Papers by Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz
Instrumentos Pageia, 2002
This event is freeand open to the public, but registration is required. To register and for more ... more This event is freeand open to the public, but registration is required. To register and for more information, please call (305) 348-1991 or write This lecture is part of LACC's Distinguished Lecture Speaker Series and sponsored by its Title VI Grant. ng a Just. Peaceful and Prosperous World painting. This lecture will look at the formative influences on Mendive's early work and will explore his mainstream fngnrnrtg the World: HitpesWontlrtondMrgnrtion in CentroMftred (forthcoming In 2017) and Kongo Srophic WWtfng
Art Bulletin, Jul 2, 2016
Les Actes de colloques, Nov 13, 2009
La circulation des pratiques culturelles constitue une source de mutations qui ne cesse d’etonner... more La circulation des pratiques culturelles constitue une source de mutations qui ne cesse d’etonner. Ce colloque propose une analyse croisee des rituels issus des societes traditionnelles et des performances produites par les artistes contemporains. Ce rapprochement mettra a contribution deux cultures scientifiques : d’une part, l’anthropologie, heritiere d’un debat nourri sur la question du rituel, et, d’autre part, l’histoire de l’art, discipline directement concernee par les performances artistiques, mais aussi curieuse des traditions non occidentales. Les denominateurs communs entre performances artistiques et performances rituelles concernent la spatialite en jeu, la nature des elements de la manipulation, le temps hors norme de l’action et la production de symbolique. Il est opportun de se pencher sur ces convergences de significations. Nous aborderons, dans ce cadre, trois thematiques qui nous paraissent centrales. La premiere concerne une mise en perspective historique de la p...
Bakongo graphic writing as a basis for rethinking the transmission of knowledge, 2022
Although the clear focus of this chapter is the study of bidimbu and bisinsu in Angola and firmas... more Although the clear focus of this chapter is the study of bidimbu and bisinsu in Angola and firmas in Cuba, a brief look at some of the other graphic writing forms found among the Bakongo peoples of central Africa is warranted. The examples selected for cursory examination in this section serve to illustrate not only the widespread usage of visual and symbolic language in daily and religious life, but also to demonstrate the diversity in graphic forms and designs across related cultures. The differences among the forms discussed here in fact sharpen the commonalities; most importantly the role of graphic writing in facilitating communication between individuals, communities, nature, and ancestral spirits, in imparting and clarifying values, perpetuating cultural and cosmological histories, and in shaping moral philosophy. Lembéta Sign Writing Lembéta is the name of the graphic system among the Kuba people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo used for self-discovery before one joins the Ngo (leopard) society. Clementine Faїk-Nzuji refers to this graphic writing under the name Lembéta which means symbol, sign, mark, and souvenir.1 Partially accurate, this name fails to reflect the systematic way in which individual symbolic elements are brought together to express complex ideas and beliefs. Faïk-Nzuji categorizes the signs into the following three groups: (1) figurative graphic signs that illustrate clear animal and human forms; (2) metonymic signs that represent fragments of the proverbial literature; (3) abstract signs that generally appear as geometric forms that represent concepts and ideas. Faїk-Nzuji also
Art and Emancipation in Jamaica: Isaac Mendes Belisario and His Worlds, 2007
Choice Reviews Online, 2008
This event is freeand open to the public, but registration is required. To register and for more ... more This event is freeand open to the public, but registration is required. To register and for more information, please call (305) 348-1991 or write This lecture is part of LACC's Distinguished Lecture Speaker Series and sponsored by its Title VI Grant. ng a Just. Peaceful and Prosperous World painting. This lecture will look at the formative influences on Mendive's early work and will explore his mainstream fngnrnrtg the World: HitpesWontlrtondMrgnrtion in CentroMftred (forthcoming In 2017) and Kongo Srophic WWtfng
Hispanic American Historical Review
Call and Response, Journeys in African Art, exh. …, 2000
... Laman argues that the first nkisi was Nzambi and was characterized as medicine (bilongo), 2 a... more ... Laman argues that the first nkisi was Nzambi and was characterized as medicine (bilongo), 2 also recognizing that it contains Mwala (breath, life ... fula), which burns quickly, for jobs that need an immediate resolution such as protecting people, the village, or the flora and fauna ...
Les actes de colloques en ligne du …, 2009
Cette intervention porte sur l'agencement entre langage corporel, gestes et performance, en ... more Cette intervention porte sur l'agencement entre langage corporel, gestes et performance, en tant qu'éléments inhérents à la culture des Kongo. L'auteur montre comment ces différents modes d'expression s'intègrent sans rupture notable. De tels ensembles incluent aussi des ...
Papers by Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz