Although sarcoid may involve the myocardium, there is little information on its true incidence or... more Although sarcoid may involve the myocardium, there is little information on its true incidence or significance. To examine this we studied 83 consecutive autopsied patients with sarcoidosis.
Although it is widely held that the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients w... more Although it is widely held that the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients with atrial septal defect, few data are available to support this contention. Therefore, aortic and left heart chamber dimensions in 24 patients with documentation of an atrial septal defect at cardiac catheterization were compared with those of 22 normal persons. The data were obtained using echocardiography, cineangiography and qualitative estimation of aortic size from chest X-ray films. Aortic size was similar in the patients with an atrial septal defect and normal subjects (1.7 cm/m2 for both groups on angiography). Although the aortic diameter was estimated to be small in 12 of the 24 patients with an atrial defect on chest X-ray films, no difference existed in aortic measurements on echocardiography or angiography in patients judged to have normal as opposed to those judged to have reduced aortic size. Although the left atrial echographic dimension tended to be slightly greater in the patient group than in normal subjects (2.2 versus 1.9 cm/m2), this difference was not statistically significant. The echographic ratio of left atrial to aortic size was greater in the patient group (1.3 versus 1.1) (P <0.02). Stroke index was similar in the two groups (37.5 versus 42.8 ml/m2 with the dye-dilution technique and 35.1 versus 38.3 ml/m2j on angiography). Although echocardiographic lefl ventricular diastolic dimension was slightly smaller in the patient group than in normal subjects (2.5 versus 3.0 cm/m2) (P <O-02), diastolic volume index on angiography was similar in the two groups (50.1 versus 52.9 ml/m2). Thus, these data do not support the conventional belief that, because of a reduced stroke volume, the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients with an atrial septal defect. Methods Patients: Twenty-four patients with an atria1 septal defect were studied. These patients, 20 female and 4 male, ranged in age from 4 to 62 years (mean
Although sarcoid may involve the myocardium, there is little information on its true incidence or... more Although sarcoid may involve the myocardium, there is little information on its true incidence or significance. To examine this we studied 83 consecutive autopsied patients with sarcoidosis.
Although it is widely held that the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients w... more Although it is widely held that the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients with atrial septal defect, few data are available to support this contention. Therefore, aortic and left heart chamber dimensions in 24 patients with documentation of an atrial septal defect at cardiac catheterization were compared with those of 22 normal persons. The data were obtained using echocardiography, cineangiography and qualitative estimation of aortic size from chest X-ray films. Aortic size was similar in the patients with an atrial septal defect and normal subjects (1.7 cm/m2 for both groups on angiography). Although the aortic diameter was estimated to be small in 12 of the 24 patients with an atrial defect on chest X-ray films, no difference existed in aortic measurements on echocardiography or angiography in patients judged to have normal as opposed to those judged to have reduced aortic size. Although the left atrial echographic dimension tended to be slightly greater in the patient group than in normal subjects (2.2 versus 1.9 cm/m2), this difference was not statistically significant. The echographic ratio of left atrial to aortic size was greater in the patient group (1.3 versus 1.1) (P <0.02). Stroke index was similar in the two groups (37.5 versus 42.8 ml/m2 with the dye-dilution technique and 35.1 versus 38.3 ml/m2j on angiography). Although echocardiographic lefl ventricular diastolic dimension was slightly smaller in the patient group than in normal subjects (2.5 versus 3.0 cm/m2) (P <O-02), diastolic volume index on angiography was similar in the two groups (50.1 versus 52.9 ml/m2). Thus, these data do not support the conventional belief that, because of a reduced stroke volume, the size of the aorta and left atrium is diminished in patients with an atrial septal defect. Methods Patients: Twenty-four patients with an atria1 septal defect were studied. These patients, 20 female and 4 male, ranged in age from 4 to 62 years (mean
Papers by Leslie Oliver