Papers by Samuel Callaghan

Dynamic stability is said to contribute to multidirectional (linear and change-of-direction) spee... more Dynamic stability is said to contribute to multidirectional (linear and change-of-direction) speed, although little research confirms this. This study analyzed the relationship between dynamic stability as measured by lower-limb functional reaching in six directions (anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posteromedial, medial, anteromedial) within a modified Star Excursion Balance Test, and multidirectional speed (40-meter [m] sprint: 0-10, 0-20, 0-40 m intervals; T-test; Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test [CODAT]). Sixteen male field sport athletes (age = 23.31 5.34 years; height = 1.78 0.07 m; mass = 80.60 9.89 kilograms) completed testing. A one-way analysis of variance determined significant (p < 0.05) differences in excursions between faster and slower subjects. All data was pooled for a Spearman’s correlation analysis (p < 0.05). Faster subjects had greater left-leg medial reach (76.24 5.33% vs. 65.94 10.75%), right-leg posteromedial reach (85.20 8.07% vs. 73.59 12.64%), and a smaller between-leg difference in lateral reach (2.26 1.85% vs. 6.46 4.29%). Longer reach distances (greater dynamic stability), correlated with faster speed test times ( = -0.499--0.664). Dynamic stability relationships were pronounced for the change-of-direction speed tests. For example, smaller between-leg excursion differences in anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, and posteromedial reaches related to faster T-test and CODAT times ( = 0.502-0.804). There is a relationship between dynamic stability as measured by functional reaching and multidirectional speed in field sport athletes, possibly due to similarities in movement demands and muscle recruitment. Dynamic stability training could strengthen muscles for multidirectional sprinting, and develop functional joint motion.

Nimphius, S, Callaghan, SJ, Spiteri, T, and Lockie, RG. Change of direction deficit: A more isola... more Nimphius, S, Callaghan, SJ, Spiteri, T, and Lockie, RG. Change of direction deficit: A more isolated measure of change of direction performance than total 505 time. J Strength Cond Res 30 (11): 3024–3032, 2016—Most change of direction (COD) tests use total time to evaluate COD performance. This makes it difficult to identify COD ability because the majority of time is a function of linear running. The COD deficit has been proposed as a practical measure to isolate COD ability independent of sprint speed. This study evaluated relationships between sprint time, 505 time, and COD deficit, and whether the COD deficit identified a different and more isolated measure of COD ability compared with 505 time. Seventeen cricketers performed the 505 for both left and right sides and 30-m sprint tests (with 10-m split time). The COD deficit for both sides was calculated as the difference between average 505 and 10-m time. Correlations were calculated between all variables (p # 0.05). To compare 505 time and COD deficit, z-scores were calculated; the difference in these scores was evaluated for each subject. The COD deficit correlated to 505 (r = 0.74–0.81) but not sprint time (r = 20.11 to 0.10). In contrast, 505 time did correlate with sprint time (r = 0.52– 0.70). Five of 17 subjects were classified differently for COD ability when comparing standardized scores for 505 time vs. COD deficit. Most subjects (88–94%) had a meaningful difference between 505 time and COD deficit. Using 505 time to determine COD ability may result in a large amount of replica-tion to linear speed assessments. The COD deficit may be a practical tool to better isolate and identify an athlete's ability to change direction.

The high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift (HHBD), a variation of the conventional deadlift (CD), is ... more The high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift (HHBD), a variation of the conventional deadlift (CD), is said to reduce the lift range of motion, which may change the mechanics of the lift. However, no research has investigated this. This study compared the mechanics between a one-repetition maximum (1RM) CD and HHBD. Thirty-one strength-trained subjects (21 males, 10 females) completed a 1RM CD and HHBD. A linear position transducer measured lift distance, duration, and work; and peak and mean power, velocity, and force. The presence of a sticking region (SR) was determined for each lift. A repeated measures ANOVA calculated differences between 1RM CD and HHBD mechanics. A one-way ANOVA compared the mechanics of each lift between subjects who exhibited a SR or not, and the SR between the CD and HHBD. Significance was set at p < 0.01. Subjects lifted a greater load in the HHBD (154.50 ± 45.29 kg) compared to the CD (134.72 ± 40.63 kg). Lift distance and duration were 22% and 25% shorter during the 1RM HHBD, respectively. The HHBD featured greater peak power and velocity, and peak and mean force; more work was done in the CD. Most subjects did not exhibit a CD (68%) or HHBD (77%) SR. There were no differences in CD or HHBD mechanics between subjects with or without a SR, and no differences in SR region distance or duration between the CD and HHBD. Greater force can be generated in the HHBD, which could have implications for strength training adaptations over time.

The close-grip bench press (CGBP) is a variation of the traditional bench press (TBP) that uses a... more The close-grip bench press (CGBP) is a variation of the traditional bench press (TBP) that uses a narrower grip (~95% of biacromial distance (BAD)) and has potential application for athletes performing explosive arm actions from positions where the hands are held close to the torso. Limited research has investigated CGBP mechanics compared to the TBP. Twenty-seven resistance-trained individuals completed a one-repetition maximum TBP and CGBP. The TBP was performed with the preferred grip; the CGBP with a grip width of 95% BAD. A linear position transducer measured lift distance and duration; peak and mean power, velocity, and force; distance and time when peak power occurred; and work. Pre-sticking region (PrSR), sticking region, and post-sticking region distance and duration for each lift was measured. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to derive differences between TBP and CGBP mechanics (p < 0.01); effect sizes (d) were also calculated. A greater load was lifted in the TBP, thus mean force was greater (d = 0.16–0.17). Peak power and velocity were higher in the CGBP, which had a longer PrSR distance (d = 0.49–1.32). The CGBP could emphasize power for athletes that initiate explosive upper-body actions with the hands positioned close to the torso.

Numerous physical capacities have been said to contribute to change-of-direction speed (CODS), in... more Numerous physical capacities have been said to contribute to change-of-direction speed (CODS), including technique, strength, power, and dynamic stability. Out of these capacities, the relationship dynamic stability has with CODS has received very little analysis in the literature. Therefore, this study analyzed whether time to stabilization (TTS) as a dynamic stability assessment could differentiate between faster (n = 13) and slower (n = 13) recreational male team sport athletes in the 505 CODS test, and the modified T-test. TTS was measured via a force plate as the duration for the vertical force component to reach and stay within 5% of the participant's body weight following a unilateral vertical jump landing for each leg. Between-leg TTS differences were also derived. A one-way analysis of variance (p < 0.05) determined significant differences in TTS and the CODS tests; effect sizes (d) were also calculated. Pearson's correlations (p < 0.05) were calculated from the pooled data (N = 26) in order to ascertain relationships between TTS, and 505 and modified T-test performance. Results indicated the faster group were quicker in all CODS tests (p ≤ 0.001-0.042; d = 0.85-2.84). There were no differences in TTS (p = 0.071-0.961). Additionally, there were no significant correlations between TTS and the CODS tests (p = 0.138-0.963). TTS does

This study investigated the effects of preventative ankle taping on planned change-of-direction a... more This study investigated the effects of preventative ankle taping on planned change-of-direction and reactive agility performance and peak ankle muscle activity in basketballers. Twenty male basketballers (age = 22.30 ± 3.97 years; height = 1.84 ± 0.09 m; body mass = 85.96 ± 11.88 kilograms) with no ankle pathologies attended two testing sessions. Within each session, subjects completed six planned and six reactive randomized trials (three to the left and three to the right for each condition) of the Y-shaped agility test, which was recorded by timing lights. In one session, subjects had both ankles un-taped. In the other, both ankles were taped using a modified subtalar sling. Peak tibialis anterior, peroneus longus (PL), peroneus brevis (PB), and soleus muscle activity was recorded for both the inside and outside legs across stance phase during the directional change, which was normalized against 10-meter sprint muscle activity (nEMG). Both the inside and outside cut legs during the change-of-direction step were investigated. Repeated measures ANOVA determined performance time and nEMG differences between un-taped and taped conditions. There was no differences in planned change-of-direction or reactive agility times between the conditions. Inside cut leg PL nEMG decreased when taped for the planned left, reactive left, and reactive right cuts (p = 0.01). Outside leg PB and soleus nEMG increased during the taped planned left cut (p = 0.02). There were no other nEMG changes during the cuts with taping. Taping did not affect change-of-direction or agility performance. Inside leg PL activity was decreased, possibly due to the tape following the line of muscle action. This may reduce the kinetic demand for the PL during cuts. In conclusion, ankle taping did not significantly affect planned change-of-direction or reactive agility performance, and did not demonstrate large changes in activity of the muscle complex in healthy basketballers.

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2013
Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in thei... more Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in their athletes. Few tests feature linear sprinting with acute change-of-direction maneuvers. The Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) was designed to assess field sport change-of-direction speed, and includes a linear 5-meter (m) sprint, 45° and 90º cuts, 3-m sprints to the left and right, and a linear 10-m sprint. This study analyzed the reliability and validity of this test, through comparisons to 20-m sprint (0-5, 0-10, 0-20 m intervals) and Illinois agility run (IAR) performance. Eighteen Australian footballers (age = 23.83 ± 7.04 yrs; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 85.36 ± 13.21 kg) were recruited. Following familiarization, subjects completed the 20-m sprint, CODAT, and IAR in 2 sessions, 48 hours apart. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed relative reliability. Absolute reliability was analyzed through paired samples t-tests (p ≤ 0.05) determining between-session differences. Typical error (TE), coefficient of variation (CV), and differences between the TE and smallest worthwhile change (SWC), also assessed absolute reliability and test usefulness. For the validity analysis, Pearson's correlations (p ≤ 0.05) analyzed between-test relationships. Results showed no between-session differences for any test (p = 0.19-0.86). CODAT time averaged ~6 s, and the ICC and CV equaled 0.84 and 3.0%, respectively. The homogeneous sample of Australian footballers meant that the CODAT's TE (0.19 s) exceeded the usual 0.2 x standard deviation (SD) SWC (0.10 s). However, the CODAT is capable of detecting moderate performance changes (SWC calculated as 0.5 x SD = 0.25 s). There was a near perfect correlation between the CODAT and IAR (r = 0.92), and very large correlations with the 20-m sprint (r = 0.75-0.76), suggesting that the CODAT was a valid change-of-direction speed test. Due to movement specificity, the CODAT has value for field sport assessment.

Multidirectional speed has been linked to vertical, horizontal, and reactive power, while minimal... more Multidirectional speed has been linked to vertical, horizontal, and reactive power, while minimal links have been established with lateral power. This study investigated leg power relationships with multidirectional speed using Pearson's correlations (p < 0.05). Sixteen male field sport athletes (age = 23.31 5.34 years; height = 1.78 0.07 metres [m]; mass = 80.6 9.9 kilograms) completed countermovement jumps (CMJ; vertical); standing broad jumps (SBJ; horizontal); left and right leg lateral jumps (LLJ and RLJ; lateral); and 40-centimetre drop jumps (flight and contact time ratio (FTCT -1 ); jump height and contact time ratio [reactive strength index; RSI]; reactive), to measure leg power. 40-m sprint (0-10, 0-20, 0-40 m intervals), T-test, and Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) performance assessed speed. Stepwise multiple regressions (p < 0.05) were conducted for each speed test to determine leg power predictors. Greater leg power was associated with faster speed. CMJ correlated with all speed tests (r = -0.566--0.721), and predicted 0-10 m time (r 2 = 0.520). SBJ correlated with the 0-40 m interval, T-test, and CODAT (r = -0.543--0.608), and predicted the T-test (r 2 = 0.370). FTCT -1 and RSI related to all speed tests (r = -0.506--0.709). RSI predicted 0-20 m time (r 2 = 0.370). FTCT -1 predicted CODAT time (r 2 = 0.441). LLJ and RLJ correlated with 0-40 m and CODAT time (r = -0.538--0.664). LLJ predicted 0-40 m time (r 2 = 0.403).

Team sport coaches must use tests that can detect functional differences between injured and non-... more Team sport coaches must use tests that can detect functional differences between injured and non-injured legs to
monitor athlete recovery. The 505 change-of-direction speed test could be used, as it features sport-specific movements,
and isolates cutting off each leg. This study analysed whether the 505, and unilateral vertical (UVJ), standing broad
(USBJ), and lateral jump (ULJ) tests, could detect between-leg differences in subjects with a history of ankle sprains.
10 team sport athletes (8 males, 2 females; age = ~23 years; height = ~1.76 m; body mass = ~79 kilograms), with a
history of ankle injury in one leg, were recruited. 10 physically matched apparently healthy subjects (8 males, 2 females)
were recruited as the comparison control group. Paired samples t-tests (p < 0.05) were used to compare between-leg
test performances; effect sizes (ES) were also calculated. Smallest worthwhile change (SWC: 0.20 x standard deviation)
calculated smallest worthwhile performance decrement (SWPD; mean ± SWC) from the non-injured leg in the injured
group, or the better-performing leg in the healthy group for each test. The UVJ differentiated (p = 0.033; ES = 0.95)
between the previously injured and non-injured legs; the USBJ and ULJ did not. The 2% 505 difference when cutting
from the injured and non-injured legs was significant (p = 0.007; ES = 0.36). For the UVJ (injured = 33.90 cm; SWPD =
37.98 cm) and 505 (injured = 2.487 s; SWPD = 2.467 s), the injured leg mean was worse than the SWPD, indicating
practical value. There were no between-leg differences for the apparently healthy group. Strength and conditioning
coaches can use the UVJ and 505 to monitor leg function in their athletes.
The trunk stability push-up (TSPU) is a closed-chain test that can measure upper-body functional ... more The trunk stability push-up (TSPU) is a closed-chain test that can measure upper-body functional strength, but may not relate to sport-specific performance. The bilateral medicine ball chest pass (MBCP) is a more sport-specific openchain assessment. This research investigated whether the TSPU related to bilateral MBCP to determine whether it was a valid test of team sport upper-body function.

This study investigated the effects of a traditional speed and agility training program (TSA), an... more This study investigated the effects of a traditional speed and agility training program (TSA), and an enforced stopping program emphasizing deceleration (ESSA). Twenty college-aged team sport athletes (16 males, 4 females) were allocated into the training groups. Pre-and post-testing included: 0-10, 0-20, 0-40 m sprint intervals, change-of-direction and acceleration test (CODAT), T-test (multidirectional speed); vertical, standing broad, lateral, and drop jumps, medicine ball throw (power); Star Excursion Balance Test (posteromedial, medial, anteromedial reaches; dynamic stability); and concentric (240°/s) and eccentric (30°/s) knee extensor and flexor isokinetic testing (unilateral strength). Both groups completed a six-week speed and agility program. The ESSA subjects decelerated to a stop within a specified distance in each drill. A repeated measures analysis of variance determined significant (p < 0.05) within-and between-group changes. Effect sizes (Cohen's d) were calculated. The TSA group improved all speed tests (ES = 0.29-0.96), and most power tests (d = 0.57-1.10). The ESSA group improved the 40-m sprint, CODAT, T-test, and most power tests (d = 0.46-1.31), but did not significantly decrease 0-10 and 0-20 m times. The TSA group increased posteromedial and medial excursions (d = 0.97-1.89); the ESSA group increased medial excursions (d = 0.99-1.09). The ESSA group increased concentric knee extensor and flexor strength, but also increased between-leg knee flexor strength differences (d = 0.50-1.39). The loading associated with stopping can increase unilateral strength.

Dynamic stability is said to contribute to multidirectional (linear and change-of-direction) spee... more Dynamic stability is said to contribute to multidirectional (linear and change-of-direction) speed, although little research confirms this. This study analyzed the relationship between dynamic stability as measured by lower-limb functional reaching in six directions (anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, posteromedial, medial, anteromedial) within a modified Star Excursion Balance Test, and multidirectional speed (40-meter [m] sprint: 0-10, 0-20, 0-40 m intervals; T-test; Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test [CODAT]). Sixteen male field sport athletes (age = 23.31 ± 5.34 years; height = 1.78 ± 0.07 m; mass = 80.60 ± 9.89 kilograms) completed testing. A one-way analysis of variance determined significant (p < 0.05) differences in excursions between faster and slower subjects. All data was pooled for a Spearman's correlation analysis (p < 0.05). Faster subjects had greater left-leg medial reach (76.24 ± 5.33% vs. 65.94 ± 10.75%), right-leg posteromedial reach (85.20 ± 8.07% vs. 73.59 ± 12.64%), and a smaller between-leg difference in lateral reach (2.26 ± 1.85% vs. 6.46 ± 4.29%). Longer reach distances (greater dynamic stability), correlated with faster speed test times (ρ = -0.499--0.664). Dynamic stability relationships were pronounced for the changeof-direction speed tests. For example, smaller between-leg excursion differences in anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, and posteromedial reaches related to faster T-test and CODAT times (ρ = 0.502-0.804). There is a relationship between dynamic stability as measured by functional reaching and multidirectional speed in field sport athletes, possibly due to similarities in movement demands and muscle recruitment. Dynamic stability training could strengthen muscles for multidirectional sprinting, and develop functional joint motion.

This study analyzed relationships between bilateral concentric (60 • /s, 180 • /s, 240 • /s) and ... more This study analyzed relationships between bilateral concentric (60 • /s, 180 • /s, 240 • /s) and eccentric (30 • /s) knee extensor and flexor strength differences, and linear (40-meter sprint), and change-of-direction (T-test) speed in 16 male team sport athletes. It was hypothesized that lower between-leg strength differences would be associated with faster speeds. Subjects were divided into faster and slower groups based on total time; a one-way analysis of variance (p 0.05) determined bilateral torque and work differences that distinguished the groups. All data was combined to correlate (p 0.05) torque and work differences with sprint times. The faster group exhibited greater differences in concentric knee extensor torque at 240 • /s (faster = 11.74 ± 8.65%; slower = 4.13 ± 4.34%), and smaller differences in eccentric knee flexor torque (faster = 5.64 ± 4.10%; slower = 12.41 ± 7.55%) and work (faster = 6.36 ± 6.65%; slower = 15.55 ± 6.05%). Negative correlations were found between concentric 180 • /s and 240 • /s knee extensor torque differences and sprint times; however, speed was not negatively affected. Positive correlations existed between eccentric knee flexor work differences and sprint times. Eccentric strength differences negatively impacted multi-directional speed, as balanced eccentric strength is necessary for effective sprinting, deceleration, and changing direction.

BACKGROUND: Team sport athletes require dynamic stability in unilateral activities for their spor... more BACKGROUND: Team sport athletes require dynamic stability in unilateral activities for their sports, which necessitates some degree of knee flexion and extension strength. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the possible association of knee extension and flexion strength with dynamic stability, as measured by the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). METHODS: Sixteen male team sport athletes completed the SEBT, which involves a series of unilateral squats with the subject maximally reaching with the other leg in eight directions. Knee muscle strength was measured isokinetically both concentrically (60 • /s, 180 • /s, 240 • /s) and eccentrically (30 • /s). Subjects were divided into better and lesser groups based on mean functional reach distance. A 1-way analysis of variance (p 0.05) determined between-group differences in reach distances and relative torque. RESULTS: Subjects with better dynamic stability generated greater knee extensor torque concentrically at 180 • /s for the right leg, and at all speeds for the left leg. The effects of knee strength were particularly noteworthy for the left leg, as subjects with better dynamic stability reached significantly further across all 8 directions.
Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 2015
There are limitations in using the traditional Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to identify defic... more There are limitations in using the traditional Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to identify deficiencies affecting athletic performance. Despite this, no research has analyzed the research-grade FMS scoring system with regards to athletic performance, where screens are weighted to increase their sensitivity. This research investigated relationships between the research-grade FMS and selected screens, with multidirectional speed and jump tests typically used to assess team sport athletes.

Journal of sports science & medicine, 2015
This study investigated the effects of preventative ankle taping on planned change-of-direction a... more This study investigated the effects of preventative ankle taping on planned change-of-direction and reactive agility performance and peak ankle muscle activity in basketballers. Twenty male basketballers (age = 22.30 ± 3.97 years; height = 1.84 ± 0.09 meters; body mass = 85.96 ± 11.88 kilograms) with no ankle pathologies attended two testing sessions. Within each session, subjects completed six planned and six reactive randomized trials (three to the left and three to the right for each condition) of the Y-shaped agility test, which was recorded by timing lights. In one session, subjects had both ankles un-taped. In the other, both ankles were taped using a modified subtalar sling. Peak tibialis anterior, peroneus longus (PL), peroneus brevis (PB), and soleus muscle activity was recorded for both the inside and outside legs across stance phase during the directional change, which was normalized against 10-meter sprint muscle activity (nEMG). Both the inside and outside cut legs duri...
Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 2013
The trunk stability push-up (TSPU) is a closed-chain test that can measure upper-body functional ... more The trunk stability push-up (TSPU) is a closed-chain test that can measure upper-body functional strength, but may not relate to sport-specific performance. The bilateral medicine ball chest pass (MBCP) is a more sport-specific openchain assessment. This research investigated whether the TSPU related to bilateral MBCP to determine whether it was a valid test of team sport upper-body function.

Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in thei... more Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in their athletes. Few tests feature linear sprinting with acute change-of-direction maneuvers. The Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) was designed to assess field sport change-of-direction speed, and includes a linear 5-meter (m) sprint, 45° and 90º cuts, 3-m sprints to the left and right, and a linear 10-m sprint. This study analyzed the reliability and validity of this test, through comparisons to 20-m sprint (0-5, 0-10, 0-20 m intervals) and Illinois agility run (IAR) performance. Eighteen Australian footballers (age = 23.83 ± 7.04 yrs; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 85.36 ± 13.21 kg) were recruited. Following familiarization, subjects completed the 20-m sprint, CODAT, and IAR in 2 sessions, 48 hours apart. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed relative reliability. Absolute reliability was analyzed through paired samples t-tests (p ≤ 0.05) determining between-session differences. Typical error (TE), coefficient of variation (CV), and differences between the TE and smallest worthwhile change (SWC), also assessed absolute reliability and test usefulness. For the validity analysis, Pearson's correlations (p ≤ 0.05) analyzed between-test relationships. Results showed no between-session differences for any test (p = 0.19-0.86). CODAT time averaged ~6 s, and the ICC and CV equaled 0.84 and 3.0%, respectively. The homogeneous sample of Australian footballers meant that the CODAT's TE (0.19 s) exceeded the usual 0.2 x standard deviation (SD) SWC (0.10 s). However, the CODAT is capable of detecting moderate performance changes (SWC calculated as 0.5 x SD = 0.25 s). There was a near perfect correlation between the CODAT and IAR (r = 0.92), and very large correlations with the 20-m sprint (r = 0.75-0.76), suggesting that the CODAT was a valid change-of-direction speed test. Due to movement specificity, the CODAT has value for field sport assessment.

The maximum number of times a cricket batsman will run between the wickets for a scoring shot is ... more The maximum number of times a cricket batsman will run between the wickets for a scoring shot is three. This study analyzed velocities during the run-a-three test. 16 cricketers were ranked according to run-athree time, and split into faster (n = 8) and slower (n = 8) groups. A 1-way analysis of variance (p ≤ 0.05) determined between-group differences in run-a-three time, velocity (0-5, 5-12.68, 0-12.68, 12.68-17.68, 0-17.68 meter [m] intervals for runs 1, 2 and 3), and run-to-run percentage changes in velocity. Velocities and run-athree times were correlated (p ≤ 0.05). A regression analysis was conducted for run-a-three time. Faster subjects completed the run-a-three quicker (faster = 9.74 ± 0.18 seconds; slower = 10.38 ± 0.34 seconds), and had significantly greater velocities across all intervals, except for the first run 0-5 m interval. The third run 12.68-17.68 m interval had the highest velocities (faster = 8.11 ± 0.40 meters per second [m·s -1 ]; slower = 7.31 ± 0.56 m·s -1 ). No between-group differences in run-to-run velocity changes were found. Greater velocities correlated with quicker run-a-three times (r = -0.528-0.981). The third run contributed most to run-a-three time. Cricketers must attain high velocities throughout the run-a-three. The final run should be fastest.

Field sport athletes must generate high velocities over short distances (10 meters [m] or less). ... more Field sport athletes must generate high velocities over short distances (10 meters [m] or less). The interaction between step kinematics (step length, step frequency, contact time, flight time) determines sprint velocity. This study determined the step kinematics that predicted 10-m sprint performance (0-5, 5-10, 0-10 m intervals) through stepwise multiple regression (p ≤ 0.05). Spearman's correlations (p ≤ 0.05) were also conducted between step kinematics and velocity for each interval. 0-5 m step length and 0-10 m contact time predicted 0-5 m velocity (R = 0.685; p = 0.006). 0-5 m contact time, and 5-10 m step length and step frequency predicted 5-10 m velocity (R = 0.715; p = 0.002). 5-10 m step length and step frequency predicted 0-10 m velocity (R = 0.606; p = 0.001). Correlations were found between 0-5 m velocity and step length in all intervals, and 0-5 m flight time (ρ = 0.406-0.515; p = 0.011-0.045). 0-10 m velocity correlated with 5-10 and 0-10 m step length, and 0-5 m flight time (ρ = 0.398-0.444; p = 0.026-0.048). Longer step lengths were integral for short sprint speed in field sport athletes.
Papers by Samuel Callaghan
monitor athlete recovery. The 505 change-of-direction speed test could be used, as it features sport-specific movements,
and isolates cutting off each leg. This study analysed whether the 505, and unilateral vertical (UVJ), standing broad
(USBJ), and lateral jump (ULJ) tests, could detect between-leg differences in subjects with a history of ankle sprains.
10 team sport athletes (8 males, 2 females; age = ~23 years; height = ~1.76 m; body mass = ~79 kilograms), with a
history of ankle injury in one leg, were recruited. 10 physically matched apparently healthy subjects (8 males, 2 females)
were recruited as the comparison control group. Paired samples t-tests (p < 0.05) were used to compare between-leg
test performances; effect sizes (ES) were also calculated. Smallest worthwhile change (SWC: 0.20 x standard deviation)
calculated smallest worthwhile performance decrement (SWPD; mean ± SWC) from the non-injured leg in the injured
group, or the better-performing leg in the healthy group for each test. The UVJ differentiated (p = 0.033; ES = 0.95)
between the previously injured and non-injured legs; the USBJ and ULJ did not. The 2% 505 difference when cutting
from the injured and non-injured legs was significant (p = 0.007; ES = 0.36). For the UVJ (injured = 33.90 cm; SWPD =
37.98 cm) and 505 (injured = 2.487 s; SWPD = 2.467 s), the injured leg mean was worse than the SWPD, indicating
practical value. There were no between-leg differences for the apparently healthy group. Strength and conditioning
coaches can use the UVJ and 505 to monitor leg function in their athletes.
monitor athlete recovery. The 505 change-of-direction speed test could be used, as it features sport-specific movements,
and isolates cutting off each leg. This study analysed whether the 505, and unilateral vertical (UVJ), standing broad
(USBJ), and lateral jump (ULJ) tests, could detect between-leg differences in subjects with a history of ankle sprains.
10 team sport athletes (8 males, 2 females; age = ~23 years; height = ~1.76 m; body mass = ~79 kilograms), with a
history of ankle injury in one leg, were recruited. 10 physically matched apparently healthy subjects (8 males, 2 females)
were recruited as the comparison control group. Paired samples t-tests (p < 0.05) were used to compare between-leg
test performances; effect sizes (ES) were also calculated. Smallest worthwhile change (SWC: 0.20 x standard deviation)
calculated smallest worthwhile performance decrement (SWPD; mean ± SWC) from the non-injured leg in the injured
group, or the better-performing leg in the healthy group for each test. The UVJ differentiated (p = 0.033; ES = 0.95)
between the previously injured and non-injured legs; the USBJ and ULJ did not. The 2% 505 difference when cutting
from the injured and non-injured legs was significant (p = 0.007; ES = 0.36). For the UVJ (injured = 33.90 cm; SWPD =
37.98 cm) and 505 (injured = 2.487 s; SWPD = 2.467 s), the injured leg mean was worse than the SWPD, indicating
practical value. There were no between-leg differences for the apparently healthy group. Strength and conditioning
coaches can use the UVJ and 505 to monitor leg function in their athletes.