Strength and Conditioning
Recent papers in Strength and Conditioning
Purpose: One of the most widely applied methods to assess upper-body strength in children and adolescents is the handgrip strength test. While in adolescents it has been determined which elbow position, and which type of dynamometer are... more
The movement and physiological demands of international and regional men's touch rugby matches.
Nikolaidis, PT, Ziv, G, Arnon, M, and Lidor, R. Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of female volleyball players-The need for individual data. J Strength Cond Res 26(9): 2547-2557, 2012-The purpose of this study was... more
The Smith machine (SM) (vertical motion of bar on fixed path; fixed-form exercise) and free weights (FWs) (free-form path) are commonly used strength training modes. Exercisers may need to alternate between types of equipment, depending... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the concurrent validity of 4 clinical tests used to measure hamstring muscle length. A pilot study (N = 10) was conducted to determine the intratester reliability of 4 hamstring length measures:... more
The present study aimed to analyze neuromuscular, physiological and perceptual responses to a single bout of five different dynamic squat exercise protocols. In a randomized and counterbalanced order, fifteen male resistance-trained... more
The main goal of this method paper was to evaluate the reliability and factorial validity of flexibility tests used in soccer, and to do crossvalidation study on 2 other team sports using handball and basketball players. The second aim... more
Background and Study Aim Periodised training strategies, due to their demonstrated success in improving athletic performance, have become increasingly utilised by coaches, athletes, and strength and conditioning practitioners as a key... more
Introduction: Pull-ups is one of the most popular and traditional exercises that involves one’s body weight which acts as a resistance against gravity. The exercise focuses mainly on upper back muscles (Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid),... more
To determine if training status directly impacted the response to postactivation potentiation, athletes in sports requiring explosive strength (ATH; n ϭ 7) were compared to recreationally trained (RT; n ϭ 17) individuals. Over the course... more
Creatine monohydrate has become the supplement of choice for many athletes striving to improve sports performance. Recent data indicate that athletes may not be using creatine as a sports performance booster per se but instead use... more
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether players in different positional roles have a different physical and physiologic profile. For the purpose of this study, physiologic measurements were taken of 270 soccer players during the... more
Anecdotal and research evidence is that vertical jump performance declines over the competitive volleyball season. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a short period of ballistic resistance training would attenuate this... more
The purpose of this investigation was to explore the career experiences of Australian strength and conditioning coaches. Six Australian strength and conditioning coaches (mean age = 33.7 years, SD = 6.0 years) with a mean of 10.4 (SD =... more
Individuals >65 years of age typically defined as elderly. In the US, estimated that >70 million people would be elderly by the year 2050. Becoming the elderly can have a tremendous influence on psychosocial factors, and disease risk... more
summary The research about the strength physical quality has been developed over four decades by Russian scientists. The focus of these investigations has been on the influence that this physical quality provides the athlete's... more
Little is understood about the acute physiological or metabolic demand of pole dancing classes. As such, the aims of this study were to quantify the demands of a standardized recreational pole dancing class, classifying outcomes according... more
The strength and conditioning pratice targeted specifically for basketball players is a complex task. It is necessary to understand the bioenergetic, morphofunctional, and biomechanical aspects involved in the prescription of different... more
Presentation about the fitness for American football. Involving approach: characteristics, tactical positions, the game, skills, metabolic domain, relationship effort-pause, anthropometric profile, physical demands, distance covered,... more
In last month's article we established (1) that whilst the physical demands of bowling are not as great as in some other sports, a certain degree of competence in a number of aspects of fitness is still required; and (2) that when trying... more
My presentation arguing about specific conditioning for basketball.The basic characteristics of basketball and bioenergetic demand are discussed. Anthropometric profile of male and female players are compared by tactical function.... more
The capacity to perform a variety of movement patterns with a proper qualitative technique under challenging ecological conditions is a crucial aspect of pain-free and ergonomic daily functioning. This philosophy also has merit in the... more
The objective of this presentation is to verify the effects of tapering on the performance of basketball players. Tapering is a real necessity in the competitive basketball environment. Basically, tapering consists of a reduction in... more
The purpose of this article was to review a series of studies (n = 31) on physical characteristics, physiological attributes, and volleyball skills of female and male adolescent volleyball players. Among the main findings were (a) that... more
O futebol é uma modalidade de desporto conhecida mundialmente pela sua beleza e plasticidade nas ações motoras durante uma partida. São encontradas uma diversidade de capacidades biomotoras que apóiam o desempenho futebolístico. Entre... more
RSI and the Fast SSC Copyright © . N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited Figure 3. A 4-step progression for developing fast stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) performance... more
The ability to develop a strong grip and maintain it during a judo match has become an important element for judo athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine differences between measurements of maximal isometric... more
La mayoría de las acciones realizadas en Deportes de Combate requieren que los atletas lleven a cabo gestos que demandarían niveles de movilidad por encima de la media. A lo largo del presente artículo se presentará una mirada... more
As the technical performance demands of dance increase, professional companies and pre-professional schools are implementing pre-season screenings that require an efficient, cost effective way to measure dancer aerobic fitness. The aim of... more
Rest is typically prescribed as inter-set, or between set, rest periods. In- traset rest schemes which ‘‘chunk’’ the set into smaller units and increase the number of rest intervals within the training set have received very little re-... more
Nivel de potencia mecánica en extremidades inferiores ¿se relaciona con la máxima velocidad del balón después del remate en Voleibol? Resumen La aplicación de altos niveles de potencia mecánica en el deporte representa una ventaja sobre... more