Korištenje svinjske gnojovke kao biomase za proizvodnju bioplina jedan je od na ina za u inkovitu... more Korištenje svinjske gnojovke kao biomase za proizvodnju bioplina jedan je od na ina za u inkovitu uporabu otpada uz minimalan utjecaj na okoliš. Prednost bioplina i biomase u odnosu na fosilna goriva je neusporedivo manje emisije štetnih plinova i otpadnih tvari. Optere enje atmosfere ugljik dioksidom (CO2) pri korištenju biomase je zanemarivo, jer je koli ina emitiranog CO2 prilikom izgaranja jednaka koli ini apsorbiranog CO2 tijekom rasta biljaka. Materijal istraživanja je svinjska gnojovka sa farme u okolici Osijeka gdje su svinje držane na rešetkastom podu a u istraživanju koristila se standardna metoda i kvantitativni postupak. Na uzorku se ispitivao postotak suhe tvari (ST) i njegova ovisnost o koli ini nastalog bioplina razli itog sastava. Koli ina (ST) je niska i teoretski se kre e se od 0,5 do 10 %. Ona je varijabilna i ovisi o pasmini, hranidbi, uvjetima držanja, tehnologiji, izgnojavanju itd. Uzorak sa niskom koli inom (ST) sadržavao je veliku koli inu pepela te je njegov...
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the... more Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the most significant applications of anaerobic fermentation. In Asian countries, particularly in China, India, Nepal and Vietnam, there are several million very simple, small biogas plants that produce gas for household cooking and lighting. In Europe and North America a number of agricultural biogas plants now, are increasing daily, a few thousand biogas plants exist, most of which use modern technologies, anaerobic fermentation. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibility of biogas production from poultry manure with 10% of total solids and through the segments of the quality and quantity, determine the content of total solids (DM), volatile solids (OM), and the amount and composition of biogas. The aim was also to justify the use of poultry manure in biogas production and its application for specific purposes Laboratory research showed that 1 kg of poultry manure produced 25 l of biogas, and pig slurry in combination with 10% of poultry manure produced 47.01 l of biogas during the 40 days of anaerobic fermentation under mezofilic conditions. Production of biogas has a good potential for development in Croatia, especially in the continental part. Usages of this technology are multiple because of the fact that the Republic of Croatia imports most of the energy. Usage of biogas would reduce the import of certain energy and thus reduce energy dependence; it would increase the number of employers and ease the obligation of Croatia toward EU in replacing some fossil fuels with renewable ones.
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure,are one of the ... more Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure,are one of the most significant applications of anaerobic fermentation. In Asiancountries, particularly in China, India, Nepal and Vietnam, there are several millionvery simple, small biogas plants that produce gas for household cooking and lighting.In Europe and North America a number of agricultural biogas plants now, areincreasing daily, a few thousand biogas plants exist, most of which use moderntechnologies, anaerobic fermentation. The aim of this paper is to determine thepossibility of biogas production from poultry manure with 10% of total solids andthrough the segments of the quality and quantity, determine the content of totalsolids (DM), volatile solids (OM), and the amount and composition of biogas. Theaim was also to justify the use of poultry manure in biogas production and itsapplication for specific purposes Laboratory research showed that 1 kg of poultrymanure produced 25 l of biogas, a...
Waste cooking oil is produced in the catering and tourist industry, and other places that prepare... more Waste cooking oil is produced in the catering and tourist industry, and other places that prepare more than 20 meals a day. It is classified according to the waste catalog (NN 50/05, 39/09) as non-hazardous waste and is in group 20 (key number 20 01 25). The aim was to present waste cooking oil from restaurants in the Osijek-Baranja county. We did a questionnaire and research in thirty restaurants. The results obtained from the survey indicate insufficient awareness of caterers and the need for additional information on waste cooking oil and waste in general. With proper management we preserve environment, health and create new jobs.
Rapid industrialization and the use of fossil fuels led to exceptional environmental pollution. T... more Rapid industrialization and the use of fossil fuels led to exceptional environmental pollution. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are constantly growing. Such a way of doing business there is a need for alternative and renewable energy. One of the renewable energy sources is biogas. Biogas is created in anaerobic fermentation of organic matter. Raw materials (biomass) for biogas production are organic - organic wastes from agriculture (liquid and solid fertilizer), sludge from wastewater treatment, biowaste from the food industry (whey, slaughterhouse waste) and households. Most economical use of biogas as a fuel is performed in cogeneration plants for the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. Using biogas in the production of electricity and heat energy lead to adequately environmental protection, improve of waste management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop agriculture for energy purposes, create new jobs and reduce use of fossil fuels.
There are lots of benefits in biogas production. Biomass which was used in biogas production is r... more There are lots of benefits in biogas production. Biomass which was used in biogas production is renewable energy source. In Slavonia and Baranya region are extremely favourable terms for developing and production of biogas. We used samples of swine manure with ingredients of 20%, 40% and 80% of sugar beet heads silage. Control group was swine manure without ingredients. All groups were set up in three repeats. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane were monitored. Maximal quantity of 57% carbon dioxide was evolve in composite of swine manure with content of 40% sugar beet heads. Maximal quantity of 64% methane was evolve in conposite of swine manure with content of 20% sugar beet heads. Using biomass like energy generating product, it produce light emission of greenhouse gases in to atmosphere.
In Croatia are some good terms for developing and production of biogas, specially in continental ... more In Croatia are some good terms for developing and production of biogas, specially in continental region. There are multiple benefits of biogas technology. Renewable energy source like biomass in biogas production is alternative energy solution. In our research we used experimental composite samples of slaughter waste with pig manure, and pig manure with quantity of 20%, 40% and 60% sugar beet. Control groups were samples of pig slurry without supplements. Concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane were monitored. Maximum concentration of carbon dioxide was 57% in composite sample of pig slurry and quantity of 40% sugar beet. Maximum concentration of methane was 68.73% in composite sample of slaughter waste and pig manure. Using of pig manure, slaughter waste and sugar beet in biogas production we can generate electric and heat energy with light emission of greenhouse gases in atmosphere.
Production of biogas with anaerobic degradation from organic waste is one of the pledge alternati... more Production of biogas with anaerobic degradation from organic waste is one of the pledge alternative energetic solutions, especially from organic manure made from animal farming and other residuals of agricultural production. According to 2005 livestock manufacture data daily quantity of animal excrements in Croatia, based on LSU number, is 784 015.26 m3. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibility of production of biogas from the most common types of domestic animals in Croatia. Anaerobic fermentation period of 40 days in mesophilic conditions produced from 1 kg of beef, 31 litres of biogas slurry and from pig slurry 14.83 litres of biogas. From our study it follows that the Republic of Croatia (based on the number of UG) could produce 426,995,250.00 Nm3 bigas annually.Exploitation of biogas can decrease import of the referred energents, especially electric energy.
Importance of agricultural production (besides strategically significant food production) increas... more Importance of agricultural production (besides strategically significant food production) increases, because of the need for strategic production of energy crops used for energy production. Term energy crop includes crops that can be processed using different technologies in order to obtain different energy-generating bioproducts, such as: biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and biomass for incineration. Correct management and better exploitation of existing land resources, as well as introduction and development of new crops makes possible higher production of plant organic material for processing and production of energy-generating bioproducts. In biogas production, biogas production plants work continuously throughout the year without stopping. To insure that, it is necessary to provide enough organic material in quality and quantity, which will be converted into biogas in production plants. Due to its distinctly high green mass yield, Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L.) becomes interes...
Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper SAŽETAK Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih e... more Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper SAŽETAK Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih energetskih rješenja je proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom razgradnjom organskog otpada, naročito iskorištenjem organskog gnoja kod uzgoja životinja, te drugih ostataka iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Prema podacima o stočarskoj proizvodnji u vremenu od 2005. do 2007. godine, dnevna količina životinjskih ekskremenata u RH, na bazi broja uvjetnih grla (UG) iznosi 784 015,26 m 3. Cilj rada je utvrditi mogućnost proizvodnje bioplina iz najzastupljenijih vrsta domaćih životinja u RH. Anaerobnom fermentacijom u trajanju od 40 dana pri mezofilnim uvjetima proizvedeno je iz 1 kg goveđe gnojovke 31 litra bioplina, a iz svinjske gnojovke 14,83 litre bioplina. Iz naših istraživanja slijedi da bi se u RH godišnje (na bazi broja UG) moglo proizvesti 426.995.250,00 Nm 3 bioplina. S obzirom da je RH prisiljena uvoziti većinu energenata, korištenjem bioplina smanjio bi se uvoz pojedinih energenata što je naročito vidljivo kod uvoza el. energije. Ključne riječi: stočarska proizvodnja, bioplin, goveđa gnojovka, svinjska gnojovka UVOD Stočarska proizvodnja je značajna poljoprivredna grana koja osigurava sirovine za prehrambenu, tekstilnu, farmaceutsku i kemijsku industriju. MeĎutim stočarska je proizvodnja, s obzirom na koncentraciju velikog broja životinja na malom prostoru, potencijalni zagaĎivač okoliša. Velike koncentracije stajskog gnoja ugrožavaju tlo, atmosferu, nadzemne i podzemne vode, stoga su propisane norme o potrebnim minimalnim površinama po jednom UG. Republiku Hrvatsku kao zemlju kandidata za članicu EU očekuje prilagoĎavanje zakonskim odredbama i normama koje su važeće u zemljama EU. Maksimalni broj UG po jednom hektaru je 2 UG, zbog čega uzgajivači životinja moraju transparentno prikazati način zbrinjavanja stajskog gnoja. Postoji nekoliko načina zbrinjavanja: od apliciranja stabilizirane gnojovke direktno u tlo, apliciranja organskog gnojiva na tlo, prerade stajskog gnoja u kompost ili anaerobnom fermentacijom proizvoditi bioplin i organsko gnojivo. Cantrell (2008.) navodi pogodnost korištenja životinjskog otpada za produkciju bioenergije. Stajski gnoj je smjesa gustih i tekućih izmeta domaćih životinja i stelje. Vrijednost stajskog gnoja ovisi o vrsti životinje, vrsti prehrane, starosti životinje, vrsti stelje, postupku skladištenja i načinu primjene na polju. Prosječan sastav je: 0,20-0,60% dušika (N 2), 0,04-0,30% fosfora (P 2 O 5), 0,10-0,80% kalija (K 2 O), 0,07-1,00% kalcija (CaO) i 0,03-0,06% magnezija (MgO). Prisutni su i sastojci bora, cinka, molibdena i mangana u manjim količinama. Stajski gnoj možemo razvrstati po porijeklu na: goveĎi, ovčji, konjski, svinjski i gnoj od peradi. Prema sadržaju vode dijelimo ga na topli i hladni. GoveĎi gnoj je hladan zbog velikog sadržaja vode. Značajan je jer se najviše proizvodi. Vrlo dobar je za pješčana tla, jer povezuje raspršene čestice tla, a teža tla čini rahlijima. U tlu djeluje dulje od konjskoga, barem 3-4 godine. Tovna goveda daju najbolji stajski gnoj. Topli gnoj je gnoj konja, magaraca, ovaca, koza, mazgi i mula, a hladni gnoj je gnoj goveda i svinja. Za proizvodnju bioplina pogodan je svaki biorazgradivi materijal (gnoj, biomasa, kanalizacijski mulj, komunalni otpad i sl.). Biomasa, kao osnova, pripada u sirovinu od koje se najviše očekuje u ______________
Otpadno jestivo ulje nastaje u ugostiteljskoj i turističkoj djelatnosti, industriji, obrtu, zdrav... more Otpadno jestivo ulje nastaje u ugostiteljskoj i turističkoj djelatnosti, industriji, obrtu, zdravstvenoj djelatnosti, javnoj upravi i drugim djelatnostima u kojima se priprema više od 20 obroka dnevno. Otpadno jestivo ulje klasificira se prema katalogu otpada (NN 50/05, 39/09) kao neopasni otpad i nalazi se u grupi 20 (ključni broj 20 01 25). Cilj rada bio je prikazati gospodarenje otpadnim jestivim uljima iz ugostiteljskih objekata skupine restorani na području Osječko-baranjske županije. Napravili smo anketu i proveli istraživanje u trideset ugostiteljskih objekata skupine restorani. Rezultati dobiveni iz provedene ankete ukazuju na nedovoljnu informiranost ugostitelja i potrebnu dodatnu edukaciju o gospodarenju otpadnim jestivim uljima i otpadu općenito. Pravilnim gospodarenjem čuvamo okoliš i zdravlje, te otvaramo nova radna mjesta.
Korištenje svinjske gnojovke kao biomase za proizvodnju bioplina jedan je od na ina za u inkovitu... more Korištenje svinjske gnojovke kao biomase za proizvodnju bioplina jedan je od na ina za u inkovitu uporabu otpada uz minimalan utjecaj na okoliš. Prednost bioplina i biomase u odnosu na fosilna goriva je neusporedivo manje emisije štetnih plinova i otpadnih tvari. Optere enje atmosfere ugljik dioksidom (CO2) pri korištenju biomase je zanemarivo, jer je koli ina emitiranog CO2 prilikom izgaranja jednaka koli ini apsorbiranog CO2 tijekom rasta biljaka. Materijal istraživanja je svinjska gnojovka sa farme u okolici Osijeka gdje su svinje držane na rešetkastom podu a u istraživanju koristila se standardna metoda i kvantitativni postupak. Na uzorku se ispitivao postotak suhe tvari (ST) i njegova ovisnost o koli ini nastalog bioplina razli itog sastava. Koli ina (ST) je niska i teoretski se kre e se od 0,5 do 10 %. Ona je varijabilna i ovisi o pasmini, hranidbi, uvjetima držanja, tehnologiji, izgnojavanju itd. Uzorak sa niskom koli inom (ST) sadržavao je veliku koli inu pepela te je njegov...
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the... more Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the most significant applications of anaerobic fermentation. In Asian countries, particularly in China, India, Nepal and Vietnam, there are several million very simple, small biogas plants that produce gas for household cooking and lighting. In Europe and North America a number of agricultural biogas plants now, are increasing daily, a few thousand biogas plants exist, most of which use modern technologies, anaerobic fermentation. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibility of biogas production from poultry manure with 10% of total solids and through the segments of the quality and quantity, determine the content of total solids (DM), volatile solids (OM), and the amount and composition of biogas. The aim was also to justify the use of poultry manure in biogas production and its application for specific purposes Laboratory research showed that 1 kg of poultry manure produced 25 l of biogas, and pig slurry in combination with 10% of poultry manure produced 47.01 l of biogas during the 40 days of anaerobic fermentation under mezofilic conditions. Production of biogas has a good potential for development in Croatia, especially in the continental part. Usages of this technology are multiple because of the fact that the Republic of Croatia imports most of the energy. Usage of biogas would reduce the import of certain energy and thus reduce energy dependence; it would increase the number of employers and ease the obligation of Croatia toward EU in replacing some fossil fuels with renewable ones.
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure,are one of the ... more Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure,are one of the most significant applications of anaerobic fermentation. In Asiancountries, particularly in China, India, Nepal and Vietnam, there are several millionvery simple, small biogas plants that produce gas for household cooking and lighting.In Europe and North America a number of agricultural biogas plants now, areincreasing daily, a few thousand biogas plants exist, most of which use moderntechnologies, anaerobic fermentation. The aim of this paper is to determine thepossibility of biogas production from poultry manure with 10% of total solids andthrough the segments of the quality and quantity, determine the content of totalsolids (DM), volatile solids (OM), and the amount and composition of biogas. Theaim was also to justify the use of poultry manure in biogas production and itsapplication for specific purposes Laboratory research showed that 1 kg of poultrymanure produced 25 l of biogas, a...
Waste cooking oil is produced in the catering and tourist industry, and other places that prepare... more Waste cooking oil is produced in the catering and tourist industry, and other places that prepare more than 20 meals a day. It is classified according to the waste catalog (NN 50/05, 39/09) as non-hazardous waste and is in group 20 (key number 20 01 25). The aim was to present waste cooking oil from restaurants in the Osijek-Baranja county. We did a questionnaire and research in thirty restaurants. The results obtained from the survey indicate insufficient awareness of caterers and the need for additional information on waste cooking oil and waste in general. With proper management we preserve environment, health and create new jobs.
Rapid industrialization and the use of fossil fuels led to exceptional environmental pollution. T... more Rapid industrialization and the use of fossil fuels led to exceptional environmental pollution. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are constantly growing. Such a way of doing business there is a need for alternative and renewable energy. One of the renewable energy sources is biogas. Biogas is created in anaerobic fermentation of organic matter. Raw materials (biomass) for biogas production are organic - organic wastes from agriculture (liquid and solid fertilizer), sludge from wastewater treatment, biowaste from the food industry (whey, slaughterhouse waste) and households. Most economical use of biogas as a fuel is performed in cogeneration plants for the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. Using biogas in the production of electricity and heat energy lead to adequately environmental protection, improve of waste management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop agriculture for energy purposes, create new jobs and reduce use of fossil fuels.
There are lots of benefits in biogas production. Biomass which was used in biogas production is r... more There are lots of benefits in biogas production. Biomass which was used in biogas production is renewable energy source. In Slavonia and Baranya region are extremely favourable terms for developing and production of biogas. We used samples of swine manure with ingredients of 20%, 40% and 80% of sugar beet heads silage. Control group was swine manure without ingredients. All groups were set up in three repeats. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane were monitored. Maximal quantity of 57% carbon dioxide was evolve in composite of swine manure with content of 40% sugar beet heads. Maximal quantity of 64% methane was evolve in conposite of swine manure with content of 20% sugar beet heads. Using biomass like energy generating product, it produce light emission of greenhouse gases in to atmosphere.
In Croatia are some good terms for developing and production of biogas, specially in continental ... more In Croatia are some good terms for developing and production of biogas, specially in continental region. There are multiple benefits of biogas technology. Renewable energy source like biomass in biogas production is alternative energy solution. In our research we used experimental composite samples of slaughter waste with pig manure, and pig manure with quantity of 20%, 40% and 60% sugar beet. Control groups were samples of pig slurry without supplements. Concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane were monitored. Maximum concentration of carbon dioxide was 57% in composite sample of pig slurry and quantity of 40% sugar beet. Maximum concentration of methane was 68.73% in composite sample of slaughter waste and pig manure. Using of pig manure, slaughter waste and sugar beet in biogas production we can generate electric and heat energy with light emission of greenhouse gases in atmosphere.
Production of biogas with anaerobic degradation from organic waste is one of the pledge alternati... more Production of biogas with anaerobic degradation from organic waste is one of the pledge alternative energetic solutions, especially from organic manure made from animal farming and other residuals of agricultural production. According to 2005 livestock manufacture data daily quantity of animal excrements in Croatia, based on LSU number, is 784 015.26 m3. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibility of production of biogas from the most common types of domestic animals in Croatia. Anaerobic fermentation period of 40 days in mesophilic conditions produced from 1 kg of beef, 31 litres of biogas slurry and from pig slurry 14.83 litres of biogas. From our study it follows that the Republic of Croatia (based on the number of UG) could produce 426,995,250.00 Nm3 bigas annually.Exploitation of biogas can decrease import of the referred energents, especially electric energy.
Importance of agricultural production (besides strategically significant food production) increas... more Importance of agricultural production (besides strategically significant food production) increases, because of the need for strategic production of energy crops used for energy production. Term energy crop includes crops that can be processed using different technologies in order to obtain different energy-generating bioproducts, such as: biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and biomass for incineration. Correct management and better exploitation of existing land resources, as well as introduction and development of new crops makes possible higher production of plant organic material for processing and production of energy-generating bioproducts. In biogas production, biogas production plants work continuously throughout the year without stopping. To insure that, it is necessary to provide enough organic material in quality and quantity, which will be converted into biogas in production plants. Due to its distinctly high green mass yield, Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L.) becomes interes...
Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper SAŽETAK Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih e... more Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper SAŽETAK Jedno od obećavajućih alternativnih energetskih rješenja je proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom razgradnjom organskog otpada, naročito iskorištenjem organskog gnoja kod uzgoja životinja, te drugih ostataka iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Prema podacima o stočarskoj proizvodnji u vremenu od 2005. do 2007. godine, dnevna količina životinjskih ekskremenata u RH, na bazi broja uvjetnih grla (UG) iznosi 784 015,26 m 3. Cilj rada je utvrditi mogućnost proizvodnje bioplina iz najzastupljenijih vrsta domaćih životinja u RH. Anaerobnom fermentacijom u trajanju od 40 dana pri mezofilnim uvjetima proizvedeno je iz 1 kg goveđe gnojovke 31 litra bioplina, a iz svinjske gnojovke 14,83 litre bioplina. Iz naših istraživanja slijedi da bi se u RH godišnje (na bazi broja UG) moglo proizvesti 426.995.250,00 Nm 3 bioplina. S obzirom da je RH prisiljena uvoziti većinu energenata, korištenjem bioplina smanjio bi se uvoz pojedinih energenata što je naročito vidljivo kod uvoza el. energije. Ključne riječi: stočarska proizvodnja, bioplin, goveđa gnojovka, svinjska gnojovka UVOD Stočarska proizvodnja je značajna poljoprivredna grana koja osigurava sirovine za prehrambenu, tekstilnu, farmaceutsku i kemijsku industriju. MeĎutim stočarska je proizvodnja, s obzirom na koncentraciju velikog broja životinja na malom prostoru, potencijalni zagaĎivač okoliša. Velike koncentracije stajskog gnoja ugrožavaju tlo, atmosferu, nadzemne i podzemne vode, stoga su propisane norme o potrebnim minimalnim površinama po jednom UG. Republiku Hrvatsku kao zemlju kandidata za članicu EU očekuje prilagoĎavanje zakonskim odredbama i normama koje su važeće u zemljama EU. Maksimalni broj UG po jednom hektaru je 2 UG, zbog čega uzgajivači životinja moraju transparentno prikazati način zbrinjavanja stajskog gnoja. Postoji nekoliko načina zbrinjavanja: od apliciranja stabilizirane gnojovke direktno u tlo, apliciranja organskog gnojiva na tlo, prerade stajskog gnoja u kompost ili anaerobnom fermentacijom proizvoditi bioplin i organsko gnojivo. Cantrell (2008.) navodi pogodnost korištenja životinjskog otpada za produkciju bioenergije. Stajski gnoj je smjesa gustih i tekućih izmeta domaćih životinja i stelje. Vrijednost stajskog gnoja ovisi o vrsti životinje, vrsti prehrane, starosti životinje, vrsti stelje, postupku skladištenja i načinu primjene na polju. Prosječan sastav je: 0,20-0,60% dušika (N 2), 0,04-0,30% fosfora (P 2 O 5), 0,10-0,80% kalija (K 2 O), 0,07-1,00% kalcija (CaO) i 0,03-0,06% magnezija (MgO). Prisutni su i sastojci bora, cinka, molibdena i mangana u manjim količinama. Stajski gnoj možemo razvrstati po porijeklu na: goveĎi, ovčji, konjski, svinjski i gnoj od peradi. Prema sadržaju vode dijelimo ga na topli i hladni. GoveĎi gnoj je hladan zbog velikog sadržaja vode. Značajan je jer se najviše proizvodi. Vrlo dobar je za pješčana tla, jer povezuje raspršene čestice tla, a teža tla čini rahlijima. U tlu djeluje dulje od konjskoga, barem 3-4 godine. Tovna goveda daju najbolji stajski gnoj. Topli gnoj je gnoj konja, magaraca, ovaca, koza, mazgi i mula, a hladni gnoj je gnoj goveda i svinja. Za proizvodnju bioplina pogodan je svaki biorazgradivi materijal (gnoj, biomasa, kanalizacijski mulj, komunalni otpad i sl.). Biomasa, kao osnova, pripada u sirovinu od koje se najviše očekuje u ______________
Otpadno jestivo ulje nastaje u ugostiteljskoj i turističkoj djelatnosti, industriji, obrtu, zdrav... more Otpadno jestivo ulje nastaje u ugostiteljskoj i turističkoj djelatnosti, industriji, obrtu, zdravstvenoj djelatnosti, javnoj upravi i drugim djelatnostima u kojima se priprema više od 20 obroka dnevno. Otpadno jestivo ulje klasificira se prema katalogu otpada (NN 50/05, 39/09) kao neopasni otpad i nalazi se u grupi 20 (ključni broj 20 01 25). Cilj rada bio je prikazati gospodarenje otpadnim jestivim uljima iz ugostiteljskih objekata skupine restorani na području Osječko-baranjske županije. Napravili smo anketu i proveli istraživanje u trideset ugostiteljskih objekata skupine restorani. Rezultati dobiveni iz provedene ankete ukazuju na nedovoljnu informiranost ugostitelja i potrebnu dodatnu edukaciju o gospodarenju otpadnim jestivim uljima i otpadu općenito. Pravilnim gospodarenjem čuvamo okoliš i zdravlje, te otvaramo nova radna mjesta.
Papers by Srecko Kukic