Books by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos (PhD EUR-ING) with Habilitation
dimensionamento estrutural
de Fachadas Ventiladas

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LIVRO de dois professores e investigadores sob... more VER página VIII do PDF para contacto do VENDEDOR
LIVRO de dois professores e investigadores sobre a AVALIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA entra em circulação no mercado no fim de Julho de 2021.
O livro resulta do trabalho de várias décadas de experiência e de investigação dos autores que são também professores em diversos cursos de pós-graduação em análise de investimento e avaliação imobiliária.
A Avaliação Imobiliária é uma área do conhecimento transversal que está associada aos ramos do conhecimento da Engenharia Civil, Urbanismo, Economia e também do Direito.
Segundo os AA. a Avaliação Imobiliária é, amiúde, tratada de forma muito ligeira em Portugal, o que tem levado a que indivíduos, com pouco conhecimento sobre o tema, acreditem saber mais do que outros mais bem preparados, fazendo com que tomem decisões erradas e cheguem a resultados indevidos.
Trata-se de uma Obra com 650 páginas, ilustrada a cores e com inúmeros exemplos numéricos, que vem permitir, aos profissionais envolvidos na Avaliação de Imóveis, criar as necessárias bases sólidas para justificar, nas suas análises e tomadas de decisão, os valores de avaliação nos mais diferentes âmbitos e tipos de abordagens.
O Livro, acreditam os autores, irá contribuir para que “os avaliadores iniciados se inteirem das bases científicas e técnicas fundamentais da avaliação imobiliária, e que os avaliadores experimentados as apliquem de forma enquadrada e devidamente sistematizada, por forma a que ambos abordem com eficácia e eficiência os diversos problemas da Avaliação Imobiliária”
Sobre os Autores:
Mário Pinho de Miranda
Licenciado em Engenharia Civil pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (1969).
Professor de Avaliação Imobiliária e Análise de Investimentos no Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções e no Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP (1995-2015).
Coordenador no Serviço de Avaliações na Direcção de Crédito ao Sector Imobiliário da CGD (1977-1988).
Co-fundador e Director do Banco Nacional de Crédito - Banco Popular (2000 a 2015).
Regente de Unidades Curriculares em vários Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária no Instituto Politécnico do Porto desde 2010.
Autor de diversas publicações académicas e técnicas sobre Avaliação Imobiliária.
Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Doutor (2004) e Agregado (2010) em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade do Porto (FEUP).
Membro Conselheiro da Ordem dos Engenheiros.
Assessor Técnico na Direcção de Crédito ao sector Imobiliário CGD (1985 a 2000).
Director do Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão de Construções e do Curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil (ISEP) (2006 a 2014).
Professor Convidado da Disciplina de Financiamento à Construção no Curso de Mestrado em Construção de Edifícios da FEUP (2006 a 2008).
Coordenador dos Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (2005 a 2018).
Autor de livros de Engenharia Civil e de diversos artigos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, no domínio da Avaliação lmobiliária.
Ficha Técnica:
Título: Avaliação Imobiliária
Autores: Mário Pinho de Miranda e Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Edição: Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Impressão e Acabamento: Gráfica Borba 2 Lda.
1ª Edição 2021, Porto.
Distribuição: Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Depósito Legal n.º 484466/21
ISBN 978.989.33.1449.4
Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Rua da Fábrica. 74, 4050-246 PORTO
Telefones: 223 321 204 – 225 081 595
email: [email protected]

Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, 2020
In this fifth edition, all chapters have been rewritten, some chapters in previous versions of th... more In this fifth edition, all chapters have been rewritten, some chapters in previous versions of the handbook have been removed due to recent developments in design or construction practices, and 12 new chapters have been added. The new chapters cover structural loads, fracture mechanics of concrete and composites, railroad bridges, health monitoring of structures, building information modeling (BIM), structural fire engineering, progressive collapse and blast-resistant design, strengthening of concrete using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), structural glass, design of foundations for machines, value engineering, and stone cladding.
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
External cladding of buildings was regarded, along the last decades, as an aesthetic “well-regarded” solution with no need for relevant maintenance works and costs.
Natural stone-clad façades make a significant contribution to the overall aesthetic and technical performance of a building. They have a substantial effect on people’s judgment about visual impact, yet they submitted to a variety of actions such as heat, air, and moisture actions or dynamic loadings such as wind and seismic effects.
Durability, environmental compatibility, and economic sustainability along with mechanical, chemical, thermal, hygrometric, and other weathering “actions” are the key aspects that must be addressed together with the strength and structural safety.
Several methods or systems are available for installing stone on the exterior of buildings depending on the manner how the environment and exposure conditions are addressed. Temperature changes, air pressure, water, in any form, as direct or indirect induced tensions must be undertaken appropriately, based on a robust empirical investigation encompassed with lessons from older thin-stone cladding building’s façade systems.
Under the structural point of view, numerous techniques were employed to support the stone panels, both within curtain walls as well as individually. The development of curtain wall systems, consisting of vertical and horizontal structural members, connected and anchored to the supporting structure and the notable stones’ cutting technology provides all the normal functions of a curtain wall, using thin cladding slabs or panel as its skin. Figure 33.1 is an example of a curtain wall system providing a ventilated façade.
Façade veneer systems must comply with structural safety requirements in particular for direct actions such as the inertial forces on heavy stone cladding panels that are more susceptible to earthquake damage. In some regions, wind action acting in lighter panels may be more stringent than seismic action. Stone cladding failure can induce serious injury to people and may cause relevant financial losses.

Structural Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, 2020
In this fifth edition, all chapters have been rewritten, some chapters in previous versions of th... more In this fifth edition, all chapters have been rewritten, some chapters in previous versions of the handbook have been removed due to recent developments in design or construction practices, and 12 new chapters have been added. The new chapters cover structural loads, fracture mechanics of concrete and composites, railroad bridges, health monitoring of structures, building information modeling (BIM), structural fire engineering, progressive collapse and blast-resistant design, strengthening of concrete using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), structural glass, design of foundations for machines, value engineering, and stone cladding.
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
When subjected to tensile stress, glass break with any plastic flow because it is a brittle material. The break occurs at a stress level much lower than the theoretical value calculated from the strength of the atomic bonds. The glass is unique since its fracture occurs in entirely different ways from other materials. Glass failure generally starts at a specific surface flaw which is as a stress multiplier in a region of high tensile stress.
Failure prediction methods based on allowable areas for each thickness of glass as a function of uniform duration pressure have been replaced by modern methods that have the advantage of providing a consistent framework for all previous testing as also explains most of the phenomena associated with laterally loaded thin glass plates ...

Após breves considerações sobre a problemática da segurança estrutural e sobre os casos particula... more Após breves considerações sobre a problemática da segurança estrutural e sobre os casos particulares representados pelas situações de acidente, são tratadas de forma muito desenvolvida as acções do vento e dos sismos, apresentados os diferentes sistemas de envidraçados e respectivo cálculo, concluindo com uma muito actual abordagem ao caso particular das fachadas atirantadas.
É ainda merecedora de destaque, pelo seu significado e relevância, a preocupação didáctica manifestada pelo autor, ao incluir exemplos práticos de aplicação dos diferentes temas tratados ao longo do livro, o que constitui uma significativa mais valia da obra em apreço, desde logo para os estudantes dos cursos de engenharia, mas também, seguramente, para os profissionais envolvidos no projecto de fachadas envidraçadas.
A temática abordada – comportamento estrutural de fachadas envidraçadas - a que acresce o rigor científico e técnico com que é tratada, tornam este livro, caso único em língua portuguesa, uma obra de consulta obrigatória para todos quantos se dedicam ao projecto e construção deste importante elemento construtivo.
Inscrevendo-se, claramente, pela sua natureza, no campo da engenharia, o presente livro não deixa de constituir, por esse motivo, uma obra igualmente útil para estudantes e profissionais de arquitectura, que aqui encontrarão ampla e detalhada informação que em muito os auxiliará na concepção e desenho de fachadas envidraçadas.

Stone Cladding Engineering, 2014
This volume presents new methodologies for the design of dimension stone based on the concepts of... more This volume presents new methodologies for the design of dimension stone based on the concepts of structural design while preserving the excellence of stonemasonry practice in facade engineering. Straightforward formulae are provided for computing action on cladding, with special emphasis on the effect of seismic forces, including an extensive general methodology applied to non-structural elements. Based on the Load and Resistance Factor Design Format (LRDF), minimum slab thickness formulae are presented that take into consideration stress concentrations analysis based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the most commonly used modern anchorage systems. Calculation examples allow designers to solve several anchorage engineering problems in a detailed and objective manner, underlining the key parameters. The design of the anchorage metal parts, either in stainless steel or aluminum, is also presented.
Ediçoes Sılabo, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009
Papers by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos (PhD EUR-ING) with Habilitation

Undercut anchorage in dimension stone cladding, 2011
This paper analyses undercut anchorage technology, in particular its behaviour and performance as... more This paper analyses undercut anchorage technology, in particular its behaviour and performance as a fixing system for
dimension stone cladding of rainscreen fac¸ades. Based on a number of mechanical tests using various types of
Portuguese stone – three igneous, two sedimentary and one metamorphic – a study was carried out to investigate the
relationship between the flexural strength and breaking load of specific and very common stone types. Several
physical and mechanical characterisation tests and 130 pull-out tests with 6 and 8 mm cone bolt threads were
performed to determine the pull-out load failure on six different stone types: three granite, two limestone and one
marble. Finite-element stress analyses were carried out, and the test results were the basis for calibrating a simple
formula that can be used to estimate the stone’s breaking load at the undercut anchorage. Stress concentration
factors are proposed to take into account the undercut drill hole geometry and the specific properties of each type of
stone. Stone specimens from the same batches were subject to pull-out force tests using dowel anchorages, whose
values were then compared with the breaking load of undercut anchorages. Results are discussed and conclusions are
drawn based on tensile stress values by comparing the test results, the finite-element method and the proposed semiempirical
formulations for the same breaking load.
This paper examines the observed anomalies in the cladding panels of two buildings, focusing on t... more This paper examines the observed anomalies in the cladding panels of two buildings, focusing on the behavior of compacted marble used in ventilated façades. The aim is to understand the causes of these anomalies and suggest possible solutions without disclosing the specic names of the buildings or the products involved.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 2013
This paper analyses undercut anchorage technology, in particular its behaviour and performance as... more This paper analyses undercut anchorage technology, in particular its behaviour and performance as a fixing system for dimension stone cladding of rainscreen façades. Based on a number of mechanical tests using various types of Portuguese stone – three igneous, two sedimentary and one metamorphic – a study was carried out to investigate the relationship between the flexural strength and breaking load of specific and very common stone types. Several physical and mechanical characterisation tests and 130 pull-out tests with 6 and 8 mm cone bolt threads were performed to determine the pull-out load failure on six different stone types: three granite, two limestone and one marble. Finite-element stress analyses were carried out, and the test results were the basis for calibrating a simple formula that can be used to estimate the stone's breaking load at the undercut anchorage. Stress concentration factors are proposed to take into account the undercut drill hole geometry and the spec...
Key Engineering Materials, 2013
This paper discusses in detail the materials properties that should be evaluated for producing la... more This paper discusses in detail the materials properties that should be evaluated for producing large prestressed natural stone cladding panels made of limestone, marble and granite. The work underlines the importance of having standard test procedures used to determine the stone properties employed in the design and dimensioning of prestressed panels. A case-study using 2 types of stones (granite and limestone) is presented to exemplify the application of the stone characterisation under the scope of the technical specification. When safety requirements consider the environmental aspects of the application, the design and dimensioning of the panels must consider the decay of the properties evaluated under the corresponding natural stone specification.

International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, 2013
Experimental studies on the behaviour and performance of prestressed natural stone hollow panels ... more Experimental studies on the behaviour and performance of prestressed natural stone hollow panels were performed using prestressing wires as internal tendons to apply a compression force to pre-assembled dimension stone slabs forming the panels. Six prototypes were subjected to three-point bending and vibration tests, and the effect of filling the panel void with polyurethane and of the prestressing intensity was also studied. Dynamic tests were performed to obtain the panel's self natural period of vibration and the natural stone's Young's modulus. Static load tests were performed to ascertain the panels' suitability for application as stand-alone façade panels. The experimental results revealed two distinct failure modes after cracking, depending on whether polyurethane infill was injected into the void. The postrupture behaviour was analysed taking into account the favourable effect of filling the panel void with polyurethane foam. Finite element computer analyses of the stress states induced in the panels were also carried out for three different geometries. Data obtained from specimens subjected to the same load regime were compared.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 2012
Today's thin stone veneers must be designed to resist, besides their self-weight, high wind p... more Today's thin stone veneers must be designed to resist, besides their self-weight, high wind pressures and induced seismic forces. They must accommodate hygrometric differential movement, deflection, vibration and creep, etc. When available, code requirements do not provide an accurate or realistic safety factor for the specific type of anchor and or stone used in a project. Global safety factors that are recommended by stone industry associations are imprecise and used as rules of thumb. Limit state design has replaced the older concept of allowable stress design in most forms of civil engineering. As a result, all modern buildings are designed in accordance with a code which is based on limit state theory for all man-made materials, yet there is an astonishing nonexistence of ′natural stone′. In this paper partial factors of safety are proposed depending on the types and on the coefficients of variation of the distributions of resistances. Their values are determined using stru...

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 2012
This paper describes a study on kerf anchorage behaviour in three types of stones. Two limestone ... more This paper describes a study on kerf anchorage behaviour in three types of stones. Two limestone and various marble specimens were submitted to a series of tests – namely standard absorption, bulk specific gravity and flexural strength tests – to determine their physical and mechanical properties. The paper focuses on the results of tests carried out according to the ASTM Standard Test Method for Strength of Individual Stone Anchorages in Dimension Stone. These tests were performed on a stiff rail continuous anchorage system on both the front and rear kerf legs. Stress analysis and finite element method calculations were the basis for the proposed semi-empirical formula to estimate this anchorage system's breaking load under the above-mentioned conditions. Through a general but practical example, it is shown that a design focused on the bending strength of stone panels, to the detriment of the kerf anchorage, is an unsafe and yet common practice. The paper emphasises that design...

Neste artigo, e descrita e avaliada a experiencia do Departamento de Engenharia Civil do Institut... more Neste artigo, e descrita e avaliada a experiencia do Departamento de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) na promocao de estagios de natureza profissional, ao nivel do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. E dada especial enfase a estrategia de criacao e dinamizacao de uma bolsa de empresas que disponibiliza ofertas de estagios em empresas parceiras do ISEP. Sao realcadas as suas vantagens na perspetiva dos intervenientes, nomeadamente os estudantes, o ISEP e as empresas. Por ultimo, e avaliado o funcionamento da bolsa de empresas, com base em indicadores de desempenho obtidos a partir de inqueritos realizados com os supervisores dos estagios, com os estudantes e com as empresas. Os resultados do estudo permitiram aferir o sucesso da iniciativa de criacao de uma bolsa de empresas em parceria com a Instituicao e tendo como objetivo a integracao dos estudantes no mercado de trabalho.

Revista de Ensino de Engenharia, 2017
Neste artigo, é descrita e avaliada a experiência do Departamento de Engenharia Civil do Institut... more Neste artigo, é descrita e avaliada a experiência do Departamento de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) na promoção de estágios de natureza profissional, ao nível do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. É dada especial ênfase à estratégia de criação e dinamização de uma bolsa de empresas que disponibiliza ofertas de estágios em empresas parceiras do ISEP. São realçadas as suas vantagens na perspetiva dos intervenientes, nomeadamente os estudantes, o ISEP e as empresas. Por último, é avaliado o funcionamento da bolsa de empresas, com base em indicadores de desempenho obtidos a partir de inquéritos realizados com os supervisores dos estágios, com os estudantes e com as empresas. Os resultados do estudo permitiram aferir o sucesso da iniciativa de criação de uma bolsa de empresas em parceria com a Instituição e tendo como objetivo a integração dos estudantes no mercado de trabalho. Palavras-chave: Estágios de natureza profissional; Engenharia Civil; bolsa de empresas; monitorização; indicadores de desempenho.
A Dynamic Approach to the Cost Method in Real Estate Appraisal, 2019
In this article, we presented a dynamic approach to the so-called cost method in real estate appr... more In this article, we presented a dynamic approach to the so-called cost method in real estate appraisal by simulating a project cash flow method and considering equivalent occurrence times instead of regular cash flows. The presented methodology does not introduce any difficulty of application since it simplifies the establishing of cash flows with the introduction of the concept of equivalent time allowing the appraiser to obtain sustainable values based on the real estate market rates. The goal is to address an easy to use more precise tool to find an appraisal value via the so-called Cost Method.
Stone Cladding Engineering, 2013
Based on the literature a brief description and classification of rocks is presented throughout t... more Based on the literature a brief description and classification of rocks is presented throughout this chapter with a particular emphasis on some of the most well-known or famous rocks.
Books by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos (PhD EUR-ING) with Habilitation
LIVRO de dois professores e investigadores sobre a AVALIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA entra em circulação no mercado no fim de Julho de 2021.
O livro resulta do trabalho de várias décadas de experiência e de investigação dos autores que são também professores em diversos cursos de pós-graduação em análise de investimento e avaliação imobiliária.
A Avaliação Imobiliária é uma área do conhecimento transversal que está associada aos ramos do conhecimento da Engenharia Civil, Urbanismo, Economia e também do Direito.
Segundo os AA. a Avaliação Imobiliária é, amiúde, tratada de forma muito ligeira em Portugal, o que tem levado a que indivíduos, com pouco conhecimento sobre o tema, acreditem saber mais do que outros mais bem preparados, fazendo com que tomem decisões erradas e cheguem a resultados indevidos.
Trata-se de uma Obra com 650 páginas, ilustrada a cores e com inúmeros exemplos numéricos, que vem permitir, aos profissionais envolvidos na Avaliação de Imóveis, criar as necessárias bases sólidas para justificar, nas suas análises e tomadas de decisão, os valores de avaliação nos mais diferentes âmbitos e tipos de abordagens.
O Livro, acreditam os autores, irá contribuir para que “os avaliadores iniciados se inteirem das bases científicas e técnicas fundamentais da avaliação imobiliária, e que os avaliadores experimentados as apliquem de forma enquadrada e devidamente sistematizada, por forma a que ambos abordem com eficácia e eficiência os diversos problemas da Avaliação Imobiliária”
Sobre os Autores:
Mário Pinho de Miranda
Licenciado em Engenharia Civil pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (1969).
Professor de Avaliação Imobiliária e Análise de Investimentos no Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções e no Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP (1995-2015).
Coordenador no Serviço de Avaliações na Direcção de Crédito ao Sector Imobiliário da CGD (1977-1988).
Co-fundador e Director do Banco Nacional de Crédito - Banco Popular (2000 a 2015).
Regente de Unidades Curriculares em vários Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária no Instituto Politécnico do Porto desde 2010.
Autor de diversas publicações académicas e técnicas sobre Avaliação Imobiliária.
Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Doutor (2004) e Agregado (2010) em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade do Porto (FEUP).
Membro Conselheiro da Ordem dos Engenheiros.
Assessor Técnico na Direcção de Crédito ao sector Imobiliário CGD (1985 a 2000).
Director do Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão de Construções e do Curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil (ISEP) (2006 a 2014).
Professor Convidado da Disciplina de Financiamento à Construção no Curso de Mestrado em Construção de Edifícios da FEUP (2006 a 2008).
Coordenador dos Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (2005 a 2018).
Autor de livros de Engenharia Civil e de diversos artigos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, no domínio da Avaliação lmobiliária.
Ficha Técnica:
Título: Avaliação Imobiliária
Autores: Mário Pinho de Miranda e Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Edição: Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Impressão e Acabamento: Gráfica Borba 2 Lda.
1ª Edição 2021, Porto.
Distribuição: Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Depósito Legal n.º 484466/21
ISBN 978.989.33.1449.4
Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Rua da Fábrica. 74, 4050-246 PORTO
Telefones: 223 321 204 – 225 081 595
email: [email protected]
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
External cladding of buildings was regarded, along the last decades, as an aesthetic “well-regarded” solution with no need for relevant maintenance works and costs.
Natural stone-clad façades make a significant contribution to the overall aesthetic and technical performance of a building. They have a substantial effect on people’s judgment about visual impact, yet they submitted to a variety of actions such as heat, air, and moisture actions or dynamic loadings such as wind and seismic effects.
Durability, environmental compatibility, and economic sustainability along with mechanical, chemical, thermal, hygrometric, and other weathering “actions” are the key aspects that must be addressed together with the strength and structural safety.
Several methods or systems are available for installing stone on the exterior of buildings depending on the manner how the environment and exposure conditions are addressed. Temperature changes, air pressure, water, in any form, as direct or indirect induced tensions must be undertaken appropriately, based on a robust empirical investigation encompassed with lessons from older thin-stone cladding building’s façade systems.
Under the structural point of view, numerous techniques were employed to support the stone panels, both within curtain walls as well as individually. The development of curtain wall systems, consisting of vertical and horizontal structural members, connected and anchored to the supporting structure and the notable stones’ cutting technology provides all the normal functions of a curtain wall, using thin cladding slabs or panel as its skin. Figure 33.1 is an example of a curtain wall system providing a ventilated façade.
Façade veneer systems must comply with structural safety requirements in particular for direct actions such as the inertial forces on heavy stone cladding panels that are more susceptible to earthquake damage. In some regions, wind action acting in lighter panels may be more stringent than seismic action. Stone cladding failure can induce serious injury to people and may cause relevant financial losses.
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
When subjected to tensile stress, glass break with any plastic flow because it is a brittle material. The break occurs at a stress level much lower than the theoretical value calculated from the strength of the atomic bonds. The glass is unique since its fracture occurs in entirely different ways from other materials. Glass failure generally starts at a specific surface flaw which is as a stress multiplier in a region of high tensile stress.
Failure prediction methods based on allowable areas for each thickness of glass as a function of uniform duration pressure have been replaced by modern methods that have the advantage of providing a consistent framework for all previous testing as also explains most of the phenomena associated with laterally loaded thin glass plates ...
É ainda merecedora de destaque, pelo seu significado e relevância, a preocupação didáctica manifestada pelo autor, ao incluir exemplos práticos de aplicação dos diferentes temas tratados ao longo do livro, o que constitui uma significativa mais valia da obra em apreço, desde logo para os estudantes dos cursos de engenharia, mas também, seguramente, para os profissionais envolvidos no projecto de fachadas envidraçadas.
A temática abordada – comportamento estrutural de fachadas envidraçadas - a que acresce o rigor científico e técnico com que é tratada, tornam este livro, caso único em língua portuguesa, uma obra de consulta obrigatória para todos quantos se dedicam ao projecto e construção deste importante elemento construtivo.
Inscrevendo-se, claramente, pela sua natureza, no campo da engenharia, o presente livro não deixa de constituir, por esse motivo, uma obra igualmente útil para estudantes e profissionais de arquitectura, que aqui encontrarão ampla e detalhada informação que em muito os auxiliará na concepção e desenho de fachadas envidraçadas.
Papers by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos (PhD EUR-ING) with Habilitation
dimension stone cladding of rainscreen fac¸ades. Based on a number of mechanical tests using various types of
Portuguese stone – three igneous, two sedimentary and one metamorphic – a study was carried out to investigate the
relationship between the flexural strength and breaking load of specific and very common stone types. Several
physical and mechanical characterisation tests and 130 pull-out tests with 6 and 8 mm cone bolt threads were
performed to determine the pull-out load failure on six different stone types: three granite, two limestone and one
marble. Finite-element stress analyses were carried out, and the test results were the basis for calibrating a simple
formula that can be used to estimate the stone’s breaking load at the undercut anchorage. Stress concentration
factors are proposed to take into account the undercut drill hole geometry and the specific properties of each type of
stone. Stone specimens from the same batches were subject to pull-out force tests using dowel anchorages, whose
values were then compared with the breaking load of undercut anchorages. Results are discussed and conclusions are
drawn based on tensile stress values by comparing the test results, the finite-element method and the proposed semiempirical
formulations for the same breaking load.
LIVRO de dois professores e investigadores sobre a AVALIAÇÃO IMOBILIÁRIA entra em circulação no mercado no fim de Julho de 2021.
O livro resulta do trabalho de várias décadas de experiência e de investigação dos autores que são também professores em diversos cursos de pós-graduação em análise de investimento e avaliação imobiliária.
A Avaliação Imobiliária é uma área do conhecimento transversal que está associada aos ramos do conhecimento da Engenharia Civil, Urbanismo, Economia e também do Direito.
Segundo os AA. a Avaliação Imobiliária é, amiúde, tratada de forma muito ligeira em Portugal, o que tem levado a que indivíduos, com pouco conhecimento sobre o tema, acreditem saber mais do que outros mais bem preparados, fazendo com que tomem decisões erradas e cheguem a resultados indevidos.
Trata-se de uma Obra com 650 páginas, ilustrada a cores e com inúmeros exemplos numéricos, que vem permitir, aos profissionais envolvidos na Avaliação de Imóveis, criar as necessárias bases sólidas para justificar, nas suas análises e tomadas de decisão, os valores de avaliação nos mais diferentes âmbitos e tipos de abordagens.
O Livro, acreditam os autores, irá contribuir para que “os avaliadores iniciados se inteirem das bases científicas e técnicas fundamentais da avaliação imobiliária, e que os avaliadores experimentados as apliquem de forma enquadrada e devidamente sistematizada, por forma a que ambos abordem com eficácia e eficiência os diversos problemas da Avaliação Imobiliária”
Sobre os Autores:
Mário Pinho de Miranda
Licenciado em Engenharia Civil pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (1969).
Professor de Avaliação Imobiliária e Análise de Investimentos no Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções e no Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP (1995-2015).
Coordenador no Serviço de Avaliações na Direcção de Crédito ao Sector Imobiliário da CGD (1977-1988).
Co-fundador e Director do Banco Nacional de Crédito - Banco Popular (2000 a 2015).
Regente de Unidades Curriculares em vários Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária no Instituto Politécnico do Porto desde 2010.
Autor de diversas publicações académicas e técnicas sobre Avaliação Imobiliária.
Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Doutor (2004) e Agregado (2010) em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade do Porto (FEUP).
Membro Conselheiro da Ordem dos Engenheiros.
Assessor Técnico na Direcção de Crédito ao sector Imobiliário CGD (1985 a 2000).
Director do Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão de Construções e do Curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil (ISEP) (2006 a 2014).
Professor Convidado da Disciplina de Financiamento à Construção no Curso de Mestrado em Construção de Edifícios da FEUP (2006 a 2008).
Coordenador dos Cursos de Pós-graduação em Avaliação lmobiliária - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (2005 a 2018).
Autor de livros de Engenharia Civil e de diversos artigos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, no domínio da Avaliação lmobiliária.
Ficha Técnica:
Título: Avaliação Imobiliária
Autores: Mário Pinho de Miranda e Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Edição: Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
Impressão e Acabamento: Gráfica Borba 2 Lda.
1ª Edição 2021, Porto.
Distribuição: Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Depósito Legal n.º 484466/21
ISBN 978.989.33.1449.4
Livraria de José Alves, Lda.
Rua da Fábrica. 74, 4050-246 PORTO
Telefones: 223 321 204 – 225 081 595
email: [email protected]
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
External cladding of buildings was regarded, along the last decades, as an aesthetic “well-regarded” solution with no need for relevant maintenance works and costs.
Natural stone-clad façades make a significant contribution to the overall aesthetic and technical performance of a building. They have a substantial effect on people’s judgment about visual impact, yet they submitted to a variety of actions such as heat, air, and moisture actions or dynamic loadings such as wind and seismic effects.
Durability, environmental compatibility, and economic sustainability along with mechanical, chemical, thermal, hygrometric, and other weathering “actions” are the key aspects that must be addressed together with the strength and structural safety.
Several methods or systems are available for installing stone on the exterior of buildings depending on the manner how the environment and exposure conditions are addressed. Temperature changes, air pressure, water, in any form, as direct or indirect induced tensions must be undertaken appropriately, based on a robust empirical investigation encompassed with lessons from older thin-stone cladding building’s façade systems.
Under the structural point of view, numerous techniques were employed to support the stone panels, both within curtain walls as well as individually. The development of curtain wall systems, consisting of vertical and horizontal structural members, connected and anchored to the supporting structure and the notable stones’ cutting technology provides all the normal functions of a curtain wall, using thin cladding slabs or panel as its skin. Figure 33.1 is an example of a curtain wall system providing a ventilated façade.
Façade veneer systems must comply with structural safety requirements in particular for direct actions such as the inertial forces on heavy stone cladding panels that are more susceptible to earthquake damage. In some regions, wind action acting in lighter panels may be more stringent than seismic action. Stone cladding failure can induce serious injury to people and may cause relevant financial losses.
The 33 chapters of the handbook have been written by 66 contributors. They have presented their material in a ready-to-use form with flowcharts to show step-by-step procedures wherever possible. Therefore, derivations of formulas are omitted in all but a few instances, and many worked-out examples are given. Background information, descriptive matter, and explanatory material have been condensed or omitted. Because each chapter treats a subject that is broad enough to fill a book by itself, the contributors have had to select the material that, in their judgment, is likely to be the most useful to the greatest number of users. References and sources of additional material are noted for most of the topics that could not be treated in sufficient detail.
The constant search to maximize the transparency of the façades resulted in larger glass windows forcing concrete and steel load-bearing systems to become smaller over time.
When subjected to tensile stress, glass break with any plastic flow because it is a brittle material. The break occurs at a stress level much lower than the theoretical value calculated from the strength of the atomic bonds. The glass is unique since its fracture occurs in entirely different ways from other materials. Glass failure generally starts at a specific surface flaw which is as a stress multiplier in a region of high tensile stress.
Failure prediction methods based on allowable areas for each thickness of glass as a function of uniform duration pressure have been replaced by modern methods that have the advantage of providing a consistent framework for all previous testing as also explains most of the phenomena associated with laterally loaded thin glass plates ...
É ainda merecedora de destaque, pelo seu significado e relevância, a preocupação didáctica manifestada pelo autor, ao incluir exemplos práticos de aplicação dos diferentes temas tratados ao longo do livro, o que constitui uma significativa mais valia da obra em apreço, desde logo para os estudantes dos cursos de engenharia, mas também, seguramente, para os profissionais envolvidos no projecto de fachadas envidraçadas.
A temática abordada – comportamento estrutural de fachadas envidraçadas - a que acresce o rigor científico e técnico com que é tratada, tornam este livro, caso único em língua portuguesa, uma obra de consulta obrigatória para todos quantos se dedicam ao projecto e construção deste importante elemento construtivo.
Inscrevendo-se, claramente, pela sua natureza, no campo da engenharia, o presente livro não deixa de constituir, por esse motivo, uma obra igualmente útil para estudantes e profissionais de arquitectura, que aqui encontrarão ampla e detalhada informação que em muito os auxiliará na concepção e desenho de fachadas envidraçadas.
dimension stone cladding of rainscreen fac¸ades. Based on a number of mechanical tests using various types of
Portuguese stone – three igneous, two sedimentary and one metamorphic – a study was carried out to investigate the
relationship between the flexural strength and breaking load of specific and very common stone types. Several
physical and mechanical characterisation tests and 130 pull-out tests with 6 and 8 mm cone bolt threads were
performed to determine the pull-out load failure on six different stone types: three granite, two limestone and one
marble. Finite-element stress analyses were carried out, and the test results were the basis for calibrating a simple
formula that can be used to estimate the stone’s breaking load at the undercut anchorage. Stress concentration
factors are proposed to take into account the undercut drill hole geometry and the specific properties of each type of
stone. Stone specimens from the same batches were subject to pull-out force tests using dowel anchorages, whose
values were then compared with the breaking load of undercut anchorages. Results are discussed and conclusions are
drawn based on tensile stress values by comparing the test results, the finite-element method and the proposed semiempirical
formulations for the same breaking load.
COMPORTAMENTO ESTRUTURAL sob o efeito da acção sísmica.
Bibliografia principal:
Stone Cladding Engineering © Springer
Eurocódigo EN 1998-1
Verificação da segurança sob a acção do vento seguindo a regulamentação Europeia:
EC 1990 (Bases de Cálculo), EC 1991-1-4 (Acção do Vento); peRN 16612 (Resitência e deformação dos painéis envidraçados) e EC 1999 Estruturas de alumínio
Based on the traditional real estate appraisal methodologies the so called comparative approach technique is presented to support on the relative most adding value decision for buy or sell a real estate unit. A study case is presented to clarify this appraisal method.
Os prazos ou duração para a realização das partes e formação dos valores que compõe os custo são considerados, havendo assim que considerar, no lugar da ``margem'', uma taxa de actualização.
A forma como se estabelece a formação do presumível valor de transação, resulta de somar os custos actualizado por essa taxa e considerando que cada parcela do custo ocorre de uma vez num dado instante após o início do projecto.
Esta simplificação, pretende substituir uma abordagem dinâmica com recurso à actualização de ``cash-flows'', pelo que se designa por pseudo-dinâmica.
Palavras-chave: Avaliação, Método do Custo, Abordagem pseudo-dinâmica
In this paper, we present a different approach to what is usual for the real-estate appraisal using the so-called ``Cost Method''.
Duration and timelines for values that make up the cost and margin need to be regarded and so the implicitly return rate as well.
In a simply manner the problem is addressed -- the pseudo-dynamic approach.
Keywords : Appraisal, Cost Method, pseudo-dynamic approach.
São apresentados os procedimentos necessários da adaptação desta norma à regulamentação europeia.
In this paper we present the main aspects related to the design of single or insulating glass panels - glazing - for facades and roofs according the ASTM E1300 standard.
The necessary procedures adaptation of this standard to European norms are presented.
Palavras-chave: Capital, taxa de juro, Investimentos
In this paper we present the main aspects related to the time value of money. A special reference to the annualization of values is done in order to allow establishing comparisons between mutually exclusive projects.
Keywords: Capital, interest rate, Investments
The comparison is made with a safety measuring parameter, the ratio between the ultimate applied force, and the initial force .The results obtained allow to conclude that bond and compression substantially increase the ultimate bearing capacity.
In the case of glazing façades particular attention must be paid to excessive deformation at the profiles in order to avoid glass breakage which may cause person's injury(ies) or property damages.
Following the recommendations of the American Standard ASTM E1300 different deformation limits are considered either in a serviceability limit state or at ultimate limit state condition.
Keywords: Façade design, aluminum profiles, glazing.
ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
6ª Edição do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Avaliação e Análise do Investimento do Imobiliário | 2024
A 2.ª fase de candidaturas para o curso de Pós-Graduação em Avaliação e Análise do Investimento do Imobiliário, organizado pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), estará aberta entre os dias 22 de janeiro e 30 de janeiro de 2025.
O curso oferece os créditos indispensáveis à habilitação para acreditação pela Comissão de Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM), sendo uma excelente oportunidade para profissionais que desejam aprimorar suas competências na área de avaliação imobiliária e análise de investimento.
Informações Importantes:
Divulgação dos resultados: 4 a 6 de fevereiro de 2025.
Matrículas e Inscrições: 14 a 17 de fevereiro de 2025.
Início das atividades letivas: 5 de março de 2025.
Duração do curso: Março a julho de 2025.
Horário: Pós-laboral, com aulas presenciais às segundas, quartas e quintas-feiras.
Candidaturas online: Clique aqui para se candidatar.
Mais informações: Consulte o edital completo no site oficial do ISEP.
Garanta sua vaga e capacite-se com uma formação de excelência na área imobiliária!
A utilização de fachadas pressurizáveis constitui uma tecnologia de construção cujo principal objectivo consiste na redução do gradiente de pressões entre o exterior e a caixa de ar inimizando, tanto quanto possível, a entrada da chuva batida pelo vento na caixa de ar.
Esta técnica é, em Portugal, praticamente desconhecida, pese embora o facto de se encontrar em franco desenvolvimento nalguns países onde existe experiência e investigação com resultados comprovados.
Passam-se em revista as diferentes configurações que possibilitam a infiltração da humidade e da chuva e analisa-se a distribuição da pressão do vento e trajectórias da água nas fachadas. Enquadram-se as fachadas pressurizáveis nas diferentes estratégias de protecção da envolvente. Explicam-se os princípios associados aos sistemas de fachadas com caixa de ar pressurizável.
Estabelece-se uma metodologia de abordagem para o estudo e
dimensionamento de fachadas pressurizáveis tendo em conta a
modelação da acção do vento e os mecanismos associadas à
auto-pressurização em fachadas.
Apresenta-se uma formulação analítica para os fenómenos físicos
associados à compensação de pressões. Indicam-se alguns parâmetros
de forma a minimizar o diferencial de pressões entre a caixa de ar e
o exterior. Apresentam-se alguns exemplos para vários sistemas de
fachada cortina pressurizáveis.
São descritos os princípios orientadores para um desempenho
eficiente das fachadas com caixa de ar auto-pressurizável.