Papers by Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal
IESTC Book Series, Jan 14, 2020
Teaching and Research Methods for Islamic Economics and Finance, 2022
Sebagai lembaga sosial, organisasi pengelola zakat (OPZ) memiliki peran yang penting dan strategi... more Sebagai lembaga sosial, organisasi pengelola zakat (OPZ) memiliki peran yang penting dan strategis untuk membantu pemerintah dalam mencegah Covid-19. Policy brief ini memaparkan landasan logis peran OPZ dalam merespon Covid-19 dan mengutarakan advokasi untuk kebijakan pendistirbusian dan pendayagunaan OPZ yang relevan, khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, kemanusiaan, sosial, dan dakwah, dalam konteks mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19. Rekomendasi ▪ Dalam bidang ekonomi, OPZ bekerjasama dengan WZF (World Zakat Forum) untuk mengadvokasi peran zakat global dalam menghadapi lemahnya ekonomi negara anggota WZF karena Covid-19. ▪ Dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan kemanusiaan, OPZ mendistribusikan masker untuk tindakan preventif dalam mencegah Covid-19 dari level individu, dan berkampanye bahaya Covid-19 di internal OPZ dan untuk masyarakat umum. ▪ Dalam bidang kesehatan, OPZ mendukung studi terkait vaksin Covid-19. ▪ Dalam bidang dakwah, OPZ berkampanye dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah mengenai pentingnya mengkonsumsi makanan halal untuk masyarakat umum.
The constitution makes a provision that they can expand the definition of Islamic finance for eco... more The constitution makes a provision that they can expand the definition of Islamic finance for economic development agenda (e.g CBA and Federal Constitution). The definition also covers Islamic religious revenue. This study will present an empirical evidence on the effect of Islamic religious revenues on economic development. The results will examine the relationship between Islamic religious revenues and gross domestic product to substantiate whether the Islamic wealth's hypothesis holds trues in the Malaysia context. The study covers the period from 1991 to 2017 and use panel data estimation to check the relationship among the variables. The results suggest that there exists a positive relationship between Islamic religious revenues and economic development. Hence, this study finds strong evidence for Islamic wealth's hypothesis as well.
Islamic FinTech, 2021
Technology has developed rapidly in the last decade. Many business sectors have been affected by ... more Technology has developed rapidly in the last decade. Many business sectors have been affected by technological changes. They are required to adapt their business process to the latest technology. The digitalization of financial services became proof that technological changes have shifted the traditional services in financial institutions. One of the innovations developed in digital services today is blockchain technology, which was first developed in 2008 by someone with a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The uniqueness and advancement of the blockchain technology may be utilized and adopted by any institution, including zakat institution in managing zakat funds more accountable, effective, efficient, and transparent. Hence, the blockchain technology could assist zakat institution in improving its sound amil governance. Thus, the paper aims to
Author: BAZNAS Center of Strategic Studies (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 978-602-5708-49-7 ©... more Author: BAZNAS Center of Strategic Studies (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 978-602-5708-49-7 © 2019 | 285 Pages
New institutional economics theories attempts to extend economics by focusing on the social, lega... more New institutional economics theories attempts to extend economics by focusing on the social, legal norms and rules (which are institutions) that underlie economic activity. The theories also identify that the institutional environment forms the framework in which human action takes place. In this paper, our aim is examine the provision of the current act that may hinder the development of zakat institution in Brunei. Our results show that individuals and institutional framework would hamper economic activities. Therefore, we suggest three transmission channels that can boost the performance of zakat institution and economic activities. Several new provisions in the act are suggested to realize the workable solutions of these transmission channels Keywords: Katakunci: institusi ekonomi; zakat; undang-undang; pembangunan ekonomi Klasifikasi JEL: H23; K22; P34; P51; Z18;
Summary BAZNAS Siak District disburses the zakat productive through Zakat Community Development (... more Summary BAZNAS Siak District disburses the zakat productive through Zakat Community Development (ZCD) program by providing assistance in the form of farm animals such as goats and catfish seeds to the selected mustahik. 75 percent of ZCD in Siak beneficiaries are males and most of them are husbands. Whereas, the females who join the program are only about one-tenth, where most of them, that is 39 of 41 beneficiaries, are wives. 375 of 400 beneficiaries are in productive age, while the rest are the elderly people whose age are over 64 years. 5 percent of the beneficiaries are those who still have spouses, while the other 8.25 percent are single parents. Only 1.25 percent beneficiaries are those who have not married. Most of the beneficiaries of ZCD in Siak are less educated. 100 of 400 beneficiaries work as farmers, while the other 38 people work as sellers. The other 213 beneficiaries do other jobs. 50 percent of beneficiaries have one to four members in the family. 25 percent of th...
Penerbit: Pusat Kajian Strategis – Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 9... more Penerbit: Pusat Kajian Strategis – Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 978-602-5708-41-1 © 2019 | 81 Pages
ملخص البحث إن الزكاة مصطلح قرآني انفردت بمشروعيتها أمة الإسلام لا غيرها.كما أن الزكاة ركن ثالث من... more ملخص البحث إن الزكاة مصطلح قرآني انفردت بمشروعيتها أمة الإسلام لا غيرها.كما أن الزكاة ركن ثالث من أركان الإسلام، فإنها فريضة شرعية وضرورة اجتماعية ومتطلبة مالية. قد بين القرآن الكريم مصارف الزكاة بالتحديد، وأنها ثمانية أصناف. وقد تكفلت أربعة مصارف بتحقيق غايات الزكاة الاجتماعية، وأربعة أخرى بتحقيق الغايات الدعوية السامية. أما الاجتماعية فهي مصارف الفقراء والمساكين والعاملين عليها والغارمين. وأما الدعوية فهي مصارف المؤلفة قلوبهم وفي الرقاب وفي سبيل الله وابن السبيل. استهدف هذا البحث توضيح هذين الغايتين السامين معينا بمصادر القدامى ومراجع المعاصرين.
Penerbit: Pusat Kajian Strategis – Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 9... more Penerbit: Pusat Kajian Strategis – Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (2019) Language: Indonesia | ISBN: 978-602-5708-42-8 © 2019 | 72 Pages
Abstrak Konsep tawarruq telah lama dibincangkandikalangan para ulama.Dalam perbankan Islam, Depos... more Abstrak Konsep tawarruq telah lama dibincangkandikalangan para ulama.Dalam perbankan Islam, Deposit lazimnya menggunakan sistembagi hasil. Namun begitu, terdapat Deposit yang menggunakan system fix return dengan kontrak asas tawarruqbersama dengan kontrak lainnya sebagai pendukung (hybrid). Produk ini telah diaplikasikan oleh CIMB Islamic Bank di Malaysia, dengan nama FRIA-I (Fixed Return Investment Account-i).Artikel ini mengkaji konsep tawarruqdan aplikasinya dalam produk Deposit FRIA-I denganmenggunakan metodologi deskriptif analisis, yang meliputi pengumpulan data, penyusunan, menganalisis dan peenginterpretasian data.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa produk deposit FRIA-imerupakan kontrak hibrid yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam melalui instrumen wakalah mutlaqah danhilah shar c iyyah.Walau bagaimanapun, iatelah dianggap sebagai produk alternatif yang lebih baik daripada produk yang berasaskan bai’ al-’inah. Kata Kunci : Tawarruq, Bai’ al-‘Inah, Deposits, Islamic Banking, Fixed Re...
This research will analyze the Sharia Accounting as specifically which deals with the Zakat based... more This research will analyze the Sharia Accounting as specifically which deals with the Zakat based on comparative analysis of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI. The method that used in this research is qualitative research and comparative descriptive that is a method which describes, compares a data and a situation and explains a situation so that a conclusion can be drawn, with in-depth interviews.
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Difference with the other pillars of Islam, zakat has a perso... more Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Difference with the other pillars of Islam, zakat has a personal and social dimension as a key economic pillar in the economic development and prosperity. In fact, urgency of zakat is the same as the urgency of prayer. In the aspect of zakat division, Islam has set eight groups of mustahiq. Among these group are the collectors and the distribution of zakat (Al-„Amil). Amilin has a strategic functions and duties for developing zakat in Indonesia. The aspects of how classical scholarly opinion regarding the terms of Amilin; the classification, duties, and functions of Amil; and best practice recommendations for zakat institutions will be the main themes of this paper. Keywords: zakat, amil, good amil governance JEL Classification: O150, R290, Z120, Z190
Illiteracy of zakat has become one of the cause of zakat low collection in zakat institution in I... more Illiteracy of zakat has become one of the cause of zakat low collection in zakat institution in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there were no scientific studies in scholarly world which attempts to develop a model of zakat literacy to measure the zakat literacy level. Hence, the study aims to construct the indicator model of zakat literacy index in Indonesia. In constructing the model, the study employed mixed methods both qualitative and quantitative approach. In regards qualitative, the study conducted content analysis and focus group discussion (FDG) which involved 9 experts from relevant industries to develop the model. Moreover, to test the validity and reliability level of the model, the study also used quantitative method by using Pearson and Cronbach Alfa test that involving 13 experts. The study successfully constructed the indicator model of zakat literacy index which consists of 2 dimensions and 10 variables and 38 indicators. The validity test of the model depict that the p-va...
We show how changes in poverty rate can be applied into growth of zakat distribution via financia... more We show how changes in poverty rate can be applied into growth of zakat distribution via financial inclusion on mission mode, and we use the methodology to zakat productive program in Sukabumi during the 2016. The purpose of the present paper is to prove zakat is able to be a solution part for the community empowerment. The result is the number of productive zakat program beneficiaries whose income is below the poverty line (poor category) before the program are 73 people (H = 0.081) and after the program change to 24 (H = 0.027), which means the program has succeeded in reducing the number of poor people by 49 people (5.47 percent). Despite the decrease of the number of headcount, the poverty gap (P1) after the program increased. The income gap (I) is also decline from 0.197 to 0.169. Poverty severity of beneficiaries of productive zakat program in Sukabumi seen by Sen Index (P2) decrease from 0.038 to 0.013, while using Foster-Greer-Thorbecke Index (P3), the poverty severity decre...
The notion of Zakat and financial technology or fintech has been gaining significant attention fr... more The notion of Zakat and financial technology or fintech has been gaining significant attention from academics, industry professionals and other related stakeholders. However, the existing scholarly studies on this topic have massively explained its related theoretical issues and have not discussed technical understanding in what way a Zakat institution has been responding to the emergence of fintech. From this gap, the present paper sets out to study the degree to which a Zakat institution has been adapting the unstoppable advent of fintech. In doing so, this work selects an Indonesian Zakat institution which is BAZNAS for further studying the topic. This paper employs a qualitative method of overviewing the recent management of Zakat in BAZNAS. With performing so, this work finds that BAZNAS has been developing its online platform along with its mobile-based application. In addition, the institution also has been collaborating with the existing fintech firms for payment services an...
International Journal of Zakat, 2020
This research aimed to find out how strong the effect of the implementation of internal control, ... more This research aimed to find out how strong the effect of the implementation of internal control, information technology and audit on Good Amil Governance. In this research, the respondents were the chief and amil at BAZNAS in South Kalimantan. The type of this research was exploratory with data collection technique using questionnaire. Data analysis method that was used in this research was descriptive analysis method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with software of SmartPLS 3.0. The research result showed that the variables of internal control, information technology, and audit had significant and positive effect on good amil governance.
Papers by Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal