O Intermitente<br> (So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

O Intermitente
(So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye)

sexta-feira, abril 11, 2003

Mea Culpa

Chegou a vez do Arab News fazer o seu acto de contrição. Num editorial reconhece a ilusão e os mitos criados pelo mundo árabe em relação a esta guerra e que o apoio a Saddam foi um erro monumental.

The shock and dismay at the fall of Baghdad seen in parts of the Arab world seriously damages Arab credibility. Like it or not, perceptions are what matters in this media-dominated world — and the perception that the rest of the world gets from Arab anger at the easy overthrow of Saddam Hussein and resentment at the sight of Iraqis welcoming Americans is that Arabs do not care about the decades of oppression suffered by the Iraqis.

It sends the message that they supported Saddam Hussein and that, while on the side of justice when it comes to the Palestinians, they do not care about tyranny if it is an Arab who is the tyrant, even when other Arabs are the ones being tyrannized.

These are dangerous, self-defeating views to project. The idea that Saddam Hussein could be a modern Arab Napoleon — sweeping forth, crushing the Israelis and bringing about Arab unity — was a delusion then and forever remained a delusion. Tyranny and freedom can never go hand in hand. Justice for Palestinians can never be built on injustice for Iraqis.

posted by Miguel Noronha 8:01 da tarde

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