Papers by susilo budi husodo
Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Pap... more Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Papua Barat, Indonesia were studied. The study focused on vessel, fiber and parenchyma. Growth increments are not distinct, yet we observed that Syzygiumsphas diffuse porosity and predominantly paratracheal with winged aliform of axial parenchyma in the wood of both root and stem. Many qualitative features were varying in the same way in both root and stem: simple perforation plates in vessel elements; large areas of axial parenchyma in both root and stem wood. Quantitative features differing between root and stem wood were evaluated using t-test, and vessel frequency, vessel element length, vessel diameter, percentage of tree wood's tissues, and vulnerability are differed. Root wood had vessels density/frequency, narrower and longer vessel elements. We assumed that root wood is less vulnerability of embolism compared to the stem wood as the narrower of the vessel diameter and the higher percentage of parenchyma area. Roots seem to be more susceptible to water stress and the stain than the stem as seen in the percentage and the dimension of the vessel and parenchyma.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 1991
IOP conference series, Sep 23, 2020
Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Pap... more Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Papua Barat, Indonesia were studied. The study focused on vessel, fiber and parenchyma. Growth increments are not distinct, yet we observed that Syzygiumsphas diffuse porosity and predominantly paratracheal with winged aliform of axial parenchyma in the wood of both root and stem. Many qualitative features were varying in the same way in both root and stem: simple perforation plates in vessel elements; large areas of axial parenchyma in both root and stem wood. Quantitative features differing between root and stem wood were evaluated using t-test, and vessel frequency, vessel element length, vessel diameter, percentage of tree wood’s tissues, and vulnerability are differed. Root wood had vessels density/frequency, narrower and longer vessel elements. We assumed that root wood is less vulnerability of embolism compared to the stem wood as the narrower of the vessel diameter and the higher percentage of parenchyma area. Roots seem to be more susceptible to water stress and the stain than the stem as seen in the percentage and the dimension of the vessel and parenchyma.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 1991
The penetration of wood preservative of ten wood species from Lampung was studied. The obaervatio... more The penetration of wood preservative of ten wood species from Lampung was studied. The obaervation was conduct- ed afier the timber had been preserved by diffusion method. The BFCA 30% and wood •mples of 6 cm by 10 cm by 200 cm were used in this experiment.The results showed that wood .species haB significant effect on penetration, whi'le duration of di/fusion storage period haB the mme effect only on keruing, damar a8Clm, balam and cengal banglai.Eight weeks of storage was better than 4 weeks on those timber,. but not for the other species. According to IUFRO clasBifieation,pulai. kayu tabu and bintangur can be clasBifiedas permeable, while the others were classified aB moderate
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan fitokimia dan mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak tum... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan fitokimia dan mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak tumbuhan akway (Drymis beccariana Gibbs dan Drymis piperita Hook.f) terhadap mikroba. Variabel yang diukur adalah kandungan fitokimia dan aktivitas penghambatan pertumbuhan bakteri dan jamur. Tanaman akway yang diuji terdiri dari daun, kulit batang dan batang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik analisis laboratorium. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanaman akway (Drymis beccariana Gibbs dan Drymis piperita Hook.f) mengandung senyawa alkaloid dan flavanoid. Ekstrak tumbuhan akway (Drymis beccariana Gibbs dan Drymis piperita Hook.f) telah terbukti menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Eschericia coli dan jamur Candida albicans.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik pellet yang dibuat dari limbah serb... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik pellet yang dibuat dari limbah serbuk gergaji dan juga menilai kapasitas pellet tersebut dalam menyerap minyak dari air. Metode eksperimen dengan teknik observasi digunakan, dirancang dengan menggunakan RAL dan dianalisis ANOVA. Pellet dibuat dari serbuk kayu Merbau (Intsia bijuga) dengan campuran CMC dan ACA dengan 5 dosis yang berbeda (Pellet A, B, C, D dan E). Variabel pengamatan meliputi tekstur dan ukuran pellet, kapasitas Liquid accessible pore volume (Vacc) dan jumlah minyak yang diserap (%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan karakteristik fisik, pellet C, D dan E memiliki ukuran yang lebih besar, tekstur yang padat, keras dan tidak mudah hancur dibandingkan pellet A dan B. Berdasarkan nilai Vacc, pellet C dan D memiliki volume pori-pori penyerapan minyak yang paling rendah. Hasil studi penyerapan minyak menunjukkan bahwa pellet yang terbuat dari serbuk Intsia bijuga mampu menyerap oli bekas dan minya...
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, 2019
This research aimed to elucidate the potency of merbau and matoa sawdust as filler material of dr... more This research aimed to elucidate the potency of merbau and matoa sawdust as filler material of dry cell battery. The sawdust was ground, sieved to get a-80 mesh particle size and then made into paste. Then, the paste was put into the battery that its electrolyte has been removed previously. There were 40 batteries tested based on 3 treatments, namely wood species (A), charging time (B) and usage method (C). Each variable was tested with 5 replications. The battery was tested for its voltase generated and usage duration. The result indicated that the highest voltase was obtained from battery with matoa groundwood which was directly used for a stopwatch (1.99 volt), while the lowest voltase was found in battery with merbau groundwood which was kept for 20 minutes after charging, before it was used for the tested stopwatch (0.43 volt). Besides, the highest usage duration (˃20 mins) was found in both bio-batteries from merbau and matoa groundwood which were directly used after charging, with total 21 batteries. Sawdust of merbau and matoa has potency to be used as bio-battery, but their voltage generated and usage duration are still low, so several challenging problems are needed to be addressed.
Advances in Biological Sciences Research
Katuk Hutan (Phylanthus reticulus) is a pioneer plant that grows in Papua. This plant belongs to ... more Katuk Hutan (Phylanthus reticulus) is a pioneer plant that grows in Papua. This plant belongs to the Phylantaceae family, which is commonly used as a medicinal plant. This study aimed to determine the potential of katuk hutan (P. reticulus) as a medicinal plant. The method used in phytochemical testing. A colour-changing test did a phytochemical analysis. Antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH radical rinsing activity mechanism method, and antimicrobial testing was used the diffusion method using Propionibacterium acnes, Streptococcus sobrinus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans fungi. To test the toxicity of P. reticulatus leaves using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BLST) method. P. reticulus with a yield of 12.48-27.60%, containing alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, carotenoids, coumarin; and is a powerful antioxidant with an IC value of <50. P. reticulus can inhibit P. acnes, E. coli and C. albicans fungi and cannot inhibit S. sobrinus bacteria. The leaves of P. reticulus have a very high toxicity potential as a cancer drug.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant of medicinal plants in th... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant of medicinal plants in the villages of Kwau and Siau (Phytochemical, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and toxicity). The bark, roots, and leaves are extracted with methanol to get the extract. Antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sobrinus, and Candida albicans was determined by a good diffusion method. The DPPH radical scavenging activity mechanism assayed antioxidant activity. Antimicrobial activity against the bacteria and fungi was determined by the agar well diffusion method. Antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH radical rinsing activity mechanism. Toxicity was determined by the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test method. The results showed that methanol extract showed good activity against acne in only 8 of 13 species, ten species of 13 species for E.colii, three species of 13 species for S. sobrinus and, ten species of 13 species for C. albican at 25-500...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 935, International Conference on Forest Products (ICFP) 2020: 12th International Symposium of IWORS 1 September 2020, Bogor, Indonesia, 2020
Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Pap... more Root and stem wood anatomy of Syzygiumspfrom the natural tropical forest of Fakfak Districts, Papua Barat, Indonesia were studied. The study focused on vessel, fiber and parenchyma. Growth increments are not distinct, yet we observed that Syzygiumsphas diffuse porosity and predominantly paratracheal with winged aliform of axial parenchyma in the wood of both root and stem. Many qualitative features were varying in the same way in both root and stem: simple perforation plates in vessel elements; large areas of axial parenchyma in both root and stem wood. Quantitative features differing between root and stem wood were evaluated using t-test, and vessel frequency, vessel element length, vessel diameter, percentage of tree wood's tissues, and vulnerability are differed. Root wood had vessels density/frequency, narrower and longer vessel elements. We assumed that root wood is less vulnerability of embolism compared to the stem wood as the narrower of the vessel diameter and the higher percentage of parenchyma area. Roots seem to be more susceptible to water stress and the stain than the stem as seen in the percentage and the dimension of the vessel and parenchyma.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui suhu dan kelembaban pada konstruksi rumah kaki seri... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui suhu dan kelembaban pada konstruksi rumah kaki seribu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teknik observasi. Rumah kaki seribu dipilih secara purposif dengan melibatkan kepala kampung dan ahli waris pemilik rumah. Pengukuran suhu pada rumah kaki seribu di dasarkan pada amplitudo suhu harian yaitu pada pagi, siang dan sore hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suhu rata-rata di dalam rumah kaki seribu pukul 06:00 sebesar 24,85°C, pukul 12:00 sebesar 23,71°C, pukul 18:00 sebesar 23,89°C. Sementara suhu rata-rata di luar rumah kaki seribu pukul 06:00 sebesar 24,14°C, pukul 12:00 sebesar 26,19°C, pukul 18:00 sebesar 24,23°C. Kelembaban rata-rata di dalam rumah kaki seribu pukul 06:00 sebesar 72,99%, pukul 12:00 sebesar 64,55%, pukul 18:00 sebesar 76,60%. Sementara kelembaban rata-rata di luar rumah kaki seribu pukul 06:00 sebesar 72,39%, pukul 12:00 sebesar 60,79%, pukul 18:00 sebesar 73,17%. Suhu rata-rata pada konstruksi atap ber...
This study aims to determine the content of phytochemicals and bioactivity properties of antioxid... more This study aims to determine the content of phytochemicals and bioactivity properties of antioxidant, antibacterial, and toxicity of the methanol extract of Phylanthus reticulatus var. Glaber leaf. The testing method used is the phytochemical testing, testing antioxidant, antibacterial testing dan toxicity testing. The test results show that phytochemical extracts of Phylanthus reticulatus var. Glaber leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. An antioxidant test reveals that the concentration of 25, 50, and 100 ppm of the extract at prohibits free radical DPPH respectively around 79, 81 dan 89%. The antibacterial testing extracts of Phylanthus reticulatus var. Glaber leaves show that it does not have the antibacterial property. The toxicity test shows that this extract does not have toxicity activity.
Pembakaran merupakan proses oksidasi biomasa dan membebaskan energi dalam bentuk panas, cahaya, d... more Pembakaran merupakan proses oksidasi biomasa dan membebaskan energi dalam bentuk panas, cahaya, dan radiasi inframerah, yang dipengaruhi juga dipengaruhi oleh bentuk dan ukuran biomassa serta kandungan bahan kimia biomassa. Kayu mahang (Macaranga tanarius) potensial digunakan sebagai bahan bakar karena merupakan salah satu jenis cepat tumbuh dan merupakan tumbuhan pionir pada hutan sekunder. Kayu merbau (Instia bijuga) merupakan salah satu jenis kayu yang paling dipilih sebagai kayu bakar. Karateristik pembakaran dari kedua jenis kayu tersebut merupakan tujuan dari kajian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik analisis laboratorium. Sampel yang diuji adalah bagian cabang dan ranting pohon mahang dan merbau, dalam bantuk kayu utuh, tatal kayu, dan serutan kayu, dengan berat yang sama untuk setiap sampel kayu. Pengujian sifat pembakaran menggunakan kompor termoelektrik. Kayu mahang dalam bentuk utuh memiliki durasi pembakaran 11 menit 35 detik dengan abu yang ...
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2016
Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) poten... more Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) potensial di wilayah Maybrat. Jenis HHBK ini dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu pangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Maybrat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2014, untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus chempeden) bagi masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Distrik Aitinyo, Kabupaten Maybrat. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara terstruktur pada 15 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tumbuhan cempedak yang dimanfaatkan adalah buah dan biji. Pengolahan tumbuhan cempedak terbagi atas 3 bentuk, yaitu: pengolahan pada buah masak, buah muda, dan biji, sedangkan pengolahan biji dibagi dalam 4 bagian, yaitu: proses perebusan dan pengukusan, sangrai, pengisian dalam bambu, dan penyimpanan biji. Upaya konservasi cempedak telah dilakukan secara sederhana melalui penanaman pada areal kebun dan pekarangan rumah masyarakat. Penelitian ini j...
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2016
Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) poten... more Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) potensial di wilayah Maybrat. Jenis HHBK ini dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu pangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Maybrat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2014, untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus chempeden) bagi masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Distrik Aitinyo, Kabupaten Maybrat. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara terstruktur pada 15 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tumbuhan cempedak yang dimanfaatkan adalah buah dan biji. Pengolahan tumbuhan cempedak terbagi atas 3 bentuk, yaitu: pengolahan pada buah masak, buah muda, dan biji, sedangkan pengolahan biji dibagi dalam 4 bagian, yaitu: proses perebusan dan pengukusan, sangrai, pengisian dalam bambu, dan penyimpanan biji. Upaya konservasi cempedak telah dilakukan secara sederhana melalui penanaman pada areal kebun dan pekarangan rumah masyarakat. Penelitian ini j...
Papers by susilo budi husodo