Papers by Roberto Battiston

The eastern grey squirrel is listed among the worst invasive species throughout the world. This s... more The eastern grey squirrel is listed among the worst invasive species throughout the world. This species of Ameri- can origin is currently replacing the native Eurasian red squirrel in most of the Great Britain, as well as in parts of Ireland and Italy. It may debark trees and exert damages to woodlands and tree plantations. Therefore, its spread may be deleterious for biodiversity and environment, emphasising the need for a rapid detection in new areas of occurrence. In this work, we reported for the rst time, the presence of new populations of this invasive species in Tuscany (Central Italy) and some updates and analyses regarding the status of this species in Veneto (North-Eastern Italy). Occurrences were collected through citizen-science contributory approach supported by photos, road-kills, and/or hair-tube sampling. Field investigations ad hoc were carried out in Veneto and Tuscany to con rm the repeated reports in the surroundings of Arezzo and in the province of Siena. Although records can be possibly related to erratic or single individuals escaped from captivity, reproductive nuclei have also been detected in both regions, with the observations of juveniles and/or lactating females. The occurrence of the species in these regions is still scarce and localised, but considering the surrounding favour- able wooded habitats, a rapid removal of the animals would be required to prevent their spread.

Riassunto. Le recenti e numerose segnalazioni in Veneto di esemplari di scoiattolo grigio Sciurus... more Riassunto. Le recenti e numerose segnalazioni in Veneto di esemplari di scoiattolo grigio Sciurus carolinensis, specie invasiva già nota per alcune aree dell'Italia centro-occidentale, e la naturale espansione dell'autoctono scoiattolo rosso Sciurus vulgaris dall'area prealpina alla pianura veneta, disegnano una linea di confine tra le due specie molto sottile e potenzialmente pericolosa. Modelli di espansione e possibili scenari di competizione vengono qui presentati e discussi al fine di individuare le priorità di intervento e ipotizzare alcune strategie di risoluzione che coinvolgano le comunità locali in un'ottica di educazione ambientale partecipata. Per favorire questo approccio è stato sviluppato Piattoscoiattolo, un progetto multimediale didattico-educativo di tipo bottom-up che viene qui introdotto. Summary. The narrow edge between the red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris and the grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis in the Veneto region: predicted problems and evolving perspectives (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Individuals of grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis, an invasive species already known for some areas of central and western Italy, have been recently recorded in Veneto, despite the natural expansion of the native red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris from the Alpine foothills to the Venetian plain. The two processes concur to draw a narrow and potentially dangerous border line between the two species. Migration patterns and possible competition scenarios are here presented and discussed in order to identify action priorities and to suggest some resolution strategies that should engage local communities in a perspective of participatory environmental education. To foster such an approach, a bottom-up multimedia educational project named " Piattoscoiattolo " has been developed and is introduced here.
The structure and composition of the biodiversity have been analysed in a light gradient of a cas... more The structure and composition of the biodiversity have been analysed in a light gradient of a case-study cave in Northern Italy to evaluate the influence of light in promoting, limiting, or altering it. Minor quantitative variations have been found along the gradient but remarkable qualitative differences have been recorded and discussed on the composition of the biodiversity proceeding from the full light of the entrance toward the darkness of the deep cave. Light intensity proved to be the main limit for many troglobiont an troglophilic species migration from or to the inner part of the cave. The subterranean environment is here discussed as a model for assessing also the epigean biodiversity considering the ecological limits in conservation problems of vulnerable environments.

The genus Apteromantis Werner, 1931 comprises two species of wingless mantids, the Iberian A. apt... more The genus Apteromantis Werner, 1931 comprises two species of wingless mantids, the Iberian A. aptera (Fuente, 1894) and the North African A. bolivari (Werner, 1929). Although A. aptera and A. bolivari have been traditionally considered as separate and valid species, their external appearance is quite similar and no comprehensive taxonomic study has analyzed their morphological and genetic characteristics. This taxonomic uncertainty has important implications for conservation because A. aptera is considered an Iberian endemic and the only praying mantis protected by international laws. In this study, we apply a comprehensive approach, including quantitative morphological and molecular analyses, to shed new light on the taxonomic and conservation status of the genus Apteromantis and the putative species. We have found that the Iberian and North African specimens analyzed herein significantly differ in female head shape, male genitalia morphology and several other traits related to body size. Molecular data suggest the presence of two main lineages, with sequence divergence rates of approximately 4 %, which are within the range reported for other well defined insect species. Overall, this study supports that A. aptera and A. bolivari are valid species despite their ecological and morphological similarity and highlights the importance of comprehensive approaches to resolve old taxonomic and conservation problems.

Biodiversity Journal, 2014
"“Biodiversity Friend” is a standard certification developed in 2010 by World Biodiversity Associ... more "“Biodiversity Friend” is a standard certification developed in 2010 by World Biodiversity Association to evaluate the biodiversity and promote its conservation in agriculture. The procedure to obtain the certification considers the environmental impacts of the agricultural activities on the agrosystem and the biodiversity and suggests operational strategies to improve the environmental quality of the agriculture areas. The evaluation is referred to 12 actions related to low-impact methods of pest and weed control, reconstitution of soil fertility, rational management of water resources, diffusion of hedges, woodlands and nectariferous plants, conservation of agricultural biodiversity, soil, air and freshwater quality through Biodiversity Indices, use of renewable sources for energy supply, lower CO2 production and CO2 storage and other actions that may have beneficial effects on biodiversity. The environmental conditions of the agrosystem are evaluated by biomonitoring of air, water and soil. The biodiversity of soil and aquatic macroinvertebrates and the biodiversity of epiphytic lichen communities decrease very quickly when the soil, water and air conditions are altered by different causes such as pollution, synthetic and organic pesticides, bad land use practices, etc. The protocol of the three indices of the standard certification “Biodiversity Friend”: Lichen Biodiversity Index (LBI-bf), Freshwater Biodiversity Index (FBI-bf), and Soil Biodiversity Index (SBI-bf) are here presented in detail."
Natura Vicentina, 2013
The distribution of the Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758) in the territory of Vicenz... more The distribution of the Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758) in the territory of Vicenza is updated with new records collected between 2006 and 2013. historically absent from the plain of Vicenza this Rodent is now found frequently and in highly-anthropogenic habitats that often do not preserve the natural minimum requirements for the ecology of the squirrel. here is described a process of progressive synurbation which led to the settlement of a stable and consolidated population of the plain and some considerations on this local trend at a global level are discussed.
Natura Vicentina, 2013
Si espongono i dati sulle popolazioni di alcune specie di ortotteri pullulanti nei Colli Berici p... more Si espongono i dati sulle popolazioni di alcune specie di ortotteri pullulanti nei Colli Berici per gli anni 2008-2013. Vengono qui riportati l’intensificarsi di fenomeni demograficamente esplosivi per alcune specie anche in aree planiziali e l’ampliamento di areale per Decticus albifrons.
Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie,, 2012
During an expedition held in 2011 in North Morocco, living populations of very rare mantids like ... more During an expedition held in 2011 in North Morocco, living populations of very rare mantids like Tenodera rungsi, Apteromantis bolivari were encountered and recorded, confirming their presence after more than half a century of silence. Collected specimens, compared with other species by their taxonomy and biogeography, confirmed old records and descriptions and gave important information on the ecology of mantids in the Mediterranean area. The rarity, the reduced distribution and the poor knowledge on Moroccan mantids lead to some considerations on the conservation problems and priorities about these insects.
Natura vicentina, 2012
New data on thermophilic insects (Reticulitermes lucifugus, Ameles spallanzania, Acrida ungarica ... more New data on thermophilic insects (Reticulitermes lucifugus, Ameles spallanzania, Acrida ungarica , Libelloides longicornis) are recorded for the Veneto Region. The presence of these species is also confirmed for other populations the same Region. we hypothesise that the presence of these populations and the spreading of thermophilic species is favoured by the presence of suitable habitats even in anthropic environments, rather than by the climatic conditions.
the recent find of an Ameles spallanzania population in a continental area of northern Italy perm... more the recent find of an Ameles spallanzania population in a continental area of northern Italy permitted to redraw the northernmost edge of the distribution of this species and to study its life cycle in extreme climatic conditions. A comparison with collecting records of adult specimens from the Mediterranean area has been performed to put in evidence how this species adapts its life-cycle timings in different latitudes: hatching earlier or using nymphs to overwinter in warmer localities or oothecae in colder ones. Overwintering strategies of Ameles spallanzania have been compared with strategies of other genera of mantids that share the same habitat but have different life-cycle strategies and general distribution. Different developing times in mantids seem to be linked to behavioural strategies more than physiological attitudes.
A population of praying mantids Mantis religiosa L. was studied in a submontane habitat near Vice... more A population of praying mantids Mantis religiosa L. was studied in a submontane habitat near Vicenza in Northern Italy. Sixtythree mantids were observed and studied in the field with the mark and recapture method to obtain ecological information about the coloration patterns, habitat preferences and strategies of this species. Additionally, a population of mantids was housed in artificial conditions to estimate the presence of colour changes in adults. A regular distribution of the coloration of the insects was found in the field during the changing of the season, and partial colour changes not linked to the substrate or the moult process were observed in artificial conditions. The basic structure of the preferred habitat of M. religiosa is described as a pattern of grassland and thorny bushes of the Rosaceae family.

WBA Handbooks, 2010
This handbook is a clear and detailed tool for the study and identification of the 127 species of... more This handbook is a clear and detailed tool for the study and identification of the 127 species of Mantids living in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The first part of the book describes the appearance of Mantids in human folklore and scientific aspects; their biology, the question of the sexual cannibalism, morphology, colouration and their life-cycles are treated. For amateurs as well as specialists, detailed descriptions of the most common techniques of rearing, preparation and study of external and internal morphology are presented. The second part includes a large section on the taxonomy of all the species living from the Caucasian Mountains to the Canary Islands.
Original drawings and many colour photographs ranging from extremely rare endemic species to the most common ones are given, with keys to their identification and bibliographical references with new and updated synonymies. The book also contains and updated checklist of the Euro-Mediterranean Mantids and, in order to contribute positively to the preservation of these extraordinary and uncommon insects, a red list of the most threatened species.
Biodiversity of South America I. Memoirs on Biodiversity, 2008
New data on the mantids of Ecuador are presented. The male of Pseudoxyops perpulchra is described... more New data on the mantids of Ecuador are presented. The male of Pseudoxyops perpulchra is described for the first time. After some doubtful records, the presence of this genus is confirmed in Ecuador, and some ecological considerations are given on its distribution.
Biodiversity of South America I. Memoirs on Biodiversity, 2008
A new species of a Musoniella (Mantodea, Thespidae) is described, based on a male collected by t... more A new species of a Musoniella (Mantodea, Thespidae) is described, based on a male collected by the authors on the Andine part of Ecuador. This genus is a new record for Ecuador, and some biogeographical considerations on the distribution of the genus are given. A comparative analysis of the characters used in the descriptions of the species is presented and their validity is discussed.
Journal of Orthoptera Research, Jan 1, 2008
Some observations on the mating behavior of the Mediterranean ground mantis Ameles decolor are re... more Some observations on the mating behavior of the Mediterranean ground mantis Ameles decolor are reported. Sexual cannibalism occurred between female and male; cannibalism occurred between adult males and between adult females. A courtship behavior of the male before mating is described for the first time. Comparisons with other taxa and explanations of courtship occurrence are given.
A summary of the actual knowledge on the Mantodea of Caucasus is presented, with new morphologica... more A summary of the actual knowledge on the Mantodea of Caucasus is presented, with new morphological and morphometrical data on not well known species from this region. The male of Hierodula transcaucasica is redescribed here. The external morphology and shape of genitalia are analysed. A comparison with previous data and some biogeographical considerations on Paramantini are given.
The presence of Ameles spallanzania (Rossi, 1 792) on the Euganean Hills (Padova, Veneto, Italy) ... more The presence of Ameles spallanzania (Rossi, 1 792) on the Euganean Hills (Padova, Veneto, Italy) is reported for the first time. The habitat of the collecting site is described and the habitus of thé individuals and the oothecae produced is described and photographed. The collecting area considered is geo-referenced. New collecting data are reported for the Veneto region which permit to formulate some hypotheses on the presence of this species in Northern Italy and to put in evidence some ecological observations on its distribution.
Papers by Roberto Battiston
Original drawings and many colour photographs ranging from extremely rare endemic species to the most common ones are given, with keys to their identification and bibliographical references with new and updated synonymies. The book also contains and updated checklist of the Euro-Mediterranean Mantids and, in order to contribute positively to the preservation of these extraordinary and uncommon insects, a red list of the most threatened species.
Original drawings and many colour photographs ranging from extremely rare endemic species to the most common ones are given, with keys to their identification and bibliographical references with new and updated synonymies. The book also contains and updated checklist of the Euro-Mediterranean Mantids and, in order to contribute positively to the preservation of these extraordinary and uncommon insects, a red list of the most threatened species.
Conference: VIII Convegno dei Faunisti Veneti, Sedico (BL), 21-22 ottobre 2017
Lo scoiattolo grigio è stato introdotto in Italia nel 1948 in Piemonte, da dove si è diffuso poi in Liguria e Lombardia. Dal 2003 è stato rilevato in Umbria, dal 2008 in Veneto e dal 2012 in Toscana. La sua presenza è tuttavia balzata all’attenzione dei media solo negli ultimi anni, in parte in seguito all’attivazione di progetti LIFE per la gestione e divulgazione del problema, in parte per l’avvento dei social network che ne hanno amplificato la discussione in modo imprevedibile. Uno dei cardini della gestione di questa come di ogni altra specie problematica è la conoscenza precisa della sua distribuzione, ottenibile in larga misura da progetti di monitoraggio mirati, scientifici in senso stretto o legati alla citizen-science. Il caso dello scoiattolo grigio è esemplare poiché catalizza l’attenzione e quindi la condivisione dei dati di presenza, in molteplici modi. In primo luogo è una specie di interesse prioritario per l’impatto che ha sull’ambiente e sulle specie native e per questo catalizza finanziamenti e interesse scientifico per il suo monitoraggio. In secondo luogo è un animale grazioso che viene volentieri fotografato e condiviso sui social network. In terzo luogo la sua presenza è diventata un elemento di discordia tra molti gruppi ambientalisti, istituzioni e scienziati. Lo scambio di informazioni tra monitoraggio istituzionale, monitoraggio non mediato e citizen science non è sempre facile e genera dati spesso chiusi in compartimenti stagni. In questo studio vengono confrontati i risultati in itinere dei principali progetti volti al monitoraggio della specie in Italia confrontando la diversa efficienza di database chiusi (progetti scientifici o comunicazioni tra ricercatori), progetti semi-aperti (webgis a visualizzazione parziale o completa, ma mediata) e fonti aperte, quali le discussioni sui social network. I risultati rappresentano un insieme di dati molto frammentato, principalmente suddiviso in progetti tematici che funzionano per specifici ambiti territoriali, a fronte di un grande numero di segnalazioni sui social network di cui però solo una piccola parte è utilizzabile al pari delle altre segnalazioni a causa dell’incompletezza dei dati (data, località, problemi nell’identificazione, ecc.). Le potenzialità investigative dei monitoraggi delle specie problematiche nell’era digitale si sono enormemente ampliate rispetto a una decina di anni fa. Rimangono tuttavia limitanti la mancanza di comunicazione tra le piattaforme e il problema della condivisione dei dati, ancora troppo settoriale.