Papers by rizka fakhriani
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala
Introduction: Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is characterized by a small lingualfrenum ... more Introduction: Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is characterized by a small lingualfrenum that often prevents the tongue from moving. It is a rare congenital mouthabnormality that might lead to functional problems such as improper swallowing, speechdifficulty, and psychological stress. This study's purpose of providing an unusual incidenceof neglected tongue tie with thermal welding frenotomy.Case Presentation: A 4 years old male patient was bought by his parent to the Departmentof Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery with the chief complaint of offensivespeech. The patient cannot speak the word F, R, T, L, D. Additionally, the parent said that hewas unable to chew solid meals. There was a history when the patient was a baby; hismother could not breastfeed him. According to the clinical examination, the patient had atongue tie with a thick frenum, limited tongue movements like protrusion, and elevation ofthe tongue tip. A bifid or heart-shaped structure was seen on t...
eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Gallstone migration into the cystic duct aperture can prevent bile from exiting the gallbladder d... more Gallstone migration into the cystic duct aperture can prevent bile from exiting the gallbladder during contraction. Gallbladder wall strain increases due to a distinct form of pain (biliary colic). A more prolonged cystic duct obstruction can cause acute gallbladder inflammation (acute cholecystitis). Cholecystectomy is a popular treatment for gallstone-related illnesses. We present a 49-year-old male with heartburn, nausea, and vomiting for one month, worsening in the last week. On general examination, vital signs and urine output are expected. On clinical examination, he had tenderness on the upper right quadrant abdomen, and Murphy's sign was positive. An abdominal ultrasound (US) showed multiple cholelithiasis. The patient was performed elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy with pneumoperitoneum by Muyo hook. The patient was discharged on the third day after surgery. Recent research has highlighted this unusual method. In this unique and challenging situation, Muyo Hook may ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Apr 23, 2022
AIM: Since there were pros and cons, and insufficient knowledge among Indonesian regarding the va... more AIM: Since there were pros and cons, and insufficient knowledge among Indonesian regarding the vaccines, this research aims to investigate the knowledge regarding COVID-19 vaccination among employees who work in an Islamic University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used to investigate the people's knowledge of COVID-19 vaccination. The survey was conducted before the first vaccination of COVID-19 in March 2021. A descriptive analysis method was performed. Seven hundred sixty-two respondents completed the questionnaire. RESULTS: Respondent's average age was 34.61 years old (standard deviation = 11.821, range 20-64), 54.1% of female and 45.9% of male. 448 (58.8%) respondents did not have any comorbid history. Respondents mostly obtained vaccination information through social media (86.25%). Most respondents had sufficient knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine (83.2%), particularly those aged 20-29. For side effects, 585 (76.8%) respondents answered that they experienced pain in the injection area after getting the COVID-19 vaccination. This study showed that the respondents aged 20-29 years old had sufficient knowledge regarding COVID-19 vaccination. CONCLUSION: As knowledge plays an essential role in accepting vaccinations, health-care workers' efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination should be directed toward the middle-aged and elderly population to support the government's plan to increase the rate of COVID-19 vaccinations in Indonesia.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, Mar 24, 2022
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan na... more Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan nama coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan isu penting dalam dunia kesehatan pada tahun ini. COVID-19 saat ini menjadi pandemik global termasuk di Indonesia. Hidung dan mulut merupakan tempat masuk virus COVID-19 karena infeksi ini terutama ditularkan melalui inhalasi atau kontak dengan droplet. Mukosa hidung merupakan area yang rentan bagi virus Corona untuk berkoloni karena pembuluh darah yang melimpah, kelenjar musinous dan kelenjar serosa yang menciptakan lingkungan yang lembab. Ekspresi Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE2) ditemukan dilapisan basal epitel skuamosa nonkeratinizing pada mukosa hidung, menunjukkan bahwa Coronavirus dapat menginfeksi sel mukosa hidung jika lapisan basal terpapar karena kerusakan barrier mukosa. Kerusakan epitel respiratori, karena infeksi coronavirus dapat terjadi meskipun tanpa gejala klinis, oleh karena itu, penting untuk melindungi saluran napas atas dan mukosa. Cuci hidung direkomendasikan sebagai pencegahan tambahan nonfarmakologis untuk membersihkan antigen, mediator inflamasi, mikroorganisme seperti bakteri dan virus. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk diseminasi informasi dan peningkatan pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan hidung dengan cuci hidung di Puskesmas Ngemplak 1, Sleman, DIY. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara tatap muka langsung sesuai protokol kesehatan pencegahan COVID-19. Kegiatan dimulai dengan pretest kemudian sesi pemaparan materi dan sesi praktik cuci hidung. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan posttest untuk mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan dan tingkat pengetahuan peserta. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 23 tenaga kesehatan Puskesmas Ngemplak 1 yang mengikuti kegiatan secara penuh dari awal sampai dengan kegiatan selesai. Terdapat peningkatan nilai posttest di bandingkan dengan nilai pretest (100%). Simpulan: terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan hidung dengan cuci hidung.
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 2016
Abses septum nasi merupakan kasus yang jarang dijumpai. Trauma nasal diketahui sebagai penyebab d... more Abses septum nasi merupakan kasus yang jarang dijumpai. Trauma nasal diketahui sebagai penyebab dari abses septum nasi. Penanganan dini dari penyakit ini sangat penting karena dapat menimbulkan komplikasi yang serius. Pada makalah ini, kami akan melaporkan kasus anak dengan abses septum nasi dengan kecurigaan traumatik. Pasien laki-laki, berusia 9 tahun, datang dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat yang dirasakan sejak 5 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit (SMRS). Keluhan disertai nyeri hidung, keluar sekret dan demam. Pada pemeriksaan fisik, didapatkan kedua kavum nasi sempit, terdapat pembengkakan septum nasi bilateral dengan permukaan licin, berwarna kemerahan serta terdapat nyeri tekan dan fluktuasi yang konsisten dengan abses septum nasi. Tatalaksana yang dilakukan adalah insisi drainase dan pemberian antibiotik. Pasien kontrol tujuh hari setelahnya dan pemeriksaannya dalam batas normal. Diagnosis dini dan tatalaksana yang tepat sangat penting pada penyakit ini untuk mencegah terjadinya penyebaran infeksi dan komplikasi berat yang dapat menimbulkan gejala sisa. Kata kunci: abses septum nasi, trauma hidung, anak
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, Oct 26, 2021
Introduction Dysphagia is common in head and neck cancer patients; it is associated with signific... more Introduction Dysphagia is common in head and neck cancer patients; it is associated with significant morbidity, including quality of life. Several instruments can be used to assess the quality of life of dysphagia patients, including the M.D Anderson dysphagia inventory (MDADI) questionnaire, which is sufficiently valid and reliable to improve the quality of life of patients with neurological disorders and head and neck cancer. Objective The purpose of the present study is to perform adaptation, cultural translation, and validation of the MDADI questionnaire for the Indonesian language. Methods This cross-sectional study assessed the validity and reliability of the MDADI Indonesian adaptation instrument in head and neck cancer patients with swallowing disorders in the Otorhinolaryngology clinic of the Dr. Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta, from May to August 2019. Results There were 40 study subjects, including 31 men and 9 women. The MDADI instrument adapted to Indonesian is valid and reliable as an instrument for assessing the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer with swallowing disorders, with r-values ranging from 0.314 to 0.939. Internal consistency shows that Cronbach's α is 0.915, and test-retest reliability (intra-class correlation) ranges from 0.919 to 0.985. Conclusion The translation and validation of the Indonesian MDADI instrument were performed as an instrument for assessing the quality of life of head and neck cancer patients with swallowing disorders.
Medica Arteriana, Dec 31, 2020
Latar Belakang: Rhinitis alergi (RA) adalah penyakit saluran napas atas yang disebabkan oleh reak... more Latar Belakang: Rhinitis alergi (RA) adalah penyakit saluran napas atas yang disebabkan oleh reaksi inflamasi yang diperantarai Imunoglobulin E (IgE) setelah adanya pajanan alergen. Uji cukit kulit merupakan tes standar yang digunakan dalam menegakkan diagnosis RA. Uji cukit kulit memberikan informasi keberadaan IgE spesifik terhadap protein dan peptide antigen atau yang dikenal dengan alergen. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran hasil pemeriksaan uji cukit kulit dengan gejala rhinitis alergi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif melalui metode observasional yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Data merupakan data primer berupa pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan uji cukit kulit yang dilakukan oleh dokter spesialis telinga, Hidung, dan tenggorokan (THT) Hasil: Sebanyak 28 orang dengan gejala rhinitis alergi telah menjalani pemeriksaan uji cukit kulit. dengan jenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak 21 orang, laki-laki sebanyak 7 orang. Jenis alergen terbanyak yang didapatkan adalah tungau debu rumah dan kacang tanah sebanyak 14 orang (50%). Persentase alergen lain pada hasil uji cukit kulit pada penelitian ini adalah bulu anjing didapatkan pada
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
Hemorrhoids are the third most frequent gastrointestinal condition. The symptoms of hemorrhoid il... more Hemorrhoids are the third most frequent gastrointestinal condition. The symptoms of hemorrhoid illness may include pain, itching, bleeding, soiling, and swelling. This study aimed to examine the impact of treatment on hemorrhoid patients’ quality of life. 36 patients with hemorrhoids between 18 to 60 took part in this longitudinal study before and after treatment between April and August 2022. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) before and after treatment is 0.037<0.051. Lower quality of life in terms of essential health is indicated by the health scale modified for hemorrhoid disease symptom score (HSHD) since the score before treatment is lower than the score after treatment. The p-value thus shows a significant impact both before and after treatment. The research on hemorrhoid patients showed that the patient’s quality of life increased after treatment.
Qanun Medika - Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Background: Foreign bodies in the larynx are reported quite rarely, with a prevalence of around 4... more Background: Foreign bodies in the larynx are reported quite rarely, with a prevalence of around 4% among patients, especially geriatrics, and represent an acute airway emergency with significant morbidity and mortality rate. Objective: This case report aimed to provide information on managing the extraction of foreign bodies and the accompanying problems. Discussion: A 49-year-old man with a history of wearing dentures was admitted to the emergency room. The patient complained of a hoarse voice upon waking up, painful swallowing, and a lumpy sensation in his throat, but he had no chest pain, cough, nausea, or vomiting. An indirect laryngoscopy examination revealed a foreign body lodged in the anterior rima glottis, impeding the mobility of the vocal folds. Under general anesthesia, emergency direct laryngoscopy, evacuation, and tracheoscopy were performed. It was observed that a foreign denture body was lodged in the larynx and was evacuated using grasping forceps. Post-evacuation, ...
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Abstrak: Polusi, debu, rokok, virus, dan bakteri adalah beberapa bahaya lingkungan yang dapat men... more Abstrak: Polusi, debu, rokok, virus, dan bakteri adalah beberapa bahaya lingkungan yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan hidung. Sejak pandemi, cuci hidung menjadi lebih diperhatikan. Cuci hidung adalah prosedur mudah yang dapat dilakukan sehari-hari. Meskipun begitu, di Indonesia, kegiatan cuci hidung masih cenderung awam dan jarang dilakukan. Masyarakat masih banyak yang belum memahami praktik cuci hidung, sehingga perlu dilakukan sosialisasi secara langsung. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat Padukuhan Gejayan dengan tindakan cuci hidung yang dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah hidung seperti alergi, sinusitis, rhinitis dan ISPA. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 40 anggota PKK Padukuhan Gejayan dan diselenggarakan dengan metode penyuluhan berupa pemaparan materi dan praktik cuci hidung. Antusiasme masyarakat dan hasil akhir dari pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari 8.05 menjadi 9.125.: Environmental dangers that might harm nasal health are pollution, ...
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)
Abstrak: Setiap individu, khususnya tenaga kesehatan perlu menyadari bahwa proses penyembuhan luk... more Abstrak: Setiap individu, khususnya tenaga kesehatan perlu menyadari bahwa proses penyembuhan luka terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yang berbeda, sehingga perlu dilakukan perawatan sesuai dengan kondisi luka. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, ada banyak inovasi dalam teknik perawatan luka. Salah satunya adalah teknologi Perawatan Luka Tekanan Negatif (PLTN), atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan perhatian terhadap tenaga kesehatan dalam upaya mengembangkan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan kemampuan tenaga kesehatan agar terampil dalam melakukan perawatan luka baik di rumah sakit maupun home care menggunakan teknik perawatan luka tekanan negatif. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 36 tenaga kesehatan RS AMC Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat peningkatan rata-rata nilai pengetahuan pre-test sebesar 6,05, dan post-test sebesar 8.61. Diharapkan melalui adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan ini pengetahu...
Background: Dysphagia is the inability to swallow liquid or solid food due to structural or funct... more Background: Dysphagia is the inability to swallow liquid or solid food due to structural or functional problems. This study aims to help people learn more about dysphagia in head and neck cancer. Design: This research used the PRISMA technique and bibliometric indices to navigate the results of global publication trends regarding dysphagia in head and neck cancer for five years from 2018 to 2022. Furthermore, the paper creates a graphical picture of the bibliographic material by mapping keywords and countries with bibliographic analysis using VOSviewer and NVIVO 12 Plus. Results: A distinct publishing trend was seen in statistics from 137 scientific journal articles published between 2018 and 2022. The United States had the most Scopus-indexed scientific research publications, and 2020 was the year that produced the most publications. The VOSviewer results demonstrated four clusters. According to the NVIVO 12-plus application, this topic was elated to five issues: therapy, neck, rad...
Clinical Case Reports, May 1, 2021
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Qanun Medika - Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Hormones released and absorbed by the human body in a balanced state will help create balance and... more Hormones released and absorbed by the human body in a balanced state will help create balance and health, while changes in hormone levels can cause various severe and chronic health problems. Hormone test is a method of measuring hormone levels in the body that can be used to diagnose and treat diseases, monitor patient health as a whole, or prevent the growth of certain health problems. This research might be the information about. the functional hormone test (DUTCH). This study presented a case of a 47 years old woman with history of chronic dysmenorrhea. The functional hormone testing was carried out on days 19-22 of the menstrual cycle in women with a regular period of 28 days. The result of DUTCH test in this patient were dominant 2-OH that she safe from the symptoms of estrogen dominance and low production of 4-OH, the methylation process was fluent so that the risk of cancer-related to estrogen dominance syndrome was low. Hormone examination through urine is intended to see ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is one of the viruses that has been spreading glob... more BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is one of the viruses that has been spreading globally since 2019. AIM: This research aims to see how common anosmia is among COVID-19 patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study with a consecutive sample and quantitative descriptive design was utilized to collect data by spreading questionnaires on patient experiences COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 was detected by RT-PCR at a Health Center in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. RESULT: A total of 124 persons tested positive for COVID-19. The remaining 59% experienced no anosmia or smell issues. Anosmia was present in 40.3% of those examined, 57.3% of those tested had no anosmia before or after the RT-PCR test and 31.5 had it before being diagnosed with COVID-19. Less than 5 days, 13.7% of those who had recovered, whereas 22.6% had more than 5 days to recover. CONCLUSION: People who were diagnosed as COVID-19 positive using the RT-PCR test had the symptom earlier than those who reported ano...
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Objective: This study focuses on investigating the profile of all side effects of the mRNA-1273 v... more Objective: This study focuses on investigating the profile of all side effects of the mRNA-1273 vaccine for healthcare workers. Material and method: A cross-sectional design were used to explore the side effects of the mRNA-1273 vaccine for healthcare workers in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. The survey was conducted through Google form after 119 healthcare workers in Yogyakarta and Central Java receiving the mRNA-1273 vaccination as a booster in May-August 2021. Results and discussion:The major goal of this research is to investigate the side effects of using the mRNA-1273 vaccine as a booster among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia.Most (99.2%) of respondents admitted to feeling pain at the injection site, 42% the respondents also admitted to feeling swelling at the injection site as a moderate side effect, and 3.4% respondents reported vomiting as a rare side effect.This study found the low negative correlation between headache with p value 0.0...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan na... more Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan nama coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan isu penting dalam dunia kesehatan pada tahun ini. COVID-19 saat ini menjadi pandemik global termasuk di Indonesia. Hidung dan mulut merupakan tempat masuk virus COVID-19 karena infeksi ini terutama ditularkan melalui inhalasi atau kontak dengan droplet. Mukosa hidung merupakan area yang rentan bagi virus Corona untuk berkoloni karena pembuluh darah yang melimpah, kelenjar musinous dan kelenjar serosa yang menciptakan lingkungan yang lembab. Ekspresi Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE2) ditemukan dilapisan basal epitel skuamosa nonkeratinizing pada mukosa hidung, menunjukkan bahwa coronavirus dapat menginfeksi sel mukosa hidung jika lapisan basal terpapar karena kerusakan barrier mukosa. Kerusakan epitel respiratori, karena infeksi coronavirus dapat terjadi meskipun tanpa gejala klinis, oleh karena itu, penting untuk melindungi saluran na...
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 2016
Abses septum nasi merupakan kasus yang jarang dijumpai. Trauma nasal diketahui sebagai penyebab d... more Abses septum nasi merupakan kasus yang jarang dijumpai. Trauma nasal diketahui sebagai penyebab dari abses septum nasi. Penanganan dini dari penyakit ini sangat penting karena dapat menimbulkan komplikasi yang serius. Pada makalah ini, kami akan melaporkan kasus anak dengan abses septum nasi dengan kecurigaan traumatik. Pasien laki-laki, berusia 9 tahun, datang dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat yang dirasakan sejak 5 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit (SMRS). Keluhan disertai nyeri hidung, keluar sekret dan demam. Pada pemeriksaan fisik, didapatkan kedua kavum nasi sempit, terdapat pembengkakan septum nasi bilateral dengan permukaan licin, berwarna kemerahan serta terdapat nyeri tekan dan fluktuasi yang konsisten dengan abses septum nasi. Tatalaksana yang dilakukan adalah insisi drainase dan pemberian antibiotik. Pasien kontrol tujuh hari setelahnya dan pemeriksaannya dalam batas normal. Diagnosis dini dan tatalaksana yang tepat sangat penting pada penyakit ini untuk mencegah terjadinya penyebaran infeksi dan komplikasi berat yang dapat menimbulkan gejala sisa. Kata kunci: abses septum nasi, trauma hidung, anak
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 2021
Introduction Dysphagia is common in head and neck cancer patients; it is associated with signific... more Introduction Dysphagia is common in head and neck cancer patients; it is associated with significant morbidity, including quality of life. Several instruments can be used to assess the quality of life of dysphagia patients, including the M.D Anderson dysphagia inventory (MDADI) questionnaire, which is sufficiently valid and reliable to improve the quality of life of patients with neurological disorders and head and neck cancer. Objective The purpose of the present study is to perform adaptation, cultural translation, and validation of the MDADI questionnaire for the Indonesian language. Methods This cross-sectional study assessed the validity and reliability of the MDADI Indonesian adaptation instrument in head and neck cancer patients with swallowing disorders in the Otorhinolaryngology clinic of the Dr. Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta, from May to August 2019. Results There were 40 study subjects, including 31 men and 9 women. The MDADI instrument adapted to Indonesian is valid and ...
Berkala Kedokteran, 2021
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a nasal inflammation caused by IgE-mediated reacions after inhaled the ... more Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a nasal inflammation caused by IgE-mediated reacions after inhaled the allergens. It's characterized as symptoms of sneezing, airflow obstruction, nasal pruritus, and often clear nasal discharge. The prevalence of AR is about 5-40% in the general population and still rising. Multiple non-instrumental tests for AR were reported though few were validated. Score for Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) is a valid instrument to screening AR. The purpose of this study was to perform adaptation and cultural translation and validation of the SFAR questionnaire for the Indonesian language. This was a cross sectional study to assess the validity and reliability of the Indonesian modification of Score for Allergic Rhinitis. The study conduct in 59 subjects. The Indonesian modification of SFAR instrument is valid and reliable as an instrument for screening AR with r values ranging from 0.345 to 0.730. Internal consistency shows that Cronbach's alpha is 0.803. The validation and reliability test of Indonesian modification of Score for Allergic Rhinitis was performed and valid and reliable as an instrument for assessing allergic rhinitis.
Papers by rizka fakhriani