Papers by fabian rodriguez

El emplazamiento de un sling suburetral a través de los agujeros obturadores constituye un nuevo ... more El emplazamiento de un sling suburetral a través de los agujeros obturadores constituye un nuevo abordaje para el tratamiento de la incontinencia de orina de esfuerzo en la mujer. Se utilizan agujas para pasar una cinta suburetral por los agujeros obturadores. La cinta se confecciona a partir de una malla simple de polipropileno. Se presentan los 70 primeros casos operados por el autor en nuestro país entre octubre de 2002 y diciembre de 2003. En 34 de ellos se realizó sólo el Transvaginal Obturatriz Tape (TOT), mientras que en 36 casos se emplazó el TOT en el contexto de otra intervención quirúrgica. Con un seguimiento medio de 21,4 meses desde la intervención quirúrgica, la tasa de curación (paciente seca sin necesidad de protección) se logró en 64 casos (91,4%), siendo la recurrencia de la incontinencia de orina de cuatro casos (5,7%) mientras que el mejoramiento pero sin curación total fue de dos casos (2,8%). El tiempo operatorio medio del TOT fue de 19,5 minutos. El tiempo de internación posoperatorio en los casos de emplazamiento sólo de TOT fue de 34 horas. No existieron lesiones vesicales ni uretrales, ni de otras vísceras. Se reporta sólo un caso con una hemorragia mayor a 100 ml.
Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2006
The following is the case of a 36-year old pregnant woman reaching term, suffering from advanced ... more The following is the case of a 36-year old pregnant woman reaching term, suffering from advanced pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. To our knowledge, this is the first record of such a case.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2009

Ecological Economics, 1999
Additive partitioning was applied to variation in reef fish spatial diversity at Isla Isabel Nati... more Additive partitioning was applied to variation in reef fish spatial diversity at Isla Isabel National Park, Nayarit state, Mexico, and to identify the environmental and spatial variables that best explains it. Analyses included expected and observed species curves, rare species analysis, additive partitioning of alpha-and beta-diversity, and canonical redundancy analysis. A total of 10,517 individuals were recorded from 75 species and 33 reef fish families, representing 85% of expected richness. Species richness beta-diversity was dependent on the site scale, while the alpha-diversity of the Shannon diversity was most significant at the transect scale. Canonical partitioning showed species richness and Shannon diversity was explained by spatially-structured environmental components. Variation in species composition and abundance was explained by a purely environmental component. Therefore, elements of habitat structure (especially corals), topographic complexity, and refuge availability determine fish species diversity. Our results suggest that greater emphasis is required to conserve sites that promote b-diversity, increasing fish spatial diversity. In Isla Isabel, these sites would be mostly those located at eastern and southern of protected sides, where coral reef patches are well represented. The
Environment and Development Economics, 2010
Presented in this paper are the results of two contingent valuation analyses, one undertaken in E... more Presented in this paper are the results of two contingent valuation analyses, one undertaken in Ecuador and the other in Guatemala, of potential payments for environmental services (PES) directed toward rural households. We find that minimum compensation demanded by these households is far from uniform, depending in particular on individual strategies for raising incomes and dealing with risks. Our findings strengthen the case for allowing conservation payments to vary among recipients, which would be a departure from the current norm for PES initiatives in Latin America.
Water International, 2009
To investigate the financial contribution that rural people might make to the improvement of the ... more To investigate the financial contribution that rural people might make to the improvement of the potable water systems that serve them, 274 households in Cotacachi in the Ecuadorian Andes were surveyed about payments for watershed conservation, which would reduce seasonal shortages. While monthly payments of 1or 2 were acceptable to most households, there was little support for payments above 3/month.Inaddition,multipleregressionanalysissuggeststhat10%growthinannualearningsleadstoanincreaseo...
Papers by fabian rodriguez