Vertical embankments and mounds serve as suitable habitats for burrowing birds, such as the Sand ... more Vertical embankments and mounds serve as suitable habitats for burrowing birds, such as the Sand Martin (Riparia riparia). Sand Martins have decreased in many countries during the last two decades, possibly because of the decline in suitable nest sites. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors affecting nest burrowing and nest hole characteristics for the Sand Martin. A smaller entrance hole would be beneficial for regulating the internal environment of the nest, whereas deeper nests are more advantageous against nest predators and parasites. We examined the general structure of Sand Martin colonies and determined if particle size, pH, or electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil and the location of the colony affects the morphology of Sand Martin nest holes. We hypothesized that the climate of near lakeshore and non-lakeshore differs; consequently, we predicted that Sand Martins would construct wider nest tunnel entrances in more humid environments near the lakeshore tha...
Özet Kuş gözlemi, kuşlara olan ilgi ile başlayıp daha sonra doğaya karşı bir sempati duyusuyla bü... more Özet Kuş gözlemi, kuşlara olan ilgi ile başlayıp daha sonra doğaya karşı bir sempati duyusuyla büyüyen önemli bir faaliyettir. Doğa turizminin önemli kollarından biri olan ornito-turizm (kuş gözlemciliği), doğasever birçok katılımcının kolay ve ucuz maliyetli bir şekilde vakit geçirmesine ve doğa bilincine önemli katkı sağlamasına yardımcı olan bir etkinlik olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Türkiye illeri göz önüne alındığında, Iğdır ili, 3 ülkeye sınır olmasının yanı sıra, önemli biyolojik çeşitlilik sıcak noktaları ve önemli sulak alanları ile, hem flora hem de fauna açısından çok zengin bir potansiyele sahiptir. Batı Palaearktik zoocoğrafik bölgesinden güney-kuzey istikametinde göç eden kuşların geçiş noktasında yer alan Iğdır ili, ilkbahar ve sonbahar mevsimlerinde ornitolojik yönden oldukça aktiftir. Araştırmada aktif arazi çalışmaları ile birincil verilere, literatür taraması yapılarak da ikincil verilere ulaşılmıştır. Mevcut çalışma ile birlikte doğal güzellikleri ve kuş çeşitliliği ile dikkat çeken Iğdır İli'nin ornito-turizm (kuş gözlem turizmi) kapsamındaki önemi ortaya konulmuştur.
Bu calismada Batman avifaunasi incelenmistir. Iki yil suren arazi calismalari sonucunda 17 takima... more Bu calismada Batman avifaunasi incelenmistir. Iki yil suren arazi calismalari sonucunda 17 takima ait 45 familyada yer alan 187 tur ve 1 alttur ( Motacilla flava feldeqq - Maskeli kuyruksallayan) olmak uzere 188 tur tespit edilmistir. IUCN kriterlerine gore alanda varligi belirlenen kus turlerinin statuleri; 1 Endangered (EN), 3 Vulnerable (VU), 7 Near Threatened (NT), 176 Least Concern (LC) ve 1 tur kapsam disindadir. BERN kriterlerine gore 130 tur Ek liste II icinde, 50 tur Ek liste III icinde ve 8 tur ise liste kapsamina girmemektedir. Merkez Av Komisyonu Kararlari (MAK) guncel listesi ile yapilan kiyaslamada alanda tespit edilen turlerden 35’i Ek liste II’de, 24’u Ek liste III’de ve 129’u ise liste kapsami disinda kalmaktadir. CITES’e gore tespit edilen turlerin 1’i Ek I icinde, 23’u Ek liste II icinde yer alirken, geriye kalan 164 tur listenin kapsami disindadir. Alanda yasayan kus turlerinin Bolge Statusu durumu incelendiginde 17 turun Kis Ziyaretcisi (KZ), 9 turun Transit (T)...
Basin of Lake Van is very rich in all seasons in terms of ornithology. Birds that find alternativ... more Basin of Lake Van is very rich in all seasons in terms of ornithology. Birds that find alternative habitats in the basin outside winter season, become dense in certain regions. Species and population sizes of water birds in Ercek lake, Dönemeç and Bendimahi Deltas in winter were researched in this study. Bird species and their population sizes were determined as a result of observations covering November-February months of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. As a result of two-year winter counts, a total of 7563 individuals belonging to 20 species were counted in Dönemeç Delta, 2489 individuals were counted in Erçek Lake and Coot (Fulica atra) was determined as dominant species in both areas. A total of 1623 individuals belonging to 20 species were counted in Bendimahi Delta and Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) was determined as dominant species. A total of 54 individuals from Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) species in VU (Vulnerable) category were counted in Bendimahi Delta according to Internatio...
Bu arastirma Van Golu Havzasi’ndaki onemli kus alanlarindan biri olan Donemec (Engil) Deltasi’nda... more Bu arastirma Van Golu Havzasi’ndaki onemli kus alanlarindan biri olan Donemec (Engil) Deltasi’nda gerceklestirildi. Nisan 2011 ve Nisan 2012 tarihlerini kapsayan bir yillik arazi calismalari sonucunda 34 familyaya ait 91 tur ve 1 alttur tespit edildi. Bu turlerin 34.7% (32) Yerli, 53.2% (49) Gocmen, 4.34% (4) Kis ziyaretcisi, 6.52% (6) Transit Gocer, 1.08% (1) Rastlantisal tur oldugu belirlendi. Alandaki turler Uluslararasi IUCN kriterlerine gore degerlendirildiginde; 1 turun EN (Endangered), 1 turun VU (Vulnerable-Hassas), 1 turun NT (Near Threatened) ve 89 turun LC (Least Concern) statusunde oldugu belirlendi. Alandaki turlerin, alti farkli habitatta populasyon dagilimi belirlenmis, ozellikle nesli tehlike altindaki turlerin yasam alanlari GIS tabanli dagilim haritalari olusturularak one cikarilmistir
Bu calismada Bayburt (Turkiye) Ili’nin kus turleri ve sulak alan potansiyeli arastirildi. Yaklas... more Bu calismada Bayburt (Turkiye) Ili’nin kus turleri ve sulak alan potansiyeli arastirildi. Yaklasik iki yil suren calisma Ocak 2016 - Haziran 2017 aylari arasinda gerceklestirildi. Gozlemler sonucunda 49 familyaya ait 208 tur ve 2 alttur tespit edildi. Bu turlerin % 41,9 (n:88) Yerli, % 31,9 (n:67) Yaz ziyaretcisi, % 8,1 (n:17) Kis ziyaretcisi, % 18,1 (n:38) Transit gocer tur oldugu belirlendi. Bu kus turlerinin IUCN kriterlerine gore degerlendirilmesi sonucunda; 1 turun Endangered, 9 turun Near threatened, 4 turun Vulnerable, 193 turun Least concern statusunde ve 3 turun kapsamda olmadigi goruldu. Ayrica Bayburt ili icin kuslarin yogun goruldugu uc onemli sulak alan tespit edildi.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
Metals and metalloids pollution is an important worldwide problem due to the social and ecologica... more Metals and metalloids pollution is an important worldwide problem due to the social and ecological effects and therefore has been the subject of many disciplines and the adverse impacts have been documented. In this study, content analysis and trends of studies focused on heavy metal accumulation in birds were presented. For this purpose, a bibliometric network analysis of the studies that use the concepts of “pollution,” “heavy metal,” and “birds” together in the abstract, keywords, and titles of the papers was carried out. The purpose of choosing this research method was summarizing the relation between birds and environmental pollution in an understandable manner to determine metals(loids) pollution, which become an important environmental problem. Bibliometric data consisting of approximately 971 papers were evaluated with VOSviewer program using the network analysis method to answer the research questions. The results revealed that birds act as bioindicators in the determination of environmental pollution and that the contaminant metals deposited in the various tissues of birds provide preliminary information about environmental pollution. The most of bird studies emphasized that the metal accumulation was mostly in the liver, kidneys, and feathers and the accumulation caused serious problems in most of the vital activities of the birds. The USA is in the leading country in birds-heavy metal studies followed by Spain, Canada, and China. In addition, the mercury (Hg) was the most extensively studied heavy metal in these studies.
In this study, the heavy metals magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lithium (... more In this study, the heavy metals magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lithium (Li), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co) and selenium (Se) levels were determined in the feathers of Armenian Gull (Larus armenicus), which is a species classified as near threatened (NT) according to IUCN categories. The Gull lives on the islands of Turkey's largest lake, Lake Van. Different levels were detected due to the urban and rural location of the study areas. The highest levels of Mg, Zn, Mn, chromium (Cr), and Li were determined in the Sıhke pond near the city's dumpsite. The lowest levels were determined on Adır island, with the least human factors. While the levels of Co, Se, and Sn were high in the samples taken from Akdamar Island, the lowest levels were determined on Çarpanak Island and in Sıhke pond.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2020
In this study, the effects of habitat, ordo, UTM frame, seasons and number of species on bird pop... more In this study, the effects of habitat, ordo, UTM frame, seasons and number of species on bird populations and distribution in Haçlı Lake were investigated. Bird population data were obtained using point counts and transect observation methods. Poisson regression is typically used in such data sets. The basic principle of Poisson regression assumes that the variance is equal to the mean. Failure to achieve this equality causes incorrect parameter estimates and standard errors. In practice, the variance is often higher than the mean (variance > mean). This is called over-dispersion, where the value of overdispersion is greater than 1.0. The population status of the data set used in the study was over-dispersed. Negative binomial regression is the most common method used to eliminate the over-dispersion effect. In this case, the preferred method is the negative binomial regression method. The over-dispersion value in the Poisson regression was considerably greater than 1.0 (54.937) while the over-dispersion value was very close to 1.0 (1.588) in the negative binomial regression. The results indicated that the use of negative binomial regression method is more appropriate. Therefore, parameter estimations were interpreted according to negative binomial regression method. Herein, climatic factors including temperature and humidity exhibited significant impacts on population density and number of species.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology
This research was performed in one of the important bird areas in Lake Van Basin, at Dönemeç (Eng... more This research was performed in one of the important bird areas in Lake Van Basin, at Dönemeç (Engil) Delta, (Van-Turkey) from April 2011 to April 2012. A total of, 91 species and 1 subspecies belongs to 34 families were determined. Out of total, 34.7% (n:32) species were residents, 53.2% (n:49) were summer visitors, 4.43% (n:4) winter visitors, 6.52% (n:6) non-breeding transit migrants and 1.08% (n:1) random species. According to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criterias, it was observed that one species was endangered (EN), one species was near threatened (NT), one species was vulnerable (VU) and 89 species were least concern (LC). The distribution of the species population in the area at six different habitats has been identified and habitats of the endangered species, in particular, have been highlighted by creating GIS-based distribution maps.
Along with the present study, the bird species and wetland status of Elazig province were investi... more Along with the present study, the bird species and wetland status of Elazig province were investigated. According to the observation between October 2016 and May 2018, 181 species belonging to 18 orders and 44 families were identified. Of the reported species herein, 61 are resident (33.7%), 81 are summer visitors (44.8%), 20 are winter visitors (11.1%), and 19 are passage migrant (10.5%). Among these species, it has been determined that 10 species are threatened with extinction at national and international (IUCN) scale. 1 species as EN (Endangered) (Neophron percnopterus), 7 species as NT (Near Threatened) (Gypaetus barbatus, Aegypius monachus, Circus macrourus, Vanellus vanellus, Limosa limosa, Larus armenicus, Anthus pratensis), 2 species as VU (Vulnarable) (Aythya ferina, Streptopelia turtur) were reported here. Herewith the study, by drawing attention to the wetlands that shape the richness of the bird species in Elazig Province, the bird species that breed and stay in those areas and the threats to the species and habitats and the precautions to be taken were investigated.
Bu calismanin amaci, Donemec Deltasi’ndaki kus populasyonlarinin, Poisson ve negatif binom regres... more Bu calismanin amaci, Donemec Deltasi’ndaki kus populasyonlarinin, Poisson ve negatif binom regresyon modellerini kullanarak istatistiksel degerlendirmesini yapmaktir. Poisson regresyon modelinde devians (sapma) istatistiginin bir (1) den buyuk olmasi kus populasyonunda asiri yayilim oldugunu gosterir. Poisson regresyondaki asiri yayilim degeri birden cok buyuk bulunmustur (156.615). Aksine negatif Binom regresyondaki asiri yayilim degeri bire cok yakindir (1.277). Bu nedenle, parametre tahminleri negatif Binom regresyona gore yorumlanmistir. Mevsimlerin, yasam alanlarinin ve takimlarinin (ordo) etkileri populasyon yogunlugu acisindan istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur (p 0.05).
Vertical embankments and mounds serve as suitable habitats for burrowing birds, such as the Sand ... more Vertical embankments and mounds serve as suitable habitats for burrowing birds, such as the Sand Martin (Riparia riparia). Sand Martins have decreased in many countries during the last two decades, possibly because of the decline in suitable nest sites. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors affecting nest burrowing and nest hole characteristics for the Sand Martin. A smaller entrance hole would be beneficial for regulating the internal environment of the nest, whereas deeper nests are more advantageous against nest predators and parasites. We examined the general structure of Sand Martin colonies and determined if particle size, pH, or electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil and the location of the colony affects the morphology of Sand Martin nest holes. We hypothesized that the climate of near lakeshore and non-lakeshore differs; consequently, we predicted that Sand Martins would construct wider nest tunnel entrances in more humid environments near the lakeshore tha...
Özet Kuş gözlemi, kuşlara olan ilgi ile başlayıp daha sonra doğaya karşı bir sempati duyusuyla bü... more Özet Kuş gözlemi, kuşlara olan ilgi ile başlayıp daha sonra doğaya karşı bir sempati duyusuyla büyüyen önemli bir faaliyettir. Doğa turizminin önemli kollarından biri olan ornito-turizm (kuş gözlemciliği), doğasever birçok katılımcının kolay ve ucuz maliyetli bir şekilde vakit geçirmesine ve doğa bilincine önemli katkı sağlamasına yardımcı olan bir etkinlik olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Türkiye illeri göz önüne alındığında, Iğdır ili, 3 ülkeye sınır olmasının yanı sıra, önemli biyolojik çeşitlilik sıcak noktaları ve önemli sulak alanları ile, hem flora hem de fauna açısından çok zengin bir potansiyele sahiptir. Batı Palaearktik zoocoğrafik bölgesinden güney-kuzey istikametinde göç eden kuşların geçiş noktasında yer alan Iğdır ili, ilkbahar ve sonbahar mevsimlerinde ornitolojik yönden oldukça aktiftir. Araştırmada aktif arazi çalışmaları ile birincil verilere, literatür taraması yapılarak da ikincil verilere ulaşılmıştır. Mevcut çalışma ile birlikte doğal güzellikleri ve kuş çeşitliliği ile dikkat çeken Iğdır İli'nin ornito-turizm (kuş gözlem turizmi) kapsamındaki önemi ortaya konulmuştur.
Bu calismada Batman avifaunasi incelenmistir. Iki yil suren arazi calismalari sonucunda 17 takima... more Bu calismada Batman avifaunasi incelenmistir. Iki yil suren arazi calismalari sonucunda 17 takima ait 45 familyada yer alan 187 tur ve 1 alttur ( Motacilla flava feldeqq - Maskeli kuyruksallayan) olmak uzere 188 tur tespit edilmistir. IUCN kriterlerine gore alanda varligi belirlenen kus turlerinin statuleri; 1 Endangered (EN), 3 Vulnerable (VU), 7 Near Threatened (NT), 176 Least Concern (LC) ve 1 tur kapsam disindadir. BERN kriterlerine gore 130 tur Ek liste II icinde, 50 tur Ek liste III icinde ve 8 tur ise liste kapsamina girmemektedir. Merkez Av Komisyonu Kararlari (MAK) guncel listesi ile yapilan kiyaslamada alanda tespit edilen turlerden 35’i Ek liste II’de, 24’u Ek liste III’de ve 129’u ise liste kapsami disinda kalmaktadir. CITES’e gore tespit edilen turlerin 1’i Ek I icinde, 23’u Ek liste II icinde yer alirken, geriye kalan 164 tur listenin kapsami disindadir. Alanda yasayan kus turlerinin Bolge Statusu durumu incelendiginde 17 turun Kis Ziyaretcisi (KZ), 9 turun Transit (T)...
Basin of Lake Van is very rich in all seasons in terms of ornithology. Birds that find alternativ... more Basin of Lake Van is very rich in all seasons in terms of ornithology. Birds that find alternative habitats in the basin outside winter season, become dense in certain regions. Species and population sizes of water birds in Ercek lake, Dönemeç and Bendimahi Deltas in winter were researched in this study. Bird species and their population sizes were determined as a result of observations covering November-February months of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. As a result of two-year winter counts, a total of 7563 individuals belonging to 20 species were counted in Dönemeç Delta, 2489 individuals were counted in Erçek Lake and Coot (Fulica atra) was determined as dominant species in both areas. A total of 1623 individuals belonging to 20 species were counted in Bendimahi Delta and Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) was determined as dominant species. A total of 54 individuals from Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) species in VU (Vulnerable) category were counted in Bendimahi Delta according to Internatio...
Bu arastirma Van Golu Havzasi’ndaki onemli kus alanlarindan biri olan Donemec (Engil) Deltasi’nda... more Bu arastirma Van Golu Havzasi’ndaki onemli kus alanlarindan biri olan Donemec (Engil) Deltasi’nda gerceklestirildi. Nisan 2011 ve Nisan 2012 tarihlerini kapsayan bir yillik arazi calismalari sonucunda 34 familyaya ait 91 tur ve 1 alttur tespit edildi. Bu turlerin 34.7% (32) Yerli, 53.2% (49) Gocmen, 4.34% (4) Kis ziyaretcisi, 6.52% (6) Transit Gocer, 1.08% (1) Rastlantisal tur oldugu belirlendi. Alandaki turler Uluslararasi IUCN kriterlerine gore degerlendirildiginde; 1 turun EN (Endangered), 1 turun VU (Vulnerable-Hassas), 1 turun NT (Near Threatened) ve 89 turun LC (Least Concern) statusunde oldugu belirlendi. Alandaki turlerin, alti farkli habitatta populasyon dagilimi belirlenmis, ozellikle nesli tehlike altindaki turlerin yasam alanlari GIS tabanli dagilim haritalari olusturularak one cikarilmistir
Bu calismada Bayburt (Turkiye) Ili’nin kus turleri ve sulak alan potansiyeli arastirildi. Yaklas... more Bu calismada Bayburt (Turkiye) Ili’nin kus turleri ve sulak alan potansiyeli arastirildi. Yaklasik iki yil suren calisma Ocak 2016 - Haziran 2017 aylari arasinda gerceklestirildi. Gozlemler sonucunda 49 familyaya ait 208 tur ve 2 alttur tespit edildi. Bu turlerin % 41,9 (n:88) Yerli, % 31,9 (n:67) Yaz ziyaretcisi, % 8,1 (n:17) Kis ziyaretcisi, % 18,1 (n:38) Transit gocer tur oldugu belirlendi. Bu kus turlerinin IUCN kriterlerine gore degerlendirilmesi sonucunda; 1 turun Endangered, 9 turun Near threatened, 4 turun Vulnerable, 193 turun Least concern statusunde ve 3 turun kapsamda olmadigi goruldu. Ayrica Bayburt ili icin kuslarin yogun goruldugu uc onemli sulak alan tespit edildi.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
Metals and metalloids pollution is an important worldwide problem due to the social and ecologica... more Metals and metalloids pollution is an important worldwide problem due to the social and ecological effects and therefore has been the subject of many disciplines and the adverse impacts have been documented. In this study, content analysis and trends of studies focused on heavy metal accumulation in birds were presented. For this purpose, a bibliometric network analysis of the studies that use the concepts of “pollution,” “heavy metal,” and “birds” together in the abstract, keywords, and titles of the papers was carried out. The purpose of choosing this research method was summarizing the relation between birds and environmental pollution in an understandable manner to determine metals(loids) pollution, which become an important environmental problem. Bibliometric data consisting of approximately 971 papers were evaluated with VOSviewer program using the network analysis method to answer the research questions. The results revealed that birds act as bioindicators in the determination of environmental pollution and that the contaminant metals deposited in the various tissues of birds provide preliminary information about environmental pollution. The most of bird studies emphasized that the metal accumulation was mostly in the liver, kidneys, and feathers and the accumulation caused serious problems in most of the vital activities of the birds. The USA is in the leading country in birds-heavy metal studies followed by Spain, Canada, and China. In addition, the mercury (Hg) was the most extensively studied heavy metal in these studies.
In this study, the heavy metals magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lithium (... more In this study, the heavy metals magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lithium (Li), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co) and selenium (Se) levels were determined in the feathers of Armenian Gull (Larus armenicus), which is a species classified as near threatened (NT) according to IUCN categories. The Gull lives on the islands of Turkey's largest lake, Lake Van. Different levels were detected due to the urban and rural location of the study areas. The highest levels of Mg, Zn, Mn, chromium (Cr), and Li were determined in the Sıhke pond near the city's dumpsite. The lowest levels were determined on Adır island, with the least human factors. While the levels of Co, Se, and Sn were high in the samples taken from Akdamar Island, the lowest levels were determined on Çarpanak Island and in Sıhke pond.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2020
In this study, the effects of habitat, ordo, UTM frame, seasons and number of species on bird pop... more In this study, the effects of habitat, ordo, UTM frame, seasons and number of species on bird populations and distribution in Haçlı Lake were investigated. Bird population data were obtained using point counts and transect observation methods. Poisson regression is typically used in such data sets. The basic principle of Poisson regression assumes that the variance is equal to the mean. Failure to achieve this equality causes incorrect parameter estimates and standard errors. In practice, the variance is often higher than the mean (variance > mean). This is called over-dispersion, where the value of overdispersion is greater than 1.0. The population status of the data set used in the study was over-dispersed. Negative binomial regression is the most common method used to eliminate the over-dispersion effect. In this case, the preferred method is the negative binomial regression method. The over-dispersion value in the Poisson regression was considerably greater than 1.0 (54.937) while the over-dispersion value was very close to 1.0 (1.588) in the negative binomial regression. The results indicated that the use of negative binomial regression method is more appropriate. Therefore, parameter estimations were interpreted according to negative binomial regression method. Herein, climatic factors including temperature and humidity exhibited significant impacts on population density and number of species.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology
This research was performed in one of the important bird areas in Lake Van Basin, at Dönemeç (Eng... more This research was performed in one of the important bird areas in Lake Van Basin, at Dönemeç (Engil) Delta, (Van-Turkey) from April 2011 to April 2012. A total of, 91 species and 1 subspecies belongs to 34 families were determined. Out of total, 34.7% (n:32) species were residents, 53.2% (n:49) were summer visitors, 4.43% (n:4) winter visitors, 6.52% (n:6) non-breeding transit migrants and 1.08% (n:1) random species. According to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criterias, it was observed that one species was endangered (EN), one species was near threatened (NT), one species was vulnerable (VU) and 89 species were least concern (LC). The distribution of the species population in the area at six different habitats has been identified and habitats of the endangered species, in particular, have been highlighted by creating GIS-based distribution maps.
Along with the present study, the bird species and wetland status of Elazig province were investi... more Along with the present study, the bird species and wetland status of Elazig province were investigated. According to the observation between October 2016 and May 2018, 181 species belonging to 18 orders and 44 families were identified. Of the reported species herein, 61 are resident (33.7%), 81 are summer visitors (44.8%), 20 are winter visitors (11.1%), and 19 are passage migrant (10.5%). Among these species, it has been determined that 10 species are threatened with extinction at national and international (IUCN) scale. 1 species as EN (Endangered) (Neophron percnopterus), 7 species as NT (Near Threatened) (Gypaetus barbatus, Aegypius monachus, Circus macrourus, Vanellus vanellus, Limosa limosa, Larus armenicus, Anthus pratensis), 2 species as VU (Vulnarable) (Aythya ferina, Streptopelia turtur) were reported here. Herewith the study, by drawing attention to the wetlands that shape the richness of the bird species in Elazig Province, the bird species that breed and stay in those areas and the threats to the species and habitats and the precautions to be taken were investigated.
Bu calismanin amaci, Donemec Deltasi’ndaki kus populasyonlarinin, Poisson ve negatif binom regres... more Bu calismanin amaci, Donemec Deltasi’ndaki kus populasyonlarinin, Poisson ve negatif binom regresyon modellerini kullanarak istatistiksel degerlendirmesini yapmaktir. Poisson regresyon modelinde devians (sapma) istatistiginin bir (1) den buyuk olmasi kus populasyonunda asiri yayilim oldugunu gosterir. Poisson regresyondaki asiri yayilim degeri birden cok buyuk bulunmustur (156.615). Aksine negatif Binom regresyondaki asiri yayilim degeri bire cok yakindir (1.277). Bu nedenle, parametre tahminleri negatif Binom regresyona gore yorumlanmistir. Mevsimlerin, yasam alanlarinin ve takimlarinin (ordo) etkileri populasyon yogunlugu acisindan istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur (p 0.05).
Papers by emrah çelik