Papers by Pawel Wyrozebski
The issues of project management, as the subject of research and teaching, were taken at the begi... more The issues of project management, as the subject of research and teaching, were taken at the beginning of the century in the Department of Management in Economy in Warsaw School of Economics by a team led by prof. Michał Trocki. On this subject, in 2003 Polish Economic Publishing House published one of the first Polish monographies titled Project management edited by M. Trocki, B. Grucza and K. Ogonek. The book has gained a great popularity and recognition in the publishing market. In 2006 its translation into Russian was created. In 2004 Difin Publishing House published a monograph titled Management of the project team edited by P. Wachowiak, S. Gregorczyk, B. Grucza and K. Ogonek. A collective publication edited by M. Trocki and B. Grucza titled Management of an European project released by PWE was established in 2007. In addition, many studies and articles on the management of projects have been published in collective works and journals. A number of presentations at scientific conferences were presented.
Procedia Computer Science, 2021
The goal of the research was to analyze the factors affecting the desire to find a job abroad amo... more The goal of the research was to analyze the factors affecting the desire to find a job abroad among young Polish health care workers on the basis of determining the emigration plans of students and trainees of Medical University of Warsaw. Empirical studies were based on a survey distributed among undergraduate students and graduates of MUW. The biggest impact on the willingness to seek employment in another country are higher wages, better working conditions, greater opportunity for professional development, positive feedback from health professionals and a lack of job stability in Poland. The strength of individual factors for emigration varies between representatives of different faculties (students of medicine, nursing, midwifery, dietetics, public health, physiotherapy and pharmacy). The percentage of people who consider leaving is higher among people from better-off families.
Management and Production Engineering Review, 2014
The aim of the article is to answer two research questions concerning the influence of organizati... more The aim of the article is to answer two research questions concerning the influence of organizational factors and shape of project portfolio on the content and scope, as well as on the stakeholders engagement in project planning. The research strategy included a questionnairebased method. The respondents were representatives of the chosen companies located in Poland, from varied types of industries. The key research finding is that most frequently addressed areas of project planning are those of the iron-triangle of project constraints. There is still lack of understanding for communication, risk and quality planning in projects, which is consonant with recent studies of maturity in project management areas. There are significant differences between industries in terms of areas of project planning. Power engineering seems to be more mature in terms of more frequent practices of planning the project schedule, resources and risk. The research showed a number of significant correlation...
Books by Pawel Wyrozebski
Zapotrzebowanie na profesjonalną wiedzę z zakresu zarządzania projektami stale rośnie w związku z... more Zapotrzebowanie na profesjonalną wiedzę z zakresu zarządzania projektami stale rośnie w związku z postępującą komplikacją procesów otoczenia i funkcjonowania organizacji różnego rodzaju i z koniecznością rozwiązywania wynikających z tego problemów – poprzez realizację projektów. Aby sprostać temu zapotrzebowaniu, zarządzanie projektami rozwijane jest intensywnie zarówno od strony praktycznej, jak i naukowej. W wyniku tego, zarządzanie projektami stało się odrębną dziedziną wiedzy praktycznej i naukowej, posiadającą odrębny przedmiot badań, własne pod-stawy teoretyczne, stosującą specyficzne metody badawcze. Nad rozwojem zarządzania projektami pracują wyspecjalizowane ośrodki akademickie, instytuty naukowe, stowarzyszenia fachowe, firmy doradcze i poszczególni specjaliści. Jednym z wiodących ośrodków rozwoju naukowego i praktycznego zarządzania projektami w Polsce jest Katedra Zarządzania Projektami w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Zagadnienia opisywane w niniejszej publikacji obejmują szerokie spektrum aktualnych wyzwań i problemów z zakresu zarządzania projektami. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest prezentacja dorobku badawczego Katedry i osób z nią współpracujących zarówno w krajowym, jak i – przede wszystkim – międzynarodowym środowisku specjalistów zarządzania projektami.
Project Planning and Scheduling: Tools and Good Practices, 2017
Planning, or as aptly capture the authors of the study “preparation of activities”, is a vital as... more Planning, or as aptly capture the authors of the study “preparation of activities”, is a vital aspect of project management. Most of the problems that occur during the project implementation phase origin from improper or even in a lack of the project planning process. It can be observed that organizations, especially in the conditions of risk and uncertainty, do not take steps to prepare their activities or take them in a very ineffective way. Therefore, undertaking research on the topic of project planning should be considered both important for the development of the discipline of management sciences as well as for providing practical guidance to companies that often undertake complex projects in a turbulent, changing environment. The reviewed research by prof. Michał Trocki, PhD. and prof. Paweł Wyrozębski, PhD. significantly extends the current knowledge of project management and can serve as a benchmark for very well-conducted research.
The demand for professional expertise in project management is constantly increasing due to the p... more The demand for professional expertise in project management is constantly increasing due to the progressive complication of environmental processes and the functioning of organizations of all kinds as well as arising problems through projects' execution. To meet this demand, project management is intensively developed from both the practical and scientific side. As a result, project management has become a separate field of practical and scientific knowledge which has a separate subject of study, its own theoretical foundations, using specific research methods. The development of project management is done by specialized academic centers, research institutes, professional associations, consulting firms and individual professionals.
The Chair of Project Management at the Warsaw School of Economics is one of the leading centers of scientific and practical project management in Poland. The issues described in this publication cover a wide spectrum of current challenges and problems in project management. The purpose of this publication is to present the research achievements of Chair and people co-operating with it in both national and – above all – international environment of specialists in project management.
Papers by Pawel Wyrozebski
Books by Pawel Wyrozebski
The Chair of Project Management at the Warsaw School of Economics is one of the leading centers of scientific and practical project management in Poland. The issues described in this publication cover a wide spectrum of current challenges and problems in project management. The purpose of this publication is to present the research achievements of Chair and people co-operating with it in both national and – above all – international environment of specialists in project management.
The Chair of Project Management at the Warsaw School of Economics is one of the leading centers of scientific and practical project management in Poland. The issues described in this publication cover a wide spectrum of current challenges and problems in project management. The purpose of this publication is to present the research achievements of Chair and people co-operating with it in both national and – above all – international environment of specialists in project management.