Books by Valelia Muni Toke

Cet ouvrage est la première monographie consacrée à deux grammairiens atypiques des années 1930, ... more Cet ouvrage est la première monographie consacrée à deux grammairiens atypiques des années 1930, Jacques Damourette et Édouard Pichon. Ce dernier, médecin, est notamment célèbre pour avoir participé à la fondation de la Société de psychanalyse de Paris (dans laquelle il a fait entrer Jacques Lacan) et pour avoir dirigé la thèse de Françoise Dolto. Inventeurs du terme linguistique « locuteur », Damourette et Pichon sont par ailleurs des soutiens ardents de l'Action française. Ils proposent dès lors une conceptualisation politique de l'écriture grammaticale : « Pour faire la grammaire française telle que nous la concevons, il fallait être Français : nous le sommes. » C'est cette configuration épistémologique particulière -linguistique, nationalisme, psychanalyse -que ce livre explore et critique : la question toujours posée, dans des débats actuels, des liens entre identité linguistique et identité nationale, se trouve ici historiquement située. La question centrale devient donc celle de l'articulation de la linguistique, en tant que discipline scientifique, avec le politique et les sujets polémiques que sont l'identité et l'appartenance à une communauté. Novembre 2013 • Collection Langages • Série Histoire des réflexions sur le langage et les langues • 346 pages • isbn 978-2-84788-370-1 • 15 x 23 • 24 euros SOMMAIRE Tous nos ouvrages sont disponibles à la librairie des Éditions 19, allée de Fontenay -69007 Lyon Commande en ligne Diffusion |
Papers by Valelia Muni Toke

Aujourd’hui, les Outre-mer français ne désignent plus que les territoires ayant officiellement fa... more Aujourd’hui, les Outre-mer français ne désignent plus que les territoires ayant officiellement fait le choix de rester sous souveraineté française, ordinairement pensés comme opposés aux territoires décolonisés ou, à l’inverse, comme ayant fait le choix démocratique d’une forme originale de décolonisation. Les Outre-mer français ne partagent-ils que cette relation singulière à la métropole qui les constitue en catégorie politique ? Par la richesse des enquêtes de terrain qu’ils restituent et les analyses croisées qu’ils déploient, les textes réunis dans ce dossier montrent qu’en dépit de leur hétérogénéité, leurs situations peuvent être pensées au-delà - voire en dehors - d’une problématique strictement statutaire. La présente introduction aborde cette question par la diversité des processus de (dé)colonisation dans les Outre-mer. Elle interroge les mécanismes par lesquels les dominations historiques enchâssées se maintiennent, se métamorphosent ou s’étiolent.
Mots-clés : Outre-mer français,colonisation, décolonisation, domination, racisme, sexisme, intersectionnalité, monolinguisme, migrations, mobilisations.
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or
described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this
special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French
Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.
Keywords : French overseas territories,colonization, decolonization, domination, racism, sexism, intersectionality, monolingualism, migrations, social movements.

Terrains & Travaux 24, 2014
[French Overseas Territories. An Ethnographic Perspective On A Political Category]
French Ove... more [French Overseas Territories. An Ethnographic Perspective On A Political Category]
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.

Histoire, épistémologie, langage 35(2). 69–93.
By politicization, I refer to a process that leads to the fact that native speaker, as a linguist... more By politicization, I refer to a process that leads to the fact that native speaker, as a linguistic categorization, is said to be conveying political ideologies about language. Initiated in the late 1960s by Hymes's searching critique of the ideal speaker-listener (Chomsky 1965), this movement was to be taken to a globalized level with the "emergence of subaltern voices" in postcolonial settings -a phenomenon that is translated as the "rise of World Englishes" in the field of applied linguistics. Even if central in many current bodies of work, the politicization of linguistic concepts does not go without practical as well as theoretical problems of which researchers are obviously aware. In that sense, the goal of this paper is also to show that the politicization of the term native speaker leads, paradoxically, to the rejection of politics outside the boundaries of scientific theory to a certain extent. In other words, native speaker would not be a proper category for linguistics precisely because it is more political than scientifically accurate. Politicizing the term would then be a way of lessening its scientific relevance by emphasizing its ideological dimension: native speaker would primarily be an ideology of the nation-state.

L’objectif de l’article est de tenter de répondre à la question suivante : sur quelles hypothèses... more L’objectif de l’article est de tenter de répondre à la question suivante : sur quelles hypothèses la coupure didactique FLE/FLM repose-t-elle ? La notion de locuteur natif, si contestée – et contestable – en sciences du langage, est au cœur du problème, dans la mesure où elle cristallise la relation entre identité et savoir linguistique légitime et que, de ce fait, elle est un levier puissant pour démêler les aprioris qui catégorisent les apprenants en natifs (à eux le FLM) et non-natifs (pour eux le FLE). Le modèle en continuum des « degrés de xénité » est-il suffisant pour permettre de sortir de ces découpages ? Rien n’est moins sûr, mais il est à comparer avec les modèles à l’œuvre dans les domaines de l’intercompréhension – on se référe ainsi aux nombreux travaux théoriques et pratiques menés dans le domaine des langues romanes. La réflexion est illustrée à partir d’une étude de cas concret, menée sur le terrain dans le Pacifique Sud, à Wallis. L’observation permet de montrer que ces catégorisations sont peu efficaces au plan de la description et de l’analyse des interactions, et que le problème épistémologique posé par la coupure FLE/FLM est directement lié à la conceptualisation première que l’on se fait des pratiques langagières : pour valider la coupure, il faut également valider l’hypothèse de langues-entités distinctes, qui déterminent des locuteurs-identités aux contours finis. Cette modélisation semble mise en échec par l’observation des pratiques langagières en contexte plurilingue complexe.

"Given the fact that ‘native’ speakers and linguists both can be considered as experts in languag... more "Given the fact that ‘native’ speakers and linguists both can be considered as experts in language, the specificity of their knowledge(s) of language needs to be described. The reflexive discourses they respectively produce seem to indicate a difference in the perception of temporality (speakers tend to stress the loss of an ideal language throughout the ages, whereas linguists tend to see scientific findings as positively oriented towards progress) and in the capacity of acknowledging ignorance. In this respect, the present paper analyzes two kinds of data: Guidelines produced by linguists acting as experts for language analysis in asylum cases, and elicited interviews collected in the field within an anthropological framework.
Keywords: linguistic anthropology, knowledge of language, native speaker, expertise, metapragmatics, social need and applicability of science, political epistemology"
Ceci est la version manuscrite de l'article : Leroy S. & Muni Toke V., 2007, « Une date dans la d... more Ceci est la version manuscrite de l'article : Leroy S. & Muni Toke V., 2007, « Une date dans la description linguistique du nom propre : l'Essai de grammaire de la langue française de Damourette et Pichon », Lalies 27, Paris : ENS Éditions, pp. 115-190.
Talks by Valelia Muni Toke
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how linguistic diversity is both perceived and managed in... more The purpose of this paper is to analyse how linguistic diversity is both perceived and managed in health care settings. I will argue that the doctor-patient interactions mediated by interpreters are embedded in a broader political context that they reflect in various ways. I will rely on two types of data:
Workshops and panels by Valelia Muni Toke

This panel seeks to unite strands of research on multilingual social spaces where ontologies of t... more This panel seeks to unite strands of research on multilingual social spaces where ontologies of the native are privileged, whether these emanate from minoritized groups or from nation-state representations of language as a 'cultural' object. Tending to questions of the native as singularity, as naturalization of difference, as political claim and contestation, the panel will approach the notion of native imaginaries as a key ideological element in the shaping of conceptualizations of language politics, citizenship and diversity. We suggest that precisely because ideas of the native are at odds with the fluidity of actual contemporary processes of identification, native imaginaries can be grasped as a central dynamic in the production of social inequalities and uneven recognition of voices, whether these appear as monolingual hegemonies or as racialized legitimacies. Drawing on ethnographic research, the papers explore the sociolinguistics of various social complexities, such as (de)colonization, minoritization, marginalization, vulnerability and nativeness, in contexts of educational and health care systems, language policy-making, academic discourses, minority claims, and migration narratives. In this vein, each paper will focus on how the multiple understandings of the native function as a persistent core value in identity claims across different senses of space, time and self, as these are displayed and resemiotized by individuals and institutions alike. This entails addressing the theoretical implications of present transformations and effects of native imaginaries, regarding the ways competencies, knowledges, and identities are both claimed and warranted in resistances and regimentations. Thus consistent with a view of North and South as a mutually constitutive relation, the panel as a whole will offer a renewed picture of the place and potentials of native imaginaries in the production of stratifications, embedded hierarchies, racialized and gendered social relations in globalization.
Books by Valelia Muni Toke
Papers by Valelia Muni Toke
Mots-clés : Outre-mer français,colonisation, décolonisation, domination, racisme, sexisme, intersectionnalité, monolinguisme, migrations, mobilisations.
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or
described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this
special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French
Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.
Keywords : French overseas territories,colonization, decolonization, domination, racism, sexism, intersectionality, monolingualism, migrations, social movements.
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.
Keywords: linguistic anthropology, knowledge of language, native speaker, expertise, metapragmatics, social need and applicability of science, political epistemology"
Talks by Valelia Muni Toke
Workshops and panels by Valelia Muni Toke
Mots-clés : Outre-mer français,colonisation, décolonisation, domination, racisme, sexisme, intersectionnalité, monolinguisme, migrations, mobilisations.
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or
described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this
special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French
Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.
Keywords : French overseas territories,colonization, decolonization, domination, racism, sexism, intersectionality, monolingualism, migrations, social movements.
French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They are usually considered either as the (tiny) remains of the French colonial empire, as opposed to decolonised territories, or described as the result of democratic choice onto an original path of decolonisation. Do these territories only have in common a singular bond to the French métropole, which would set them as a political category? Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the papers gathered in this special issue develop cross-analysis of the current situation of French overseas territories, including – and going beyond – their political and administrative status. This introduction addresses the issue by examining the diversity of processes of (de)colonisation in the French Overseas Territories. It raises the question of the mechanisms through which entangled forms of historical domination linger, dramatically change or vanish.
Keywords: linguistic anthropology, knowledge of language, native speaker, expertise, metapragmatics, social need and applicability of science, political epistemology"