Thesis Chapters by ilmiye teşkilatı
İstanbul Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı, 2021
Osmanlı Devleti, kendisinden önceki İslam devletlerinden tevarüs ettiği Şeyhülislâmlığı bir mües... more Osmanlı Devleti, kendisinden önceki İslam devletlerinden tevarüs ettiği Şeyhülislâmlığı bir müessese haline getirmiştir. 1826'da Yeniçeri Ocağının kaldırılmasıyla devletin kuruluşundan itibaren var olan Şeyhülislâmlık yeni, sabit ve müstakil bir alana taşınmıştır. Tanzimatla birlikte devletin diğer kurumlarına paralel olarak Şeyhülislâmlık, devletin bürokratik yapısında yerini almış ve sistematik bir şekilde örgütlenmiştir. Tarihi süreçte dinî, hukuki ve eğitim alanındaki birimleri ile bir külliye halini alan ve günümüzün Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, Adalet Bakanlığı ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nın görevlerini yürütmüş olan Şeyhülislâmlık, devlet yapısındaki değişiklikler neticesinde görev, yetki ve sorumluluklarının bir kısmını yeni kurulan nezaretlere bırakmıştır. Şeyhülislâmlığın bulunduğu mekân 1924 yılından itibaren İstanbul Müftülüğü, İstanbul Kız Lisesi ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Botanik Enstitüsü'ne ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Tezimizde Şeyhülislâmlık belgeleri ışığında Şeyhülislâmlık'taki Fetvâhâne-i Âlî, Anadolu ve Rumeli Kazaskerliği, İstanbul Kadılığı, Nakîbü'l-eşrâflık, Mektûbi Kalemi, Evrak Odası/Evrak Müdüriyeti, Dosya ve İstatistik Kalemi, Muhasebe-i İlmiye, Sicill-i Ahvâl İdaresi, Memûrîn Kalemi Müdüriyeti, Meclis-i Tedkîkât-ı Şer'iyye, Emvâl-i Eytâm Müdüriyeti, Beytü'l-mâl Müdüriyeti, İlmiye Tekâüd Sandığı, Meclis-i İntihâb-ı Hükkâm, Evkâf-ı Hümâyûn Müfettişliği Mahkemesi, Meclis-i Meşâyih, Tedkîk-i Mesâhif ve Müellefât-ı Şer'iyye Meclisi, Ders Vekâleti ve Meclis-i Mesâlih-i Talebe, Meclis-i İmtihan-ı Kur'a, Sicillât-ı Şer'iyye Dâiresi, Şûrâ-yı İlmiyye ve Encümen-i Islâhât-ı İlmiyye, Mecelle-i Ahkâm-ı Adliye Cemiyeti, Cerîde-i İlmiye Müdüriyeti, Dârü'lHikmeti'l-İslamiyye, Bâb-ı Fetvâ Camisi ve Bâb-ı Fetvâ Tabâbeti birimlerinin kuruluşu, işleyişi, yetki ve hizmet alanı, görevlileri, ilmiye bürokrasisindeki işlevi, Şeyhülislâmlık içerisindeki konumu, görevlilerinin ilmi kariyerleri, arşiv kaynakları ve teşkilat şeması ele alınmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Şeyhülislâmlık, Meşîhat Arşivi, Fetva, Bürokratik yapı, Şeyhülislam
The Ottoman Empire institutionalized Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh alIslam) which was inherited from the previous Islamic states. In 1826 the Janissary corps was abolished and the Şeyhülislamlık existing since the beginning of the empire was transferred into a new, permanent, and private space. In line with the Tanzimat reforms of other state institutions, the Şeyhülislamlık attained a position in the state's bureaucratic structure and was systematically reorganized. Throughout the historical process it became a social complex with religious, legal, and educational units, and executed the tasks of today's the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Education. Şeyhülislamlık, due to changes in the state structure some of its duties, responsibilities, and authorities were assigned to the newly founded ministries. As of its location by 1924 it was used first by the Istanbul Muftiship, then Istanbul Girl High School, and then Istanbul University Botanic Institute. The Meşihat Archive which holds the scholarly heritage of the Şeyhülislamlık is the most valuable resource carrying the bureaucratic structure, organizational system, and diplomatical writings of the institution to this day. The architectural structure of the buildings, the bureaucratic structure of the institute and its functioning are carried to the present by the archival records of the Şeyhülislamlık institution. In this dissertation, in light of the Şeyhülislamlık documents the institutionalization of the Şeyhülislamlık, its bureaucratic structure and organizational scheme are examined, and the registries of the Meşihat Archive are uncovered. Keywords: Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh al-Islam), the Meşihat Archive, bureaucratic structure, fatwa, Sheikh al-Islam
Çukurova Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı, 2020
Üç kıtanın son hükümdarı II. Abdülhamid Han'ın saltanatı Osmanlı Devleti'nin en zor ve en proble... more Üç kıtanın son hükümdarı II. Abdülhamid Han'ın saltanatı Osmanlı Devleti'nin en zor ve en problemli dönemlerinden biri olmuştur. II. Abdülhamid Han, dağılma ve yok olma tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya kalan devletinin yönetim mekanizmalarını kendi kontolüne alarak saltanatı süresince Osmanlı Devleti'ne düşman olanların, devleti bölmeye ve parçalamaya çalışanların tuzaklarını, komplolarını engellemiştir. Basiretli idaresiyle devletin kaybolan prestijini tekrardan kazandırmıştır. II. Abdülhamid Han üzerine yapılan bir çok araştırmanın yanında eksikliğini gördüğümüz ve literatür çalışmalarına katkı sağlayacağını düşündüğümüz bu çalışma, II. Abdülhamid Han dönemi şeyhülislamlarının biyografilerini ve şeyhülislamların II. Abdülhamid Han'ın yönetimi üzerindeki etkilerini araştımayı amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada öncelikle şeyhülislam kavramının, tarihsel süreçte ortaya çıkışı, İslam devletlerindeki gelişimi, Osmanlı Devleti'nde şeyhülislamlık makamının ortaya çıkışı ve kurumsallaşma süreci incelenmiştir. Şeyhülislamların konumunun daha iyi anlaşılması için atama kriterlerinden, görevlerinden, yetkilerinden, protokoldeki yerlerinden bahsedilmiştir. II. Abdülhamid Han'ın dönemini objektif değerlendirmek için biyografisi, karakteri ile özdeşleşen yönetim anlayışı ve yönetiminin özellikleri araştırılmıştır. II. Abdülhamid Han'ın, saltanat makamına geldiği 31 Ağustos 1876'dan, halʻ edildiği 27 Nisan 1909'a kadar şeyhülislamlık makamına atanan şeyhülislamların biyografileri, etkili oldukları belli başlı siyasi olaylar, II. Abdülhamid Han'ın devlet yönetimine etkileri mukayeseli bir şekilde incelenmiştir.
The reign of Abdülhamid Han II, who is the last ruler of the three continents, was considered as one of the toughest and most turbulent years of the Ottoman Empire. Abdülhamid Han II struggled with traps and conspiracies of people who were enemies, whose aims were to divide and dismember the state. With the help of his foresighted governance, he managed to retrieve the prestige of the empire. We aimed to study the lives of Shaykh al-islam in the reign of Abdülhamid Han II and their effects on his statecraft, because we consider that this topic was a missing part and would contribute to the literature although there are many researches about Abdülhamid Han II. We studied on how the concept of Shaykh al-islam emerged in the history, its course in the Islamic states, its emerge, development and institutionalization in the Ottoman Empire, the duties of Shaykh al-islam and their effects on the statecraft. To understand this period deeply, we reviewed the life of Abdülhamid Han II; his education, his being a Sultan's son, and the character and events of the era when he succeeded to the throne. We also tried to show the manner and features of the rule identified with Abdülhamid Han II. We tried to review the lives of Shaykh al-islam objectively -who were assigned to the position of Shaykh al-islam from August 31, 1876, when Abdülhamid Han II succeeded to the throne to April 27, 1909, when he had to abdicate due to the Dethronement Fatwa which was adopted in the National General Assembly after suppressing the 31 March incident-, their effects on the statecraft and political events on which they had influence.
Çukurova Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı, 2022
Osmanlı Devleti'nin klasik döneminde şeyhülislamlar, devlet yönetimi içinde doğrudan bulunmamala... more Osmanlı Devleti'nin klasik döneminde şeyhülislamlar, devlet yönetimi içinde doğrudan bulunmamalarına rağmen önemli konularda kendilerine danışılmak amacıyla Divan-ı Hümâyûna çağrılırlardı. Özellikle şeyhülislamların verdiği fetvâların devlet yönetiminde ve siyasi alanda büyük bir etkisi bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca şeyhülislamların, padişahların aldığı kararlara karşı görüş bildirebilmeleri, kararlarını eleştirmeleri, padişahların tahttan indirilmelerine ve katledilmelerine kadar çeşitli konularda fetvâ vermeleri onların siyasi alandaki önemini ve gücünü göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada II. Meşrutiyet döneminde görev yapan şeyhülislamların siyasetle ilişkileri ele alınıp incelenmiştir. II. Meşrutiyet döneminde yönetime karşı ortaya çıkan askeri ve siyasi olaylar padişahları zor durumda bırakmıştır. Bu bağlamda padişahlar, devleti daha kolay yönetmek için, şeyhülislamların verecekleri fetvâlara ihtiyaç duymuştur. Bundan dolayı şeyhülislâmların, devlet yönetim sistemi içindeki etkileri daha da artmıştır. II. Meşrutiyetin tekrar ilan edilmesi için kurulan partilere başta şeyhülislâmlar olmak üzere birçok ilmiye mensubu ve ulema katılmış veya destek vermiştir. Böylece şeyhülislamların aktif bir şekilde siyasî hayatın içinde yer almaya başladığı söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemine ışık tutan şeyhülislamların, siyasi alana dönük müdahaleleri ele alınmıştır.
In the classical periods of the Ottoman Empire, although the sheikh al-Islams were not in the state administration, they were called to the Divan-ı Hümâyûn to be consulted on important issues. Especially the fatwas given by the sheikh al-Islams have a great impact on the state administration and in the political field. In addition, the fact that the sheikh al-Islams could express their opinions against the decisions taken by the sultans, criticize their decisions, and issue fatwas on various issues, from the dethronement and murder of the sultans, shows their importance and power in the political arena. In this study, II. The relations of the sheikh al-Islams, who served in the Constitutional Era, with politics were discussed and examined. II. The military and political events that emerged against the government during the Constitutional Monarchy left the sultans in a difficult situation. In this context, the sultans needed the fatwas to be given by the sheikh al-Islams in order to manage the state more easily. Therefore, the influence of the Shaykh al-Islams in the state administration system has increased even more. II. Many members of the ilmiye and ulema, especially the sheikh al-Islams, joined or supported the parties established for the re-declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy. Thus, it can be said that sheikh al-Islams began to take an active part in political life. In this study, the interventions of the sheikh al-Islams in the political field, which shed light on the last period of the Ottoman Empire, are discussed.
Thesis Chapters by ilmiye teşkilatı
The Ottoman Empire institutionalized Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh alIslam) which was inherited from the previous Islamic states. In 1826 the Janissary corps was abolished and the Şeyhülislamlık existing since the beginning of the empire was transferred into a new, permanent, and private space. In line with the Tanzimat reforms of other state institutions, the Şeyhülislamlık attained a position in the state's bureaucratic structure and was systematically reorganized. Throughout the historical process it became a social complex with religious, legal, and educational units, and executed the tasks of today's the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Education. Şeyhülislamlık, due to changes in the state structure some of its duties, responsibilities, and authorities were assigned to the newly founded ministries. As of its location by 1924 it was used first by the Istanbul Muftiship, then Istanbul Girl High School, and then Istanbul University Botanic Institute. The Meşihat Archive which holds the scholarly heritage of the Şeyhülislamlık is the most valuable resource carrying the bureaucratic structure, organizational system, and diplomatical writings of the institution to this day. The architectural structure of the buildings, the bureaucratic structure of the institute and its functioning are carried to the present by the archival records of the Şeyhülislamlık institution. In this dissertation, in light of the Şeyhülislamlık documents the institutionalization of the Şeyhülislamlık, its bureaucratic structure and organizational scheme are examined, and the registries of the Meşihat Archive are uncovered. Keywords: Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh al-Islam), the Meşihat Archive, bureaucratic structure, fatwa, Sheikh al-Islam
The reign of Abdülhamid Han II, who is the last ruler of the three continents, was considered as one of the toughest and most turbulent years of the Ottoman Empire. Abdülhamid Han II struggled with traps and conspiracies of people who were enemies, whose aims were to divide and dismember the state. With the help of his foresighted governance, he managed to retrieve the prestige of the empire. We aimed to study the lives of Shaykh al-islam in the reign of Abdülhamid Han II and their effects on his statecraft, because we consider that this topic was a missing part and would contribute to the literature although there are many researches about Abdülhamid Han II. We studied on how the concept of Shaykh al-islam emerged in the history, its course in the Islamic states, its emerge, development and institutionalization in the Ottoman Empire, the duties of Shaykh al-islam and their effects on the statecraft. To understand this period deeply, we reviewed the life of Abdülhamid Han II; his education, his being a Sultan's son, and the character and events of the era when he succeeded to the throne. We also tried to show the manner and features of the rule identified with Abdülhamid Han II. We tried to review the lives of Shaykh al-islam objectively -who were assigned to the position of Shaykh al-islam from August 31, 1876, when Abdülhamid Han II succeeded to the throne to April 27, 1909, when he had to abdicate due to the Dethronement Fatwa which was adopted in the National General Assembly after suppressing the 31 March incident-, their effects on the statecraft and political events on which they had influence.
In the classical periods of the Ottoman Empire, although the sheikh al-Islams were not in the state administration, they were called to the Divan-ı Hümâyûn to be consulted on important issues. Especially the fatwas given by the sheikh al-Islams have a great impact on the state administration and in the political field. In addition, the fact that the sheikh al-Islams could express their opinions against the decisions taken by the sultans, criticize their decisions, and issue fatwas on various issues, from the dethronement and murder of the sultans, shows their importance and power in the political arena. In this study, II. The relations of the sheikh al-Islams, who served in the Constitutional Era, with politics were discussed and examined. II. The military and political events that emerged against the government during the Constitutional Monarchy left the sultans in a difficult situation. In this context, the sultans needed the fatwas to be given by the sheikh al-Islams in order to manage the state more easily. Therefore, the influence of the Shaykh al-Islams in the state administration system has increased even more. II. Many members of the ilmiye and ulema, especially the sheikh al-Islams, joined or supported the parties established for the re-declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy. Thus, it can be said that sheikh al-Islams began to take an active part in political life. In this study, the interventions of the sheikh al-Islams in the political field, which shed light on the last period of the Ottoman Empire, are discussed.
The Ottoman Empire institutionalized Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh alIslam) which was inherited from the previous Islamic states. In 1826 the Janissary corps was abolished and the Şeyhülislamlık existing since the beginning of the empire was transferred into a new, permanent, and private space. In line with the Tanzimat reforms of other state institutions, the Şeyhülislamlık attained a position in the state's bureaucratic structure and was systematically reorganized. Throughout the historical process it became a social complex with religious, legal, and educational units, and executed the tasks of today's the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Education. Şeyhülislamlık, due to changes in the state structure some of its duties, responsibilities, and authorities were assigned to the newly founded ministries. As of its location by 1924 it was used first by the Istanbul Muftiship, then Istanbul Girl High School, and then Istanbul University Botanic Institute. The Meşihat Archive which holds the scholarly heritage of the Şeyhülislamlık is the most valuable resource carrying the bureaucratic structure, organizational system, and diplomatical writings of the institution to this day. The architectural structure of the buildings, the bureaucratic structure of the institute and its functioning are carried to the present by the archival records of the Şeyhülislamlık institution. In this dissertation, in light of the Şeyhülislamlık documents the institutionalization of the Şeyhülislamlık, its bureaucratic structure and organizational scheme are examined, and the registries of the Meşihat Archive are uncovered. Keywords: Şeyhülislamlık (the office of the Sheikh al-Islam), the Meşihat Archive, bureaucratic structure, fatwa, Sheikh al-Islam
The reign of Abdülhamid Han II, who is the last ruler of the three continents, was considered as one of the toughest and most turbulent years of the Ottoman Empire. Abdülhamid Han II struggled with traps and conspiracies of people who were enemies, whose aims were to divide and dismember the state. With the help of his foresighted governance, he managed to retrieve the prestige of the empire. We aimed to study the lives of Shaykh al-islam in the reign of Abdülhamid Han II and their effects on his statecraft, because we consider that this topic was a missing part and would contribute to the literature although there are many researches about Abdülhamid Han II. We studied on how the concept of Shaykh al-islam emerged in the history, its course in the Islamic states, its emerge, development and institutionalization in the Ottoman Empire, the duties of Shaykh al-islam and their effects on the statecraft. To understand this period deeply, we reviewed the life of Abdülhamid Han II; his education, his being a Sultan's son, and the character and events of the era when he succeeded to the throne. We also tried to show the manner and features of the rule identified with Abdülhamid Han II. We tried to review the lives of Shaykh al-islam objectively -who were assigned to the position of Shaykh al-islam from August 31, 1876, when Abdülhamid Han II succeeded to the throne to April 27, 1909, when he had to abdicate due to the Dethronement Fatwa which was adopted in the National General Assembly after suppressing the 31 March incident-, their effects on the statecraft and political events on which they had influence.
In the classical periods of the Ottoman Empire, although the sheikh al-Islams were not in the state administration, they were called to the Divan-ı Hümâyûn to be consulted on important issues. Especially the fatwas given by the sheikh al-Islams have a great impact on the state administration and in the political field. In addition, the fact that the sheikh al-Islams could express their opinions against the decisions taken by the sultans, criticize their decisions, and issue fatwas on various issues, from the dethronement and murder of the sultans, shows their importance and power in the political arena. In this study, II. The relations of the sheikh al-Islams, who served in the Constitutional Era, with politics were discussed and examined. II. The military and political events that emerged against the government during the Constitutional Monarchy left the sultans in a difficult situation. In this context, the sultans needed the fatwas to be given by the sheikh al-Islams in order to manage the state more easily. Therefore, the influence of the Shaykh al-Islams in the state administration system has increased even more. II. Many members of the ilmiye and ulema, especially the sheikh al-Islams, joined or supported the parties established for the re-declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy. Thus, it can be said that sheikh al-Islams began to take an active part in political life. In this study, the interventions of the sheikh al-Islams in the political field, which shed light on the last period of the Ottoman Empire, are discussed.