Papers by Siti Arni Binti Basir Basir

The basic concern of development in Islamic economic system is on human welfare. This is in line ... more The basic concern of development in Islamic economic system is on human welfare. This is in line with the very basic objective of Islamic jurisprudence (Shari'ah ) which puts important to the welfare of the people and their relief from hardship. Economic development should be consistent with this central objective of shari`ah. The center for development process in Islam relies on man as an economic agent. It is man to be educated on the entire development process by integrating sosial development, economic development and environmental conservation and protection. This paper attempts to explain the concept, principles and management of sustainable economic development from Islamic perspective. The paper would start by defining the concept of sustainable economic development and development goals. Next, the Islamic principles for sustainable economic development would be discussed, followed by the discussion on the management of sustainable economic development from Islamic perspective. In conclusion, the paper strongly suggests the economic development process to fully adhere to the Islamic principles as the key for sustainable development which covers both the material and non-material aspects of life.
... 5 Farid, M. (2007), “Entrepreneurship in Egypt and The US Compared”, Journal of Management De... more ... 5 Farid, M. (2007), “Entrepreneurship in Egypt and The US Compared”, Journal of Management Development, vol. 26(5), hh. 428-440. ... 20(7), hh. 55-70. 23 Ali, AJ and Al-Kazemi, AA (2007), “Islamic Work Ethic In Kuwait”, Cross Cultural Management, vol. 14(2), hh. 93-104. ...
Jurnal Syariah, Mar 9, 2014

This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SME... more This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs. At present, only 15.9% of businesses are owned by them. This is far way behind of what has the Government of Malaysia targeted in 2011 that is 30%. The finalized questionnaires were distributed by post to 250 Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs by using simple random sampling technique. The response rate is 44% which is good. It is found out that the most frequent types of challenges faced by the respondents are lack of finance (79.2%), lack of demand (50.9%) and location problem (50.9%). Meanwhile, their proposed solutions to the challenges are a mix of observing their religion (to give tithe and alms, to do recommendatory prayers and to hire orphans), doing business (to have good relationship with customers, businesswomen organizations, suppliers, competitors and workers, to obtain more information on business development and personal (to apply work life balance).

International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2014
This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SME... more This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs. At present, only 15.9% of businesses are owned by women entrepreneurs. This is far way behind of what has the Government of Malaysia targeted in 2011 that is 30%. The finalized questionnaires were distributed by post to 250 Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs by using simple random sampling technique. The response rate is 44% which is good. It is found out that the most frequent type of challenges faced by the respondents are lack of finance (79.2%), lack of demand (50.9%) and location problem (50.9%). Meanwhile, their proposed solutions to the challenges are a mix of observing their religion (to give tithe and alms, to do recommendatory prayers and to hire orphans), doing business (to have good relationship with customers, businesswomen organizations, suppliers, competitors and workers, to obtain more information on business development and personal (to apply work life balance).

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara faktor-faktor demografi dengan kriteria profe... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara faktor-faktor demografi dengan kriteria profesionalisme Islam dalam memperkasa budaya kerja organisasi.Faktorfaktor demografi yang dikenalpasti adalah terdiri daripada umur,jantina, tempoh berkhidmat, tahap pendidikan, jawatan dan bahagian.Manakala kriteria profesionalisme Islam terdiri daripada memahami tanggungjawab sebagai hamba Allah, memahami fungsi profesion, berilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai kemahiran dalam menyelesaikan masalah, kemahiran membuat keputusan, kemahiran komunikasi dan kemahiran kepimpinan.Kajian ini menumpukan kepada Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) yang melibatkan ibu pejabat Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia di Putrajaya.Lokasi dipilih berdasarkan kepada terdapatnya kesemua bahagian dan pemusatan ibu pejabat JKDM.Sebanyak 198 borang soal selidik telah berjaya diedarkan. Responden terdiri daripada pegawai pengurusan dan professional di JKDM. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor-faktor demografi keseluruhannya tidak mempunyai hubungan signifikan dan positif dengan kriteria profesionalisme Islam. Ini menunjukkan faktor-faktor demografi setiap responden seperti faktor tahap pendidikan dan jawatan langsung tidak memberi kesan kepada kriteria profesionalisme Islam yang ada dalam diri setiap warga kerja JKDM. Daripada analisis ini jelas memberi gambaran bahawa pengamalan etika profesionalisme Islam sangat mengutamakan aspek nilai-nilai dalaman (hati) seseorang individu.Gabung jalin kedua-dua aspek dalaman (hati) dengan aspek luaran (fizikal) manusia sangatlah diperlukan bagi memperkasakan budaya kerja organisasi yang cemerlang.

Al-Quran merupakan kitab unggul serta panduan lengkap bagi umat manusia untuk mengurus segala asp... more Al-Quran merupakan kitab unggul serta panduan lengkap bagi umat manusia untuk mengurus segala aspek kehidupan seharian di dunia. Malah sistem pengurusan yang digarapkan oleh ajaran Islam menerusi kitab Al-Quran dan dijelaskan oleh Sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W. telah melahirkan sebuah sistem pengurusan berkualiti yang amat efisien dan efektif. Semestinya sistem pengurusan sama ada terhadap diri individu, keluarga, komuniti, organisasi ataupun bernegara yang diurus tadbir menurut panduan Al-Quran akan membawa kepada kejayaan sebuah tamadun yang hakiki (al-Falah) bukan hanya di dunia semata malah pada hari akhirat kelak. Namun, menjadi persoalan dewasa kini, terdapat segelintir umat Islam yang masih terpegun atau mengaplikasikan sistem pengurusan Barat yang rata-ratanya hanya mengutamakan manfaat sementara yang bersifat luaran atau materialistik sahaja. Justeru, sistem pengurusan Islam yang berasaskan al-Quran haruslah diketengahkan sebagai panduan di samping mengintegrasikannya dengan ilmu...

Kajian ini akan memfokuskan kepada pembangunan satu Model Pengurusan Inovasi Berasaskan Sistem Pe... more Kajian ini akan memfokuskan kepada pembangunan satu Model Pengurusan Inovasi Berasaskan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Islam yang dilaksanakan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif terhadap dua IPT iaitu UNITEN - Kampus Putrajaya dan Kolej Komuniti Gerik, Perak. Kaedah pengumpulan data ialah menerusi temu bual semi-struktur terhadap informan yang terpilih secara pensampelan bertujuan iaitu pihak pengurusan atasan, penolong pendaftar, pengurus kualiti, pegawai Syari’ah dan para pensyarah yang terlibat secara langsung dengan pelaksanaan SPK MS1900. Kesemua data dari interview ditriangulasi dengan data yang diperoleh daripada pemerhatian secara langsung dan juga bukti-bukti daripada dokumen yang berkaitan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah pembinaan tema menerusi bantuan perisian NVivo versi 10. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa model yang dibangunkan adalah merangkumi lima aktiviti yang dilaksanakan dalam IPT berkenaan yang mematuhi k...

Aspek pengurusan Syura dan konsep Tawhidik dalam sesebuah organisasi sememangnya menjadi keutamaa... more Aspek pengurusan Syura dan konsep Tawhidik dalam sesebuah organisasi sememangnya menjadi keutamaan bagi memastikan pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan yang efektif, efisien dan berkualiti demi mencapai kecemerlangan perkhidmatan mahupun melahirkan produk yang memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan serta memperoleh keredhaan Allah SWT. Justeru, kedua-dua elemen tersebut merupakan jaminan sesebuah organisasi untuk memperoleh manfaat kepada para pekerja lebih-lebih lagi membabitkan institusi pendidikan tinggi (IPT). Sehubungan dengan itu, penyelidikan yang berkaitan dengan kedua-dua aspek iaitu keberkesanan pengurusan berasaskan Syura dan konsep Tawhidik yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan kualiti (SPK) haruslah dipergiatkan. Hal ini bertepatan dengan tujuan kewujudan piawaian yang telah diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2005 lagi iaitu sistem pengurusan kualiti berasaskan Syari’ah yang dikemaskinikan dengan versi baharu yang dikenali sebagai MS1900:2014. Kajian ini dijalankan terhadap dua...

In 2005, Malaysia crafted history as it instigated the first ever Islamic quality management syst... more In 2005, Malaysia crafted history as it instigated the first ever Islamic quality management system in the world, namely Islamic Quality Management System MS 1900:2005. MS 1900 is developed employing ISO 9001 as its base. MS 1900 is a structured system to help organisations in delivering products and services that congregate customers’ requirements, as well as regulatory requirements and the dictates of Shari’a (Islamic commandment). The Shari’a requirements are incorporated as an addition to the requirements of ISO 9001, and intend to close the gap that exists in the ISO 9001 standard in relation to the Islamic perspective. MS 1900 has three principles; namely compliance to the principles of Halal and Haram, value based management and decision taken in line with the objective of Shari’a (upholding human interest). Despite an ignition of interest in the promising of QMS in the recent years, little research has been carried out to study the MS 1900 implementation processes within hig...

To date, the tremendous involvement of Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs is not a new ... more To date, the tremendous involvement of Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs is not a new phenomenon. This paper focuses on the motivations gained by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in their involvement with SMEs in Malaysia. The key messages from the previous studies examined by this paper are, the main motivation consist of push and pull factors. Based on past studies, a questionnaire was developed and later tested on five Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kuala Lumpur. After editing, the final questionnaires were distributed by post to 250 Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysia by using simple random sampling technique. About 111 questionnaires were received. However, five were deleted due to some errors. Thus, the response rate is 44% which is good. Findings of motivation factors are classified into personal, own skills, family, customers, suppliers, competitors, society and government and Muslim women rights which are both push and pull factors.

Aspek jaminan kualiti dan pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan kualiti (SPK) semakin menjadi fenomena da... more Aspek jaminan kualiti dan pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan kualiti (SPK) semakin menjadi fenomena dan tren terutamanya dalam institusi pendidikan lebih-lebih lagi institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Sistem pengurusan dan jaminan berkualiti yang dilaksanakan di IPT awam mahupun swasta bertujuan meningkatkan keberkesanan pengurusan institusi sendiri agar mampu bersaing dengan yang lain, di samping memastikan para graduannya mempunyai kemahiran yang tinggi. Bagi menjayakan hasrat berkenaan, semua pihak sama ada pegawai pentadbiran, pensyarah dan para pelajar harus berganding bahu merealisasikan pelaksanaan pengurusan yang berkesan khususnya membabitkan pengurusan kualiti seperti TQM, ISO 9001, Amalan 5S, Six Sigma, KPI, Kaizen dan seumpamanya. Namun, pelaksanaan sistem berkenaan hanya mengukur aspek luaran sahaja, tidak membabitkan aspek kerohanian (Insaniyyah) lebih-lebih lagi yang berteraskan perspektif Islam. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan meneroka pelaksanaan sistem pengurusan kua...

The objective of this paper is to explore the catalyst and destructive factors in the implementat... more The objective of this paper is to explore the catalyst and destructive factors in the implementation Quality Management System from Islamic Perspective MS 1900 in Malaysia’s Higher Education Institution. This is due to the current scenario that HEIs now have to face major challenges in ensuring the management systems implemented are effective and efficient. Not only able to meet the both of internal and external customer’s demand, but far more important is to achieve the true success (al-Falah) and earn the pleasure of Mighty Allah SWT. Thus, the establishment of Islamic QMS introduced by SIRIM Berhad in 2005 and was updated in 2014, known as MS 1900, is expected to improve the effectiveness of quality management systems in higher education and thus help achieve institutional excellence and job satisfaction among lecturers, administrators and employees. This case study using a qualitative research wherein a purposive sampling technique of semi-structured interview were employed to i...

Pengurusan kualiti menurut perspektif Islam semakin menjadi pemerhatian dalam kalangan sarjana bu... more Pengurusan kualiti menurut perspektif Islam semakin menjadi pemerhatian dalam kalangan sarjana bukan sahaja di Malaysia, malah menjadi perhatian di seluruh dunia. Tumpuan terutamanya kepada faktor dalaman (soft factor) dalam memberi impak terhadap kejayaan pembangunan modal insan dalam sesebuah organisasi serta memberikan kepuasan bekerja kalangan individu sering diperbincangkan. Malah, aspek pengurusan berkualiti dan pelaksanaan yang berkesan terutamanya dalam institusi pengajian tinggi awam ataupun swasta, semestinya berpunca daripada faktor-faktor kejayaan tertentu yang mampu melonjak tinggi imej dan kedudukan institusi berkenaan serta pembangunan modal insan itu sendiri. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka faktor-faktor kejayaan kritikal yang mempengaruhi IPT awam dan swasta di Malaysia dalam melaksanakan sistem pengurusan kualiti (SPK) menurut perspektif Islam. Metodologi kajian ini menggunakan penyelidikan kualitatif iaitu jenis kajian kes dengan kaedah temu bual sepa...

International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SME... more This paper tries to study the challenges faced by the Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs. At present, only 15.9% of businesses are owned by women entrepreneurs. This is far way behind of what has the Government of Malaysia targeted in 2011 that is 30%. The finalized questionnaires were distributed by post to 250 Muslim women entrepreneurs in Malaysian SMEs by using simple random sampling technique. The response rate is 44% which is good. It is found out that the most frequent type of challenges faced by the respondents are lack of finance (79.2%), lack of demand (50.9%) and location problem (50.9%). Meanwhile, their proposed solutions to the challenges are a mix of observing their religion (to give tithe and alms, to do recommendatory prayers and to hire orphans), doing business (to have good relationship with customers, businesswomen organizations, suppliers, competitors and workers, to obtain more information on business development and personal (to apply work life balan...

In the journey of achieving developed nation status in 2020, various efforts have been made by th... more In the journey of achieving developed nation status in 2020, various efforts have been made by the Malaysian Government. One of them is embarking on an innovation management program in Malaysia’s service sector. This study presents the model of innovation management program within Malaysia’s Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs). The innovation management program employed in MHEIs is the Islamic Quality Management System MS1900. The Islamic Quality Management System MS1900 which was launched in 2005 is developed using ISO 9001 as its base. MS1900 is a structured system to assist organizations in delivering products and services that meet customers’ requirements, as well as regulatory requirements and the dictates of Shari’ah. The Shari’ah requirements are included as an addition to the requirements of ISO 9001, and aim to close the gap that exists in the ISO 9001 standard in relation to the Islamic perspective. This qualitative study involves UNITEN, Putrajaya and Gerik Community Co...
Papers by Siti Arni Binti Basir Basir