Papers by juan vidal vargas
Due to the application of Euro-centered methods of interpretation, literary criticism hasoverlook... more Due to the application of Euro-centered methods of interpretation, literary criticism hasoverlooked key social aspects that are characteristic of Japanese literature. Among these much-neglectedcharacteristics one can include the paired concepts tatemae and honne. By incorporating those conceptsinto a reading of Japanese texts, the reader can discover social issues previously unseen. BananaYosimoto’s novel Kitchen is used to illustrate the different interactions of tatemae and honne.
Enfoque UTE, 2019
Este trabajo presenta un estudio amplio del trabajo publicado en la revista INCISCOS 2018 títulad... more Este trabajo presenta un estudio amplio del trabajo publicado en la revista INCISCOS 2018 títulado “Improving of the Photovoltaic High Power Plant Generation Using DC/DC Micro Converters”;está enfocado en incrementar la cantidad de energía eléctrica generada de una Planta Fotovoltaica ubicada en Salinas, provincia de Imbabura-Ecuador, mediante la inclusión de micro convertidores DC/DC en los arreglos de los paneles fotovoltaicos y a partir de la implementación de una adecuada técnica de seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia. Los resultados indican que la inserción de los convertidores DC/DC en el sistema provocan un aumento en la cantidad de energía activa. Se realiza el análisis tanto con variaciones de la radiación solar como cambios en la temperatura ambiente.
Revista de Investigación en Psicología, 2014
OBJETIVO: conocer las disposiciones psicológicas, en términos del estilo atribucional explicativo... more OBJETIVO: conocer las disposiciones psicológicas, en términos del estilo atribucional explicativo hacia la corrupción en escolares y universitarios en función al sexo y la edad cronológica. DISEÑO: el estudio es descriptivo transversal comparativo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: el conocimiento del estilo atribucional, es la resultante de la combinación de tres dimensiones: externalidad, inestabilidad y especificidad, fue mediante la aplicación del test ASQ-CIDE, de Peterson, adaptado hacia los actos corruptos, la validez fue por el método de análisis de contenido, y la confiabilidad por el método del test retest. El mencionado test se aplicó en forma colectiva a grupos no mayores de veinticinco por vez, a una muestra seleccionada por estratos, escolares del nivel secundario y universitario, con un margen de error del 0.05 y un nivel de confianza del 0.95. RESULTADOS: la tendencia de la muestra estudiada es hacia la internalidad, inestabilidad y especificidad que corresponde al estilo explicat...
Paginas Revista Academica E Institucional De La Ucpr, 2014
State of the art of environmental management systems and cleaner production processes in companie... more State of the art of environmental management systems and cleaner production processes in companies of the productive sector from pereira and dosquebradas * Este artículo muestra el resultado de la indagación preliminar del estado del arte de los sistemas de gestión realizada dentro del marco del proyecto de investigación "Caracterización de los Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental y su integración con los Procesos de Producción Más Limpia (PML) en las medianas y grandes Empresas del Sector Productivo de Pereira y Dosquebradas".
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Nov 14, 2013
Readers who approach the Theater of the Absurd face complex interpretive problems. The style of H... more Readers who approach the Theater of the Absurd face complex interpretive problems. The style of Harold Pinter, the laureate British playwright, adds an additional difficulty due to his particular use of language. His plays The Caretaker and The Dumb Waiter show how speech is overshadowed by silence, which provides a more direct access to the tortured psyche of characters.
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, 2011
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Apr 29, 2010
The academic essay has been the technique of choice of most literature professors to assess the p... more The academic essay has been the technique of choice of most literature professors to assess the progress of their students. Yet, technology provides new tools today that might benefit the process of teaching/learning literary elements. One of such instruments is the blog, a free online sharing space that instructors can use to upload material and allow their students to share reactions, impressions, questions, and points of analysis.
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Oct 10, 2010
La montaña de cuarzo Juan Carlos saravia vargas U n destello recorta el horizonte lejano: la prom... more La montaña de cuarzo Juan Carlos saravia vargas U n destello recorta el horizonte lejano: la promesa de un faro que invita con su luz atrae, cual a insectos desprevenidos, los pies, adoloridos por la marcha, de caminantes secos y perdidos.
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Jun 6, 2011
T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets manifests three main religious influences: Christianity, Buddhism, and... more T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets manifests three main religious influences: Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, systems of thought commonly perceived as incompatible among themselves. However, Eliot's most outstanding achievement is to present such belief systems as parts of a whole instead of divergent forces in the poem.
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Oct 10, 2010
Revista De Lenguas Modernas, Dec 4, 2014
Whereas Gothic stories often question human morality, the purpose of children's literature is usu... more Whereas Gothic stories often question human morality, the purpose of children's literature is usually moralizing. Therefore, a literary work meant for minors and that strongly exhibits Gothic features seems, thus, a paradox: either the moralistic intention in children's literature will weaken the Gothic negativity of such work or the profound darkness of the Gothic elements will end up blurring the positive values of literary works for minors. Neil Gaiman's Coraline is a novel for children that is deeply rooted into Gothic tradition. Some of the most notorious Gothic elements in the work are the presence of paranormal manifestations like ghosts, the common interaction with grotesque beings, and the existence of a dark, uncanny universe that provides the setting for the novel. In this context, some may argue that the apparently incompatible features of the novel would take it into two divergent directions that would finally nullify the work, either aesthetically or didactically. However, the Gothic images and content of the work actually contribute to the awakening of young readers by undermining the idealization of family love which, in the end, serves a significant didactic purpose.
Anuario De Estudios Centroamericanos, 1995
La presencia de fuertes corrientes migratorias no es nueva en Centroamérica. Tradicionalmente, ha... more La presencia de fuertes corrientes migratorias no es nueva en Centroamérica. Tradicionalmente, han existido movimientos de campo a ciudad, flujos estacionales de trabajadores en tiempo de siembra y cosecha (café y algodón), y corrientes migratorias de las naciones más densamente pobladas-particularmente El Salvador-hacia los países vecinos. La crisis económica y la violencia política características del período en estudio reforzaron los flujos, modificaron su orientación y alteraron su carácter. Las presiones sociales, amortiguadas por el crecimiento vigoroso de las economías centroamericanas durante el período 1950-1970, afloraron con fuerza durante la
Anuario de Derechos Humanos, 2011
Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 2014
Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 2013
This article reports a case study of a group of English Language Learners involved in an outreach... more This article reports a case study of a group of English Language Learners involved in an outreach course which forms part of the social project Bogota Humana. To give meaning to learning another language (L2) the project held sessions inside and outside the classroom. The inquiry was directed on the perceptions of the local context and on its usefulness in L2 acquisition. It was found that outdoor spaces offer participants a sense of comfort which encourages participation and social interaction. They felt their identity, as adults and as citizens of the capital, was acknowledged.
RSC Adv., 2014
Secretion of signaling molecules by macrophages is induced by silica particles deposited onto dec... more Secretion of signaling molecules by macrophages is induced by silica particles deposited onto decellularized tissue derived biomaterials.
Revista Geológica de América Central, 2011
Plant Disease, 2004
Anthracnose basal rot (ABR) is a serious disease of turfgrasses that is caused by the pathogen Co... more Anthracnose basal rot (ABR) is a serious disease of turfgrasses that is caused by the pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola. The relationships of isolates causing ABR on turfgrasses to those causing disease on important crop hosts (maize, sorghum) remain unresolved. Genetic variation among isolates from annual bluegrass, creeping bentgrass, maize, and sorghum was evaluated based on host origin and geographic origin. Isozymes were used to estimate the genetic variation of the isolates. Five enzyme systems comprising 16 alleles from 5 loci were used. Allele frequencies, genetic distance, and linkage disequilibrium values were calculated for isolates based on both host and geographic origin. Isolates from creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass were the most closely related based on Nei's genetic distance, while isolates from maize and sorghum were the most distantly related, consistent with their known species-level relationship. Isolates from annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass...
Papers by juan vidal vargas