Zărand Land is a geographical space that has its own individuality, representing a well-structure... more Zărand Land is a geographical space that has its own individuality, representing a well-structured and functionally articulated territorial system. The natural environment reveals many features that are favorable for anthropization, a fact reflected in the age and development of human habitats in the three basins which are included in this geographical unit. In these basins there is a complex cultural landscape, with several unique features, a consequence of the long interaction between the natural environment and people. Among the favorable factors for the development of cultural landscape, one may highlight the optimal conditions provided by the natural environment (a morphology including closed or semi-closed basins having a sheltering role, rich and varied soil resources and mineral resources), to which an ancient and intense anthropization of the region is associated. Cuvinte cheie: Ţara Zarandului, peisaj cultural, mediu natural, antropizare, depresiuni. Peisajul cultural poat...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has had both financial and activity-related effects on a number of areas of... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had both financial and activity-related effects on a number of areas of activity, among which those involving the creative industries have proved to be weak in their capacity to survive the halting of all events held in physical spaces. The long-term effects of the current health crisis are bringing about changes in cultural demand and offer and highlighting the need to adapt and to think of new ways of functioning. Taking its cue from this situation, the research underlying our article set out to investigate the ways in which Romania’s independent creative sector is adapting. We achieved this by means of conducting 25 semi-structured interviews and undertaking case studies of two cities that are among the most effervescent from the point of view of cultural and creative industries, Timișoara and Cluj-Napoca. With the strengthening of this sector as the aim in view, the forms of early social resilience we identified are capable in the short term of taking a...
Agrotouristic developmental potential of Tasnad microregion. Touristical valences of Tasnad micro... more Agrotouristic developmental potential of Tasnad microregion. Touristical valences of Tasnad microregion, caracteristical for agroturism are sustained by a geocultural base rich in traditions, customs, trades and specific Hollidays, as a result of the long-term cohabitation on the same territory of a human group made of three ethnies (Romanians, Hungarians, Swabians), each of them keeping alive the elements of territorial adherence to mental space with which it identifies. Tasnad microregion is suitable for different forms of practicing agrotourism which completes each other in different categories of specific destinations: hunting and fishing tourism, oenological tourism, religious-ecumenical tourism, cultural tourism, curative-balneary tourism, entertainement tourism (horse riding and cycling), ecological tourism and mixt agrotourism.
In the process of territorial development gaps and disparities appearance is a common phenomenon ... more In the process of territorial development gaps and disparities appearance is a common phenomenon , heterogeneity is one of the fundamental features of an absolute majority of territorial systems. The origin of a significant part of the spatial differentiation is relevant territorial marginalization or disadvantage relative to their neighboring ones. They will determine the slow pace and low intensity of economic and social affirmation, transforming the area or region in a repulsive territory .The classification of disadvantaged areas is based on an accumulation of criteria between the geographic location , extension , structure of activities and the degree of disadvantaged.
Deep-seated landslides are considered geomorphologic risk phenomena, but highly stable over time.... more Deep-seated landslides are considered geomorphologic risk phenomena, but highly stable over time. The people perceived them differently, associating their shape with various legends. Their low vulnerability degree led to their complex valorisation. This ranged from their location in built-up spaces (households, religious infrastructures, etc.) to a varied economic usage (agriculture, logging, tourism). The scope of this study consists in assessing the deep-seated landslides as geomorphosites. This assessment is conducted by calculating their functional and additional values and the impact of their use in the field. The methodology involved 3 stages: inventory of some representative deep-seated landslides areas in Romania and the Republic of Moldova; assessment of 13 deep-seated landslides sites, perceived as case study; and their ranking, depending on the integration of the values achieved individually for each subcriterion. The research outcomes have confirmed the presence of a significant number of deep-seated landslides in the Carpato-Danubiano-Pontic space (especially in the Transylvanian Depression and in the Moldavian Plateau). The research also revealed the possibility to catalogue these landslides as geomorphosites and the high anthropic usage degree owed first of all to the good stability of the landforms.
The edaphic structure of a territory is a fundamental natural resource, because soil is the suppo... more The edaphic structure of a territory is a fundamental natural resource, because soil is the support and living environment of plants, especially crops; the agricultural practice could not be conceived in the absence of the edaphic couverture. The various pedogenesis conditions led to the relative diversification of soil, pointing out a great typological variety, among which the following stand out: cambic chernozems and luvisoils, brown luvisoils, marsh and gleic soils, regosols and erodisoils, alluviosoils, etc.
ABSTRACTEvaluation of the Attractive Potential and Tourism Regionalization of the Land of Zarand... more ABSTRACTEvaluation of the Attractive Potential and Tourism Regionalization of the Land of Zarand. The Land of Zarand represents a well-structured territorial system, in which the tourist component appears as relevant. The author assesses the natural and the anthropic ...
There are some favorability features regarding agriculture in the analyzed microregion. It is abo... more There are some favorability features regarding agriculture in the analyzed microregion. It is about climatic conditions, soils and morphological characteristics (aspect, slope). Unfortunately, there are some restrictiveness features also. It is about demographic aging, low number of farms, weak specialization of producers and weak valorization of ecologic agricultural potential. In such conditions, local development plan must have a holistic territorial approach, as a starting point for settlement's wealth and prosperous economic activities.
Abstract: The Demographic Potential of Tasnad Microregion. The demarcation of Tasnad Microregion ... more Abstract: The Demographic Potential of Tasnad Microregion. The demarcation of Tasnad Microregion to its present shape is based on criteria formulated by the opportunity of delivering access to local development vectors through projects focused on the most ...
A possible answer to the current challenges of the Tisa catchment area, correlated with water man... more A possible answer to the current challenges of the Tisa catchment area, correlated with water management, social and economic development, environmental conservation, is the transnational initiative of the five countries drained by the tributaries of the Tisa River. In this context, the spatial development has a major impact on the Romanian Tisa catchment area by providing the economic cohesion. The purpose of the present paper is to define the current status of economy in the Romanian Tisa River Basin, through the filter of achieving the level of competitiveness claimed by the national, European, or global authorities. By setting several quantitative indicators, analyzed for a standard territorial level (NUTS 3), for a definite time interval (2002-2007), those more or less competitive economic branches, activities or aspects of the analyzed territory were identified, and, at the same time, the elements that "hinder" development, the traditional remnants, or the existing entrepreneurial initiatives. On the basis of relevant indicators, the calculation of an index of competitiveness was proposed at territorial level, the results certifying a certain level of competitiveness for the region under consideration.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2018
Alike some other territories in Transylvania, the area of Poiana Ruscă Mountains has been cultiva... more Alike some other territories in Transylvania, the area of Poiana Ruscă Mountains has been cultivated with fruit trees and vines, benefiting from favourable morphological, soil and climatic conditions. The purpose of our paper was to highlight the particularities of this representative occupation carried out by the local communities in the analyzed area. Through cartographic reconstructions we observed the diachronic evolution of the areas occupied with orchards and the valorisation and management of fruit products. Results confirmed that, despite the significant decline in fruit farming, the abandonment of orchards or the disappearance of nurseries, we can still find some local initiatives encouraging the practice of fruit growing.
The Land of Zărand as Metal Spatial Projection.The physical support of the Zărand mental space is... more The Land of Zărand as Metal Spatial Projection.The physical support of the Zărand mental space is represented by the morphology of the region, by the forestry domain (generator of a special type of behaviour and of peculiar occupations), by the mining activity (especially the one related to the gold-bearing veins) and by the historical events that led to the heroic mythology. The stages in the development of the Land of Zărand into an open mental space took place gradually based on the transfer of influence from the Zărand Fortress towards the interior of the mountains, towards the future settlements with role of central place, namely Baia de Criş and Brad.
Tourist Potential of the Zărand Land. Zărand Land represents one of Romania's most representative... more Tourist Potential of the Zărand Land. Zărand Land represents one of Romania's most representative systemregions. Its tourism potential is made up by highly diverse natural and anthropogenic sites of interest. Among the natural sites, one may include gorges, canyons, caves, steep slopes: mineral and thermal waters, elements of vegetation and animals for hunting and fishing. The anthropogenic sites are represented by: fortresses, wooden or stone churches, museums, monuments, traditions, customs, handicrafts, folklore and folk architecture. One should note the low degree of tourism planning and valorization of these sites. Cuvinte cheie: potenţial turistic, relief, climă, vegetaţie, edificii culturale Ţara Zărandului constituie o unitate teritorială inconfundabilă în componenţa teritoriului României (suprafaţă de 3669,9 km 2 , populaţie de 122 265 în 2002), atât sub aspect fizic, cât şi sub aspect economic, demografic şi cultural. Sub aspect economic, Ţara Zărandului se asociază cu zăcămintele auroargintifere şi cuprifere, la care se adaugă un remarcabil potenţial turistic. Vocaţia turistică a regiunii, ce trebuie să se impună în viitor în turismul naţional, dar şi internaţional se sprijină pe următoarele resurse: ape termominerale cu deosebite însuşiri curative, peisajul montan variat al sectorului sud-vestic al Munţilor Apuseni, climatul favorabil circulaţiei turistice întregul an, fondul turistic antropic de o mare bogăţie, varietate şi originalitate şi nu în ultimul rând ospitalitatea zărăndenilor.
To solve customer service problems, a major distributor developed an on-line order processing sys... more To solve customer service problems, a major distributor developed an on-line order processing system and made it available for direct access by its customers. The system was intended to cut order/entry costs, to speed processing time and to provide more flexibility to customers. Although, nitially, the company's expectations were modesr, the system gave them significant competitive advantage; customer satisfaction increased and the distributor also noted that revenues increased and market share improved. These benefits continued as long as the company continued to innovate. But five years later, in an attempt to control internal costs, the firm turned away from its commitment to customer service. Despite improved operating efficiency, profits and market share rapidly declined.
Zărand Land is a geographical space that has its own individuality, representing a well-structure... more Zărand Land is a geographical space that has its own individuality, representing a well-structured and functionally articulated territorial system. The natural environment reveals many features that are favorable for anthropization, a fact reflected in the age and development of human habitats in the three basins which are included in this geographical unit. In these basins there is a complex cultural landscape, with several unique features, a consequence of the long interaction between the natural environment and people. Among the favorable factors for the development of cultural landscape, one may highlight the optimal conditions provided by the natural environment (a morphology including closed or semi-closed basins having a sheltering role, rich and varied soil resources and mineral resources), to which an ancient and intense anthropization of the region is associated. Cuvinte cheie: Ţara Zarandului, peisaj cultural, mediu natural, antropizare, depresiuni. Peisajul cultural poat...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has had both financial and activity-related effects on a number of areas of... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had both financial and activity-related effects on a number of areas of activity, among which those involving the creative industries have proved to be weak in their capacity to survive the halting of all events held in physical spaces. The long-term effects of the current health crisis are bringing about changes in cultural demand and offer and highlighting the need to adapt and to think of new ways of functioning. Taking its cue from this situation, the research underlying our article set out to investigate the ways in which Romania’s independent creative sector is adapting. We achieved this by means of conducting 25 semi-structured interviews and undertaking case studies of two cities that are among the most effervescent from the point of view of cultural and creative industries, Timișoara and Cluj-Napoca. With the strengthening of this sector as the aim in view, the forms of early social resilience we identified are capable in the short term of taking a...
Agrotouristic developmental potential of Tasnad microregion. Touristical valences of Tasnad micro... more Agrotouristic developmental potential of Tasnad microregion. Touristical valences of Tasnad microregion, caracteristical for agroturism are sustained by a geocultural base rich in traditions, customs, trades and specific Hollidays, as a result of the long-term cohabitation on the same territory of a human group made of three ethnies (Romanians, Hungarians, Swabians), each of them keeping alive the elements of territorial adherence to mental space with which it identifies. Tasnad microregion is suitable for different forms of practicing agrotourism which completes each other in different categories of specific destinations: hunting and fishing tourism, oenological tourism, religious-ecumenical tourism, cultural tourism, curative-balneary tourism, entertainement tourism (horse riding and cycling), ecological tourism and mixt agrotourism.
In the process of territorial development gaps and disparities appearance is a common phenomenon ... more In the process of territorial development gaps and disparities appearance is a common phenomenon , heterogeneity is one of the fundamental features of an absolute majority of territorial systems. The origin of a significant part of the spatial differentiation is relevant territorial marginalization or disadvantage relative to their neighboring ones. They will determine the slow pace and low intensity of economic and social affirmation, transforming the area or region in a repulsive territory .The classification of disadvantaged areas is based on an accumulation of criteria between the geographic location , extension , structure of activities and the degree of disadvantaged.
Deep-seated landslides are considered geomorphologic risk phenomena, but highly stable over time.... more Deep-seated landslides are considered geomorphologic risk phenomena, but highly stable over time. The people perceived them differently, associating their shape with various legends. Their low vulnerability degree led to their complex valorisation. This ranged from their location in built-up spaces (households, religious infrastructures, etc.) to a varied economic usage (agriculture, logging, tourism). The scope of this study consists in assessing the deep-seated landslides as geomorphosites. This assessment is conducted by calculating their functional and additional values and the impact of their use in the field. The methodology involved 3 stages: inventory of some representative deep-seated landslides areas in Romania and the Republic of Moldova; assessment of 13 deep-seated landslides sites, perceived as case study; and their ranking, depending on the integration of the values achieved individually for each subcriterion. The research outcomes have confirmed the presence of a significant number of deep-seated landslides in the Carpato-Danubiano-Pontic space (especially in the Transylvanian Depression and in the Moldavian Plateau). The research also revealed the possibility to catalogue these landslides as geomorphosites and the high anthropic usage degree owed first of all to the good stability of the landforms.
The edaphic structure of a territory is a fundamental natural resource, because soil is the suppo... more The edaphic structure of a territory is a fundamental natural resource, because soil is the support and living environment of plants, especially crops; the agricultural practice could not be conceived in the absence of the edaphic couverture. The various pedogenesis conditions led to the relative diversification of soil, pointing out a great typological variety, among which the following stand out: cambic chernozems and luvisoils, brown luvisoils, marsh and gleic soils, regosols and erodisoils, alluviosoils, etc.
ABSTRACTEvaluation of the Attractive Potential and Tourism Regionalization of the Land of Zarand... more ABSTRACTEvaluation of the Attractive Potential and Tourism Regionalization of the Land of Zarand. The Land of Zarand represents a well-structured territorial system, in which the tourist component appears as relevant. The author assesses the natural and the anthropic ...
There are some favorability features regarding agriculture in the analyzed microregion. It is abo... more There are some favorability features regarding agriculture in the analyzed microregion. It is about climatic conditions, soils and morphological characteristics (aspect, slope). Unfortunately, there are some restrictiveness features also. It is about demographic aging, low number of farms, weak specialization of producers and weak valorization of ecologic agricultural potential. In such conditions, local development plan must have a holistic territorial approach, as a starting point for settlement's wealth and prosperous economic activities.
Abstract: The Demographic Potential of Tasnad Microregion. The demarcation of Tasnad Microregion ... more Abstract: The Demographic Potential of Tasnad Microregion. The demarcation of Tasnad Microregion to its present shape is based on criteria formulated by the opportunity of delivering access to local development vectors through projects focused on the most ...
A possible answer to the current challenges of the Tisa catchment area, correlated with water man... more A possible answer to the current challenges of the Tisa catchment area, correlated with water management, social and economic development, environmental conservation, is the transnational initiative of the five countries drained by the tributaries of the Tisa River. In this context, the spatial development has a major impact on the Romanian Tisa catchment area by providing the economic cohesion. The purpose of the present paper is to define the current status of economy in the Romanian Tisa River Basin, through the filter of achieving the level of competitiveness claimed by the national, European, or global authorities. By setting several quantitative indicators, analyzed for a standard territorial level (NUTS 3), for a definite time interval (2002-2007), those more or less competitive economic branches, activities or aspects of the analyzed territory were identified, and, at the same time, the elements that "hinder" development, the traditional remnants, or the existing entrepreneurial initiatives. On the basis of relevant indicators, the calculation of an index of competitiveness was proposed at territorial level, the results certifying a certain level of competitiveness for the region under consideration.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2018
Alike some other territories in Transylvania, the area of Poiana Ruscă Mountains has been cultiva... more Alike some other territories in Transylvania, the area of Poiana Ruscă Mountains has been cultivated with fruit trees and vines, benefiting from favourable morphological, soil and climatic conditions. The purpose of our paper was to highlight the particularities of this representative occupation carried out by the local communities in the analyzed area. Through cartographic reconstructions we observed the diachronic evolution of the areas occupied with orchards and the valorisation and management of fruit products. Results confirmed that, despite the significant decline in fruit farming, the abandonment of orchards or the disappearance of nurseries, we can still find some local initiatives encouraging the practice of fruit growing.
The Land of Zărand as Metal Spatial Projection.The physical support of the Zărand mental space is... more The Land of Zărand as Metal Spatial Projection.The physical support of the Zărand mental space is represented by the morphology of the region, by the forestry domain (generator of a special type of behaviour and of peculiar occupations), by the mining activity (especially the one related to the gold-bearing veins) and by the historical events that led to the heroic mythology. The stages in the development of the Land of Zărand into an open mental space took place gradually based on the transfer of influence from the Zărand Fortress towards the interior of the mountains, towards the future settlements with role of central place, namely Baia de Criş and Brad.
Tourist Potential of the Zărand Land. Zărand Land represents one of Romania's most representative... more Tourist Potential of the Zărand Land. Zărand Land represents one of Romania's most representative systemregions. Its tourism potential is made up by highly diverse natural and anthropogenic sites of interest. Among the natural sites, one may include gorges, canyons, caves, steep slopes: mineral and thermal waters, elements of vegetation and animals for hunting and fishing. The anthropogenic sites are represented by: fortresses, wooden or stone churches, museums, monuments, traditions, customs, handicrafts, folklore and folk architecture. One should note the low degree of tourism planning and valorization of these sites. Cuvinte cheie: potenţial turistic, relief, climă, vegetaţie, edificii culturale Ţara Zărandului constituie o unitate teritorială inconfundabilă în componenţa teritoriului României (suprafaţă de 3669,9 km 2 , populaţie de 122 265 în 2002), atât sub aspect fizic, cât şi sub aspect economic, demografic şi cultural. Sub aspect economic, Ţara Zărandului se asociază cu zăcămintele auroargintifere şi cuprifere, la care se adaugă un remarcabil potenţial turistic. Vocaţia turistică a regiunii, ce trebuie să se impună în viitor în turismul naţional, dar şi internaţional se sprijină pe următoarele resurse: ape termominerale cu deosebite însuşiri curative, peisajul montan variat al sectorului sud-vestic al Munţilor Apuseni, climatul favorabil circulaţiei turistice întregul an, fondul turistic antropic de o mare bogăţie, varietate şi originalitate şi nu în ultimul rând ospitalitatea zărăndenilor.
To solve customer service problems, a major distributor developed an on-line order processing sys... more To solve customer service problems, a major distributor developed an on-line order processing system and made it available for direct access by its customers. The system was intended to cut order/entry costs, to speed processing time and to provide more flexibility to customers. Although, nitially, the company's expectations were modesr, the system gave them significant competitive advantage; customer satisfaction increased and the distributor also noted that revenues increased and market share improved. These benefits continued as long as the company continued to innovate. But five years later, in an attempt to control internal costs, the firm turned away from its commitment to customer service. Despite improved operating efficiency, profits and market share rapidly declined.
Papers by Nicoleta David