Papers by Fitrotul Maulidiyah

Thesis writing is one compulsory subject which must be completed by students at State Polytechnic... more Thesis writing is one compulsory subject which must be completed by students at State Polytechnic of Malang particularly in Accounting Department. Moreover, an abstract is an inseparable part of thesis which must be written by all students. The abstracts must be written both in Indonesian and English. Students have to translate their Indonesian abstract into English. From the preliminary study, it was found out that students have many difficulties in translating their thesis abstract from Indonesian into English. Hence, this research seeks to investigate what type of errors committed by the students during the process of English abstract writing. A descriptive qualitative design was used in this research. Documents in the form of 25 abstracts were used in the data analysis. The results showed that during the process of English abstract writing completion, students tend to have problems in abstract translation, grammar, vocabularies, sentence structures and writing mechanics. Detaile...
Briliant : jurnal riset dan konseptual, Feb 26, 2023
Pendidikan Multikultural, Feb 26, 2021

SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jul 19, 2023
Pemilihan lokasi tersebut dikarenakan terdapat permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Rumah Kinasih memp... more Pemilihan lokasi tersebut dikarenakan terdapat permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Rumah Kinasih mempromosikan karya teman-teman disabilitas dan ODGJ Rumah Kinasih. Rumah Kinasih yang berperan sebagai mitra kegiatan pengabdian ini menghadapi permasalahan yaitu belum memiliki media promosi berbahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut menjadi hambatan bagi mitra untuk memasarkan produk dan karya Rumah Kinasih ke pasar internasional yang lebih luas lagi. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mempersiapkan mitra mampu membuat media promosi berbahasa Inggris di Rumah Kinasih, baik di situs web yang telah mereka miliki maupun di akun media sosial Rumah Kinasih. Metode yang akan dipakai untuk mewujudkan tujuan khusus tersebut adalah memberikan pelatihan pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris di Rumah Kinasih dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Langkah-langkah kegiatan dilakukan terdiri dari 5 tahapan, meliputi: (1) analisis kebutuhan tentang pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris di Rumah Kinasih, (2) pelatihan pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris, (3) pemanfaatan teknologi sebagai sarana pendukung pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris, (4) bimbingan teknis pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris, dan (5) evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam menciptakan media promosi berbahasa Inggris dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan IPTEK.

JLT: Jurnal Linguistik Terapan, Nov 30, 2019
This study is completed to implement think-pair-share technique in discussing Know about Business... more This study is completed to implement think-pair-share technique in discussing Know about Business module to enhance students' ability in reading comprehension. This study was triggered by phenomena found in the classroom where students cannot understand reading texts thoroughly especially when it comes to difficult words and relationship among sentences in the reading texts. The implementation of Know about Business module which has a topic of entrepreneurship is expected to improve students' learning interest especially in relation with reading skill. This study implements classroom action research methodology. In planning, teacher will prepare for a teaching scenario and learning materials which will be used in the classroom. In implementation, teacher will implement think-pair-share technique in Reading I course subject. During the think phase, teacher will give brainstorming questions so that students will be motivated to think critically. In this phase, students are now allowed to discuss with their friends. During the pair phase, students will gather in some small groups to further discuss the results of their critical thinking in the classroom. The next phase is share and it is when the students express their results of discussion in the classroom. The next phase of classroom action research is observation. In this phase, teacher will observe how the students' progress is after the implementation of think-pair-share. If students have made progress, teacher will go on to the final phase which is reflection. Results of the research showed that reading comprehension of 1A English department students at Politeknik Negeri Malang improved through the implementation think-pair-share technique using Know about Business module. Students' reading scores mean improved from 56.8 to 75.7 and all students could pass the reading comprehension passing grade. Results from the questionnaires also illustrated that students showed interests and enthusiasm in doing reading activities using think-pair-share techniques with the use of Know about Business module.

Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistic Literatura and Education, Oct 31, 2019
English is the most widespread and dominant business language and it has become compulsory for pe... more English is the most widespread and dominant business language and it has become compulsory for people to speak English if they wish to join a global workforce. A number of research show that business communication is most often conducted in English. Due to its skyrocketing use, a tendency for designing specialized courses which focus more on specific outcomes and industries is observed, especially for English department students. By addressing specific audiences and catering for specific needs, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is the example of this category. This paper focuses on English for e-Tourism and the teaching strategies which are implemented in order to adjust the course to students' needs. The emphasis is taken into consideration because the relationship between technology and tourism has become delicate and challenging. Observations on this inseparable relationship assume a great importance when considering the varied world of tourism activities, where the strict dependence on technology for the efficient and effective management of information has caused a real revolution due to the diffusion of online applications. The most recent developments of the web and social networks have then further accentuated the influence of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) on the sector of education. Moreover, the important aspects of English for e-Tourism will be highlighted since the adoption of new technologies has reshaped the entire process of tourism service development as well as the entire tourism industry as a whole. Finally, reference will be made to the responsibilities that both teachers and students have in the ESP framework.

EPIGRAM : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Humaniora, Apr 29, 2021
Several researches prove that subtitles clearly enhance the comprehension of the video. Standard ... more Several researches prove that subtitles clearly enhance the comprehension of the video. Standard subtitling practices have been regulated by the limitations of the field. The awareness of the need to develop subtitling practices along with new technologies has increased. Thus, subtitling practitioners have been constrained by the rules of the profession. On the contrary, recent research has revealed the possibility of performing creativity in subtitling, especially related to the restrictions of subtitling norms. More researches in audiovisual translation (AVT) have started to consider a multidisciplinary approach. The study implemented descriptive qualitative design. The study was conducted at Politeknik Negeri Malang and the participants were students of D3 Study Program in English who have completed their subtitling course. The results illustrated that students agreed that multidisciplinary creative subtitling helps them make the video more interesting. Additionally, it was identified that the need for learning the technology towards preparing the creative subtitling is high.

Script Journal: Journal of Linguistics and English Teaching
Background: The teaching of language-related skills in universities and colleges needs to equip s... more Background: The teaching of language-related skills in universities and colleges needs to equip students with relevant skills suitable for work after graduation. One way of building students’ skills to meet the related industry’s demands is by adopting project based learning (PBL) in teaching. There have been several studies on the topic of PBL in translation courses, but none of them have provided a step-by-step classroom procedure. Methodology: The study was a case study to describe the model of project-based learning adopted in the English Department of one Polytechnic in Java island, Indonesia. The object of the study was the Localization and Transcreation class. The data sources included the teacher and 24 sixth-semester students taking the class. Questionnaires and interview were used for the data collection. The questionnaires were used to know the students’ perceived competences. The interview was used to get more information on how the PBL was conducted and students’ furthe...
Briliant : jurnal riset dan konseptual, Feb 26, 2023

SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kinasih, Kecamatan Kesamben, Kabupaten Blitar. Pemiliha... more Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kinasih, Kecamatan Kesamben, Kabupaten Blitar. Pemilihan lokasi tersebut dikarenakan terdapat permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Rumah Kinasih mempromosikan karya teman-teman disabilitas dan ODGJ Rumah Kinasih. Rumah Kinasih yang berperan sebagai mitra kegiatan pengabdian ini menghadapi permasalahan yaitu belum memiliki media promosi berbahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut menjadi hambatan bagi mitra untuk memasarkan produk dan karya Rumah Kinasih ke pasar internasional yang lebih luas lagi. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mempersiapkan mitra mampu membuat media promosi berbahasa Inggris di Rumah Kinasih, baik di situs web yang telah mereka miliki maupun di akun media sosial Rumah Kinasih. Metode yang akan dipakai untuk mewujudkan tujuan khusus tersebut adalah memberikan pelatihan pembuatan media promosi berbahasa Inggris di Rumah Kinasih dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Langkah-langkah kegiatan dilaku...
P2M (Politeknik Negeri Malang), 2019
P2M (Politeknik Negeri Malang), 2019
P2M (Politeknik Negeri Malang), 2020
P2M (Politeknik Negeri Malang), 2019

More than 100 empirical studies document that subtitling a video improves comprehension of the vi... more More than 100 empirical studies document that subtitling a video improves comprehension of the video. Standard subtitling practices have long been governed by the constraints of the field. In spite of the increased awareness of the need to develop subtitling practices along with new technologies, subtitling practitioners continue to have their hands tied by the constraints of the field and the norms of the profession. In contrast with the restrictions imposed by subtitling norms, recent research has returned to the possibility of creativity in subtitling. Further recent research in audiovisual translation (AVT) has begun to turn towards a multidisciplinary approach. A descriptive qualitative design is deemed to be an appropriate mode of inquiry for this study. The study was conducted at Politeknik Negeri Malang and the participants were students of D3 Study Program in English who have completed their subtitling course. The results illustrated that students agreed that multidisciplin...

This study is completed to implement think-pair-share technique in discussing Know about Business... more This study is completed to implement think-pair-share technique in discussing Know about Business module to enhance students’ ability in reading comprehension. This study was triggered by phenomena found in the classroom where students cannot understand reading texts thoroughly especially when it comes to difficult words and relationship among sentences in the reading texts. The implementation of Know about Business module which has a topic of entrepreneurship is expected to improve students’ learning interest especially in relation with reading skill. This study implements classroom action research methodology. In planning, teacher will prepare for a teaching scenario and learning materials which will be used in the classroom. In implementation, teacher will implement think-pair-share technique in Reading I course subject. During the think phase, teacher will give brainstorming questions so that students will be motivated to think critically. In this phase, students are now allowed...
... SMA Negeri 1 Malang has been an RSBI school since 2008. Before becoming an RSBI school, a sch... more ... SMA Negeri 1 Malang has been an RSBI school since 2008. Before becoming an RSBI school, a school must be an SSN (Sekolah Standar Nasional). After completing the SSN standards, then a school can be an RSBI. After five years, the school can be an SBI. ...
Papers by Fitrotul Maulidiyah