Papers by Seyed Mohammadhadi Mazloom

International Journal of Smart Home, 2016
It goes without saying that, there is quite a diverse mixture of the linear controller. Neverthel... more It goes without saying that, there is quite a diverse mixture of the linear controller. Nevertheless, I assume the most famous would probably be Proportional Integral (PI) controller. The things with PI controller are that most of PI controllers are reduction the error. As well as PI controllers, another kind of linear controller worth mentioning could be Proportional Derivative (PD) controller and the unique characteristic of PD controller is that PD controllers are high speed and independent of system's dynamic modeling. In addition, there are the usual things like PID controllers and PI2D controllers. The main objective of this paper designs a minimum delay proportionalderivative (PD) controller to the control of first order delay (FOD) system. First order delay system has delay time about 4 seconds in certain and about 19 seconds in limited uncertain condition. To improve the flexibility, design high-speed and low-cost controller, the micro-electronic device (FPGA-Based) controller is used in this research. The proposed design is 30-bits FPGA-based controller for inputs and 35-bits for output. In this research, the maximum frequency is 63.629 MHz and the minimum period is 15.716 ns, the minimum input arrival time before the clock is 4.362 ns and the maximum output required time after clock is19.727 ns. In this algorithm, the delay time for the derivative algorithm is 15.526 ns which 87.8% is a logic delay and 12.2% is route delay.

Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine, Jan 5, 2015
Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance disorder, is the simultaneous manifestation ... more Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance disorder, is the simultaneous manifestation of multiple metabolic disorders in an individual. The present-day complementary and alternative therapies suggest several medicinal herbs that may have the potential to improve one or multiple complications of metabolic syndrome. All of them have their own limitations in efficacy and unwanted effects. Therefore, we reviewed species of Satureja as widespread medicinal herbs and potentially good remedies for metabolic syndrome. We reviewed literature found in PubMed and the ISI Web of Knowledge with the key word Satureja in the title. The influence of any species of Satureja on any disease or syndrome, enzymatic, metabolic, or physiological pathways, in human, animals, or in vitro conditions related to any characteristics of metabolic syndrome were considered. The main outcomes of treatment with Satureja species were categorized, and the possible mechanisms of action are discussed in this ...

Multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) actuators are finding wide use in a number of Industries (such as a... more Multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) actuators are finding wide use in a number of Industries (such as aerospace, automotive industry and surgical robot). Currently, a significant number of the existing robotic actuators that can realize multi-DOF motion are constructed using gear and linkages to connect several single-DOF motors in series and/or parallel. Not only do such actuators tend to be large in size and mass, but they also have a decreased positioning accuracy due to mechanical deformation, friction and backlash of the gears and linkages. A number of these systems also exhibit singularities in their workspaces, which makes it virtually impossible to obtain uniform, high-speed, and high-precision motion. For high precession trajectory planning and control, it is necessary to replace the actuator system made up of several single-DOF motors connected in series and/or parallel with a single multi-DOF actuator. The need for such systems has motivated years of research in the development...

It goes without saying that, there is quite a diverse mixture of the linear controller. Neverthel... more It goes without saying that, there is quite a diverse mixture of the linear controller. Nevertheless, I assume the most famous would probably be Proportional Integral (PI) controller. The things with PI controller are that most of PI controllers are reduction the error. As well as PI controllers, another kind of linear controller worth mentioning could be Proportional Derivative (PD) controller and the unique characteristic of PD controller is that PD controllers are high speed and independent of system's dynamic modeling. In addition, there are the usual things like PID controllers and PI2D controllers. The main objective of this paper designs a minimum delay proportional-derivative (PD) controller to the control of first order delay (FOD) system. First order delay system has delay time about 4 seconds in certain and about 19 seconds in limited uncertain condition. To improve the flexibility, design high-speed and low-cost controller, the micro-electronic device (FPGA-Based) controller is used in this research. The proposed design is 30-bits FPGA-based controller for inputs and 35-bits for output. In this research, the maximum frequency is 63.629 MHz and the minimum period is 15.716 ns, the minimum input arrival time before the clock is 4.362 ns and the maximum output required time after clock is19.727 ns. In this algorithm, the delay time for the derivative algorithm is 15.526 ns which 87.8% is a logic delay and 12.2% is route delay.

The dynamics of a first order delay system is highly nonlinear, time variant, uncertain and coupl... more The dynamics of a first order delay system is highly nonlinear, time variant, uncertain and coupling effects. The main objectives to control of first order delay system are time response and acceleration measurements. The problem of acceleration measurements can be reduced, based on design sensor-less Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) filter controller in this research. Assuming unstructured uncertainties and structure uncertainties can be defined into one term and considered as an uncertainty and external disturbance, the problem of computation burden and large number of parameters can be solved to some extent. To solve the uncertainties acceleration measurements play an important role. In order to design sensor-less PID filter controller, an accurate PD surface and the derivative of PD surface plays important role. To design an accurate PD surface, stable and tuning surface slope is needed to form the structure of main PID controller. In this algorithm, the derivative of PD surface computes the second derivation of error. Regarding to this method, the challenge of system uncertainties and time response have been solved based on sensor-less acceleration linear filter controller. As this point if ̇ ∑ is chosen as desired surface, if the dynamic of first order delay is derived to surface then the linearization can be realized. Because, when the system dynamic is on the surface is used the derivative of surface ̇ ̇ ̈ is equal to the zero that is a decoupled and linearized closed-loop systems dynamics. Linearization and decoupling by the above method can be obtained in spite of the quality of the first order delay dynamic model.

Uncertain or complicated systems are difficult to control. Modeling the system uncertainties is a... more Uncertain or complicated systems are difficult to control. Modeling the system uncertainties is an especial topics in most of engineering field. On the other hand, since system has uncertainty, design stable and robust controller is crucial importance in control engineering. To solve this challenge nonlinear control technique is the best choice. Sliding mode control is one important type of robust control. Model imprecision may come from actual uncertainty about the plant or from a purposeful simplification of the system's dynamics. Modeling inaccuracies can cause strong adverse effects on the control design of nonlinear systems. For the class of systems to which it applies, sliding mode controller design provides a systematic approach to the problem of maintaining stability and consistent performance in the face of modeling imprecision. However, sliding mode controller is a robust and stable controller but it has an important challenge called, chattering phenomenon. This research focuses on the comparative between three methods to eliminate/reduce the chattering.
The objective of this paper is to design and coordinate controllers that will enhance transient s... more The objective of this paper is to design and coordinate controllers that will enhance transient stability of three dimensions motor subject to large disturbances. Two specific classes of controllers have been investigated, the first one is a type of disturbance signals added to the excitation systems of the generating units. To address a wide range of operating conditions, a nonlinear control design technique, called highly nonlinear computed torque control, is used. While these two types of controllers improve the dynamic performance significantly, a coordination of these controllers is even more promising. Results show that the proposed control technique provides better stability than conventional computed torque fixed gain controllers.

by Alireza Siahbazi, Hamid Cheraghi, Mahsa Piltan, Nasim Sobhani, Saman Rahbar, Mohammadreza Avazpour, Hootan Ghiasi, Abdol Mirshekaran, Maryam Rahmani, Mojtaba Yaghoot, Seyed Mohammadhadi Mazloom, and Hossein Davarpanah Multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) actuators are finding wide use in a number of Industries (such as a... more Multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) actuators are finding wide use in a number of Industries (such as aerospace, automotive industry and surgical robot). Currently, a significant number of the existing robotic actuators that can realize multi-DOF motion are constructed using gear and linkages to connect several single-DOF motors in series and/or parallel. Not only do such actuators tend to be large in size and mass, but they also have a decreased positioning accuracy due to mechanical deformation, friction and backlash of the gears and linkages. A number of these systems also exhibit singularities in their workspaces, which makes it virtually impossible to obtain uniform, high-speed, and high-precision motion. For high precession trajectory planning and control, it is necessary to replace the actuator system made up of several single-DOF motors connected in series and/or parallel with a single multi-DOF actuator. The need for such systems has motivated years of research in the development...
Many of industrial plant require high performance and linear operation; higher density position a... more Many of industrial plant require high performance and linear operation; higher density position and/or incremental PID can be used to integrate large amounts of control methodology in a single methodology. This work, proposes a developed method to design PID controller (PID) with optimal-tunable gains method using PC-based method. Many industrial processes can be represented by a first order model. The time delay occurs when a sensor or an actuator are used with a physical separation. The method used to design a PID is to design it as Proportional – derivative controller (PDC) and proportional – integral controller (PIC) connected in parallel through a summer. PIC is designed by accumulating the output of PDC. This method contributes to avoid writing a huge number of fuzzy rules and to reduce the memory considerations in digital design.
Every submitted paper will be carefully reviewed (blind review) by at least three members of th... more Every submitted paper will be carefully reviewed (blind review) by at least three members of the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published by the web first, and included in the hard copy journal later. Authors should submit paper with about 12 pages ~ 18 pages by using online systems for review.

Robotic surgery, computer-assisted surgery, and robotically-assisted surgery are terms for techno... more Robotic surgery, computer-assisted surgery, and robotically-assisted surgery are terms for technological developments that use robotic systems to aid in surgical procedures. Robotically-assisted surgery was developed to overcome the limitations of minimally-invasive surgery and to enhance the capabilities of surgeons performing open surgery. In the case of robotically-assisted minimally-invasive surgery, instead of directly moving the instruments, the surgeon uses one of two methods to control the instruments; either a direct telemanipulator or through computer control. A telemanipulator is a remote manipulator that allows the surgeon to perform the normal movements associated with the surgery whilst the robotic arms carry out those movements using end-effectors and manipulators to perform the actual surgery on the patient. In computer-controlled systems the surgeon uses a computer to control the robotic arms and its end-effectors, though these systems can also still use telemanipulators for their input. One advantage of using the computerised method is that the surgeon does not have to be present, but can be anywhere in the world, leading to the possibility for remote surgery. The multi degrees of freedom actuator is an important joint, which has attracted worldwide developing interests for its medical, industry and aerospace applications. This paper addresses the problem of trajectory tracking of three dimensions joint in the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances. An adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (AFLSMC) is proposed to steer a three dimension joint along a desired trajectory precisely. First, the dynamics model of a three dimension joint is formulated and the trajectory tracking problem is described. Second, a sliding mode controller (SMC) is designed to track a time-varying trajectory. The fuzzy logic system (FLS) is employed to approximate the uncertain model of the three dimension joint, with the tracking error and its derivatives and the commanded trajectory and its derivatives as FLS inputs and the approximation of the uncertain model as FLS output. And a fuzzy logic system is also adopted to attenuate the chattering results from the SMC. The control gains are tuned synchronously with the sliding surface according to fuzzy rules, with switching sliding surface as fuzzy logic inputs and control gains as fuzzy logic outputs. The stability and convergence of the closed-loop controller is proven using the Lyapunov stability theorem. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller are demonstrated via simulation results. Contrasting simulation results indicate that the AFLSMC attenuates the chattering effectively and has better performance against the SMC.
Papers by Seyed Mohammadhadi Mazloom