The goal of this paper is to externalize the design research on fabrication methodology for a tub... more The goal of this paper is to externalize the design research on fabrication methodology for a tubular and hollowed network structure, namely Alveosis, conceptualized by Nilüfer Kozikoğlu prototyped and designed by Urban Atolye. Alveosis denotes the process, the method or " state of " becoming hollow and tubular. The methodology that enabled a continuous surface, that starts out as a non-gravitational point cloud and ends as a mesh that is suspended in a metal framework and stuffed with various infill both organic and inorganic, conforms with gravitation when concretized in layers, finally the structural mesh is released from metal framework. The process and form are tested both before and after construction, in digital modeling with SAP and further physical prototyping and installation. The structure secures resilience and strength with shell-skin performance due to the networked branches and its tubularity, the whole skin is active. The infill of mycelium and sawdust is part of that further observations on the structure's confrontation with use, physical and climate conditions. The paper concludes with critical assessment of the process. The structural shell of a building is the outcome of the interaction of the load-bearing and the spatial separating elements. [1, p. 12] Active form as opposed to active section denotes those structural compositions whereby the flow of forces becomes a form-finding parameter and the structure is reduced until only the structurally relevant elements remain. [1, p. 269] The research, namely Alveosis is a rhizomatic shell whereby all elements load as much as needed for structural integrity. The idea is a morphogenetic concept where the interstitial space between the networks of cells defines omnidirectional branching structure. The conceptual morphology is rhizomatic, able to grow in all directions and nonhierarchical, like the radiolarian or the radices. The digital model of this 3D active form is derived from a variable set of points and represents the nodes of a Voronoi network in a bounding-box, a preset context. The intersection lines of the cells defined by these centroid points represented as a parameterized mesh which has a variable tubular diameter at each branching. The resulting poly-mesh is merged into one continuous surface. Wrapping or cladding multi-branched and holed geometries are analogous to clothing and textile industries requiring tools such as flattening patterning and sewing. [2] The challenge is initially achieved by fabric formwork, as by convention the formwork is a filigree structure and poured concrete forms a solid one, as differentiated by Deplazes and Wieser, however fast-set concrete mix
Doğal sistemleri anlama biçimimiz, özellikle son yüzyılda gerçekleşen bilimsel gelişmeler ile bir... more Doğal sistemleri anlama biçimimiz, özellikle son yüzyılda gerçekleşen bilimsel gelişmeler ile birlikte oldukça gelişmiştir. Farklı bilim disiplinlerinin arasındaki muğlak sınırlar etrafında, doğadaki davranışların, son derece kompleks; fakat birbirleri içinde farklı ölçeklerde harmoni içinde büyüyen sistemler bütünü olduğu görülmüştür. Beliren davranış, morfogenetik süreçler gibi kendiliğinden örgütlü sistem tasarımları, sistem teorisi etrafında kurallı tasarım organizasyonları üretmenin önemini ortaya koyar. Doğal sistemleri tam olarak çözümlemek ve bunu birebir tasarım bilgisine dahil etmek, iki durumun süreçlerinin farklı işlemesinin de sebebiyle neredeyse imkansızdır. Doğayı tam olarak çözümlemektense, onu bir yeniden yapım sürecine sokarak kendi içinde sentetik ve doğalın bir arada olduğu yeni bir organizasyon üretmek mümkün olabilir. Bu bahsedilen organizasyon, bir mimari tasarım seminer dersi boyunca katılımcılar ile birlikte denenmiştir. Ders boyunca fiziksel materyal etkileşim deneyleri yapılmış ve bu deneylerin getirdiği sonuçlar ile bazı sayısal tasarım teknikleri tasarlanarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen yeni teknik ile, belirlenen bir mimari programda, tasarım bilgisi, mimariyi üretmek üzerine kullanılmıştır.
Cities can be considered as complex information systems. They are adaptable, ever changing entiti... more Cities can be considered as complex information systems. They are adaptable, ever changing entities, which cannot be grasped through basic assumptions of how modernism used to do to plan cities. It processes its own information in an heterarchic way that defines patterns in an emergent behavior. Water, in this sense is a very crucial natural entity in the life of cities. However, it is commonly deleterious from the constructed environment, killing the ecologies it creates. Today, most of these water lands are diminished in size, either squeezed into canals or drained to open up space for streets. This can be defined as a wicked problem, since water as a natural entity always tend to find its own way sometimes by damaging the urban environment. Crucial point is to create the ecology with urban and natural environments again as a mutual understanding for a resilient city. This paper aims to search for how the ecological relationships of water in urban environment be reconsidered via computational simulation methods, while keeping its natural structure by adapting itself and manipulating the urban environment. The perception of 'information' is being shifted through a fuzzier state past this century. It is shifted from a state of constant facts, to an unknown field where the reality is not a single entity but more of a changing boundary. This perception shift, bases itself to recent developments in quantum physics, as well as its sub effects to technology and later on to the societies. Information, no longer, can be stored in printed encyclopedias, but it turned into data systems adopting themselves every changing minute. This, however brings a taxonomy and archival problem, since we still tend to classify information like static entities. Wikipedia is an online contributed encyclopedia, but still classifies the information like the past century, underestimating a million other relationships every information is getting tied in every second. The 'fact' is now bended to multiple other new 'facts' by the help of its almost possible relationships. Every person, and every materiality has a power to generate and contribute new information that creates new relationships, boundaries together that bends the so-called 'fact' to new and changeable 'facts'. Mentioned by Kwinter, the unpredictable and fast nature of the archive system (internet), can place the scientific action and political method for everyone with a phone line and a hard drive, of which refined and disciplined eras and methods could not (2011). Our century old systems, still reacts to an information taxonomy based on facts, but not a network of possible facts, which in return creates unsustainable reactions in societies, politics, culture, and materiality. Politics is the most recent phenomenon with the rising authoritarianism, resulting from creating alternative so-called facts, and gaining power in a timeworn system, which responds to static realities.
The goal of this paper is to externalize the design research on fabrication methodology for a tub... more The goal of this paper is to externalize the design research on fabrication methodology for a tubular and hollowed network structure, namely Alveosis, conceptualized by Nilüfer Kozikoğlu prototyped and designed by Urban Atolye. Alveosis denotes the process, the method or " state of " becoming hollow and tubular. The methodology that enabled a continuous surface, that starts out as a non-gravitational point cloud and ends as a mesh that is suspended in a metal framework and stuffed with various infill both organic and inorganic, conforms with gravitation when concretized in layers, finally the structural mesh is released from metal framework. The process and form are tested both before and after construction, in digital modeling with SAP and further physical prototyping and installation. The structure secures resilience and strength with shell-skin performance due to the networked branches and its tubularity, the whole skin is active. The infill of mycelium and sawdust is part of that further observations on the structure's confrontation with use, physical and climate conditions. The paper concludes with critical assessment of the process. The structural shell of a building is the outcome of the interaction of the load-bearing and the spatial separating elements. [1, p. 12] Active form as opposed to active section denotes those structural compositions whereby the flow of forces becomes a form-finding parameter and the structure is reduced until only the structurally relevant elements remain. [1, p. 269] The research, namely Alveosis is a rhizomatic shell whereby all elements load as much as needed for structural integrity. The idea is a morphogenetic concept where the interstitial space between the networks of cells defines omnidirectional branching structure. The conceptual morphology is rhizomatic, able to grow in all directions and nonhierarchical, like the radiolarian or the radices. The digital model of this 3D active form is derived from a variable set of points and represents the nodes of a Voronoi network in a bounding-box, a preset context. The intersection lines of the cells defined by these centroid points represented as a parameterized mesh which has a variable tubular diameter at each branching. The resulting poly-mesh is merged into one continuous surface. Wrapping or cladding multi-branched and holed geometries are analogous to clothing and textile industries requiring tools such as flattening patterning and sewing. [2] The challenge is initially achieved by fabric formwork, as by convention the formwork is a filigree structure and poured concrete forms a solid one, as differentiated by Deplazes and Wieser, however fast-set concrete mix
Doğal sistemleri anlama biçimimiz, özellikle son yüzyılda gerçekleşen bilimsel gelişmeler ile bir... more Doğal sistemleri anlama biçimimiz, özellikle son yüzyılda gerçekleşen bilimsel gelişmeler ile birlikte oldukça gelişmiştir. Farklı bilim disiplinlerinin arasındaki muğlak sınırlar etrafında, doğadaki davranışların, son derece kompleks; fakat birbirleri içinde farklı ölçeklerde harmoni içinde büyüyen sistemler bütünü olduğu görülmüştür. Beliren davranış, morfogenetik süreçler gibi kendiliğinden örgütlü sistem tasarımları, sistem teorisi etrafında kurallı tasarım organizasyonları üretmenin önemini ortaya koyar. Doğal sistemleri tam olarak çözümlemek ve bunu birebir tasarım bilgisine dahil etmek, iki durumun süreçlerinin farklı işlemesinin de sebebiyle neredeyse imkansızdır. Doğayı tam olarak çözümlemektense, onu bir yeniden yapım sürecine sokarak kendi içinde sentetik ve doğalın bir arada olduğu yeni bir organizasyon üretmek mümkün olabilir. Bu bahsedilen organizasyon, bir mimari tasarım seminer dersi boyunca katılımcılar ile birlikte denenmiştir. Ders boyunca fiziksel materyal etkileşim deneyleri yapılmış ve bu deneylerin getirdiği sonuçlar ile bazı sayısal tasarım teknikleri tasarlanarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen yeni teknik ile, belirlenen bir mimari programda, tasarım bilgisi, mimariyi üretmek üzerine kullanılmıştır.
Cities can be considered as complex information systems. They are adaptable, ever changing entiti... more Cities can be considered as complex information systems. They are adaptable, ever changing entities, which cannot be grasped through basic assumptions of how modernism used to do to plan cities. It processes its own information in an heterarchic way that defines patterns in an emergent behavior. Water, in this sense is a very crucial natural entity in the life of cities. However, it is commonly deleterious from the constructed environment, killing the ecologies it creates. Today, most of these water lands are diminished in size, either squeezed into canals or drained to open up space for streets. This can be defined as a wicked problem, since water as a natural entity always tend to find its own way sometimes by damaging the urban environment. Crucial point is to create the ecology with urban and natural environments again as a mutual understanding for a resilient city. This paper aims to search for how the ecological relationships of water in urban environment be reconsidered via computational simulation methods, while keeping its natural structure by adapting itself and manipulating the urban environment. The perception of 'information' is being shifted through a fuzzier state past this century. It is shifted from a state of constant facts, to an unknown field where the reality is not a single entity but more of a changing boundary. This perception shift, bases itself to recent developments in quantum physics, as well as its sub effects to technology and later on to the societies. Information, no longer, can be stored in printed encyclopedias, but it turned into data systems adopting themselves every changing minute. This, however brings a taxonomy and archival problem, since we still tend to classify information like static entities. Wikipedia is an online contributed encyclopedia, but still classifies the information like the past century, underestimating a million other relationships every information is getting tied in every second. The 'fact' is now bended to multiple other new 'facts' by the help of its almost possible relationships. Every person, and every materiality has a power to generate and contribute new information that creates new relationships, boundaries together that bends the so-called 'fact' to new and changeable 'facts'. Mentioned by Kwinter, the unpredictable and fast nature of the archive system (internet), can place the scientific action and political method for everyone with a phone line and a hard drive, of which refined and disciplined eras and methods could not (2011). Our century old systems, still reacts to an information taxonomy based on facts, but not a network of possible facts, which in return creates unsustainable reactions in societies, politics, culture, and materiality. Politics is the most recent phenomenon with the rising authoritarianism, resulting from creating alternative so-called facts, and gaining power in a timeworn system, which responds to static realities.
Papers by orkun beydagi