Papers by Vijay Kumar Sarabu

ResearchGate, 2024
There is a direct relationship between environment and economic development. Economic development... more There is a direct relationship between environment and economic development. Economic development without environmental considerations can cause serious environmental damage in turn impairing the quality of life of present and future generations. In the process of economic development, the environmental problems have been ignored or less concentrated. Any country's environmental problems are related to the level of its economic development, the availability of natural resources and the lifestyle of its population. Rapid population growth, poverty, urbanization, industrialization and several related factors are responsible for the rapid degradation of the environment. Now, the need of the hour is to concentrate on sustainable development i.e., "Meeting the needs of present generation without compromising with the needs of future generations". In order to be sustainable, development must combine three main elements: fairness, protection of the environment, and economic efficiency. This is possible in particular via measures to protect the quality of the environment, and by the restoration, development, and maintenance of habitats that are essential to species. This implies the sustainable management of the use of the animal and plant populations being exploited. In other words, it is the rational management of human, natural, and economic resources that aims to satisfy the essential needs of humanity in the very long term. Today, developing countries and developed countries are all suffering from environmental problems. Therefore, environmental problems have been the object of discussion throughout the world.

Researchgate, 2024
Napoleon Bonaparte the famous French military and political leader said “The word impossible is f... more Napoleon Bonaparte the famous French military and political leader said “The word impossible is found in the dictionary of fools”. This means, everything is possible with the dedicated hard work and well plan. China proved this. In 1978, China was one of the poorest countries in the world, poorer than almost all African and Latin American countries. Today, it’s an $18 trillion economy, larger than the entire European Union (EU) and ready to surpass the U.S. within a few years. As of 2024, China and India are the 2nd and 5th largest emerging economies in the world respectively. On a PPP basis, China is at 1st, and India is at 3rd place. Among Asian countries, China and India together contribute more than half of Asia's GDP and account for about 35.31 % of total world population and 60% of Asia population. China and India, the world's most populous nations, have much in common: India home to about 1.44 billion people and China home to 1.43 billion in 2024.
India got independence on 15th August, 1947, while China got independence on 1st October, 1949. India joined WTO on 1st January, 1995, while China joined WTO on 11th December, 2001. Despite, how China outpaced India in the development process so rapidly is to critically analyze is the main of my Paper. My Paper is purely based on facts and figures and I don’t have any prejudice and political intention in writing this Paper.
Money is derived from a Latin word, Moneta, which was another name of Goddess Juno in Roman histo... more Money is derived from a Latin word, Moneta, which was another name of Goddess Juno in Roman history. The term money refers to an object that is accepted as a mode for the transaction of goods and services in general and repayment of debts in a particular country or socioeconomic framework. Money is an important and powerful tool which was created by man thousands of years ago. "Money is a pivot around which the whole economy clusters". Anything that serves as a medium of exchange, as unit of account and used as a store value can be referred to as money. It should have characteristics of Durability, Portability, Divisibility, Uniformity, Acceptable, Scarcity, Stability, Cognizability means its value must easily identifiable and compare its worth.

The concept of ‘Inclusive Growth’ finds place more frequently in the debates and discussions at d... more The concept of ‘Inclusive Growth’ finds place more frequently in the debates and discussions at different forums. The Government aimed at promoting ‘inclusive growth’ as it recognized that high national income growth alone did not address the challenge of employment promotion, poverty reduction and balanced regional development or improving human development. The subject of inclusive growth has been in the spotlight recently, for very obvious reasons. This orientation is most visibly manifested in the theme of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. The theme is ‘towards faster and more inclusive growth,’ which clearly reflects the need to find a sustainable balance between growth and inclusion. Many people view ‘inequality’ and ‘exclusiveness’ as being the same thing. The Eleventh Plan defines inclusive growth to be “a growth process which yields broad-based benefits and ensures equality of opportunity for all”. The inclusive growth and development vision as envisaged in the Five Year Plan al...
Inflation is a measure of the rate of change in prices of selected goods and services over a peri... more Inflation is a measure of the rate of change in prices of selected goods and services over a period of time, usually a year. In simple terms, it is a rise in price levels of goods and services of daily use. It is expressed as a percentage. It is the rate at which prices of goods and services increase in an economy. It is an indication of the rise in the general level of prices over a period of time. Also, it shows the fall in the purchasing power of a rupee.

In the human history, nothing has killed more human beings than the viruses, bacteria and parasit... more In the human history, nothing has killed more human beings than the viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause diseases. Not even, natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes or war. The recent “2019 navel corona virus” is a RNA Virus, announced as Covid 19 by WHO. Co stands for Corona; Vid stands for virus disease and 19 stands for 2019. It was first reported in Dec, 2019 from China's Wuhan city. The WHO declared the virus as a global pandemic on 11th March, 2020. The first infected humans by corona virus was in 2002 in China but, identified in 2003 with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic. A second outbreak of severe illness began in 2012 in Saudi Arabia with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). On December 31st, 2019 Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization about the outbreak of Covid 19. On January 30th, 2020 WHO declared corona virus a global emergency. WHO says, Covid 19 is more than 10 times deadly than swine flu.

Traditionally India’s tax regime relied heavily on indirect taxes. Revenue from indirect taxes wa... more Traditionally India’s tax regime relied heavily on indirect taxes. Revenue from indirect taxes was the major source of tax revenue till tax reforms were undertaken during nineties. The major argument put forth for heavy reliance on indirect taxes was that the India’s majority of population was poor and thus widening base of direct taxes had inherent limitations. But the Indian system of indirect taxation is characterized by cascading, distorting tax on production of goods and services which leads to hampering productivity and slower economic growth. There are endless taxes in present system few levied by Centre and rest levied by state, to remove this multiplicity of taxes and reducing the burden of the tax payer a simple tax is required and that is Goods and Service Tax (GST). This paper throws an insight into the Goods and Service Tax concept, advantages, disadvantages and international scenario.

Yathra nariyasthu pujyathe ramanthe ththra devethha“, the meaning this Sanskrit sloka is, where w... more Yathra nariyasthu pujyathe ramanthe ththra devethha“, the meaning this Sanskrit sloka is, where women are respected, there angels will reside. Thus, it is known that in the olden days (Age of Vedas) women were given high status and great respect and freedom in the society. "Sakthi" a feminine term means "power" and "strength". But, today if we tune to radio, TV or turn to any news paper we find several reports of violence against women, girls and children in one form of or other. There are more such cases which go unreported every day. In fact, include the cases which we know or which we witness in the neighborhood, but we are hesitant in taking even a single step to reduce their occurrences. “A Woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect her”. In India there is a crime against women in every three minutes, one rape every twenty nine minutes and one recorded case of dowry death in every seventy seven minutes. Cases of cruelty meted out by husbands and in laws are seen in every nine minutes. Patriarchal terrorism where one partner uses economic and social power to maintain control over another human is very common in India and other Asian countries due to the subservient status of women. As said by Karl Marx “Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.” Swami Vivekananda has rightly pointed out that “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved”. And “Women will work out their destinies – much better too than men can ever do for them. All the mischief to women has come because men undertook to shape the destiny of women.” Power of the harasser, abuser or rapists depends above all on the silence of women. In recent times, Indian society is passing through a very difficult phase when human values have reached an abysmally low level. There is a dire need to tell people right from their childhood about dignity of labor and self discipline, inculcate in them self confidence and a feeling of safety and security, and not to treat women as mere objects. Constantly deteriorating condition of law and order situation has added fuel into the fire making life of women miserable. Common-men demand effective Government action and sincere implementation of the laws along with swift justice to curb the increasing violence against women/girl-child. India needs to change people’s perception/mindset about women’s fundamental rights for justice, safety, security, equality and freedom. It should never ever be forgotten that woman is a source of immense power. Without women, men-world stands no-where. It is the Woman, who is the creator of a new life, sustainer and educator of the new generation. It is also the woman, who comes in man’s world with color and pleasure as a loving and caring mother, affectionate sister, cute daughter and compatible companion. It is time to remember India’s age-old rich cultural heritage and values wherein women were treated with great respect in society. Our learned ancestors and personalities of eminence accorded a very high and coveted position to women, eulogizing them through use of Divine names like ‘Lakshmi’ (Goddess of Wealth), ‘Annapurna’ (sustainer of human life), ‘Saraswati’ (Goddess of knowledge) and ‘Durga’ (Goddess of Power). Domestic violence against women prevails because we allow it. Speak up. Stop the Silence. Each of our effort counts and let this rage of violence end once and for all.

India is considered as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Agriculture is the moth... more India is considered as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Agriculture is the mother of any economy, whether it is rich or poor. Much of its influence is on the other sectors of economy-industry and service. India is the second largest in farm output. Hence, India's economic security continues to be predicated upon the agriculture sector, and the situation is not likely to change in the near future. Even today, the share of agriculture in employment is about 49% of the population, as against around 75% at the time of independence. In the same period, the contribution of agriculture and allied sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has fallen from 61% to 17% in 2015-16. Around 51% of India's geographical area is already under cultivation as compared to 11% of the world average. China with lesser cultivable land produces double the food grains, i.e. 607 million tons in 2015-16 as compared with India's 252 million tons in 2015-16. The present cropping intensity of 136% has registered an increase of only 25% since independence. Further, rain fed dry lands constitute 65% of the total net sown area. There is also an unprecedented degradation of land (107 million ha) and groundwater resource, and also fall in the rate of growth of total factor productivity. This deceleration needs to be arrested and agricultural productivity has to be doubled to meet growing demands of the population by 2050. Natural resource base of agriculture, which provides for sustainable production, is shrinking and degrading, and is adversely affecting production capacity of the ecosystem. However, demand for agriculture is rising rapidly with increase in population and per capita income and growing demand from industry sector. There is, thus, an urgent need to identify severity of problem confronting agriculture sector to restore its vitality and put it back on higher growth trajectory. The problems, however, are surmountable, particularly when new tools of science and technology have started offering tremendous opportunities for application in agriculture. However, the country recorded impressive achievements in agriculture during three decades since the onset of green revolution in late sixties. This enabled the country to overcome widespread hunger and starvation; achieve self-sufficiency in food; reduce poverty and bring economic transformation in millions of rural families. The situation, however, started turning adverse for the sector around mid-nineties, with slowdown in growth rate of output, which then resulted in stagnation or even decline in farmers' income leading to agrarian distress, which is spreading and turning more and more serious. This Paper attempts to focus attention on Issues, Challenges and Government policies of Indian Agriculture in the context of Globalization.

The main message of the World development report (2012) is gender equality and inclusive developm... more The main message of the World development report (2012) is gender equality and inclusive development. Greater gender equality enhances productivity and improves other development outcomes, including prospects for the next generation and for the quality of societal policies and institutions. Economic development is not enough to shrink all gender disparities-corrective policies that focus on persisting gender gaps are essential. This report points to four priority areas for policy going forward. First, reducing gender gaps in human capital-specifically those that address female mortality and education. Second, closing gender gaps in access to economic opportunities, earnings, and productivity. Third, shrinking gender differences in voice and agency within society. Fourth, limiting the reproduction of gender inequality across generations. (2) These are all areas where higher incomes by themselves do little to reduce gender gaps, but focused policies can have a real impact. Gender equality is at the heart of development. It's the right development objective, and it's smart economic policy.

Here, ‘Development Model’ means ‘Economic Development Model’. Some economists usually call ‘Econo... more Here, ‘Development Model’ means ‘Economic Development Model’. Some economists usually call ‘Economic Models’ as ‘Economic Growth Models’. But, here I call as ‘Economic Development Model’, because economic growth is a narrow term when compared to economic development. ‘Economic Growth is the increase in the amount of goods and services produced by an economy over a period of time’. Whereas economic development is a broader term and generally ‘refers to the sustained, concerted actions of policy makers and communities that promote the standard of living and economic health of a specific area (country) along with the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over a long period of time’. Thus, economic development may also be referred to as both the quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy. Such actions can involve multiple areas including development of human capital, social inclusion, health, safety, literacy, and other initiatives. Economic development may also be defined as “ a process whereby an economy’s real national income increases over a long period of time”. Economic development differs from economic growth. Economic development is a policy intervention endeavor with aims of economic and social well being of people, where as economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and rise in GDP. Consequently, “economic growth is one aspect of the process of economic development and involves quantitative changes in the economy”. Economic Growth and Economic Development can be explained with a best example, let us compare the body of a person with the economy. When a person’s body grows with the increase in his age without corresponding increase in his brain may be referred to as growth, while the development refers to progress in his intelligence with the growth of his body. Thus, economic growth refers to simply growth in the goods and services in an economy over a period of time. Whereas economic development includes growth plus institutional and technological changes for the betterment of an economy. Economic Growth being a narrow term and economic development being a broader term and as it encompasses growth, I prefer my model as ‘Development Model’ instead of ‘Growth Model.’ My economic development model reviews the economic, political, infrastructure reforms and suggests some ideas for the rapid economic development of India. This model, being a simple one and thought provoking, understandable even to a lay man, does not involve any mathematical applications like other growth models.
Papers by Vijay Kumar Sarabu
India got independence on 15th August, 1947, while China got independence on 1st October, 1949. India joined WTO on 1st January, 1995, while China joined WTO on 11th December, 2001. Despite, how China outpaced India in the development process so rapidly is to critically analyze is the main of my Paper. My Paper is purely based on facts and figures and I don’t have any prejudice and political intention in writing this Paper.
India got independence on 15th August, 1947, while China got independence on 1st October, 1949. India joined WTO on 1st January, 1995, while China joined WTO on 11th December, 2001. Despite, how China outpaced India in the development process so rapidly is to critically analyze is the main of my Paper. My Paper is purely based on facts and figures and I don’t have any prejudice and political intention in writing this Paper.
Keywords: Agricultural crisis, Farmers suicides, Government Policies, Remedies, Suggestions.
Keywords: Agricultural crisis, Farmers suicides, Government Policies, Remedies, Suggestions.
Methodology: This research paper is based on secondary sources that are available from the reference books given at the end of my paper.
Critical Analysis of BR Ambhedkar: He came close to Marxian and Weberian conceptions and differs from them. Ambhedkar accepted Buddhism as an alternative to Hinduism. Buddha and Marx’s ends remain same but means differ. Some critically oppose Ambhedkar on caste basis reservations, while he was quite against caste system in India. Instead, he would have advocated reservations on economic criteria.
Keywords: Constitution Maker, Emancipation, Inequalities, Humanist, Dalits, Reformer
India got independence on 15th August, 1947, while China got independence on 1st October, 1949. India joined WTO on 1st January, 1995, while China joined WTO on 11th December, 2001. Despite, how China outpaced India in the development process so rapidly is to critically analyze is the main of my Paper. My Paper is purely based on facts and figures and I don’t have any prejudice and political intention in writing this Paper.
Keywords: Agricultural crisis, Farmers suicides, Government Policies, Remedies, Suggestions.