Papers by Wioletta Piegzik
Moderna språk, Jul 1, 2024
Langue Francaise, Dec 10, 2023
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Jun 30, 2022
Développer la compétence grammaticale en français langue seconde-entre conscience et intuition li... more Développer la compétence grammaticale en français langue seconde-entre conscience et intuition linguistiques Developing grammatical competence in French as a second language-between linguistic consciousness and intuition abStract. The paper proposes a reflection on the construction of grammatical competence in French as L2. We argue that grammatical competence embraces implicit and explicit knowledge, and results from the complementarity of conscious functions, closely linked to analogy and intelligence, and unconscious functions strictly connected with intuition. In the article, we show that an approach guaranteeing communicative success is connected to teaching formal aspects of language combined with meaning. In the first part, we discuss the specificity of both types of grammatical knowledge and refer to the concept of « grammar of sense » by P. Charaudeau. In the second part, some exercises and communication tasks combining analytical thinking and sense-oriented intuitive thinking are proposed.
Neofilolog, Sep 4, 2019
The relation between musical ability and the acquisition of phonological system by foreign langua... more The relation between musical ability and the acquisition of phonological system by foreign language learners: the results of a study This report presents the results of a study into the relationship between musical ability and the development of a phonological system by foreign language learners. Our own experiences both as a foreign language teacher and as a musical group leader have raised a number of questions and lines of enquiry. These challenge previous researchers' findings concerning the allegedly absolutely positive effect of music on language learning and as a result this study has been undertaken. After a brief theoretical presentation, we describe the research project in which learners abilities to distinguish and produce different phonemes as well as the prosody of the language studying are analyzed. Two groups of learners were compared in this study. One group attended a music school. The second group had no musical experience. The study showed that receptive skills were not significantly different between the two groups. The group of learners with musical training was more articulate but this was the only difference. The statistical approach used in analysis of data was the Wilcoxon test.
Annales Neophilologiarum, 2017
Neofilolog, Jun 30, 2020
Evaluation of implicit and explicit knowledge in French as a foreign language through grammatical... more Evaluation of implicit and explicit knowledge in French as a foreign language through grammatical judgment tests: analysis of tools and presentation of research results The aim of this paper is to evaluate implicit and explicit knowledge among Polish speaking students studying French as a foreign language in the academic environment. In the first part, we discuss a timed grammaticality judgment test (TGJT) as an instrument for measuring implicit knowledge and an untimed grammaticality judgment test (UGJT) as a tool for evaluating explicit knowledge and we propose solutions to sidestep some of the weaknesses of both these instruments which were observed in our research. The second part focuses on the presentation of the research results, leading to the conclusion that the group of students at A2 level develop implicit and explicit knowledge in a fairly balanced way. Keywords: implicit knowledge of a foreign language, explicit knowledge of a foreign language, French as a foreign language, timed grammaticality judgment test, untimed grammaticality judgment test Słowa kluczowe: wiedza implicytna w JO, wiedza eksplicytna w JO, język francuski jako obcy, test oceny poprawności gramatycznej oparty na limitowanym czasie, test oceny poprawności gramatycznej bez limitu czasu
Język, Religia, Tożsamość, Dec 22, 2021
This paper presents the phenomenon of anticipation which is one of the manifestations of linguist... more This paper presents the phenomenon of anticipation which is one of the manifestations of linguistic maturity and language user rationality. Anticipation, taking place essentially in implicit structures and based on evolutionary old intuition, improves speech comprehension and increases the efficiency of cognitive processes. The phenomenon in question is presented on the example of foreign language communication, because it is there that the mechanisms governing the formulation of accurate hypotheses about form and content are particularly evident. The first part of the article discusses speech perception, and with it the categorization and selection of an appropriate cognitive schema conditioning accurate anticipation. The second part presents factors that facilitate and hinder the right hypothesis. Finally, conclusions and directions for future research on anticipation are formulated.
Prace Językoznawcze
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie mechanizmów intuicji językowejw kontekście... more Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie mechanizmów intuicji językowejw kontekście bieżącego przetwarzania danych językowych. Opis odnosi się do „umysłuw działaniu”, który zobligowany jest do podejmowania szybkich i adekwatnych decyzjijęzykowych. W artykule wykorzystano nowy model pamięci roboczej (Baddeley 2012) orazkoncepcję umysłu poczwórnie ograniczonego (Nosal 2008). Artykuł, ukazując mechanizmydziałania intuicji językowej, przedstawia rolę, jaką pełnią one w czynnościach językowych,podczas których użytkownik działa sprawnie, tj. w oparciu o jasne i zrozumiałe modele/schematy językowe, budujące kompetencję językową oraz gdy doświadcza trudności wynikającychz deficytów językowych. We wnioskach artykułu zaproponowano typologię intuicjijęzykowej i przedstawiono wybrane dane z przeprowadzonego badania empirycznego nadintuicją osób uczących się języka francuskiego jako obcego.
The main purpose of this article is to discuss intuition as a mental capacity of every language u... more The main purpose of this article is to discuss intuition as a mental capacity of every language user and as a research method used by the linguist that can bring deeper insights into the nature of language. The linguist-language researcher has a privileged position: on the one hand, he/she is a user of language and has the ability to use it in practice; on the other hand, he/she has in-depth explicit knowledge of language and methodological compe tence to support its analysis. The paper points out that language is a complex psychological reality residing in the structures of the mind, which is often extra-logical and relies more on intuitive than logical processing. Inductive reasoning and collocational analysis are given as examples of intuitive processing. Postulating the role of intuition in the study of language, the author draws on the intuitionism of Henri Bergson and cites arguments taken from the works of the French scholar and Nobel Prize winner.
The aim of the article is to characterize language intuition understood as a type of intellectual... more The aim of the article is to characterize language intuition understood as a type of intellectual process and/or mental disposition activated involuntarily and spontaneously during foreign language learning-acquisition as also the presentation of reasoning by analogy, which is inherently connected with intuition. The first part presents pedagogical concepts of Ferdinand Buisson who, by promoting the intuitive method in French education, pointed to its naturalness, universality and effectiveness. Buisson’s concept is completed by Val ´erie Derkx’s analysis about second language learning-acquisition. The second part shows examples of exercises aimed at activating the reasoning by analogy and language intuition.Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka intuicji językowej rozumianej jako typ poznania intelektualnego i/lub dyspozycji mentalnej uruchamianej mimowolnie i spontanicznie podczas uczenia się-nabywania języka obcego oraz prezentacja myślenia przez analogię, które towarzyszy nierozłąc...
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii RomańskiejTematem rozprawy jest zagadnienie nauczania/uc... more Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii RomańskiejTematem rozprawy jest zagadnienie nauczania/uczenia się języka obcego poprzez interakcje uczących się w klasie szkolnej. Podjęta problematyka wiąże się z próbą opracowania modelu komunikacji, który wspiera rozwój sprawności komunikacyjnych oraz ogólnych ucznia. Szczególny nacisk położono na interakcje negocjacyjne. Stanowią one rodzaj interakcji komunikacyjnych i definiowane są jako zorganizowane wymiany wypowiedzeń w interjęzyku, których celem jest nie tylko przekazanie informacji i kontakt z rozmówcą, ale budowanie intersubiektywnego porozumienia. Dążąc do autentyczności działań w klasie, negocjacje osadzono w podejściu zadaniowym, w ramach którego wybrano jako metodę nauczania/uczenia się pracę projektową. Model komunikacji opartej na interakcjach negocjacyjnych zweryfikowany został w badaniu w działaniu, w którym udział wzięła grupa szesnastu licealistów. Jako techniki zbierania danych wykorzystano: obserwację uczestniczącą, dzi...
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
The paper proposes a reflection on the construction of grammatical competence in French as L2. We... more The paper proposes a reflection on the construction of grammatical competence in French as L2. We argue that grammatical competence embraces implicit and explicit knowledge, and results from the complementarity of conscious functions, closely linked to analogy and intelligence, and unconscious functions strictly connected with intuition. In the article, we show that an approach guaranteeing communicative success is connected to teaching formal aspects of language combined with meaning. In the first part, we discuss the specificity of both types of grammatical knowledge and refer to the concept of « grammar of sense » by P. Charaudeau. In the second part, some exercises and communication tasks combining analytical thinking and sense-oriented intuitive thinking are proposed.
Le développement dynamique et la popularité des technologies modernes de l'information et de ... more Le développement dynamique et la popularité des technologies modernes de l'information et de la communication sont à l'origine des changements importants au niveau de l'esprit humain qui s'adapte facilement et progressivement aux exigences de l'environnement numérique. L'étudiant d'aujourd'hui, connecté à Internet pendant de nombreuses heures, a acquis des habitudes et des compétences cognitives différentes de celles requises dans l'environnement traditionnel de la lecture de textes sur papier et des exercices de conceptualisation portant sur la langue. L'environnement numérique, qui est devenu pour l'étudiant un véritable locus amoenus, lui permet de satisfaire ses besoins cognitifs, émotionnels et sociaux. La présence quotidienne du monde numérique (amplifiée en raison de la pandémie et de l'enseignement à distance) fait que ce locus amoenus impose encore davantage ses conditions. En conséquence, le traitement d'information est r...
Romanica Cracoviensia, 2021
Grasping French vouloir-dire by Polish-speaking students: what difficulties and what facilities? ... more Grasping French vouloir-dire by Polish-speaking students: what difficulties and what facilities? The objective of this article is to analyze the question of French vouloir-dire from the perspective of second language acquisition. We start from the principle that each language has its own “genius” (Yaguello 1988) and that mastering a language means above all letting oneself be tempted by this genius. In this perspective, we focus on the study of the facilities and difficulties experienced by Polishspeaking students learning French as a foreign language. By presenting the results of an empirical study carried out in two universities in Poland, we show that it is possible to enumerate intuitive grammatical constructions and those whose logic remains difficult for both intuition and analytical thinking throughout the process of learning French. The study also discovers that there is a need to redefine the notion of vouloir-dire while taking into consideration language contacts and the l...
The paper examines communication strategies as essential tools increasing the effectiveness of te... more The paper examines communication strategies as essential tools increasing the effectiveness of teaching and learning a foreign language. Emphasis is placed in particular on the relationship between the use of these strategies and learners' proficiency level. Basing on observations from an action research study, an attempt is made to discuss the difficulties and limitations which the teacher and students may encounter when trying to integrate communication strategies into classroom discourse. Another goal is to propose a classification of communication strategies based on cognitive activity of learners, drawing on Boom's (1969) taxonomy. This will serve as a basis for capturing the complex process of language learning in the classroom, together with the mental operations that learners engage in.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate implicit and explicit knowledge among Polish speaking studen... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate implicit and explicit knowledge among Polish speaking students studying French as a foreign language in the academic environment. In the first part, we discuss a timed grammaticality judgment test (TGJT) as an instrument for measuring implicit knowledge and an untimed grammaticality judgment test (UGJT) as a tool for evaluating explicit knowledge and we propose solutions to sidestep some of the weaknesses of both these instruments which were observed in our research. The second part focuses on the presentation of the research results, leading to the conclusion that the group of students at A2 level develop implicit and explicit knowledge in a fairly balanced way
Język. Religia. Tożsamość.
This paper presents the phenomenon of anticipation which is one of the manifestations of linguist... more This paper presents the phenomenon of anticipation which is one of the manifestations of linguistic maturity and language user rationality. Anticipation, taking place essentially in implicit structures and based on evolutionary old intuition, improves speech comprehension and increases the efficiency of cognitive processes. The phenomenon in question is presented on the example of foreign language communication, because it is there that the mechanisms governing the formulation of accurate hypotheses about form and content are particularly evident. The first part of the article discusses speech perception, and with it the categorization and selection of an appropriate cognitive schema conditioning accurate anticipation. The second part presents factors that facilitate and hinder the right hypothesis. Finally, conclusions and directions for future research on anticipation are formulated.
The Common European framework of reference for languages as a manifestation of postmodernism cult... more The Common European framework of reference for languages as a manifestation of postmodernism culture-an introduction to discussion The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of the Common European framework of reference for languages and the main factors responsible for its popularity and the influence it has exerted on foreign language education. This issue will be considered from a wider perspective of the philosophy of culture and references will be made to different philosophers who have been connected with the postmodernist approach. 1. Wprowadzenie Minęło już ponad dziesięć lat od ukazania się Europejskiego systemu opisu kształcenia językowego (ESOKJ) (2003), a dokument wciąż stanowi główne źró-dło odniesienia w dydaktyce językowej i nic nie wskazuje na to, aby sytuacja szybko uległa zmianie. Niewiele jest publikacji z zakresu dydaktyki obcojęzycz-nej, w których autorzy pomijaliby ustalenia omawianego dokumentu, a prawie każdy współczesny podręcznik oraz program nau...
Papers by Wioletta Piegzik