Papers by Marcin Zastempowski

Transactions of the ASABE, 2015
This article presents a research study aimed at determining the effect of selected hammer mill de... more This article presents a research study aimed at determining the effect of selected hammer mill design features on the efficiency of grinding cereal grain. For the purpose of the study, a test stand was developed and constructed to test the influence of the selected mill design features on the efficiency of grinding triticale. The study was conducted with modern measurement equipment consisting of a torque meter with tachometer (MIR-20) and a two-channel meter (MW2006-4) connected to a PC computer. Recording of the measured values was carried out using the program PP203. The tested designs of the hammer mill differed mostly in the shape of the hammers. A characteristic shape indicator was the hammer angle (α). In the experiment, the design of a standard rotor (α = 0°) was compared to a new design (α = 35°, 45°, and 55°). Statistical analysis of the experimental results was carried out using self-developed software (Statistica Trial 10). The statistical analysis revealed that the new design of the rotor is more efficient than the commonly used traditional design and can bring significant economic and technological benefits. The results obtained from this study of grinding triticale using hammers with the shape of a circle section, hitherto unknown in the literature, are a valuable contribution to the theory of grinding. They can provide a basis for further research concerning hammer mills. Keywords. Experimental studies of grinding process, Grinding of grain, New construction of hammer mill. TRADITIONAL AND NEW DESIGNS OF THE HAMMER MILL ROTOR The essential elements of a typical hammer mill rotor are: pivoting or rigidly attached hammers, a surrounding screen or screens, and a grinding plate or plates, as well as the supporting structure and drive system. In hammer mills, material moves from the hopper to the working zone, where the rotor with hammers is installed. The supplied material, under the impact of the hammers, attains significant speed (40 to 110 m s-1), and the particles move in a circular path, hitting the grinding plates (if installed), the screen, and
This article presents construction of the shear and drum cutting assemblies, as well as the beate... more This article presents construction of the shear and drum cutting assemblies, as well as the beater shredders which have been commonly used in agrarian machines designed for acquiring or processing material for consumption, fodder and power purposes. Due to the fact of high demand for these working assemblies’ power, their new constructional solution has been suggested. Results of experimental studies (bench testing) driving, among the others, to determination of the demand for power at the time of plant materials’ cutting and shredding, have also been discussed.

This article focuses on the properties of ecological energy carriers, which are used in agricultu... more This article focuses on the properties of ecological energy carriers, which are used in agricultural and forestry technology. The aim of the article is to describe the degradation of the working fluid from the point of view of the atomic emission spectrometer, which is used for the purpose of monitoring contaminants and additive elements. The working fluid examined was Shell Naturelle HF-E 46, a universal ecological transmission–hydraulic fluid, which was tested on laboratory test equipment. The laboratory measurement was performed for 200 h, during which the gear hydraulic pump with external gearing was cyclically loaded according to the Vickers standard. The analysis of the transmission–hydraulic fluid was performed after every 50 working hours, where the analysis of the working fluid showed that there were no significant changes in the properties of the working fluid and fluid is suitable for work in agricultural and forestry machines operating in environmentally sensitive enviro...

Acta Mechanica et Automatica
The paper presents mathematical models describing the moments of resistance to cutting on the cut... more The paper presents mathematical models describing the moments of resistance to cutting on the cutting drum shafts in the biomass cutting process. The mathematical procedures described in the paper have been verified on a test stand developed and constructed by the authors, which reflects real conditions of the process of cutting plant material into pieces of specified lengths. Experimental verification proved that the developed mathematical models are adequate for drums of both cylindrical and conical constructions. The value of the average error did not exceed 13%. Following the mathematical elaboration and verification studies, the authors carried out calculations for machines currently available on the market that are equipped with drum cutting units. The calculations were carried out for the most commonly cut material, i.e. for maize, straw and green plant materials. The obtained results confirm the complexity of the problem arising from a wide range of numerical values of cutti...
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021
The main goal of the presented paper was to design the measuring device of the external hydraulic... more The main goal of the presented paper was to design the measuring device of the external hydraulic circuit of the agricultural tractor, with the implementation of verification measurement and functionality of the device. At the same time, based on the device itself, which was verified in practice, a simulation was created in the FluidSim simulation program using the results of operational verification measurements. At the beginning of the structural design, the requirements for the electro-mechanical device were determined. This device is used for loading of the external hydraulic circuit, determination of the measuring object and flow calculation of the hydraulic pump. The verification measurement itself takes place at rated speed, constant and overpressure pressure in the tractor´s hydraulic system.

Sustainability, 2020
Comparative studies of the classical and new design of a chaff cutter’s cutting drum have been co... more Comparative studies of the classical and new design of a chaff cutter’s cutting drum have been conducted within the frames of the study in order to determine their functional characteristics at the time of cutting rye straw into pieces of specific length (into chaff). A classical design of a cutting drum is of the shape of a roller and is suitable for material layer cross-cutting. However, the new drum design has the shape of a double truncated cone and, with the use of it, diagonal cuts in two directions can be realized. The studies were conducted for four designs of cutting drums with cutting angles α = 0° (classical design) and α = 15°, α = 30°, and α = 45° (new design). Three indicators were applied for the assessment: capacity, unit energy consumption, and the unit cutting resistance. The obtained results show that the use of a new drum design makes it possible, depending on the assumed parameters of the cutting process and the material’s compaction degree, to increase the proc...

Materials, 2021
This paper describes experimental research on cutting the outer layer of onions in the machine pe... more This paper describes experimental research on cutting the outer layer of onions in the machine peeling process. The authors’ own globally innovative modular machine construction was used for this purpose. The onion peeling machine was constructed on a real scale. The effectiveness of the machine’s functioning Se was defined as the ratio of the mass of material correctly removed by the scale blower mp to the mass of all material leaving the machine on the test bench mc. In order to carry out the experimental research, a test stand was constructed, a research plan and programme were adopted, and the research methodology was developed. The results obtained during the experimental research and the data obtained from the regression function equations for the developed design of the onion peeling machine were used to build systems of independent variables, for which the dependent variable Se reached extreme values. The effectiveness of the machine’s operation Se of modular construction in...
Biogas production is a demanding process. It's misconduct can cause many risks. The most impo... more Biogas production is a demanding process. It's misconduct can cause many risks. The most important may include reducing the amount of stored energy in the substrate. This phenomenon is closely related to developing harmful microorganisms. Their development and life processes cause the formation of harmful products of metabolism mycotoxins. Entering mycotoxins into the environment is dangerous for people working in biogas and often staying close to them.

Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2021
The article presented describes a new design of measuring chains in laboratory test equipment, wh... more The article presented describes a new design of measuring chains in laboratory test equipment, which are used for testing the hydrostatic transducers and hydraulic fluids. Laboratory test equipment allows simultaneous observation of parameters of hydrostatic transducers and hydraulic fluids by simulating the operating conditions under laboratory conditions, what can significantly reduce the testing time and economic costs. The new design functionality was verified via measurement of the basic parameters of hydrostatic transducers and changing the load of hydraulic fluids. Based on the results measured, the flow efficiency of tested hydrostatic transducer UD-25R was calculated and compared with the transducer parameters specified by the manufacturer using different types of operating hydraulic fluids. Verification measurements of the unloaded hydrostatic transducer were performed at various rotation speeds: Q 250 = 5.694 dm3·rpm at speed of n 1 = 250 rpm; Q 500 = 12.286 dm3·rpm at sp...

Measurement and Control, 2021
The present article deals with the physical properties monitoring of the transmission-hydraulic f... more The present article deals with the physical properties monitoring of the transmission-hydraulic fluid, and changes of those properties due the operating load of the hydraulic pump in laboratory conditions. Tests of the transmission-hydraulic fluid were performed in laboratory conditions with the simulation of the operating load, so as to simulate the real conditions under which hydraulic circuit of the agricultural tractors operates. The universal transmission-hydraulic fluid was subjected to analysis, where the samples of the fluid were taken sequentially according to the chosen methodology at intervals of 250 and 500 h. The results of the present article include the evaluation of the physical properties of the fluid and the flow efficiency change of the hydraulic pump after 250 and 500 h of operation, while simulating the operation load. Based on a laboratory test, we found that after working for 500 h, the dynamic viscosity of the examined hydraulic fluid at 40°C decreased by 2.9...
Summary In the article, a new, developed by the authors mat hematical model of the process of pla... more Summary In the article, a new, developed by the authors mat hematical model of the process of plant material cu tting with use of a shear ‐ finger cutting section, has been presented. Innovatory nature of this model involves a new app roach to the plant material to be cut. Other, so far developed models do not take into account the stalk stiffness change s along its length, which
Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2012
In the study there have been presented mathematical dependencies describing the kinematics of the... more In the study there have been presented mathematical dependencies describing the kinematics of the drum movement of a straw cutter’s cutting unit. Formulating of dependencies may be used at the stage of different types of analyses and simulation studies on new drum constructions of cutting units for cutting of a layer of vegetal material into chaff.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2013
The mathematical model of the process of cutting of a layer of plant material with the use of the... more The mathematical model of the process of cutting of a layer of plant material with the use of the drum cutting unit is presented in the study. The drawn up model, following its positive experimental verification, may be used at the stage of designing new constructions of cutting drums used in self-propelled or stationary chaff cutters. The new model makes it possible to calculate the cutting operations made by individual drum’s knives at the time of cutting of the material’s layer and to determine its starting torque.

Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2017
The research procedures connected with the comparative study of the innovative design of the grai... more The research procedures connected with the comparative study of the innovative design of the grain hammer mill at the time of barley's seeds crushing are presented in the study. For the purpose of the study's performance, there has been developed and constructed a test stand where the grain hammer mill differing in design of the hammer assemblyof rotor, was tested. The studies were conducted on the basis of the modern measurement apparatuses composed of a torque meter with a revolution counter MIR-20 and a two-channel measuring instrument MW2006-4 connected with a computer of IBM class. Recording of the values of the measured volumes was performed with the use of a PP203 software. Having conducted a statistical analysis of the results of the experimental studies it was found that the new design solution of the grain hammer mill's rotor was more effective than the standard one commonly used Key words: grain hammer mill, crushing barley grains, the efficiency of crushing BADANIA INNOWACYJNEJ KONSTRUKCJI ROZDRABNIACZA BIJAKOWEGO Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono postępowanie badawcze związane z badaniem porównawczym innowacyjnej konstrukcji rozdrabniacza bijakowego podczas rozdrabniania ziaren jęczmienia. Na potrzeby realizacji pracy opracowano i wykonano stanowisko badawcze, na którym badano rozdrabniacz bijakowy, różniący się konstrukcją zespołu bijakowegowirnika. Badania prowadzono w oparciu o nowoczesną aparaturę pomiarową składającą się z momentomierza, z obrotomierzem MIR-20 oraz miernika dwukanałowego MW2006-4 połączonego z komputerem klasy IBM. Rejestracja wartości mierzonych wielkości realizowana była za pomocą programu PP203. Po dokonaniu statystycznej analizy wyników badań doświadczalnych stwierdzono, że nowe rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne wirnika rozdrabniacza bijakowego jest bardziej efektywne niż powszechnie stosowane standardowe rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne.
The impact of constructional and exploitation param eters on the degree of unevenness has been pr... more The impact of constructional and exploitation param eters on the degree of unevenness has been presente d in this article. The studies were conducted on a stand equipped with a drum cutting unit allowing for both the performa nce of lateral and oblique cutting. The plant material designed for th e studies was rye and oats straw. Based on the anal ysis of the results of the studies it was found, that the degree of uneven ness of oat straw for just the same constructional and exploitational parameters of the drum cutting unit was on average 5% higher than the degree of unevenness of rye straw’ s chaff.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2009
Sustainability, 2021
An analysis of construction was conducted in this study, and the guidelines for designing roller ... more An analysis of construction was conducted in this study, and the guidelines for designing roller mills used commonly in the agri-food, chemical, power and construction industries were presented. Quick designing of the machines required existence of adequate mathematical models. Within the framework of the study’s realization, a mathematical model was developed and we presented the selected results of calculations of the milling rollers loading from the assembly’s mill bowl. The simulation calculations conducted with the mathematical model unambiguously show that the roller’s rotation around a fixed point considerably influences the total loading of the mill’s bowl, and passing over that phenomenon is a mistake.

Transactions of the ASABE, 2020
HighlightsThis article presents test results of a new cutting drum design for an agricultural for... more HighlightsThis article presents test results of a new cutting drum design for an agricultural forage harvester.The energy consumption in the cutting process of rape decreased with increasing speed and cutting angle.Cutting the plant material layers with the new design of the cutting drum is more efficient and productive.Cross-cutting of plant material into chopped straw is an important alternative to the currently used cutting method.. A comparative study of the classic design and a new design for the drum cutting assembly of a chaff cutter was conducted to determine the performance characteristics of both designs when cutting rape straw into defined lengths. The new design of the cutting drum made oblique cutting possible, which was not possible with the classic design. For assessment of the cutting process, two indicators were used: the effectiveness of the cutting process, and the unit energy consumption during the cutting process. The experimental results showed that the new des...

Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2020
This paper discusses and calculates the impact of the gyroscopic effect on the increase in the ag... more This paper discusses and calculates the impact of the gyroscopic effect on the increase in the agricultural machine working assemblies’ load on bearings of the chaff cutter type. This effect occurs under natural field operational conditions of this type of machine either during the change in direction of its movement or moving over irregular surface and is caused by a sudden change in the axis direction of quickly rotating masses. In a form of graph, there is a presentation of a mathematical model and exemplary results of simulation calculations for selected parameter values related to the movement and operation of machines with a high-speed drum. Calculations were conducted on the basis of analysis of technical data of working machines of the chaff cutter type. Conducted analysis of the agricultural machine working assemblies’ load on bearings showed that these loads may temporarily increase even by ten times in case of the machine turn and eight times in case of moving over irregu...
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019
This paper focuses on the observation of a decrease in smoke opacity values in application of tes... more This paper focuses on the observation of a decrease in smoke opacity values in application of tested substance in selected vehicles with a compression ignition engine. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the ability of the tested substance to decrease the smoke opacity value in vehicles equipped with the compression ignition engine with mileage above 30,000 km. Measurements were carried out on the basis of determined measurement methods. From the results obtained in measurements on two vehicles, it can be concluded that the utilization of the tested substance led to a decrease in the smoke opacity value in both observed vehicles. The results of the experiment show further possibility for decreasing of emission production in exhaust gases of motor vehicles equipped with the compression ignition engine.
Papers by Marcin Zastempowski