Conference presentations by Henrik K. Simonsen

Lexicographic Meaning Construction Processes in Corporate Communication, 2020
Lexicographic Meaning Construction Processes in Corporate Communication
Even in the digital age,... more Lexicographic Meaning Construction Processes in Corporate Communication
Even in the digital age, specialized lexical items (terms) play an immensely important role in successful corporate communication.
In this light, the purpose of this paper is to explain how what we have called ‘lexicographic meaning construction processes’ (LMCPs) help companies and organization (C&Os) realize their communicative mission and create business value. LMCPs are here seen as being at the heart of all term-related activities of designating, naming, defining, and discussing, when new professional knowledge is constructed and needs to be communicated, shared and understood inside and outside organizations.
Based on a new theory of lexicography and on four cases outlining LMCPs in practice in C&Os such as TDC A/S, Zoo Copenhagen, the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Vins de Bourgogne, we demonstrate how meaning construction processes are supported by lexicographical disciplines.
C&Os have a broad array of stakeholders, communicative needs and goals, and therefore they develop communication strategies accordingly. We argue that LMCPs are deeply involved in the construction of corporate communication when C&O and their stakeholders try to make sense and construct the right discourse. In their resolution to continuously legitimize their business and differentiate their value proposition in an even more competitive business environment, C&Os include in their corporate communication an array of strategies based on formats and registers of knowledge communication and language mediation in which LMCPs play a crucial role.
C&Os focus on sales and branding of their image and reputation and to achieve that LMCPs are in play. LMCPs also play an important in terminology formation. Words and terms are discussed, negotiated, and included in C&Os’ company speak. Others become parts of mission statements and of the in-house vocabulary and lexical assets of the organization. LMCPs thus help C&Os create business value by allowing C&Os and their stakeholders to negotiate the meaning of terminologies that are central to their business and their brand.
Based on our analysis and discussion of the six cases we present a LMCP matrix outlining the role of lexicographic meaning construction in corporate communication.
Selected references
Leroyer, P. (2007). Bringing corporate dictionary design into accord with corporate image: From words to messages and back again. In H. Gottlieb & J.E. Mogensen (Eds.) Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice. Selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 109-117.
Leroyer, P. (2013). Oenolex Burgundy: New Directions in Specialised Lexicography. In D. A. Kwary, N. Wulan & L. Musyahda (Eds) Lexicography and Dictionaries in the Information Age. Selected papers from the 8thASIALEX International Conference. Airlangga: Airlangga University Press, pp. 228-235.
Leroyer, P, & Simonsen H. K. (2020). Reconceptualizing lexicography: the broad perspective. In Proceedings of XIX EURALEX International Congress. Alexandroupolis. Forthcoming/In print.
Simonsen, H. K. (2005). ZooLex: The Wildest Corporate Reference Work in Town? In: Proceedings of XII EURALEX International Congress, Volume II, pp. 787-793.
Simonsen, H. K. (2009). Communication Policy, Corporate Language Policy and Corporate Information Portal: A Holy Trinity in Corporate Communications? In: Journal of Communication Management, Volume 13.3, 200-217.
Papers by Henrik K. Simonsen
Nordiske Studier i Leksikografi, Jan 2, 2012
Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må cit... more Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" Der må kun citeres "i det omfang, som betinges af formålet" Ophavsmanden til teksten skal krediteres, og kilden skal angives, jf. ovenstående bibliografiske oplysninger. Søgbarhed Artiklerne i de aeldre Nordiske studier i leksikografi (1-5) er skannet og OCR-behandlet. OCR står for 'optical character recognition' og kan ved tegngenkendelse konvertere et billede til tekst. Dermed kan man søge i teksten. Imidlertid kan der opstå fejl i tegngenkendelsen, og når man søger på fx navne, skal man vaere forberedt på at søgningen ikke er 100 % pålidelig.
HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business, 2017
Nordiske Studier i Leksikografi, 2020

This article discusses the theoretical distinction between communicativeand cognitive-oriented di... more This article discusses the theoretical distinction between communicativeand cognitive-oriented dictionary use situations and explores whether or not this sharp distinction is still valid at a time when users do not use dictionaries but instead online language resources, particularly in learning environments. The paper seeks to answer this research question based on empirical data from a user study conducted at Copenhagen Business School in 2017. We carried out a controlled experiment involving ten test persons and the user study produced ten screen recordings, ten specialized texts, ten self-assessments and ten teacher-assessed rubrics. On the basis of our empirical data we found that the sharp distinction between communicative and cognitive-oriented dictionary use situations does not seem to make much sense anymore when users, to an increasing extent, do not use dictionaries but instead online language resources. We found that specialized language and specialized knowledge are comp...
This article discusses whether language resources can replace dictionaries and whether there is a... more This article discusses whether language resources can replace dictionaries and whether there is a measurable quality of the texts translated and produced by means of dictionaries or language resources, respectively. We carried out a controlled experiment involving twenty test subjects divided into two groups. One group had access to four specially selected online dictionaries and the other group had access to online language resources. On the basis of the analysis of the screen recordings and the texts we were not able to identify signifi cant differences in the quality of the texts translated and produced, and we conclude that the use of dictionaries over language resources does not seem to result in higher text quality.
Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må cit... more Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: • Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" • Der må kun citeres "i det omfang, som betinges af formålet" • Ophavsmanden til teksten skal krediteres, og kilden skal angives, jf. ovenstående bibliografiske oplysninger.
The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities, 2021
This chapter outlines an AI Pedagogy Planner combining six suggestions of learning activities wit... more This chapter outlines an AI Pedagogy Planner combining six suggestions of learning activities with eight types of AI applications that may be used by instructional designers. We contend that the decision support tool based on a picker wheel approach to AIED could be used in practice by instructional designers to facilitate pedagogically based decisions in the process of building the curriculum in higher education.

Atti Del Xii Congresso Internazionale Di Lessicografia Torino 6 9 Settembre 2006 Vol 2 2006 Isbn 88 7694 918 6 Pags 787 793, 2006
This article discusses the design, development, and implementation of an Intranet-based corporate... more This article discusses the design, development, and implementation of an Intranet-based corporate reference work at Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark. The article outlines the lexicographic considerations made with particular focus on the provision ofaplethora ofcontextual information in addition to conventional lexicographic data to the employees and the Zoo as a communicative entity. Contextual information is particularly important in order to communicate effectively, and the theoretical considerations are illustrated by means of a number of screen shots from ZooLex ver. 2, which was commissioned and implemented at Copenhagen Zoo in September 2005. ZooLex is a multilingual corporate reference work, which, in addition to conventional lexicographic articles, also features automatic access to a plethora of related contextual information from the Internet, the Zoo's Intranet, official national corpora, and company-specific corpora. ZooLex has special focus on zoological terms in five languages (Danish, English, Swedish, German, and Latin).
Studies in Contrastive Linguistics Proceedings of the 4th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference Santiago De Compostela Septiembre 2005 2006 Isbn 84 9750 648 0 Pags 453 460, 2006
Nordiske Studier I Leksikografi, 2010
Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må cit... more Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" Der må kun citeres "i det omfang, som betinges af formålet" Ophavsmanden til teksten skal krediteres, og kilden skal angives, jf. ovenstående bibliografiske oplysninger. Søgbarhed Artiklerne i de aeldre Nordiske studier i leksikografi (1-5) er skannet og OCR-behandlet. OCR står for 'optical character recognition' og kan ved tegngenkendelse konvertere et billede til tekst. Dermed kan man søge i teksten. Imidlertid kan der opstå fejl i tegngenkendelsen, og når man søger på fx navne, skal man vaere forberedt på at søgningen ikke er 100 % pålidelig.
Reflexiones Sobre El Diccionario 2007 Isbn 84 8487 115 0 Pags 303 314, 2007

Nordiske Studier I Leksikografi, 2003
The overall purpose of this contribution is to present a number of overall theoretical considerat... more The overall purpose of this contribution is to present a number of overall theoretical considerations on corporate LSP Intranet lexicography and some conceptual considerations on the design and development of an Intranet-based lexicographic knowledge management system in a corporation or organization. Such considerations are needed, as a conventional user approach is not enough and because a corporation or an organization makes heavy demands of the lexicographic artifact. Consequently, it is my thesis that focus on the individual user is not enough. The increased user approach and the potential of the medium used also necessitate new metalexicographic considerations on the conception and design of Intranet-based lexicographic knowledge management systems in a corporation or an organization, which integrate the enhanced potential inherent in the increased user approach as illustrated in TeleLex. TeleLex is a lexicographic knowledge management system and is the developmental result of a Danish Industrial Ph.D. Fellowship Programme, whose parties are the Aarhus School of Business (ASB), the Academy of Technical Sciences (AT V) and Tele Danmark Communications A/S (TDC), where TeleLex was developed and implemented.
Nordiske Studier I Leksikografi, 2007
Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må cit... more Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" Der må kun citeres "i det omfang, som betinges af formålet" Ophavsmanden til teksten skal krediteres, og kilden skal angives, jf. ovenstående bibliografiske oplysninger. Søgbarhed Artiklerne i de aeldre Nordiske studier i leksikografi (1-5) er skannet og OCR-behandlet. OCR står for 'optical character recognition' og kan ved tegngenkendelse konvertere et billede til tekst. Dermed kan man søge i teksten. Imidlertid kan der opstå fejl i tegngenkendelsen, og når man søger på fx navne, skal man vaere forberedt på at søgningen ikke er 100 % pålidelig.

Lexicographica, 2008
Many companies and organizations spend considerable resources on developing corporate language po... more Many companies and organizations spend considerable resources on developing corporate language policies, and a number of theoretical contributions on the concept of language policy have been published. However, so far both practice and theory have treated corporate language policies (CLP) and corporate dictionaries (CD) as two completely separate tools. This unfortunate approach is challenged in this article, and the article outlines a functional analysis of the lexicographically relevant needs of the corporate user and proposes an integrated approach based on a new theoretical foundation of corporate lexicography. The starting point of the functional analysis is a focused identifi cation of the lexicographically relevant needs of the corporate user and the type of tasks that corporate users typically solve. The discussion is based on the argument that CLPs and CDs are both tools, which are lexicographically relevant for all types of employees, and that they satisfy the lexicographically relevant needs of both managers and employees when they solve a number of company-specifi c communicative or cognitive tasks. The integration theory developed and discussed in this article is functionally based and leads to a number of benefi ts for all types of employees.

Tidsskrift for Universiteternes Efter- og Videreuddannelse (UNEV), 2006
Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 7: E-læring i sprogfag, juni 2006, red. Signe Hvid Maribo og Ol... more Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 7: E-læring i sprogfag, juni 2006, red. Signe Hvid Maribo og Ole Lauridsen. ISSN 1603-5518.Der er et voksende behov for at gøre sprog- og kommunikationsundervisningen mere erhvervsrettet, praksisnær, vedkommende og teknologibaseret. På den baggrund har en lille arbejdsgruppe på CBS indledt et udviklingsprojekt, hvor man kombinerer et case-forløb med anvendelsen af et content management system. Artiklen redegør for de pædagogiske og tekniske overvejelser, der ligger forud for implementering i undervisningen. De forskellige fordele ved denne form for undervisnings-materiale gennemgås, og de foreløbige erfaringer med brugen af systemet beskrives. Da udviklingsarbejdet stadig er i de indledende faser, diskuterer artiklen også, hvilke udfordringer der ligger i det videre udviklingsarbejde.
Tidsskrift for Universiteternes Efter- og Videreuddannelse (UNEV), 2006
Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 8: Tilrettelæggelse af efter- og videreuddannelse på universite... more Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 8: Tilrettelæggelse af efter- og videreuddannelse på universitetet, nov. 2006, red. Sanne Almeborg og Tom Nyvang.ISSN 1603-5518. Den moderne vidensmedarbejder har behov for bedre og mere fleksibel efter- og videreuddannelse. Meget tyder på, at dette behov vil blive endnu mere udtalt, når efter- og videreuddannelse måske kommer på dagsordenen i forbindelse med næste års overenskomstforhandlinger. Artiklen diskuterer en række strategiske og praktiske overvejelser i forbindelse med udvikling af Efter- og videreuddannelsesområdet på Fakultetet for Sprog, Kultur og Kommunikation på CBS. Den giver bl.a. nogle konkrete forslag til modeller til udvikling og udbud af efter- og videreuddannelsesaktiviteter.
Conference presentations by Henrik K. Simonsen
Even in the digital age, specialized lexical items (terms) play an immensely important role in successful corporate communication.
In this light, the purpose of this paper is to explain how what we have called ‘lexicographic meaning construction processes’ (LMCPs) help companies and organization (C&Os) realize their communicative mission and create business value. LMCPs are here seen as being at the heart of all term-related activities of designating, naming, defining, and discussing, when new professional knowledge is constructed and needs to be communicated, shared and understood inside and outside organizations.
Based on a new theory of lexicography and on four cases outlining LMCPs in practice in C&Os such as TDC A/S, Zoo Copenhagen, the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Vins de Bourgogne, we demonstrate how meaning construction processes are supported by lexicographical disciplines.
C&Os have a broad array of stakeholders, communicative needs and goals, and therefore they develop communication strategies accordingly. We argue that LMCPs are deeply involved in the construction of corporate communication when C&O and their stakeholders try to make sense and construct the right discourse. In their resolution to continuously legitimize their business and differentiate their value proposition in an even more competitive business environment, C&Os include in their corporate communication an array of strategies based on formats and registers of knowledge communication and language mediation in which LMCPs play a crucial role.
C&Os focus on sales and branding of their image and reputation and to achieve that LMCPs are in play. LMCPs also play an important in terminology formation. Words and terms are discussed, negotiated, and included in C&Os’ company speak. Others become parts of mission statements and of the in-house vocabulary and lexical assets of the organization. LMCPs thus help C&Os create business value by allowing C&Os and their stakeholders to negotiate the meaning of terminologies that are central to their business and their brand.
Based on our analysis and discussion of the six cases we present a LMCP matrix outlining the role of lexicographic meaning construction in corporate communication.
Selected references
Leroyer, P. (2007). Bringing corporate dictionary design into accord with corporate image: From words to messages and back again. In H. Gottlieb & J.E. Mogensen (Eds.) Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice. Selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 109-117.
Leroyer, P. (2013). Oenolex Burgundy: New Directions in Specialised Lexicography. In D. A. Kwary, N. Wulan & L. Musyahda (Eds) Lexicography and Dictionaries in the Information Age. Selected papers from the 8thASIALEX International Conference. Airlangga: Airlangga University Press, pp. 228-235.
Leroyer, P, & Simonsen H. K. (2020). Reconceptualizing lexicography: the broad perspective. In Proceedings of XIX EURALEX International Congress. Alexandroupolis. Forthcoming/In print.
Simonsen, H. K. (2005). ZooLex: The Wildest Corporate Reference Work in Town? In: Proceedings of XII EURALEX International Congress, Volume II, pp. 787-793.
Simonsen, H. K. (2009). Communication Policy, Corporate Language Policy and Corporate Information Portal: A Holy Trinity in Corporate Communications? In: Journal of Communication Management, Volume 13.3, 200-217.
Papers by Henrik K. Simonsen
Even in the digital age, specialized lexical items (terms) play an immensely important role in successful corporate communication.
In this light, the purpose of this paper is to explain how what we have called ‘lexicographic meaning construction processes’ (LMCPs) help companies and organization (C&Os) realize their communicative mission and create business value. LMCPs are here seen as being at the heart of all term-related activities of designating, naming, defining, and discussing, when new professional knowledge is constructed and needs to be communicated, shared and understood inside and outside organizations.
Based on a new theory of lexicography and on four cases outlining LMCPs in practice in C&Os such as TDC A/S, Zoo Copenhagen, the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Vins de Bourgogne, we demonstrate how meaning construction processes are supported by lexicographical disciplines.
C&Os have a broad array of stakeholders, communicative needs and goals, and therefore they develop communication strategies accordingly. We argue that LMCPs are deeply involved in the construction of corporate communication when C&O and their stakeholders try to make sense and construct the right discourse. In their resolution to continuously legitimize their business and differentiate their value proposition in an even more competitive business environment, C&Os include in their corporate communication an array of strategies based on formats and registers of knowledge communication and language mediation in which LMCPs play a crucial role.
C&Os focus on sales and branding of their image and reputation and to achieve that LMCPs are in play. LMCPs also play an important in terminology formation. Words and terms are discussed, negotiated, and included in C&Os’ company speak. Others become parts of mission statements and of the in-house vocabulary and lexical assets of the organization. LMCPs thus help C&Os create business value by allowing C&Os and their stakeholders to negotiate the meaning of terminologies that are central to their business and their brand.
Based on our analysis and discussion of the six cases we present a LMCP matrix outlining the role of lexicographic meaning construction in corporate communication.
Selected references
Leroyer, P. (2007). Bringing corporate dictionary design into accord with corporate image: From words to messages and back again. In H. Gottlieb & J.E. Mogensen (Eds.) Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice. Selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 109-117.
Leroyer, P. (2013). Oenolex Burgundy: New Directions in Specialised Lexicography. In D. A. Kwary, N. Wulan & L. Musyahda (Eds) Lexicography and Dictionaries in the Information Age. Selected papers from the 8thASIALEX International Conference. Airlangga: Airlangga University Press, pp. 228-235.
Leroyer, P, & Simonsen H. K. (2020). Reconceptualizing lexicography: the broad perspective. In Proceedings of XIX EURALEX International Congress. Alexandroupolis. Forthcoming/In print.
Simonsen, H. K. (2005). ZooLex: The Wildest Corporate Reference Work in Town? In: Proceedings of XII EURALEX International Congress, Volume II, pp. 787-793.
Simonsen, H. K. (2009). Communication Policy, Corporate Language Policy and Corporate Information Portal: A Holy Trinity in Corporate Communications? In: Journal of Communication Management, Volume 13.3, 200-217.