BB400 Ó kráso Země české, vlastenče náš! Klatovy, refektář jezuitské koleje, 2.–4. prosince 2021 – sborník příspěvků. Vydala Městská knihovna Klatovy. Uspořádali: Kateřina Bobková–Valentová, Jiří M. Havlík, Karel Viták. Elektronické vydání 2021, ISBN 978-80-907785-6-6, 2021
A broader range of texts by Bohuslav Balbín about the Hussite Movement – published as well as unp... more A broader range of texts by Bohuslav Balbín about the Hussite Movement – published as well as unpublished – is examined in this study, extending the previous study „Méně známé texty Bohuslava Balbína o husitství“ (Little Known Texts by Bohuslav Balbín about the Hussite Movement)
Papers by Zdeněk Žalud
Vyprávění o dvou papežských pokusech změnit tradiční církevní doktrinální stanovisko vůči astrologii, které vůči ní bylo benevolentní – až na několik omezení – více než tři staletí, tj. od 13. do 16. století. Zmíněné pokusy dvou papežů Sixta V. (1585 – 1590) a Urbana VIII. (1623 – 1644) zakázat či jinak omezit astrologické předpovídání, navzdory podpoře papežské administrativy a papežských kongregací neuspěly. Tyto novoty, vnímané jako zpátečnické, se protivily dlouho trvající tradici založené dvěma velkými církevními světci 13. století, sv. Albertem Velikým (1206 – 1280) a sv. Tomášem Akvinským (asi 1227 – 1274), stejně jako výnosu Tridentského koncilu. Doktrinální postoj vůči astrologii byl naopak dlouhodobě tolerantní u protestantských konfesí.
(Do češtiny z anglického originálu této studie, dostupného na přeložil se souhlasem autora Z. Žalud, který doplnil vysvětlivky a poznámky.)
Původní název: The Condemnation of Astrology The Secret Vatican Archives and Pope Sixtus the Fifth
vysoké požadavky na jezdce a jejich koně. Tato studie se zaměřuje
na jedno z mála dochovaných pojednání medievální hipologie, které
sepsal portugalský král Duarte (Eduard) I. (1391–1438) pod názvem
Livro de enssynança de bem cavalgar toda sela. První část studie se
věnuje osobnosti autora a předpokladům, které měl tento vládce pro své
spisovatelské a jezdecké aktivity, včetně králova psychického založení.
Druhá část studie je zacílena na Duarteho (bohužel nedokončený) spis
o jezdectví, jenž je originální tím, že se vedle jezdeckých technik
soustředí na psychologii jezdce a sportovní pedagogiku obecně.
Astrology in Service of Architecture
The study deals with the use of traditional astrology in architecture.
According to theory of electional (katarchic) astrology, a building
should be founded at the most propitious moment for the permanency
and proper functioning of it; at the moment that should be chosen
according to astrological rules. This theory was handed down by
scholars, e.g. Vitruvius and Leon Battista Alberti, but such practice
was also documented in Renaissance Italy and represents the central
theme of book Influences: Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian Renaissance of Mary Quinlan-McGrath. Indication of this practice can be
traced in Central Europe (the case of city walls at Prostějov, founded
in 1495, and the church tower of monastery at Niederalteich in Bavaria,
founded in 1514) and in England (Gonville and Caius College at
the University of Cambridge, Royal Exchange, Royal Observatory
Greenwich, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and Royal Naval Hospital)
too. In Bohemia, the electional astrology was studied by Tadeáš
Hájek z Hájku as well as Italian Giovanniho Battista Pieroni,
who chose the propitious moment for founding of St. Matthias castle
church in Brtnice in 1629. Interest in astrology is documented for the
Archduke Ferdinand II. of Tyrol, who was the architect of Summer
Residence Hvězda (the Star), not far from Prague. In this case, a modern
attempt to cast a horoscope of foundation by I. Purš and P. Turnovský
is discussed, taking into consideration absence of astrological
houses in the aforesaid horoscope, the idea of Thema Mundi and the
anticipated relation between the electional horoscope of a building
and of its founder, which was not employed yet.
Keywords: katarchic (electional) astrology; Renaissance and Baroque
architecture; horoscope of foundation; astrological image
Vyprávění o dvou papežských pokusech změnit tradiční církevní doktrinální stanovisko vůči astrologii, které vůči ní bylo benevolentní – až na několik omezení – více než tři staletí, tj. od 13. do 16. století. Zmíněné pokusy dvou papežů Sixta V. (1585 – 1590) a Urbana VIII. (1623 – 1644) zakázat či jinak omezit astrologické předpovídání, navzdory podpoře papežské administrativy a papežských kongregací neuspěly. Tyto novoty, vnímané jako zpátečnické, se protivily dlouho trvající tradici založené dvěma velkými církevními světci 13. století, sv. Albertem Velikým (1206 – 1280) a sv. Tomášem Akvinským (asi 1227 – 1274), stejně jako výnosu Tridentského koncilu. Doktrinální postoj vůči astrologii byl naopak dlouhodobě tolerantní u protestantských konfesí.
(Do češtiny z anglického originálu této studie, dostupného na přeložil se souhlasem autora Z. Žalud, který doplnil vysvětlivky a poznámky.)
Původní název: The Condemnation of Astrology The Secret Vatican Archives and Pope Sixtus the Fifth
vysoké požadavky na jezdce a jejich koně. Tato studie se zaměřuje
na jedno z mála dochovaných pojednání medievální hipologie, které
sepsal portugalský král Duarte (Eduard) I. (1391–1438) pod názvem
Livro de enssynança de bem cavalgar toda sela. První část studie se
věnuje osobnosti autora a předpokladům, které měl tento vládce pro své
spisovatelské a jezdecké aktivity, včetně králova psychického založení.
Druhá část studie je zacílena na Duarteho (bohužel nedokončený) spis
o jezdectví, jenž je originální tím, že se vedle jezdeckých technik
soustředí na psychologii jezdce a sportovní pedagogiku obecně.
Astrology in Service of Architecture
The study deals with the use of traditional astrology in architecture.
According to theory of electional (katarchic) astrology, a building
should be founded at the most propitious moment for the permanency
and proper functioning of it; at the moment that should be chosen
according to astrological rules. This theory was handed down by
scholars, e.g. Vitruvius and Leon Battista Alberti, but such practice
was also documented in Renaissance Italy and represents the central
theme of book Influences: Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian Renaissance of Mary Quinlan-McGrath. Indication of this practice can be
traced in Central Europe (the case of city walls at Prostějov, founded
in 1495, and the church tower of monastery at Niederalteich in Bavaria,
founded in 1514) and in England (Gonville and Caius College at
the University of Cambridge, Royal Exchange, Royal Observatory
Greenwich, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and Royal Naval Hospital)
too. In Bohemia, the electional astrology was studied by Tadeáš
Hájek z Hájku as well as Italian Giovanniho Battista Pieroni,
who chose the propitious moment for founding of St. Matthias castle
church in Brtnice in 1629. Interest in astrology is documented for the
Archduke Ferdinand II. of Tyrol, who was the architect of Summer
Residence Hvězda (the Star), not far from Prague. In this case, a modern
attempt to cast a horoscope of foundation by I. Purš and P. Turnovský
is discussed, taking into consideration absence of astrological
houses in the aforesaid horoscope, the idea of Thema Mundi and the
anticipated relation between the electional horoscope of a building
and of its founder, which was not employed yet.
Keywords: katarchic (electional) astrology; Renaissance and Baroque
architecture; horoscope of foundation; astrological image
The publication about the Hussite Warlord Jan Žižka is intended for children and young people and is particularly useful for foreign audiences. It seeks to place this personality in the context of a late medieval Christian society in crisis. The Czech and English text is interspersed with a series of playful exercises and quizzes and is richly illustrated.
The volume presents for the first time ever a critical edition and translation of the surviving scholarly correspondence of the eminent scientist, professor of medicine and dignitary of the University of Prague, John Marcus Marci of Kronland (1595-1667), whose most important recipients included the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), the Cistercian Order's John Caramuel (1606-1682) and the renowned astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Marci's correspondence remarkably illustrates the ways in which early modern scholarly networks functioned during the turbulent period of the Thirty Years' War and the following decades of the 17th century. It is a collection of 61 letters from 1640-1666, mostly containing debates on contemporary topics in physics, linguistics, steganography, alchemy, and other disciplines. The correspondence itself is presented to the reader in a mirror Latin-Czech edition, prefaced by a preface and accompanied by critical and explanatory notes.
The most comprehensive work of Renaissance and Baroque astrology, which its author created for more than 30 years, has finally been completely translated from Latin into a modern language - all 26 books, including paratexts. An English translation was created only for books 13-17, 19, 22-26, various paraphrases were created for the 21st book. The book also contains a biography of Jean Baptiste Morin (translated from Latin taking into account his French version), Morin's will, an inventory of Morin's published and unpublished writings, a glossary and a list of personalities mentioned by Morin. Lubor Kysučan, Richard Mašek, Adam Šmíd, Zdeněk Žalud and Jakub Žytek participated in the translation of 850 pages of the two-column text in folio (in alphabetical order). Morin's work is not only devoted to astrology. It begins with the 1st book on the knowledge of God, the 2nd book on the creation of the world and the 3rd book on the division of the world into the elemental, etheric and celestial regions. Through the themes of natural philosophy, the author continues to astrology, which comes into play from the 12th book. The author deals thoroughly, often polemically, with the previous astronomical-astrological tradition (Ptolemy, Arab astrologers, Giuntini, Cardano, Brahe, Kepler, etc.) and opponents of astrology (Sixtus ab Hemminga, Alessandro Angeli, Picco della Mirandola). It provides valuable examples of events (with horoscopes) from the lives of leading personalities of his time (Albrecht of Wallenstein, King Gustav II Adolf, Marie Luise de Gonzaga, Cardinal Richelieu, King Louis XIV, etc.). The book can be purchased through the Astrological Society of the Czech Republic or the Vodnář publishing house.
Die Königsaaler Chronik (Cronica Aule regie), die in der ersten Hälfte
des 14. Jahrhunderts im Zisterzienserkloster Königsaal (Zbraslav) bei
Prag von dessen Abt Peter von Zittau (ca. 1275–1339) verfasst wurde,
berichtet über zeitgenössische Ereignisse und gehört zu den gelungensten Schöpfungen der hochmittelalterlichen europäischen Historiographie. In drei Bücher gegliedert umfasst die Chronik die Geschehnisse der Jahre 1253–1338: Während das erste Buch (1253–1316) thematisch gegliedert von Personen wie Přemysl Ottokar II., Wenzel II., Kaiser Heinrich VII., der Přemyslidin Elisabeth und Johann von Luxemburg in idealisierter Weise mit umfangreichen Verspartien berichtet, werden in den Büchern 2 (1317–1333) und 3 (1334–1338) die zeitgenössischen Ereignisse in annalistischer Anordnung unter Beibehaltung der prosimetrischen Form festgehalten. Trotz ihrer Bedeutung als Quelle vor allem für die böhmische, mitteleuropäische und französische Geschichte des 14. Jahrhunderts war das Werk lange Zeit nur in älteren Editionen zugänglich. Die vorliegende kritische Ausgabe, die an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Masaryk-Universität in Brno/Brünn seit 2010 erarbeitet wurde, bietet nun eine gesicherte Textgrundlage und wird durch einen modernen historischen Kommentar sowie zahlreiche Register erschlossen.
Obsáhle představuje také význam dvorské literatury a mecenášství. Hlavní texty doplňují tematická výkladová okna, jež se zaměřují na vybrané stránky soudobého života. Sledovány jsou třeba pohledy na manželství či homosexualitu, doklady o možnostech stravy, lovu, nálezů hraček nebo soukromí členů panovnické rodiny.
Třetí výkladová linka přináší dosud nepříliš doceňovaný aspekt historiografické literatury, a tím je přímé začlenění překladů jednotlivých pramenů. Čtenáři se tak v ucelené formě nabízí překlady kronikářských záznamů, listin i literární tvorby v podobě lyrických veršů nebo částí epických příběhů. Řada pramenných záznamů je přitom v českém překladu zveřejněna vůbec poprvé.
King Sigismund. However, eventually both parties, having
been exhausted by revolutionary wars, preferred political
compromise. The King wanted to achieve the recognition by the whole Kingdom of Bohemia in Prague and for that he needed consent of Tábor.
Taborites, having been deprived of most of their military
and political power after the battle of Lipany, welcomed
the possibility to be protected by royal authority and laws.
In South Bohemia Sigismund relied on the royal town
of České Budějovice and the richest nobleman in the
country, Oldřich II of Rožmberk. However, Oldřich did
not hesitate to call a truce with Tábor disregarding the
King. The town had boasted significant military power
since the times of Jan Žižka. After Žižka’s death the Tábor
association was led by Prokop Holý. Under Prokop’s control Tábor extended its domain in Bohemia even at the expense of Hussite Prague; the town also occupied a number of fortresses in Moravia and Silesia. Prokop Holý was
the spiritual administrator of Tábor field army. The town
itself and its large property in the region were managed
by the control board and a ruler elected by them, by the
municipal council, priests chaired by Mikuláš of Pelhřimov and by chief captains of the domestic combat troops.
In the early 1430s about 600 families lived in Tábor;
burghers were getting rich from crafts and also from loot.
After the defeat at the battle of Lipany, Tábor, led by
a new chief captain, Jan Roháč of Dubé, resisted Sigismund for another year. After the bloody defeat of the
local army at Křeč in August 1435, Bedřich of Strážnice
took over control of the town. Bedřich wanted to reconcile and Táborites negotiated with the King independently of the rest of the country. Therefore, in summer 1436
in Jihlava when the Compacts of Basel were announced,
Táborites did not take an oath to obey the King yet. By
the end of the year they gradually managed to have their
political and property privileges guaranteed. Only Tábor
priests refused the agreement with the Basel Council and
retained the freedom of faith for the time being.
The hatred between Sigismund of Luxembourg and
the town of Tábor ended in 1437. Monthslong negotiations led by Oldřich II of Rožmberk representing the
King and Bedřich of Strážnice representing the community of Tábor resulted in three privileges for Tábor.
The first privilege was granted by Sigismund of Luxembourg to the community of Tábor on 25th January
1437. By means of this privilege he promoted Hradiště to
a royal town. The municipality won a number of rights
and freedoms enjoyed by the Old Town of Prague. In judicial matters Tábor and its citizens were subordinated
exclusively to the ruler. The King granted Tábor the right
to execute convicted offenders; the right applied to everyone disregarding their age and status.
The town was allowed to organize two weekly and
two annual markets which were held on the same days
as markets in vanished Sezimovo Ústí. The privilege also
enabled to town to elect town councilors freely for the following six years. Eventually this freedom lasted till 1452. Tábor also received a new picture for the municipal
seal; the town used the image for the municipal coat of
arms as well.
The second privilege was granted on 30th January
1437. The privilege guaranteed to Tábor the pledge of
property of the monastery in Louňovice pod Blaníkem
(two small towns and 33 villages) and Dobronice forest
worth 2 400 threescores of groschen. The ruler could pay
the agreed amount in return for the pledged property
with a year-long notice period. The second privilege provided some Tábor serfs with land in farms occupied by
the Hussites.
The last privilege was only granted on 26th March
1437. It was then when the Hussite community became
legally independent. By that time the town had been situated on land owned by the Lords of Ústí. The privilege granted Tábor hereditary title to Ústí demesne with two towns, the vanished Sezimovo Ústí and Hradiště (Tábor), a number of villages and the deserted stronghold of Sedlec.
Sigismund had all the allocated property recorded
in the Land Tables. All serfs of the Bohemian Kingdom,
judges, burgraves and royal officers supervising royal
towns had to respect the privileges granted to Tábor.