This study aims to develop an empirical model of intervening Planned Behavior Theory through a no... more This study aims to develop an empirical model of intervening Planned Behavior Theory through a novel construct namely voluntary sharing contagion in improving the performance of National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). Voluntary sharing contagion is a synthesis of Social Capital Theory, Knowledge Sharing Theory and Contagion Theory. All the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Banten Provincial Government Center Area (KP3B) became the study population. Samples were selected using probability sampling technique, in which the number is determined using the Yamane formula.Data were collected through a questionnaire, which obtained 220 data set. Data were then analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). It was found that (1) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of attitude on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (2) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of subjective norm on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (3) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of behavioral control on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (4) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of attitude on the construct of voluntary sharing contagion, (5) there was a positive but not significant effect of the construct of voluntary sharing contagion on the intention to pay zakat, (6) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of voluntary sharing contagion on the performance of Baznas, (7) there was a positive but not significant effect of the construct of intention to pay zakat on the performance of Baznas
This study aims to develop an empirical model of intervening Planned Behavior Theory through a no... more This study aims to develop an empirical model of intervening Planned Behavior Theory through a novel construct namely voluntary sharing contagion in improving the performance of National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). Voluntary sharing contagion is a synthesis of Social Capital Theory, Knowledge Sharing Theory and Contagion Theory. All the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Banten Provincial Government Center Area (KP3B) became the study population. Samples were selected using probability sampling technique, in which the number is determined using the Yamane formula.Data were collected through a questionnaire, which obtained 220 data set. Data were then analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). It was found that (1) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of attitude on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (2) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of subjective norm on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (3) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of behavioral control on the construct of intention to pay zakat, (4) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of attitude on the construct of voluntary sharing contagion, (5) there was a positive but not significant effect of the construct of voluntary sharing contagion on the intention to pay zakat, (6) there was a positive and significant effect of the construct of voluntary sharing contagion on the performance of Baznas, (7) there was a positive but not significant effect of the construct of intention to pay zakat on the performance of Baznas
Papers by argo wiyono