Suç ve ahlak dışı davranışla ilişkilendirilen sapkın boş zaman, boş zamanın masum olmayan yönü ol... more Suç ve ahlak dışı davranışla ilişkilendirilen sapkın boş zaman, boş zamanın masum olmayan yönü olarak dikkat çekicidir. Ancak boş zaman katılımcılarının sapkın davranışsal eğilimleri gözden kaçan bir konudur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin sapkın boş zaman eğilimleri ile boş zamanda sıkılma algısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu ilişkinin anlaşılması, üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı boş zaman aktivitelerine yönelmelerini teşvik etmek ve olumsuz sonuçlara yol açabilecek sapkın davranışların önlenmesine yardımcı olmak için önemlidir. Yöntem: Araştırmada, "Kişisel Bilgi Formu", Kara ve ark., (2014) tarafından Türkçe 'ye uyarlanan " Serbest Zamanda Sıkılma Algısı Ölçeği " ve Bedir ve ark., (2023) tarafından geliştirilen "Yetişkin Sapkın Boş Zaman Eğilimi Ölçeği" veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için betimsel istatistikler, t-testi, ANOVA ve personkorelasyon testleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgular, boş zaman sıkılma algısı yüksek olan öğrencilerin sapkın boş zaman eğilimlerinin de yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir (r=508). Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar, serbest zamanda sıkılma algısının üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde olumsuz etkilere sahip olabileceğini ve boş zamanda sıkılmanın sapkın davranışlara yönelimi artırabileceğini göstermektedir.
Bu çalışma, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireyler üzerindeki rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerine... more Bu çalışma, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireyler üzerindeki rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerine odaklanmaktadır. Rekreasyonel akış, bireylerin faaliyetlerde kaybolma hissi, yoğun konsantrasyon, ve keyifli bir deneyim yaşama durumu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireylerin rekreasyonel akış deneyimleri üzerindeki etkilerini ve serbest zamanda sıkılma algısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Veri toplama süreci, Üç boyutlu eğlence ekipmanına sahip 92 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve Katılımcıların rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerini ölçmek için Ayhan vd., (2020) tarafından geliştirilen “Rekreasyonel Akış Deneyimi Ölçeği” ve Kara ve ark., (2014) tarafından Türkçe ‘ye uyarlanan “Serbest Zamanda Sıkılma Algısı Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için betimsel istatistikler, ve person- korelasyon testleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının katılımcıların rekrea...
CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, Jun 30, 2023
Cognitive flexibility studies are being handled and studied in a multidisciplinary manner day by ... more Cognitive flexibility studies are being handled and studied in a multidisciplinary manner day by day. In this study, cognitive flexibility levels and leisure boredom perceptions of university students who do sports were examined. The "leisure boredom scale" adapted to Turkish by Kara, Gürbüz and Öncü (2014) and the "Cognitive Flexibility Scale" adapted to Turkish by Altunkol (2011) were used as data collection tools. The universe of the study consists of the students of Atatürk University Faculty of Sports Sciences. Sample; it consists of 188 people, 100 men and 88 women, using simple random sampling technique. As a result of the normality tests, it was determined that the data (Skewness-1.5 and Kurtosis +1.1) showed a homogeneous distribution in the value ranges. Our findings show that students who are interested in team activities have more leisure time satisfaction than those who are interested in individual activities (p=.000). The increase in the rate of engaging in leisure time activities indicates that the scores of the students regarding the perception of leisure boredom decline. It is supported by our findings that high cognitive flexibility is also associated with leisure satisfaction (r=,514).
Spor, bireylerin fiziksel, psikomotor, zihinsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişimini desteklemek amacıy... more Spor, bireylerin fiziksel, psikomotor, zihinsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişimini desteklemek amacıyla düzenlenen her türlü fiziksel aktivite olarak ifade edi-lebilmektedir. 1 Bu bakımdan sportif faaliyetler insanın fiziksel, zihinsel, psikomotor, duygusal ve sosyal gelişiminde etkili olmaktadır. 2 Platon, "sporun ahlaki
Deviant or purple leisure associated with crime and criminal behaviour is notable as the non-innocent aspect of leisure. However, the deviant behavioural tendencies of leisure participants are an overlooked issue. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to evaluate the deviant leisure tendencies of individuals. First, in-depth interviews and content analysis were conducted to generate the initial items. Second, exploratory factor analysis was conducted with 165 university students to determine the ideal number of items and to facilitate factor extraction. Third, confirmative factor analysis was employed to investigate 350 subjects on-site. Experimental evidence on psychometric qualities was uncovered through these processing steps and the Adult Deviant Leisure Tendency Scale (ADLTS) (one dimension and five items) was developed. As a result, it can be said that ADLTS is a valid and reliable measurement tool for individuals.
Understanding the psycho-social factors such as communication, empathy, cohesion, etc., that affe... more Understanding the psycho-social factors such as communication, empathy, cohesion, etc., that affect successful athletic performance is a high priority and primary focus for applied sports psychology. Detailed examination of the athletes’ psycho-social characteristics is essential in revealing which processes play an active role in achieving optimum performance. Developing these features of the athlete can contribute to coordinating the team, sharing tasks, increasing motivation, preparing team members for a change, and improving performance. For this purpose, the mediating role of communication skills in the relationship between empathy, team cohesion, and competition performance was examined in a sample of 241 curlers competing in 69 teams in the Turkish Curling League in the 2021–2022 season. During the data collection process, Personal Information Form, Empathic Tendency Scale, Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sport, and Group Environment Questionnaire were used. Competi...
International Journal of Sport Finance, Aug 1, 2022
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
The aim of this study is to try to define the overlapping and non-overlapping relationships betwe... more The aim of this study is to try to define the overlapping and non-overlapping relationships between the concepts of leisure and deviant leisure. Classification of deviant leisure time will inform individuals about what they should pay attention to in their leisure habits. The relations between apparently leisure and deviant leisure may differ from culture to culture or from individual to individual. Leisure behaviors that can be considered in the context of crime are seen as determinants in moral norms (tolerable and untolerable) in characterizing leisure time as normal or deviant. The descriptive case study model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The case study reveals the limited situations in any field and presents systematic research in order to create the infrastructure that will enable their development. It seems that deviant leisure time is conceptualized as behaviors that violate criminal and non-criminal moral norms. In addition the sensitive point between leisure time and deviant leisure time is violations of moral norms and laws. Leisure activities, which are characterized by social well-being, have now begun to be associated with criminal behavior. The form of leisure activity that occurs with the violation of laws and moral norms is accepted as deviant leisure. It is important in order to create an ideal society determine to factors that affect the transition from leisure to deviant leisure time that leisure scientists, criminologists and social scientists.
International Journal of Sport Finance, Aug 1, 2022
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an im... more Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an important place. In this study is to aims evaluation from the managerial aspect of recreation services that offer of the firms in business in the field of winter tourism in Turkey. The sampling of the study consists of individuals employing as manager in 16 winter tourism resort hotels in Turkey. Interview technique was used as data collection method. As a result of the interviews; it is to be understood that hotel facilities do not include enough recreational activities, the activities to be performed are usually determined by the operating manager, different organizations do not support such activities, the preferred activities generally consist of similar and limited activities. As a result, it is seen that winter tourism accommodation companies do not give enough importance to recreation services. It has been concluded that individuals who buy services should spend their leisure time more effectively and efficiently and give importance to qualified recreation experts and recreational activity diversity in order to protect their customer potential.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' attitudes towards ... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' attitudes towards the recreation specialty and self-efficacy of the students in the Recreation Departments of Sports Sciences and Tourism Faculty. In the study, "Occupational Attitude Scale" developed by Üstüner in 2006 and "General Self-Efficacy Scale" that was adapted to Turkish by Yildirim and İlhan and thereafter developed by Magaletta and Oliver were used. While the scope of the research comprised students studying in Recreation Department, Tourism Faculty, Gazi University and Recreation Department, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Atatürk University, the sample group consists of 79 females, 101 males, making a total of 180 students studying in these departments. It has been found that the data provide normality assumptions by looking at the Skewness-Kurtosis values. In this direction, parametric tests such as T Test and ANOVA were performed. Pearson correlation test was also performed to analyze the relationship between self-efficacy and occupational attitude. There is significant difference in terms of faculties of the participants, in terms of occupational attitude and self-efficacy students in favor of Faculty of Sport Sciences. There was also a positive relationship between occupational attitude and self-efficacy (r = 452). As a result, it can be said that they have higher occupational attitude because students of the Recreation Department at the Faculty of Sport Sciences have the opportunity to find more jobs than students of Recreation Department, Tourism Faculty. Also, the high level of self-efficacy of the students in the Faculty of Sports Sciences can be due to their sports knowledge.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, İwasaki ve Mannel (2000) tarafından bireylerin boş zaman aktiviteleri aracıl... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, İwasaki ve Mannel (2000) tarafından bireylerin boş zaman aktiviteleri aracılığıyla stresle başa çıkabileceği inancını ölçmek için geliştirdiği Boş Zaman Stres İle Başa Çıkma İnanış Ölçeği' nin (Leisure Stress Coping Beliefs Scales) Türkçe dil geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmasının yapılmasıdır. Çalışmaya Atatürk Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 241 öğrenci katılmıştır. Envanterin yapı geçerliğini değerlendirmek için doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kullanılmıştır. Yapı geçerliğine ilişkin bulgular, 30 maddeli orijinal envanterin 27 si ile tutarlı olduğu gözlenmiş ve tutarsız olan 3 madde ise çıkarılmıştır. Uyum indeks değerleri; RMSEA=0.055, GFI=0.85, NFI=0.92, NNFI=0.96 ve CFI=0.96 olarak belirlenmiştir. Envanterin iç tutarlık değeri ise 0.87 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Serbest Zaman Stres İle Başa Çıkma İnanış Ölçeği'nin bireyler için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an im... more Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an important place. In this study is to aims evaluation from the managerial aspect of recreation services that offer of the firms in business in the field of winter tourism in Turkey. The sampling of the study consists of individuals employing as manager in 16 winter tourism resort hotels in Turkey. Interview technique was used as data collection method. As a result of the interviews; it is to be understood that hotel facilities do not include enough recreational activities, the activities to be performed are usually determined by the operating manager, different organizations do not support such activities, the preferred activities generally consist of similar and limited activities. As a result, it is seen that winter tourism accommodation companies do not give enough importance to recreation services. It has been concluded that individuals who buy services should spend their leisure time more effectively and efficiently and give importance to qualified recreation experts and recreational activity diversity in order to protect their customer potential.
In this study, a data collection was used as a tool in the form of a survey comprised of 2 sectio... more In this study, a data collection was used as a tool in the form of a survey comprised of 2 sections. In the first section, questions related to demographic characteristics; in the second section, were used a "Perceived Organizational Chronism". The data collection tools were applied to a total of 176 personnel (120 male, 56 female). As a result of the analyzes, it was revealed that the Cronyism perceptions of the personnel offered in favour of women. Also, it was found that the chronological perception of the personnel differed in favour of public institutions according to the institutionvariable.
Suç ve ahlak dışı davranışla ilişkilendirilen sapkın boş zaman, boş zamanın masum olmayan yönü ol... more Suç ve ahlak dışı davranışla ilişkilendirilen sapkın boş zaman, boş zamanın masum olmayan yönü olarak dikkat çekicidir. Ancak boş zaman katılımcılarının sapkın davranışsal eğilimleri gözden kaçan bir konudur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin sapkın boş zaman eğilimleri ile boş zamanda sıkılma algısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu ilişkinin anlaşılması, üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı boş zaman aktivitelerine yönelmelerini teşvik etmek ve olumsuz sonuçlara yol açabilecek sapkın davranışların önlenmesine yardımcı olmak için önemlidir. Yöntem: Araştırmada, "Kişisel Bilgi Formu", Kara ve ark., (2014) tarafından Türkçe 'ye uyarlanan " Serbest Zamanda Sıkılma Algısı Ölçeği " ve Bedir ve ark., (2023) tarafından geliştirilen "Yetişkin Sapkın Boş Zaman Eğilimi Ölçeği" veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için betimsel istatistikler, t-testi, ANOVA ve personkorelasyon testleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgular, boş zaman sıkılma algısı yüksek olan öğrencilerin sapkın boş zaman eğilimlerinin de yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir (r=508). Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar, serbest zamanda sıkılma algısının üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde olumsuz etkilere sahip olabileceğini ve boş zamanda sıkılmanın sapkın davranışlara yönelimi artırabileceğini göstermektedir.
Bu çalışma, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireyler üzerindeki rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerine... more Bu çalışma, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireyler üzerindeki rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerine odaklanmaktadır. Rekreasyonel akış, bireylerin faaliyetlerde kaybolma hissi, yoğun konsantrasyon, ve keyifli bir deneyim yaşama durumu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının bireylerin rekreasyonel akış deneyimleri üzerindeki etkilerini ve serbest zamanda sıkılma algısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Veri toplama süreci, Üç boyutlu eğlence ekipmanına sahip 92 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve Katılımcıların rekreasyonel akış deneyimlerini ölçmek için Ayhan vd., (2020) tarafından geliştirilen “Rekreasyonel Akış Deneyimi Ölçeği” ve Kara ve ark., (2014) tarafından Türkçe ‘ye uyarlanan “Serbest Zamanda Sıkılma Algısı Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için betimsel istatistikler, ve person- korelasyon testleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, üç boyutlu bilgisayar oyunlarının katılımcıların rekrea...
CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, Jun 30, 2023
Cognitive flexibility studies are being handled and studied in a multidisciplinary manner day by ... more Cognitive flexibility studies are being handled and studied in a multidisciplinary manner day by day. In this study, cognitive flexibility levels and leisure boredom perceptions of university students who do sports were examined. The "leisure boredom scale" adapted to Turkish by Kara, Gürbüz and Öncü (2014) and the "Cognitive Flexibility Scale" adapted to Turkish by Altunkol (2011) were used as data collection tools. The universe of the study consists of the students of Atatürk University Faculty of Sports Sciences. Sample; it consists of 188 people, 100 men and 88 women, using simple random sampling technique. As a result of the normality tests, it was determined that the data (Skewness-1.5 and Kurtosis +1.1) showed a homogeneous distribution in the value ranges. Our findings show that students who are interested in team activities have more leisure time satisfaction than those who are interested in individual activities (p=.000). The increase in the rate of engaging in leisure time activities indicates that the scores of the students regarding the perception of leisure boredom decline. It is supported by our findings that high cognitive flexibility is also associated with leisure satisfaction (r=,514).
Spor, bireylerin fiziksel, psikomotor, zihinsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişimini desteklemek amacıy... more Spor, bireylerin fiziksel, psikomotor, zihinsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişimini desteklemek amacıyla düzenlenen her türlü fiziksel aktivite olarak ifade edi-lebilmektedir. 1 Bu bakımdan sportif faaliyetler insanın fiziksel, zihinsel, psikomotor, duygusal ve sosyal gelişiminde etkili olmaktadır. 2 Platon, "sporun ahlaki
Deviant or purple leisure associated with crime and criminal behaviour is notable as the non-innocent aspect of leisure. However, the deviant behavioural tendencies of leisure participants are an overlooked issue. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to evaluate the deviant leisure tendencies of individuals. First, in-depth interviews and content analysis were conducted to generate the initial items. Second, exploratory factor analysis was conducted with 165 university students to determine the ideal number of items and to facilitate factor extraction. Third, confirmative factor analysis was employed to investigate 350 subjects on-site. Experimental evidence on psychometric qualities was uncovered through these processing steps and the Adult Deviant Leisure Tendency Scale (ADLTS) (one dimension and five items) was developed. As a result, it can be said that ADLTS is a valid and reliable measurement tool for individuals.
Understanding the psycho-social factors such as communication, empathy, cohesion, etc., that affe... more Understanding the psycho-social factors such as communication, empathy, cohesion, etc., that affect successful athletic performance is a high priority and primary focus for applied sports psychology. Detailed examination of the athletes’ psycho-social characteristics is essential in revealing which processes play an active role in achieving optimum performance. Developing these features of the athlete can contribute to coordinating the team, sharing tasks, increasing motivation, preparing team members for a change, and improving performance. For this purpose, the mediating role of communication skills in the relationship between empathy, team cohesion, and competition performance was examined in a sample of 241 curlers competing in 69 teams in the Turkish Curling League in the 2021–2022 season. During the data collection process, Personal Information Form, Empathic Tendency Scale, Scale for Effective Communication in Team Sport, and Group Environment Questionnaire were used. Competi...
International Journal of Sport Finance, Aug 1, 2022
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
The aim of this study is to try to define the overlapping and non-overlapping relationships betwe... more The aim of this study is to try to define the overlapping and non-overlapping relationships between the concepts of leisure and deviant leisure. Classification of deviant leisure time will inform individuals about what they should pay attention to in their leisure habits. The relations between apparently leisure and deviant leisure may differ from culture to culture or from individual to individual. Leisure behaviors that can be considered in the context of crime are seen as determinants in moral norms (tolerable and untolerable) in characterizing leisure time as normal or deviant. The descriptive case study model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The case study reveals the limited situations in any field and presents systematic research in order to create the infrastructure that will enable their development. It seems that deviant leisure time is conceptualized as behaviors that violate criminal and non-criminal moral norms. In addition the sensitive point between leisure time and deviant leisure time is violations of moral norms and laws. Leisure activities, which are characterized by social well-being, have now begun to be associated with criminal behavior. The form of leisure activity that occurs with the violation of laws and moral norms is accepted as deviant leisure. It is important in order to create an ideal society determine to factors that affect the transition from leisure to deviant leisure time that leisure scientists, criminologists and social scientists.
International Journal of Sport Finance, Aug 1, 2022
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the sp... more The cancellation of mass gatherings was one of the earliest measures implemented to combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the sectors affected by this situation was sports organizations. The study aimed to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the returns and volatility of football club stocks using mean and variance estimates. In line with this aim, the Stoxx Football Index was used to estimate the stocks of football clubs, and a dummy variable was used to estimate the effect of COVID-19. According to the analyses, it was found that COVID-19 had a negative and statistically significant impact on football index revenue. On the other hand, the results of the second moment analysis, the EGARCH-X model, suggested an increase in the Stoxx Football Index conditional variance (volatility) due to COVID-19.
Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an im... more Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an important place. In this study is to aims evaluation from the managerial aspect of recreation services that offer of the firms in business in the field of winter tourism in Turkey. The sampling of the study consists of individuals employing as manager in 16 winter tourism resort hotels in Turkey. Interview technique was used as data collection method. As a result of the interviews; it is to be understood that hotel facilities do not include enough recreational activities, the activities to be performed are usually determined by the operating manager, different organizations do not support such activities, the preferred activities generally consist of similar and limited activities. As a result, it is seen that winter tourism accommodation companies do not give enough importance to recreation services. It has been concluded that individuals who buy services should spend their leisure time more effectively and efficiently and give importance to qualified recreation experts and recreational activity diversity in order to protect their customer potential.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' attitudes towards ... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between students' attitudes towards the recreation specialty and self-efficacy of the students in the Recreation Departments of Sports Sciences and Tourism Faculty. In the study, "Occupational Attitude Scale" developed by Üstüner in 2006 and "General Self-Efficacy Scale" that was adapted to Turkish by Yildirim and İlhan and thereafter developed by Magaletta and Oliver were used. While the scope of the research comprised students studying in Recreation Department, Tourism Faculty, Gazi University and Recreation Department, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Atatürk University, the sample group consists of 79 females, 101 males, making a total of 180 students studying in these departments. It has been found that the data provide normality assumptions by looking at the Skewness-Kurtosis values. In this direction, parametric tests such as T Test and ANOVA were performed. Pearson correlation test was also performed to analyze the relationship between self-efficacy and occupational attitude. There is significant difference in terms of faculties of the participants, in terms of occupational attitude and self-efficacy students in favor of Faculty of Sport Sciences. There was also a positive relationship between occupational attitude and self-efficacy (r = 452). As a result, it can be said that they have higher occupational attitude because students of the Recreation Department at the Faculty of Sport Sciences have the opportunity to find more jobs than students of Recreation Department, Tourism Faculty. Also, the high level of self-efficacy of the students in the Faculty of Sports Sciences can be due to their sports knowledge.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, İwasaki ve Mannel (2000) tarafından bireylerin boş zaman aktiviteleri aracıl... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, İwasaki ve Mannel (2000) tarafından bireylerin boş zaman aktiviteleri aracılığıyla stresle başa çıkabileceği inancını ölçmek için geliştirdiği Boş Zaman Stres İle Başa Çıkma İnanış Ölçeği' nin (Leisure Stress Coping Beliefs Scales) Türkçe dil geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmasının yapılmasıdır. Çalışmaya Atatürk Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 241 öğrenci katılmıştır. Envanterin yapı geçerliğini değerlendirmek için doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kullanılmıştır. Yapı geçerliğine ilişkin bulgular, 30 maddeli orijinal envanterin 27 si ile tutarlı olduğu gözlenmiş ve tutarsız olan 3 madde ise çıkarılmıştır. Uyum indeks değerleri; RMSEA=0.055, GFI=0.85, NFI=0.92, NNFI=0.96 ve CFI=0.96 olarak belirlenmiştir. Envanterin iç tutarlık değeri ise 0.87 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Serbest Zaman Stres İle Başa Çıkma İnanış Ölçeği'nin bireyler için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an im... more Recreational activities, which are a service tool in tourism enterprises, are known to have an important place. In this study is to aims evaluation from the managerial aspect of recreation services that offer of the firms in business in the field of winter tourism in Turkey. The sampling of the study consists of individuals employing as manager in 16 winter tourism resort hotels in Turkey. Interview technique was used as data collection method. As a result of the interviews; it is to be understood that hotel facilities do not include enough recreational activities, the activities to be performed are usually determined by the operating manager, different organizations do not support such activities, the preferred activities generally consist of similar and limited activities. As a result, it is seen that winter tourism accommodation companies do not give enough importance to recreation services. It has been concluded that individuals who buy services should spend their leisure time more effectively and efficiently and give importance to qualified recreation experts and recreational activity diversity in order to protect their customer potential.
In this study, a data collection was used as a tool in the form of a survey comprised of 2 sectio... more In this study, a data collection was used as a tool in the form of a survey comprised of 2 sections. In the first section, questions related to demographic characteristics; in the second section, were used a "Perceived Organizational Chronism". The data collection tools were applied to a total of 176 personnel (120 male, 56 female). As a result of the analyzes, it was revealed that the Cronyism perceptions of the personnel offered in favour of women. Also, it was found that the chronological perception of the personnel differed in favour of public institutions according to the institutionvariable.
Bu kitabın, basım, yayım ve sa ş hakları Atatürk Üniversitesi'ne ai r. Bireysel öğrenme yaklaşımı... more Bu kitabın, basım, yayım ve sa ş hakları Atatürk Üniversitesi'ne ai r. Bireysel öğrenme yaklaşımıyla hazırlanan bu kitabın bütün hakları saklıdır. Atatürk Üniversitesi'nin izni alınmaksızın kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manye k kayıt veya başka şekillerde çoğal lamaz, basılamaz ve dağı lamaz.
Bu kitabın, basım, yayım ve sa ş hakları Atatürk Üniversitesi'ne ai r. Bireysel öğrenme yaklaşımı... more Bu kitabın, basım, yayım ve sa ş hakları Atatürk Üniversitesi'ne ai r. Bireysel öğrenme yaklaşımıyla hazırlanan bu kitabın bütün hakları saklıdır. Atatürk Üniversitesi'nin izni alınmaksızın kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manye k kayıt veya başka şekillerde çoğal lamaz, basılamaz ve dağı lamaz.
Papers by Fatih Bedir
Deviant or purple leisure associated with crime and criminal behaviour is notable as the non-innocent aspect of leisure. However, the deviant behavioural tendencies of leisure participants are an overlooked issue. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to evaluate the deviant leisure tendencies of individuals. First, in-depth interviews and content analysis were conducted to generate the initial items. Second, exploratory factor analysis was conducted with 165 university students to determine the ideal number of items and to facilitate factor extraction. Third, confirmative factor analysis was employed to investigate 350 subjects on-site. Experimental evidence on psychometric qualities was uncovered through these processing steps and the Adult Deviant Leisure Tendency Scale (ADLTS) (one dimension and five items) was developed. As a result, it can be said that ADLTS is a valid and reliable measurement tool for individuals.
Deviant or purple leisure associated with crime and criminal behaviour is notable as the non-innocent aspect of leisure. However, the deviant behavioural tendencies of leisure participants are an overlooked issue. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to evaluate the deviant leisure tendencies of individuals. First, in-depth interviews and content analysis were conducted to generate the initial items. Second, exploratory factor analysis was conducted with 165 university students to determine the ideal number of items and to facilitate factor extraction. Third, confirmative factor analysis was employed to investigate 350 subjects on-site. Experimental evidence on psychometric qualities was uncovered through these processing steps and the Adult Deviant Leisure Tendency Scale (ADLTS) (one dimension and five items) was developed. As a result, it can be said that ADLTS is a valid and reliable measurement tool for individuals.