't for the life of me find any recipies other than the 3 soups
The name alone makes this game gold in my opinion lmao. But great visuals and fun puzzle solving in there. I love card combining games and this certainly scratches that itch
Thank *you* for making such a cool game! Took me a few tries but i beat the base experience. Awesome idea
Ah no, I was using firefox, but you were correct to assume it was the browser's problem, it works perfectly in chrome. I just did a test run and its good fun :>
THAT WAS REALLY COOL. I LOVE the style of the game and while camera rotating with keys felt a bit off at first it fits well with the game. the puzzles are great and the concept is very creative, it reminded me of the 'Superliminal' as that game is all about perspectives. Awesome stuff overall, would love to see more of it
The game seems amazing, from what little I could play, however I encountered a problem. For some reason the game doesn't work. When i start playing everything seems to work fine but the moment an enemy with damage appears they instantly kill me. I didn't understand why its happening at first but after encountering an enemy with no damage i reasised that its because the enemy's timer is instant. I could not kill them becouse every second they activated their elements at least like 30 times.
I think the game looks amazing, and is probably really fun to play but it just doesn't work for me :(