Papers by Aju Mukhopadhyay
not yet published- to be in my next book also., 2023
Stream of consciousness is a great term in modern literature. Though the application of the strea... more Stream of consciousness is a great term in modern literature. Though the application of the stream of consciousness by the Western and some Russian novelists have been mentioned as a special technique, its existence in many other writers of the world is apparent in different forms.
The deep ocean of memories is the store house called Chitta. Consciousness proper is not confined to brain or memory, any others, though all these are part of it. What has been construed as stream of consciousness is only a part of the whole. Everything from tiniest matter to the Divine is consciousness. The core issue is Chit, the origin of consciousness. It is a great hope that groping in th dark, Man the mental being, is growing from ignorance to knowledge, from partial to the whole.
![Research paper thumbnail of Elusive Moments](
IJOHMN (International Journal online of Humanities), 2018
Nights would end before clocks could strike four And we’re ready to make a score; Light of dawn ... more Nights would end before clocks could strike four And we’re ready to make a score; Light of dawn greeted us with blessings But Nature played hide and seek With clouds and rains, haze and lightning. Every moment seemed better than before; As we’re ready to score Clouds blocked the sunrays Falling on the majestic peaks Leaving us eagerly to seek The moment again. Sometimes big white cloud-boats sailed Sometimes darkening hounds bayed Over the mountains. Clouds became pregnant with rains; Particles of rains blurred our views Soon they fell all around Over the hills and dales, woods and rivers. At intervals morning Sun greeted The snow covered peeks with its golden rays And the silvery heads Of the mountain held their sway; We snapped them before they were faded But next moment they became more accurate, Swaying from side to side, the glorious peaks Challenged the beauty of each other, Each next moment differed from the earlier Keeping us away from the best, forever.
IJOHMN (International Journal Online of Humanities), 2018
Born in Ludhiana, Saadat Hasan Manto was opposed to his family tradition; aristocracy and study o... more Born in Ludhiana, Saadat Hasan Manto was opposed to his family tradition; aristocracy and study of Law. He grew up less educated, profligate, wayward and whimsical; smoking charas and other narcotics, drinking and gambling. Prone to frustration and dissipation he had no particular aim in life till he came to Bombay. Flowing through the stream of writing, mainly short stories, throughout his life he became a master story teller in Urdu. ‘Manto’s oeuvre’ made him immortal writer of short stories in a short life span of less than 43 years. He left India for Pakistan and settled in his familiar town, Lahore, in 1948. His partition stories only have been discussed here. He never becomes partial in his dealing with woman. All his qualifications and disqualifications have been discussed here.
![Research paper thumbnail of Tagore and Naipaul on Indian and European Civilisations: Patriotic and Biassed Views Changed their Perspectives](
IJOHMN (International Journal online of Humanities), 2018
V. S. Naipaul was writer of Indian origin writer settled in Great Britain and Rabindranath Tagore... more V. S. Naipaul was writer of Indian origin writer settled in Great Britain and Rabindranath Tagore was Bengali writer born and brought up in India. Both were Nobel Laureates in Literature. Based on their overall behavior and treatment with the colonized people, Tagore a patriot to the core, saw and judged the foreign colonisers from his Indian patriotic point of view. He realised how and why they sucked India for their own benefit to the utter neglect of Indians. But Naipaul’s ancestors migrated perhaps under compulsion to the Caribbean islands where Naipaul was born (Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobagos). He settled in England and stayed put there for the major part of his life. Compared to his background Britain was new found paradise for him. Ambitious, he studied English and was imbued in their culture. He wrote as if Britain was more than his birth land. He was awarded Nobel Prize as a British, a European. From his perspective he was not only indebted but deeply moved to love that co...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Agony of Tribal Life](
is an award winning bilingual poet, author of fiction and non-fiction works and critic. He has au... more is an award winning bilingual poet, author of fiction and non-fiction works and critic. He has authored 30 books and has received several poetry awards, besides other honours from India and abroad. Many of his works have been translated in Indian and foreign languages and anthologised. There are half a dozen books which include discussions on his poetry. He has written essays on more than 30 scholarly books on literature and allied subjects like wildlife, Nature and environment. He has been in the editorial boards of some serious literary journals. He has participated in 30 national and international literary and tribal life conferences. He has travelled across Asia, Europe, America and Africa. Abstract It is an irony of human civilization that the most wealthy areas on earth are most impoverished; the people die of disease and hunger, live in ghettoes being driven out by the agents of civilization, who live thousands of miles away in air-conditioned rooms in sophisticated countries...
![Research paper thumbnail of Book Review "Where Stands Aju Mukhopadhyay's Manhood, Grasshood and Birdhood in the Opinions of the Australians](
Aju Mukhopadhyay is an astute observer of the way those in power and control (bankers, developers... more Aju Mukhopadhyay is an astute observer of the way those in power and control (bankers, developers and politicians) influence the natural world, generally to its detriment. He is also a very keen observer of nature herself together with the numerous creatures she supports including tiny insects, plants, giant animals and of course human beings. This is reflected in the rather unusual title Manhood, Grasshood and Birdhood. Mukhopadhyay's poems use simple language and form to make absolutely clear the message he wishes to convey. Many of the poems in the first section Manhood and Grasshood are fairly long prose style poems, occasionally with rhyming endings, this contrasts considerably with the much shorter, often only three line poems in the second section-Birdhood. These poems have a Japanese feel and style, though, perhaps arguably, they are technically not Haiku, varying as they
![Research paper thumbnail of Story around the Wonderful World of Corals](
IJOHMN (International Journal Online of Humanities)
Corals are special to our lives; they give us when alive as well as on their death. Corals are at... more Corals are special to our lives; they give us when alive as well as on their death. Corals are at the centre of biodiversity. Many solid elements allow us to stand, sit on or sleep on. Earth is the most common but we may rest on sand hill, mountain top or tree. Corals provide us the same solid base to stand on as earth when it dies. When it lives it gives shelter, protection and food to many living things. Coral reefs offer multiple benefits to people and the economy - providing food, sustaining livelihoods, supporting tourism, protecting coasts, and even helping to prevent diseases. India has many coral coasts and coral areas. Lakshadweep is the largest among them. The coral reef in and around Lakshadweep has fascinated us. A travel in the remote islands and visit among the corals was an unique experience. The article deals with all aspects of coral kingdom including the islands. Not only facts and figures, it tells the story of travel and more; what happened on the way and in betw...
![Research paper thumbnail of Consciousness Binds Consciousness Releases](
IJOHMN (International Journal Online of Humanities)
Consciousness is one which pervades the whole existence; from material to vital and mental world ... more Consciousness is one which pervades the whole existence; from material to vital and mental world and beyond. Not only mind or its awareness, nor matter nor senses alone; every being, everything is replete with consciousness. Consciousness as an element may rise high above that psychological stratum to which we give the name of mentality. There is a superconscient stage as well as subconscient. Endowed with mind man is most miserable as he cannot avoid fear and anxiety but he has no clue to control his miseries. The human being is used to collective consciousness which safely guides animals without a tormenting mind but it pulls man down. Collective thought, collective suggestions are formidable influences which act constantly on individual thought with mixture of obscurities and unconsciousness. One needs to be established on his individuality.
![Research paper thumbnail of Communication in Art Song and Literature: Poems versus Novels](
IJOHMN (International Journal online of Humanities)
The primary urge of a poet or writer is to create according to his inspiration but close to it is... more The primary urge of a poet or writer is to create according to his inspiration but close to it is the urge to communicate with the reader. A singer requires hearer, a painting requires connoisseur. Well, even without the other parties, a poem and a painting may be created or a song may be sung. Think of the wind flowing through the reeds or bamboo grove or a bird’s song reaching the ethereal height creating a symphony in the air which is perhaps enjoyed by the silent Nature. Nature exactly does that. It is neither responsible nor obliged to tell man what it enjoys, how it enjoys itself but when a man hears them they become songs touching the heart of the pure sympathizers away from the hullabaloo of the mundane world. Go further and there are the unheard songs, unheard sounds; they are very much there for every sound comes out of silence. When Nature creates such things on its own without waiting for anybody to appreciate the things remain unknown until someone hears or looks at the...
The tribes came to live in Andaman and Nicobar islands some 70000 or more years ago. The... more Abstract
The tribes came to live in Andaman and Nicobar islands some 70000 or more years ago. They possess unique fragments of DNA which show that they remained in isolation from the entire world for at least 20000 years. With short stature, very dark complexion and peppercorn curly hair, they are grouped as Negritos of Africa or are called the Stone Age inhabitants, related to African Pygmies. While Great Andamanese, Onge, Sentinelese and Jarawa are claimed to belong to Negrito origin Nicobarese and Shompen are of Mongoloid origin. Contrary to popular belief that humans originated from the African continent, a recent study suggests that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the South Asian Islands witnessed the genesis of mankind for in situ development of the tribes there, isolated and separated from Africa.
Poetry and Sufism by Aju Mukhopadhyay
![Research paper thumbnail of Discovery of Self](
Authors Press New Delhi, 2020
Human beings are the only creatures who are endowed with divine light
from the time of their crea... more Human beings are the only creatures who are endowed with divine light
from the time of their creation besides intelligence and creativity. Those
born with high IQ are gifted to grasp higher knowledge and wisdom and
thus to add to the benefit of advancement in the human civilisation.
Mankind has at every era evolved with individual and collective
consciousness. Each human being is a gifted creature; his extreme good
nature is a boon to mankind and to all the members of the society.
There is existence of both good and evil nature in human
personality. Evil is a tendency to harm another being and ultimately to
harm himself. This proclivity to harm others could be due to severe hurt
caused to ones personality and ego being injured. In order to restore
one’s pride a person takes revenge. This attitude of taking revenge to
seek self-prestige or glorification has been a bane to the civilisations
especially when collectively the entire society avenges the adversary.
Mankind has been witness to devastating wars in its history of
destruction and killing due to a society attempting to overpower or
subdue another rival one.
Man has beauty in him and contrasting qualities of ugliness and
wretchedness. His nature is unique; he reflects on highly evolved
qualities of compassion, mercy, beneficence, magnanimity,
charitableness, equality, grace, forgiveness and such umpteen charming
qualities. At the same time he is possessed with evil qualities of
wickedness, cruelty, shamelessness, treacherousness, hardheartedness,
lust, anger, jealousy, covetousness, sloth, slumber, greed, pride,
arrogance and umpteen such negative sinful and evil qualities. A child is
born with purity, innocence, is charming and is beautiful. The emotional
disturbances in his upbringing create turmoil and disturbances in him,
but where proper culture and training is periodic and regularly imbibed
with knowledge and enlightenment then such children develop into
magnetic persons. Deprived, malnourished children who are also
abused and put to enormous hardships develop into problematic and
inimical personalities.
A study of man from all points historical, sociological,
psychological, anthropological, physiological, mystical will be quite
interesting and this will lead to discovery of Self and Self-knowledge to
answer the question Who am I?
Papers by Aju Mukhopadhyay
The deep ocean of memories is the store house called Chitta. Consciousness proper is not confined to brain or memory, any others, though all these are part of it. What has been construed as stream of consciousness is only a part of the whole. Everything from tiniest matter to the Divine is consciousness. The core issue is Chit, the origin of consciousness. It is a great hope that groping in th dark, Man the mental being, is growing from ignorance to knowledge, from partial to the whole.
The tribes came to live in Andaman and Nicobar islands some 70000 or more years ago. They possess unique fragments of DNA which show that they remained in isolation from the entire world for at least 20000 years. With short stature, very dark complexion and peppercorn curly hair, they are grouped as Negritos of Africa or are called the Stone Age inhabitants, related to African Pygmies. While Great Andamanese, Onge, Sentinelese and Jarawa are claimed to belong to Negrito origin Nicobarese and Shompen are of Mongoloid origin. Contrary to popular belief that humans originated from the African continent, a recent study suggests that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the South Asian Islands witnessed the genesis of mankind for in situ development of the tribes there, isolated and separated from Africa.
Poetry and Sufism by Aju Mukhopadhyay
from the time of their creation besides intelligence and creativity. Those
born with high IQ are gifted to grasp higher knowledge and wisdom and
thus to add to the benefit of advancement in the human civilisation.
Mankind has at every era evolved with individual and collective
consciousness. Each human being is a gifted creature; his extreme good
nature is a boon to mankind and to all the members of the society.
There is existence of both good and evil nature in human
personality. Evil is a tendency to harm another being and ultimately to
harm himself. This proclivity to harm others could be due to severe hurt
caused to ones personality and ego being injured. In order to restore
one’s pride a person takes revenge. This attitude of taking revenge to
seek self-prestige or glorification has been a bane to the civilisations
especially when collectively the entire society avenges the adversary.
Mankind has been witness to devastating wars in its history of
destruction and killing due to a society attempting to overpower or
subdue another rival one.
Man has beauty in him and contrasting qualities of ugliness and
wretchedness. His nature is unique; he reflects on highly evolved
qualities of compassion, mercy, beneficence, magnanimity,
charitableness, equality, grace, forgiveness and such umpteen charming
qualities. At the same time he is possessed with evil qualities of
wickedness, cruelty, shamelessness, treacherousness, hardheartedness,
lust, anger, jealousy, covetousness, sloth, slumber, greed, pride,
arrogance and umpteen such negative sinful and evil qualities. A child is
born with purity, innocence, is charming and is beautiful. The emotional
disturbances in his upbringing create turmoil and disturbances in him,
but where proper culture and training is periodic and regularly imbibed
with knowledge and enlightenment then such children develop into
magnetic persons. Deprived, malnourished children who are also
abused and put to enormous hardships develop into problematic and
inimical personalities.
A study of man from all points historical, sociological,
psychological, anthropological, physiological, mystical will be quite
interesting and this will lead to discovery of Self and Self-knowledge to
answer the question Who am I?
The deep ocean of memories is the store house called Chitta. Consciousness proper is not confined to brain or memory, any others, though all these are part of it. What has been construed as stream of consciousness is only a part of the whole. Everything from tiniest matter to the Divine is consciousness. The core issue is Chit, the origin of consciousness. It is a great hope that groping in th dark, Man the mental being, is growing from ignorance to knowledge, from partial to the whole.
The tribes came to live in Andaman and Nicobar islands some 70000 or more years ago. They possess unique fragments of DNA which show that they remained in isolation from the entire world for at least 20000 years. With short stature, very dark complexion and peppercorn curly hair, they are grouped as Negritos of Africa or are called the Stone Age inhabitants, related to African Pygmies. While Great Andamanese, Onge, Sentinelese and Jarawa are claimed to belong to Negrito origin Nicobarese and Shompen are of Mongoloid origin. Contrary to popular belief that humans originated from the African continent, a recent study suggests that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the South Asian Islands witnessed the genesis of mankind for in situ development of the tribes there, isolated and separated from Africa.
from the time of their creation besides intelligence and creativity. Those
born with high IQ are gifted to grasp higher knowledge and wisdom and
thus to add to the benefit of advancement in the human civilisation.
Mankind has at every era evolved with individual and collective
consciousness. Each human being is a gifted creature; his extreme good
nature is a boon to mankind and to all the members of the society.
There is existence of both good and evil nature in human
personality. Evil is a tendency to harm another being and ultimately to
harm himself. This proclivity to harm others could be due to severe hurt
caused to ones personality and ego being injured. In order to restore
one’s pride a person takes revenge. This attitude of taking revenge to
seek self-prestige or glorification has been a bane to the civilisations
especially when collectively the entire society avenges the adversary.
Mankind has been witness to devastating wars in its history of
destruction and killing due to a society attempting to overpower or
subdue another rival one.
Man has beauty in him and contrasting qualities of ugliness and
wretchedness. His nature is unique; he reflects on highly evolved
qualities of compassion, mercy, beneficence, magnanimity,
charitableness, equality, grace, forgiveness and such umpteen charming
qualities. At the same time he is possessed with evil qualities of
wickedness, cruelty, shamelessness, treacherousness, hardheartedness,
lust, anger, jealousy, covetousness, sloth, slumber, greed, pride,
arrogance and umpteen such negative sinful and evil qualities. A child is
born with purity, innocence, is charming and is beautiful. The emotional
disturbances in his upbringing create turmoil and disturbances in him,
but where proper culture and training is periodic and regularly imbibed
with knowledge and enlightenment then such children develop into
magnetic persons. Deprived, malnourished children who are also
abused and put to enormous hardships develop into problematic and
inimical personalities.
A study of man from all points historical, sociological,
psychological, anthropological, physiological, mystical will be quite
interesting and this will lead to discovery of Self and Self-knowledge to
answer the question Who am I?