Sometimes you have to think outside the box ;) (Yes, pushing blocks onto the scales is intended)
Glad you liked it!
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Interesting, I could have designed the puzzles either way but I thought it counting would be more intuitive as it's stuck to you - perhaps I should have gone the other way. And yes, there was supposed to be an animation where you'd 'pop' the slime, but I couldn't get it to look decent enough in the timeframe. Undo is a good idea as well, I never really considered it.
Ha, there is a correct way to remove the slime, but for the jam version you can count exploiting the game's bugginess as a win ;)
Nesting dolls! That's an absolutely genius idea! And your puzzle design here is top notch too, you came up with some really good ways to mix up your core concept. This is way more impressive than I was expecting to see from a jam, let alone someone doing it in two days. It's a really smart package, and the music and sound design nicely tie the chill theme together.
The only thing here I can suggest to improve is the controls, I tended to tap to move instead of holding, and that felt a bit sticky - maybe due to waiting for the doll rotation? Also, there seems to be a bug on the opening level with a keyboard, where it stops registering inputs. I tried to figure out the underlying cause but couldn't find anything consistent. The doll rotates, but won't move.
Whoops, damn checkboxes, I swear they turn themselves off. I'll tidy up that sort of stuff after the jam!
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it!
Smashed it, well done!
This is a really creative idea. Using this theme to link together the two characters in this way feels rather unique, and creates an interesting hybrid between puzzle and platformer gameplay. The learning curve is a little steep though, I think this game would benefit from being a more forgiving in the opening sections.
I really like the chosen art style for the game, coupled with the low light it really gives a low budget horror vibe.
The gameplay's fairly simple, but I do think the concept could be expanded on if you wanted to. As others have said, allowing for methodical movement really helps this kind of system.
There are a couple of bugs (no pun intended) but I'm sure these kind of things could be ironed out with a little more time.
Great job you guys, I enjoyed my quick playthrough!
Cheers, that's appreciated!
Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably handle the indicator when I animate the characters - they'll behave differently depending on their state.
I'll definitely check yours out later!
Yeah, the tutorial text was added in last minute. I'll see if I can work something better out later.
Nice little game. and I liked the artstyle you chose, it does well to separate the chaos world from the normal world. I second what a few other people have said about the music loop and softlocking, but other than that it's pretty good. Well done!
This is great! It really feels chaotic, but you've managed to balance it well so that it doesn't feel unfair. You did a really good job!
Ha, the world definitely needs to know the superiority of pineapple on pizza! I really liked playing this one, it really felt like you put effort into it. The levels were nicely laid out, and options for multiple routes is always a bonus. The graphics are simple, but using the unifying concept of pizza toppings helps them feel consistent.
There's definitely a couple of areas for improvement. You've already clocked things like additional animations and sfx, as well as the slightly buggy bounce pads (perhaps introduce a speed limit to the character controller). I'd also point out that there are a few points in the game where you have to make a blind drop, and there's no way to know if your going to land on an enemy. Perhaps have the camera move down or zoom out in these kind of areas? That shouldn't be too difficult with cinemachine. I'd also suggest against using coins for health, as it kind of goes against the visual language of a coin as an optional collectable. You can still have health packs double as score, I'd just suggest making them into pineapple chunks or something that a player will have less assigned meaning towards.
The player movement is fine, but there's a couple of things that can be done to improve it's feel. I'd slightly increase the movement speed and tweak the acceleration to give it more of a ramp up (not too much though or it will feel slippery). As for the jump you normally want the player to fall quicker than they rise (this violates the laws of physics but tends to be what people expect from platformers). You also generally want the users jump height to be proportional to how long they hold the button, it gives the feeling of more control. There's a great yt video called "better jumping in unity with 4 lines of code" that addresses this.
Sorry for the long post, just thought I'd offer a few thoughts if you were looking for points to improve for future updates/other games. This game had a lot of charm and I really enjoyed it. I hope to see more of your games in the future! Well done :).
Very nice, and it feels really smooth to play. I'd recommend trying to make the game feel a bit juicier, perhaps with some subtle screen shake and more impactful sound effects. You made a really fun game to play though, with a great core gameplay loop.
Wow, the visuals here are really great. This felt really fun to play, with the ever growing mob and all the different destruction animations.
It would probably benefit from a few additional sound effects, say for when you break things, and angry noises from the crowd. I'd also recommend tweaking the jump physics a bit. You go up really high but the travel time is really short, which kind of makes it feel like the floor is magnetised! If you want to keep the jump height the same, I'd recommend increasing the air time just to improve the feel a bit.
Overall you did a great job, especially for your first jam. Keep it up!
The visual presentation of this game is stellar, you did a great job! You managed to keep a good consistent tone throughout as well, which is brilliant.
I think the game would benefit from some additional on screen instructions, I only realised how to pass the screen with the pit after checking the controls menu. There are a few bugs, like the finicky main menu and very sensitive level transitions, but people seem to have already mentioned those.
Overall this is a really good game, and you did a lot for a jam entry. There's definitely an interesting concept here to explore post-jam if you wanted to!
I always like a good puzzle game! I'm getting strong Loki vibes from this :). The concept here is really neat, and you designed some interesting levels to show it off. I like that you didn't just stick to something basic like button pressing, and instead added little stories, it's a great little touch.
Additional feedback on codes and some sound effects would help the game-feel a bit but I get that time constraints make this stuff hard to prioritise. Also it's possible to collect multiple of the same code, so perhaps consider adding something that prevents you filling the screen with identical codes. Listing the codes on screen is a nice touch though, you could maybe go even further and have the codes enter automatically which might help the ease of play a bit.
Overall this is a unique concept, and you executed on it well, producing a really fun little game. Great job!
The movement here is nice and has a good feeling of momentum, so you did a good job with that. Some added game juice would probably help the feel of shooting, but I get that jam time limits can make this sort of thing difficult. I did notice that it seemed possible to walk on open air, but that was the only bug I noticed. Well done!
This is a neat little concept, with some elegant design! Forcing the players to choose an upgrade is well thought out, and leads to some interesting tactical decision making.
The game could benefit from some more enemy types, but just the one is fine for a jam game. I wonder if the upgrades would make more sense with the downsides removed? I don't know how you were balancing the numbers under the hood but if the power-ups were only ever gains then the game would become more frantic the longer it goes on as you wouldn't be canceling out past upgrades. A little game juice (screen shake, more impactful sfx, ect.) would probably go a long way as well. Prehaps as the bullets get heavier a small knockback could be applied to the character on firing?
Overall this is a really great little game, and I had a lot of fun playing it. Well done!
It's a looser take on it, obviously it's hard to create a puzzle game whilst sticking to the letter of this theme! In the game you have to release the monsters into the level to progress, with the increasing number of monsters representing an increasing amount of chaos. The monsters clearly don't behave very chaotically to allow the game to work, but this concept of releasing monsters to progress is how I came up with this concept from the theme.
From a narrative perspective the idea is you are waking long slumbering guardians whilst you progress deeper into the Vault, and subsequently unleashing these horrors out into the world. This isn't really communicated, as adding dialogue tends to be pretty low down the list on a jam game, but you can take that as the hidden chaotic lore!
This is a pretty neat little game, definitely fits the theme. I'd perhaps even out the difficulty curve a little, it's a bit brutal. The graphics and music are neat, well done!
This is certainly a unique concept, I haven't seen someone make a more addictive version of googles dino runner yet! The focus-splitting gameplay is really neat, and presents a good level of challenge. I like how the tempo slowly increases, it leads to a nice difficulty curve. The art style and story are cute, and suit the game well.
A few people have mentioned a grace period after death, which I think is a good idea, as a second or two to recover the tempo would be most helpful. The sound effects are fine (though a death sfx would be nice), but the mixing could use some work. The footsteps overpower all other sounds, and it's a bit headache inducing when you're straining your ears to hear the bounces. A few people have also suggested adding music, and whilst some ambient sound would be nice I think there is a high chance that the music tempo might clash with the bounce tempo, so you probably made the right call leaving it out. A little additional detail that would help is the ability to press space to restart. The game mostly does not require the mouse and so it's a little odd that it's suddenly needed to restart after a death. It's a minor detail but would help the overall polish and increase the games addictive qualities. I'm also uncertain as to why the user needs to hold the d key to move. There isn't really a need to ever change directions (that I found at least) and you could simplify the controls down to two buttons by having the character always walk when bouncing, and modifying it to a two button game would make a mobile port easier, if that was something you were interested in. Given I found myself holding d the entire time I don't think this would take away from the games challenge.
Overall the core of the game is great, and really unique. With a bit of polish this would make for a great time-waster! Well done :).
A fun movement system, I enjoyed flinging myself about! Others have suggested an indicator for the active character, which would be helpful, especially as the character to move first isn't always consistent after a death. The difficulty was tough, it did feel rewarding to finally beat a level but there is scope for further tweaking. A nice entry overall :).
Nice idea, there are a few like it but you've managed to set up a few twists, like switching rooms, that differentiate it.
Interesting idea, and you managed to get quite a bit out of it. Well done :).
This feels really nice, and it's the first sim type game I've seen this jam. Great job on the music, and the art fits the feel I think you were going for. The icons you see when selecting notes were great, they gave just about the right amount of information away ahead of the player committing to the action.
A lot of people seem to have suggested giving the game more direction, which I agree with. The ending is nice, and I found it quite intuitive to get to (just be increasing the amount of "things" on the island) but it was perhaps too simple. I think a minor change that could benefit the game would be something along the lines of random events, say bushfires you'd need to put out or an invasive species you'd need to kill off (although that one might be a bit against the tone). Just something small that would give more weight to the song choice the player makes at a given time. It's a jam game though, so I completely understand why that sort of thing isn't in this build but it might be a fun idea to toss around for any future versions.
Ultimately this game feels super unique, with excellent presentation, and an inspired take on the theme. There are a great amount of things you can do, and they fit nicely together with a good interplay between them. The gameplay feels really chilled out, and supports a consistent mellow tone. Well done to all involved :).
Quite a nice little game. I liked the interplay with the mechanics, where you often needed to pick up the ducklings in a certain order for maximum points. It had a good risk/reward balance. The music speeding up was a great touch, it really added to the chaotic feeling of the game.
There are a couple of things you could do to help polish the game up if you wanted. I'd suggest adding some kind of counter at the bottom that tells you the number of ducklings in the level, and their types. It would help to plan the position of ducklings in the chains, and would give players an idea of how much time they had to work with. I'd also suggest increasing the cooldown on the ducks distraction. A couple of times I'd loose trails of ducklings around multiple distractions and it became near impossible to recover them, and with no restart button I was often left waiting the timer out before making a new attempt.
Overall this is a great entry, with some clever mechanics, and a really unique take on the theme. Well done!
Interesting (and very creepy) game. Great job on the atmosphere!
Thanks for the feedback! I thought I'd managed to patch the same side connection bug but it seems it managed to make it back in. Adding feedback on connections has been an interesting topic, it's hard to balance that in a way that doesn't allow you to bypass matching likes/dislikes by quickly swapping connections in and out. It's proved a requested feature, and I think I might have a middle ground for the post jam version. The art thing was originally an accident which we spotted, but we thought it was kinda funny and left it in as it didn't affect gameplay. It seems to be confusing people though so we'll probably take it out post jam.
Cute little game, and quite a unique main mechanic. Well done!
This is an interesting take on the linked worlds mechanic. I like the tactile feel you get with items physically passing from one world to the other. I'd recommend adding harder puzzles, but overall it's a good entry :).
It's rare to see a 3D game in a jam, nice work on the visuals with this. I wish I could knock the vase off the table for the authentic cat experience!
I love the presentation of this. The hand-drawn art and music are great! It's really charming, and super ambitious for a jam. Well done!
I really like this idea, thanks for suggesting it! I'll have a little play around with the sound effects and see if I can get something to that effect working :).
Thanks, glad you liked it! I'm aware of that bug, it was patched at one point but it somehow managed to sneak back into the final version! I'll definitely get it fixed for the more polished post jam version.