Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik d... more Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik dilaksanakan dengan baik, apakah yang mendasari rekrutmen ini dilaksanakan dan apa saja kendala yang biasa ditemui di lapangan. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam sistem rekrutmen guru, yaitu Persiapan rekrutmen, penyebaran pengumuman, penerimaan lamaran dan seleksi guru baru. Sedangkan kendala yang terjadi didalam sistem rekrutmen guru adalah Kebiasaan pencari Tenaga kerja, Kondisi lingkungan eksternal dan Faktor organisasional, meliputi kebijaksanaan dari dalam, kebijaksanaan imbalan, kebijaksanaan tentang status kepegawaian dan rencana sumber daya manusia. Kata Kunci : Rekrutmen, Tenaga Pendidik (Guru)
Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in mo... more Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for character education of students, where the family forms the basis of character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is the next process of internalization where this process is filled by education staff, peers, social media.
Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang suatu model aplikasi yang dapat memberikan in... more Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang suatu model aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi geografi sebaran daerah rawan penyakit demam berdarah dengue, informasi pasien meninggal, lokasi puskesmas dan rumah sakit yang ada di wilayah Jakarta Barat. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode Waterfall, Metode analisa dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan, survei di instansi, wawancara, dan identifikasi kebutuhan data bagi sistem. Metode perancangan dilakukan dengan merancang DFD, modul, STD, menu layar, basis data, ERD, kamus data, spesifikasi program. Pengkodean dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program map info, dan map basic. Pengujian dilakukan untuk meyakinkan bahwa keluaran yang dihasilkan program telah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Perawatan dilakukan untuk melihat dan menemukan perubahan-perubahan yang mungin diperlukan, serta untuk mempertahankan unjuk kerja sistem. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa informasi sebaran daerah rawan penyakit demam berdarah dengue, informasi pasien meninggal, informasi lokasi puskesmas dan rumah sakit di Jakarta Barat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh Dinas Kesehatan untuk memperoleh informasi sebaran penyakit demam berdarah dengue di Jakarta Barat, dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai bahan masukan untuk meningkatkan koordinasi dalam menanggulangi penyakit demam berdarah dengue.
The aims of this research is to describe about the love express of gays in the Samarinda city. Th... more The aims of this research is to describe about the love express of gays in the Samarinda city. The subjects were four gay individuals living in Samarinda city who has same-sex couples. The research method was phenomenology which based on the subjective experience or phenomenological experience. The data collecting techniques were observation, interview, and document. This study applied purposive sampling technique. The reserch results show that background of the subjects be a gay, the relationship of the subjects with their previous partner, their role as a gay to influsence them to expressing their love. Same like other heterosexual couples, the gays expressed their love with words of affirmation, quality time, gift, acts of service, and physical touch. However the most important is the physical touch. Besides, although the loyalty is the most important thing in a relationship but not all the gays are able to commit to remain faithful.
The purpose of this article was to determine how the influence of ta'zir on the morals of fem... more The purpose of this article was to determine how the influence of ta'zir on the morals of female students at Mamba'ul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Dlanggu Mojokerto. This type of research is quantitative research with a survey approach. The instrument used is a questionnaire and uses a Likert scale with four alternative answers to answer. The research sample was 57 female students from a population of 135 female students. The results showed that there was an influence on the application of ta'zir to the morals of female students of the Mamba'ul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Dlanggu Mojokerto. This is based on the results a simple regression analysis, it is known that t count = 4.537, the regression coefficient (b) is 0.806 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is an influence of ta'zir on the morals of female students at Mamba'ul Hikma...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang ekspresi cinta kaum gay di kota S... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang ekspresi cinta kaum gay di kota Samarinda. Subjek penelitian adalah empat orang gay yang tinggal di kota Samarinda yang memiliki pasangan sesama jenis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi yang didasarkan pada pengalaman subjektif atau pengalaman fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang subjek adalah seorang gay, hubungan subjek dengan pasangan sebelumnya, peran mereka sebagai gay untuk mempengaruhi mereka dalam mengungkapkan rasa cinta. Sama seperti pasangan heteroseksual lainnya, para gay mengungkapkan cinta mereka dengan kata-kata penegasan, waktu yang berkualitas, hadiah, tindakan pelayanan, dan sentuhan fisik. Namun yang terpenting adalah sentuhan fisik. Selain itu, meskipun loyalitas merupakan hal terpenting dalam sebuah hubungan, namun tidak semua kaum gay...
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 2021
To improve the quality of human resources (human resources development) in order to be able to ke... more To improve the quality of human resources (human resources development) in order to be able to keep up with developments in science and technology, people tend to choose quality educational institutions. The quality of education in schools is inseparable from the culture of the school organization which has become a distinct character of education in schools. In addition to functioning as a school identity that differentiates schools from one another, it can be a standard of behavior for school members that influence school members to carry out internalized actions. The development of a strong, intimate, conducive, and responsible school organizational culture will provide various benefits for all school members. Every school member must play an active role in developing and realizing a good school culture. To develop and create a school organizational culture that can shape the character of students is not an easy matter. In addition to several supporting factors that can help the ...
Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk pe... more Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk perbaikan. Sehingga, kritik, saran serta masukan dari pembaca sangat kami harapan dan kami sangat terbuka untuk itu supaya buku ini semakin sempurna dan lengkap.
Saat makhluk yang terkenal dengan kesalihan dan amal kebajikannya menolak diperintah oleh Tuhanny... more Saat makhluk yang terkenal dengan kesalihan dan amal kebajikannya menolak diperintah oleh Tuhannya untuk bersujud kepada manusia pertama, itulah awal mula kisah konflik berada di sisi manusia. Iblis yang merasa lebih mulia dari Nabi Adam menolak untuk bersujud walaupun yang memerintah adalah Sang Pencipta. Hal tersebut diabadikan dalam Qur'an yang telah diturunkan berabad-abad yang lalu. Sejak saat itu, konflik selalu mengiringi perjalanan hidup setiap manusia hingga kini. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa konflik harus dihindari karena dampaknya yang tidak baik terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Namun, tak sedikit pula yang beranggapan bahwa konflik memang tidak bisa dihindari. Konflik bagai bayangan tubuh manusia yang akan mengikuti kemanapun manusia pergi. Bagi yang beranggapan demikian, hal terpenting adalah bagaimana kita me-manage saat konflik itu datang. Jika ditangani dengan baik, maka konflik tersebut berdampak baik atau setidaknya dampak buruk konflik dapat direduksi. Sebaliknya...
Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik d... more Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik dilaksanakan dengan baik, apakah yang mendasari rekrutmen ini dilaksanakan dan apa saja kendala yang biasa ditemui di lapangan. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam sistem rekrutmen guru, yaitu Persiapan rekrutmen, penyebaran pengumuman, penerimaan lamaran dan seleksi guru baru. Sedangkan kendala yang terjadi didalam sistem rekrutmen guru adalah Kebiasaan pencari Tenaga kerja, Kondisi lingkungan eksternal dan Faktor organisasional, meliputi kebijaksanaan dari dalam, kebijaksanaan imbalan, kebijaksanaan tentang status kepegawaian dan rencana sumber daya manusia. Kata Kunci : Rekrutmen, Tenaga Pendidik (Guru)
The more electronic mail account owned by someone, the more time required to perform the process ... more The more electronic mail account owned by someone, the more time required to perform the process in (login) to (logout) of the electronic mail account. Besides,an electronic mail account that has not only listed on one site an electronic mail service provider. This thesis aim to create application programs e-mail client that can accommodate more than one email account and have the encryption and decryption capability message content and implementation of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) in the process of sending and retrieval of electronic mail by using the Java programming language . In this thesis, the writer conducted a comparison several types of application programs that already exist and conduct experiments to the mail server connection with the application program. To use the encryption function, the results obtained in the application program was bigger. The use of SSL on the retrieval and delivery of the message will display an error message if the process of handshaking with the ...
Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in mo... more Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for the character education of students, where the family forms the basis of a character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is...
Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become a standard treatment for symptomatic cholec... more Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become a standard treatment for symptomatic cholecystolithiasis in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). This study aims as a preliminary study to externally validate the 10-point intraoperative gallbladder scoring system (G10), an assessment system of laparoscopic cholecystectomy's difficulty. Method. A cross-sectional study was carried out. Enrolling subjects who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy from January 2019 to December 2019. Data of the subjects were collected from medical records. We assessed each of the subjects' G10 scores and operation techniques based on the intraoperative images and surgical reports. The surgical technique divided into two groups, those are the Critical View of Safety (CVS) technique and bailout procedure group, consisting of fundus-first cholecystectomy, subtotal cholecystectomy, and conversion. The correlation of G10 score between CVS and bailout was analysed using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test. A Kendall's tau was performed to measure the correlation between the G10 score and the bailout procedure. Statistical power was calculated by Gpower application. A ROC test was performed to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the G10 scoring system to predict bailout procedure, then the cutoff value was determined. Results. There was a significant and positive correlation between the G10 score with the bailout procedure (<0.001,+0.487). Testing the G10 score on the validation set yielded an AUROC=0.865 (<0.001), and the score >2 indicate subjects at high risk of bailout procedure (72.2% vs. 20.98%).. Conclusion: This study showed that the G10 score has good accuracy in predicting a bailout procedure. The use of G10 scores intraoperatively is "essential" to provide valid and objective assessment in determining the difficulty of surgery. When the G10 score is 1 or 2, it's safe to perform the CVS technique. Whereas, if the G10 score is three or greater, surgeon should consider bailout procedure.
In this research, the algorithm used to compress images is using the haar wavelet transformation ... more In this research, the algorithm used to compress images is using the haar wavelet transformation method and the discrete wavelet transform algorithm. The image compression based on Wavelet Wavelet transform uses a calculation system with decomposition with row direction and decomposition with column direction. While discrete wavelet transform-based image compression, the size of the compressed image produced will be more optimal because some information that is not so useful, not so felt, and not so seen by humans will be eliminated so that humans still assume that the data can still be used even though it is compressed. The data used are data taken directly, so the test results are obtained that digital image compression based on Wavelet Wavelet Transformation gets a compression ratio of 41%, while the discrete wavelet transform reaches 29.5%. Based on research problems regarding the efficiency of storage media, it can be concluded that the right algorithm to choose is the Haar Wav...
Masjid Kristal Khadija (MKK) adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di kompleksYayasan Budi Mulia Dua d... more Masjid Kristal Khadija (MKK) adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di kompleksYayasan Budi Mulia Dua di Yogyakarta. Masjid ini memiliki keunikan pada arsitekturdan desain interiornya. MKK sebagai karya seni akan dikaji dengan metodeikonografi. Metode ini adalah suatu studi untuk mengungkapkan makna dari suatukarya seni dengan tahapan-tahapan, yakni deskripsi praikonografi, analisis ikonografi,dan interpretasi ikonologi. Ketiga proses tahap kajian tersebut bersifat prerequisiteatau prasyarat dari tahapan satu ke tahapan selanjutnya. Hasil penelitian padatahap deskripsi praikonografi bahwa wujud arsitektur dan interior MKK memilikiciri-ciri masjid bergaya Persia, tetapi masjid ini bukan termasuk tipe hipostyle karenabangunan masjid yang berdiri sendiri dan tidak dilengkapi riwaqs. Analisis ikonografimenghasilkan makna yang ditunjukkan oleh tema feminin dengan konsep materialkaca cermin yang diasosiasikan aktivitas kaum wanita, yakni bersolek. Interpretasiikonologi dihasilkan makna secara s...
Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik d... more Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik dilaksanakan dengan baik, apakah yang mendasari rekrutmen ini dilaksanakan dan apa saja kendala yang biasa ditemui di lapangan. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam sistem rekrutmen guru, yaitu Persiapan rekrutmen, penyebaran pengumuman, penerimaan lamaran dan seleksi guru baru. Sedangkan kendala yang terjadi didalam sistem rekrutmen guru adalah Kebiasaan pencari Tenaga kerja, Kondisi lingkungan eksternal dan Faktor organisasional, meliputi kebijaksanaan dari dalam, kebijaksanaan imbalan, kebijaksanaan tentang status kepegawaian dan rencana sumber daya manusia. Kata Kunci : Rekrutmen, Tenaga Pendidik (Guru)
Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in mo... more Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for character education of students, where the family forms the basis of character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is the next process of internalization where this process is filled by education staff, peers, social media.
Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang suatu model aplikasi yang dapat memberikan in... more Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang suatu model aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi geografi sebaran daerah rawan penyakit demam berdarah dengue, informasi pasien meninggal, lokasi puskesmas dan rumah sakit yang ada di wilayah Jakarta Barat. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode Waterfall, Metode analisa dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan, survei di instansi, wawancara, dan identifikasi kebutuhan data bagi sistem. Metode perancangan dilakukan dengan merancang DFD, modul, STD, menu layar, basis data, ERD, kamus data, spesifikasi program. Pengkodean dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program map info, dan map basic. Pengujian dilakukan untuk meyakinkan bahwa keluaran yang dihasilkan program telah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Perawatan dilakukan untuk melihat dan menemukan perubahan-perubahan yang mungin diperlukan, serta untuk mempertahankan unjuk kerja sistem. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa informasi sebaran daerah rawan penyakit demam berdarah dengue, informasi pasien meninggal, informasi lokasi puskesmas dan rumah sakit di Jakarta Barat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh Dinas Kesehatan untuk memperoleh informasi sebaran penyakit demam berdarah dengue di Jakarta Barat, dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai bahan masukan untuk meningkatkan koordinasi dalam menanggulangi penyakit demam berdarah dengue.
The aims of this research is to describe about the love express of gays in the Samarinda city. Th... more The aims of this research is to describe about the love express of gays in the Samarinda city. The subjects were four gay individuals living in Samarinda city who has same-sex couples. The research method was phenomenology which based on the subjective experience or phenomenological experience. The data collecting techniques were observation, interview, and document. This study applied purposive sampling technique. The reserch results show that background of the subjects be a gay, the relationship of the subjects with their previous partner, their role as a gay to influsence them to expressing their love. Same like other heterosexual couples, the gays expressed their love with words of affirmation, quality time, gift, acts of service, and physical touch. However the most important is the physical touch. Besides, although the loyalty is the most important thing in a relationship but not all the gays are able to commit to remain faithful.
The purpose of this article was to determine how the influence of ta'zir on the morals of fem... more The purpose of this article was to determine how the influence of ta'zir on the morals of female students at Mamba'ul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Dlanggu Mojokerto. This type of research is quantitative research with a survey approach. The instrument used is a questionnaire and uses a Likert scale with four alternative answers to answer. The research sample was 57 female students from a population of 135 female students. The results showed that there was an influence on the application of ta'zir to the morals of female students of the Mamba'ul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Dlanggu Mojokerto. This is based on the results a simple regression analysis, it is known that t count = 4.537, the regression coefficient (b) is 0.806 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is an influence of ta'zir on the morals of female students at Mamba'ul Hikma...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang ekspresi cinta kaum gay di kota S... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang ekspresi cinta kaum gay di kota Samarinda. Subjek penelitian adalah empat orang gay yang tinggal di kota Samarinda yang memiliki pasangan sesama jenis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi yang didasarkan pada pengalaman subjektif atau pengalaman fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang subjek adalah seorang gay, hubungan subjek dengan pasangan sebelumnya, peran mereka sebagai gay untuk mempengaruhi mereka dalam mengungkapkan rasa cinta. Sama seperti pasangan heteroseksual lainnya, para gay mengungkapkan cinta mereka dengan kata-kata penegasan, waktu yang berkualitas, hadiah, tindakan pelayanan, dan sentuhan fisik. Namun yang terpenting adalah sentuhan fisik. Selain itu, meskipun loyalitas merupakan hal terpenting dalam sebuah hubungan, namun tidak semua kaum gay...
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 2021
To improve the quality of human resources (human resources development) in order to be able to ke... more To improve the quality of human resources (human resources development) in order to be able to keep up with developments in science and technology, people tend to choose quality educational institutions. The quality of education in schools is inseparable from the culture of the school organization which has become a distinct character of education in schools. In addition to functioning as a school identity that differentiates schools from one another, it can be a standard of behavior for school members that influence school members to carry out internalized actions. The development of a strong, intimate, conducive, and responsible school organizational culture will provide various benefits for all school members. Every school member must play an active role in developing and realizing a good school culture. To develop and create a school organizational culture that can shape the character of students is not an easy matter. In addition to several supporting factors that can help the ...
Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk pe... more Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk perbaikan. Sehingga, kritik, saran serta masukan dari pembaca sangat kami harapan dan kami sangat terbuka untuk itu supaya buku ini semakin sempurna dan lengkap.
Saat makhluk yang terkenal dengan kesalihan dan amal kebajikannya menolak diperintah oleh Tuhanny... more Saat makhluk yang terkenal dengan kesalihan dan amal kebajikannya menolak diperintah oleh Tuhannya untuk bersujud kepada manusia pertama, itulah awal mula kisah konflik berada di sisi manusia. Iblis yang merasa lebih mulia dari Nabi Adam menolak untuk bersujud walaupun yang memerintah adalah Sang Pencipta. Hal tersebut diabadikan dalam Qur'an yang telah diturunkan berabad-abad yang lalu. Sejak saat itu, konflik selalu mengiringi perjalanan hidup setiap manusia hingga kini. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa konflik harus dihindari karena dampaknya yang tidak baik terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Namun, tak sedikit pula yang beranggapan bahwa konflik memang tidak bisa dihindari. Konflik bagai bayangan tubuh manusia yang akan mengikuti kemanapun manusia pergi. Bagi yang beranggapan demikian, hal terpenting adalah bagaimana kita me-manage saat konflik itu datang. Jika ditangani dengan baik, maka konflik tersebut berdampak baik atau setidaknya dampak buruk konflik dapat direduksi. Sebaliknya...
Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik d... more Abstrak : Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem rekrutmen tenaga pendidik dilaksanakan dengan baik, apakah yang mendasari rekrutmen ini dilaksanakan dan apa saja kendala yang biasa ditemui di lapangan. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam sistem rekrutmen guru, yaitu Persiapan rekrutmen, penyebaran pengumuman, penerimaan lamaran dan seleksi guru baru. Sedangkan kendala yang terjadi didalam sistem rekrutmen guru adalah Kebiasaan pencari Tenaga kerja, Kondisi lingkungan eksternal dan Faktor organisasional, meliputi kebijaksanaan dari dalam, kebijaksanaan imbalan, kebijaksanaan tentang status kepegawaian dan rencana sumber daya manusia. Kata Kunci : Rekrutmen, Tenaga Pendidik (Guru)
The more electronic mail account owned by someone, the more time required to perform the process ... more The more electronic mail account owned by someone, the more time required to perform the process in (login) to (logout) of the electronic mail account. Besides,an electronic mail account that has not only listed on one site an electronic mail service provider. This thesis aim to create application programs e-mail client that can accommodate more than one email account and have the encryption and decryption capability message content and implementation of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) in the process of sending and retrieval of electronic mail by using the Java programming language . In this thesis, the writer conducted a comparison several types of application programs that already exist and conduct experiments to the mail server connection with the application program. To use the encryption function, the results obtained in the application program was bigger. The use of SSL on the retrieval and delivery of the message will display an error message if the process of handshaking with the ...
Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in mo... more Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for the character education of students, where the family forms the basis of a character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is...
Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become a standard treatment for symptomatic cholec... more Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become a standard treatment for symptomatic cholecystolithiasis in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). This study aims as a preliminary study to externally validate the 10-point intraoperative gallbladder scoring system (G10), an assessment system of laparoscopic cholecystectomy's difficulty. Method. A cross-sectional study was carried out. Enrolling subjects who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy from January 2019 to December 2019. Data of the subjects were collected from medical records. We assessed each of the subjects' G10 scores and operation techniques based on the intraoperative images and surgical reports. The surgical technique divided into two groups, those are the Critical View of Safety (CVS) technique and bailout procedure group, consisting of fundus-first cholecystectomy, subtotal cholecystectomy, and conversion. The correlation of G10 score between CVS and bailout was analysed using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test. A Kendall's tau was performed to measure the correlation between the G10 score and the bailout procedure. Statistical power was calculated by Gpower application. A ROC test was performed to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the G10 scoring system to predict bailout procedure, then the cutoff value was determined. Results. There was a significant and positive correlation between the G10 score with the bailout procedure (<0.001,+0.487). Testing the G10 score on the validation set yielded an AUROC=0.865 (<0.001), and the score >2 indicate subjects at high risk of bailout procedure (72.2% vs. 20.98%).. Conclusion: This study showed that the G10 score has good accuracy in predicting a bailout procedure. The use of G10 scores intraoperatively is "essential" to provide valid and objective assessment in determining the difficulty of surgery. When the G10 score is 1 or 2, it's safe to perform the CVS technique. Whereas, if the G10 score is three or greater, surgeon should consider bailout procedure.
In this research, the algorithm used to compress images is using the haar wavelet transformation ... more In this research, the algorithm used to compress images is using the haar wavelet transformation method and the discrete wavelet transform algorithm. The image compression based on Wavelet Wavelet transform uses a calculation system with decomposition with row direction and decomposition with column direction. While discrete wavelet transform-based image compression, the size of the compressed image produced will be more optimal because some information that is not so useful, not so felt, and not so seen by humans will be eliminated so that humans still assume that the data can still be used even though it is compressed. The data used are data taken directly, so the test results are obtained that digital image compression based on Wavelet Wavelet Transformation gets a compression ratio of 41%, while the discrete wavelet transform reaches 29.5%. Based on research problems regarding the efficiency of storage media, it can be concluded that the right algorithm to choose is the Haar Wav...
Masjid Kristal Khadija (MKK) adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di kompleksYayasan Budi Mulia Dua d... more Masjid Kristal Khadija (MKK) adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di kompleksYayasan Budi Mulia Dua di Yogyakarta. Masjid ini memiliki keunikan pada arsitekturdan desain interiornya. MKK sebagai karya seni akan dikaji dengan metodeikonografi. Metode ini adalah suatu studi untuk mengungkapkan makna dari suatukarya seni dengan tahapan-tahapan, yakni deskripsi praikonografi, analisis ikonografi,dan interpretasi ikonologi. Ketiga proses tahap kajian tersebut bersifat prerequisiteatau prasyarat dari tahapan satu ke tahapan selanjutnya. Hasil penelitian padatahap deskripsi praikonografi bahwa wujud arsitektur dan interior MKK memilikiciri-ciri masjid bergaya Persia, tetapi masjid ini bukan termasuk tipe hipostyle karenabangunan masjid yang berdiri sendiri dan tidak dilengkapi riwaqs. Analisis ikonografimenghasilkan makna yang ditunjukkan oleh tema feminin dengan konsep materialkaca cermin yang diasosiasikan aktivitas kaum wanita, yakni bersolek. Interpretasiikonologi dihasilkan makna secara s...
Papers by Rony Rony