Papers by Maria Teresa Findji
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 1974
Estudios de la realidad campesina: cooperaci6n y cambio Informes y materiales de campo recogidos ... more Estudios de la realidad campesina: cooperaci6n y cambio Informes y materiales de campo recogidos en Venezuela, Ecuador
Historia y espacio, Nov 7, 2017
Boletín de antropología, 1983
Small producers are participating more and more in the debate on moving towards sustainable agric... more Small producers are participating more and more in the debate on moving towards sustainable agriculture. Natural resources are given as the main reason, but these producers also base their decisions on the need to produce enough food to feed their families and strengthen local economies. During the transition, however, economic and productive sustainability represents a real challenge for the producers and the organizations to which they belong. This study analyzes the experiences of coffee-growing families located in the department of Cauca, Colombia. These families opted for a transition from conventional management to certified organic coffee production while continuing—within the framework of the agroecological transition—to produce and market food. The study aim consisted of identifying those factors that favor or pose a threat to remaining within the certification, as well as the degree of importance of these factors as they relate to the sustainability of the family productio...
Historia y Espacio, 2018
Artículo de investigación relacionado a los estudios culturales, este es caso, el que compete a c... more Artículo de investigación relacionado a los estudios culturales, este es caso, el que compete a comunidades indígenas en la región del Cauca.
Papers by Maria Teresa Findji