Papers by Michael Herrera Galán
Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria, 2020
Campo magnético ambiental en una Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Importancia de su verifica... more Campo magnético ambiental en una Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Importancia de su verificación Environmental magnetic field in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. A relevant verification
Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología, 2018
Maintenance management plays a very important role in the success of any company. As a consequenc... more Maintenance management plays a very important role in the success of any company. As a consequence of this, in the year of 2013, a study was carried out in health facilities found in the South Eastern Region of Jamaica with the objective of evaluating the existing Maintenance Management Program for Medical Equipment. Among the results obtained, it showed that there is an inadequacy in the existing program whose principal deficiency is attributed to the operations management. As such, this work proposes a procedure for evaluating and controlling in an efficient manner the operations management within the Biomedical Department which forms part of the South East Regional Health Authority Maintenance Unit (SERHAMU), this latter is found on the premises of the Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC), Jamaica. The method used to develop the procedure (GOMHO) is based fundamentally on the design of: a codification system to identify control registers and to record failures associated with each equipment, a system of placing equipment into categories and further differentiating them based on the potential hazard such pose on the human body in the event of an operational failure. In addition, this procedure gives the SERHAMU at the BHC the opportunity to calculate the amount of human resources needed to carry out efficiently the preventative and corrective maintenance work being demanded on the department. During the implementation phase, the results demonstrated that from the control procedure designed there was an improvement in the planning and carrying out of maintenance work and a better system of monitoring the activities that are executed. Also, it was evidenced that there is a 61.53% of the amount of human resources needed to carry out the maintenance actions.
DYNA, 2017
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer una metodología para el análisis de riesgo de ... more El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer una metodología para el análisis de riesgo de equipos y sistemas productivos, así como identificar aquellos activos sujetos al proceso de validación. Se proporciona un conjunto de instrucciones que describen detalladamente los pasos a seguir para realizar el cronograma de validación con bases al riesgo residual. El estudio se realizó en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas de Cuba, dirección de producción. El trabajo se basa en la implementación de la norma IEC 60812, análisis de los modos de fallo, efectos y criticidad (AMFEC). De conjunto con esta norma se utilizarán otros documentos indispensables para su aplicación como son la serie de normas IEC 60300-3-1 e IEC 61025. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvo el mapa de riesgo de la empresa y las acciones de control implementadas una vez identificado el riesgo residual. Estos resultados permitieron establecer el período mínimo indispensable para la validación de l...
Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología, 2017
El proceso de validación se puede definir como la técnica mediante la cual se estable evidencia d... more El proceso de validación se puede definir como la técnica mediante la cual se estable evidencia documentada, con alto grado de aseguramiento, de que un proceso específico proporciona en forma consistente un producto que cubre con las especificaciones predeterminadas y sus atributos de calidad. Identificar cuáles son los activos que se someterán al proceso de validación es una tarea prioritaria para cualquier empresa que implemente un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, lo cual repercute de manera directa en el éxito de cualquier empresa. Como consecuencia de esto en septiembre de 2014, se diseñó un procedimiento en el departamento de Aseguramiento de la Calidad, dirección de Producción, CNIC, con el OBJETIVO de determinar aquellos equipos o sistemas de apoyo auxiliar que serán sometidos al proceso de validación. Para darle cumplimiento a nuestro objetivo el MÉTODO utilizado se basa en la combinación de técnicas de riesgos tradicionales como son los métodos comparativos, diagramas lóg...
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Apr 30, 2019
Purpose Every day a large volume of information is generated in the maintenance department relati... more Purpose Every day a large volume of information is generated in the maintenance department relating to its business assets whose detailed analysis has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the company. Taking into account the aforementioned, it is necessary to develop and implement a set of indicators that allow a practical evaluation of the maintenance function in any firm. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the maintenance function through a thorough analysis of historical data of a biotechnology sector firm. Design/methodology/approach The method used to evaluate the maintenance function of a Cuban company is based on the quantification of a set of indicators, represented graphically. The data processed in this paper were obtained through an informatics application, designed to computerize the maintenance function in the firm. This application is validated and is part of the company quality management system, which is audited every two years by the national regulatory authority CECMED (Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos de Cuba, by its Spanish acronym), for issuing the certificates of sanitary license and good manufacturing practices. Findings Evidence-based control alternatives were used to evaluate the adequacy of the maintenance function in a biotechnology company. The results demonstrate graphically the maintenance operations of the National Center for Scientific Research, production department, during a period from January 2013 to December 2017. Finally, based on the analysis, it was discovered that the performance of the maintenance department was inadequate and had poor effectiveness, and a new maintenance strategy was established to be followed for the next quinquennium. Originality/value The research proposal provides information on how to evaluate the proactive and reactive maintenance actions through graphical indicators. The results obtained together with traditional maintenance indicators such as availability, maintainability and reliability could be interesting to technicians or engineers who decide to evaluate directly the effectiveness of a maintenance department.
Resumen Las instituciones de salud han ganado experiencia a la hora de gestionar sus procesos. Pa... more Resumen Las instituciones de salud han ganado experiencia a la hora de gestionar sus procesos. Para muchos la clave de éxito está en la gestión del recurso humano. Las empresas requieren de personal, y en la medida en que este sea el más adecuado, su efi ciencia será mayor. Con el presente trabajo se pretende brindar un procedimiento que apoye las funciones de un departamento de mantenimiento en un hospital, bajo el criterio de determinar el personal necesario para ejecutar las tareas de mantenimiento. Se combinan varios factores, destacándose, la carga de trabajo derivada del plan anual de mantenimiento y el fondo de tiempo disponible por los empleados del departamento. Los resultados obtenidos, permitieron identifi car el personal mínimo indispensable para acometer las acciones de mantenimiento preventivo planifi cado en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente Juan Manuel Márquez. Palabras claves: mantenimiento, procedimiento, recurso humano Recibido: 29 de septiembre de 2014 Aprobado: 17 ...
El presente trabajo se refiere a la implementacion de una metodologia para la gestion de mantenim... more El presente trabajo se refiere a la implementacion de una metodologia para la gestion de mantenimiento asistido por computadora a traves del desarrollo de un programa de mantenimiento y su puesta en practica. La investigacion se basa en el metodo de Kant y la metodologia implementa sus dos primeros niveles. Se realizo en la Planta de Productos Naturales (direccion de produccion), del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas (CNIC), para dar un profundo cambio, llevar un mejor control, dar una vision clara del futuro y cumplir con las exigencias de buenas practicas en un departamento de mantenimiento. El cual puede resultar aplicable a un gran numero de empresas de nuestra geografia. ABSTRACT The current work talks about to the implementation of a methodology for the Computer Maintenance Management Software through the development of a maintenance program and its setting in practice. The methodology is based on Kant´s method and the methodology implement the first and the seco...
A necessary aspect that the entities take into account to have an efficient performance consists ... more A necessary aspect that the entities take into account to have an efficient performance consists on guaranteeing a high availability of the equipment, with the objective of avoiding production pauses and to get stability in the quality and production. To this purpose the activities of the Department of Maintenance respond, having present to diminish the cost of their management as part of the added value of an industry. Therefore, it becomes necessary an organized and efficient maintenance that guarantees the requirements of the production or service. This project aim is to design and develop a software to optimize the methodology and implementation of maintenance management. It´s directly related with the implementation of a system of methods, procedures and controls that govern the whole maintenance activity in the Plantas de Productos Naturales at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas(CNIC) and it´s aimed at guarantee the execution of the demandsto the Good Practices...
espanolEl presente trabajo esta dirigido al control de operaciones en el departamento de mantenim... more espanolEl presente trabajo esta dirigido al control de operaciones en el departamento de mantenimiento de entidades hospitalarias, a traves de auditorias de gestion y su puesta en practica. El estudio se realizo en 5 instituciones hospitalarias, con el objetivo de evaluar el desempeno de la funcion mantenimiento; asi como demostrar que el componente mas critico en los resultados de una auditoria de gestion es el recurso humano. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se aplicaron encuestas a directivos y trabajadores del centro como tecnica recoleccion de datos y se emplearon herramientas de control como el diagrama de Ishikawa y tormentas de Ideas. El estudio demostro, entre otras, que los problemas tecnologicos, como es el caso de la disponibilidad de los activos, generalmente se asocian a la escasez de recursos, sin embargo, su causa raiz es una mala gestion por parte del personal encargado de esta actividad en los departamentos de mantenimiento. La aplicacion del metodo propuesto evidenc...
This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center... more This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center, through management audits and their implementation. The study was carried out in five hospitals at Cuban capital, with the aim of evaluate the performance of the maintenance function, determine their current situation and to propose control actions. For the development of the work a survey was applied at managers and workers of the center, as a technique for data collection. Also monitoring tools such as Ishikawa diagram and Brainstorming were used. The study show the need to optimize maintenance plans, the need to improve the availability of medical equipment and the need to select the minimum staff, as immediate measures in these centers. The results achieved may be of interest for users who interact either directly or indirectly with a Hospital Maintenance Department.
espanolEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer una metodologia para el analisis de rie... more espanolEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer una metodologia para el analisis de riesgo de equipos y sistemas productivos, asi como identificar aquellos activos sujetos al proceso de validacion. Se proporciona un conjunto de instrucciones que describen detalladamente los pasos a seguir para realizar el cronograma de validacion con bases al riesgo residual. El estudio se realizo en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas de Cuba, direccion de produccion. El trabajo se basa en la implementacion de la norma IEC 60812, analisis de los modos de fallo, efectos y criticidad (AMFEC). De conjunto con esta norma se utilizaran otros documentos indispensables para su aplicacion como son la serie de normas IEC 60300-3-1 e IEC 61025. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvo el mapa de riesgo de la empresa y las acciones de control implementadas una vez identificado el riesgo residual. Estos resultados permitieron establecer el periodo minimo indispensable para la validaci...
espanolEl objetivo de esta investigacion fue proporcionar unos algoritmos genericos informatizado... more espanolEl objetivo de esta investigacion fue proporcionar unos algoritmos genericos informatizados para gestionar las acciones primarias de la funcion mantenimiento, a traves de la integracion de los activos tangibles e intangibles de una empresa. La metodologia de diseno utilizada se baso en la RUP (Proceso Unificado Racional). La implementacion se realizo con el compilador C ++ Builder y se utilizo PostgreSQL como gestor de bases de datos. Para evaluar la efectividad de los algoritmos se analizo un intervalo de tres anos antes y tres anos despues de su implementacion. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos se encuentra un incremento de la calidad del proceso, pues el 100 % de la informacion de los datos recogidos en las ordenes de trabajo se encuentra en una base de datos; reduciendo considerablemente el tiempo de busqueda de informacion relativa a las ordenes de trabajo emitidas. Adicionalmente se logro una reduccion de 13954,03 horas anuales, destinadas a acciones preventiva...
Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria
Preterm infants are born with immature organs, thus affecting the immune system. Electromagnetic ... more Preterm infants are born with immature organs, thus affecting the immune system. Electromagnetic fields influence melatonin production with low exposure levels. These infants require medical equipment 24/7 to recover, so they are constantly exposed to magnetic fields during their stay in the Intensive Care Unit. Our objective was to measure magnetic field levels generated around each incubator using a gauss meter and compare our results to the 2010 recommendations by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the IEC 60601-1-2:2004 standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Among 11 hospitalized newborn infants, radiation was found within the recommended limits, but there was electromagnetic interference resulting from medical equipment layout problems in the unit.
El objetivo de esta investigacion fue proporcionar unos algoritmos genericos informatizados para ... more El objetivo de esta investigacion fue proporcionar unos algoritmos genericos informatizados para gestionar las acciones primarias de la funcion mantenimiento, a traves de la integracion de los activos tangibles e intangibles de una empresa. La metodologia de diseno utilizada se baso en la RUP (Proceso Unificado Racional). La implementacion se realizo con el compilador C ++ Builder y se utilizo PostgreSQL como gestor de bases de datos. Para evaluar la efectividad de los algoritmos se analizo un intervalo de tres anos antes y tres anos despues de su implementacion. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos se encuentra un incremento de la calidad del proceso, pues el 100 % de la informacion de los datos recogidos en las ordenes de trabajo se encuentra en una base de datos; reduciendo considerablemente el tiempo de busqueda de informacion relativa a las ordenes de trabajo emitidas. Adicionalmente se logro una reduccion de 13954,03 horas anuales, destinadas a acciones preventivas o cor...
This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center... more This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center, through management audits and their implementation. The study was carried out in five hospitals, with the aim of evaluate the performance of the maintenance function; as well as to demonstrate that the most critical component in the results of a management audit is the human resource. For development of the work, a survey was applied at managers and workers of the center, as a technique for data collection. In addition, monitoring tools such as Ishikawa diagram and Brainstorming were used. The study showed, among others, that technological problems, such as the availability of assets, are usually associated with a shortage of resources; however, its root cause is a mismanagement by the staff in charge of this activity in the maintenance departments. The application of the proposed method evidenced that the most critical component in the results of a management audit is the human resour...
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Purpose Every day a large volume of information is generated in the maintenance department relati... more Purpose Every day a large volume of information is generated in the maintenance department relating to its business assets whose detailed analysis has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the company. Taking into account the aforementioned, it is necessary to develop and implement a set of indicators that allow a practical evaluation of the maintenance function in any firm. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the maintenance function through a thorough analysis of historical data of a biotechnology sector firm. Design/methodology/approach The method used to evaluate the maintenance function of a Cuban company is based on the quantification of a set of indicators, represented graphically. The data processed in this paper were obtained through an informatics application, designed to computerize the maintenance function in the firm. This application is validated and is part of the company quality management system, which is audited every two years by the national reg...
Procedure to evaluate and control efficiently the operations management of medical equipment in the maintenance unit of a health institution, Jan 3, 2018
Maintenance management plays a very important role in the success of any company. As a consequenc... more Maintenance management plays a very important role in the success of any company. As a consequence of this, in the year of 2013, a study was carried out in health facilities found in the South Eastern Region of Jamaica with the objective of evaluating the existing Maintenance Management Program for Medical Equipment. Among the results obtained, it showed that there is an inadequacy in the existing program whose principal deficiency is attributed to the operations management. As such, this work proposes a procedure for evaluating and controlling in an efficient manner the operations management within the Biomedical Department which forms part of the South East Regional Health Authority Maintenance Unit (SERHAMU), this latter is found on the premises of the Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC), Jamaica. The method used to develop the procedure (GOMHO) is based fundamentally on the design of: a codification system to identify control registers and to record failures associated with each equipment, a system of placing equipment into categories and further differentiating them based on the potential hazard such pose on the human body in the event of an operational failure. In addition, this procedure gives the SERHAMU at the BHC the opportunity to calculate the amount of human resources needed to carry out efficiently the preventative and corrective maintenance work being demanded on the department. During the implementation phase, the results demonstrated that from the control procedure designed there was an improvement in the planning and carrying out of maintenance work and a better system of monitoring the activities that are executed. Also, it was evidenced that there is a 61.53% of the amount of human resources needed to carry out the maintenance actions.
Management audit applied to the maintenance department in hospital facilities, 2017
This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center... more This work is related with the operations control in the maintenance department of hospital center, through management audits and their implementation. The study was carried out in five hospitals, with the aim of evaluate the performance of the maintenance function; as well as to demonstrate that the most critical component in the results of a management audit is the human resource. For development of the work, a survey was applied at managers and workers of the center, as a technique for data collection. In addition, monitoring tools such as Ishikawa diagram and Brainstorming were used. The study showed, among others, that technological problems, such as the availability of assets, are usually associated with a shortage of resources; however, its root cause is a mismanagement by the staff in charge of this activity in the maintenance departments. The application of the proposed method evidenced that the most critical component in the results of a management audit is the human resource.
Papers by Michael Herrera Galán