I feel like Roman Canceling in hitstun is just...bad for the offensive player. I'd reccomend turning it into more of a burst so that both players are still neutral regardless.
There are a couple of more minor mechanics related to Gamma Canceling out of hitstun that is there to help out the offensive player. For example that Gamma Canceling out of hitstun in the air removes your air actions, and there won't be any aerial moves with invincibility in this game. This means that as long as the offensive player is mindful of what combo routes they use, they could setup situations where if the opponent Gamma Cancels they will have a very hard time trying to land again afterwards. Also a thing to keep in mind is that the offensive player will most likely have more meter to work with since attacking builds more meter then getting hit,
Of course, not everything about the mechanic is set in stone yet, and there probably will be some changes to it after i have had some more players try it out for an extended time.