Papers by Farangis Ghaderi
In this interview Dr Ghaderi offers incredible insights into the practice and politics of Kurdish... more In this interview Dr Ghaderi offers incredible insights into the practice and politics of Kurdish translation, female representation in Kurdish literature, and the future of Kurdish literary works, culture, and understandings through digital archival projects.
Asymptote , 2022
In this interview Dr Ghaderi offers incredible insights into the practice and politics of Kurdish... more In this interview Dr Ghaderi offers incredible insights into the practice and politics of Kurdish translation, female representation in Kurdish literature, and the future of Kurdish literary works, culture, and understandings through digital archival projects.
Kurdistan America Latina , 2022
El futuro de Irán podría cambiar para siempre por las protestas que comenzaron en septiembre de 2... more El futuro de Irán podría cambiar para siempre por las protestas que comenzaron en septiembre de 2022, provocadas por la muerte bajo custodia policial de Jîna (Mahsa) Amini, una mujer kurda de la ciudad de Saqez, que fue arrestada por llevar el hiyab "inadecuadamente".
KurdArastirmalari, 2022
İran'ın geleceği, Eylül 2022'de başörtüsü "uygunsuz" bulunduğu için tutuklanan Saqez kentinden bi... more İran'ın geleceği, Eylül 2022'de başörtüsü "uygunsuz" bulunduğu için tutuklanan Saqez kentinden bir Kürt kadın olan Jîna (Mahsa) Amini'nin polis tarafından gözaltında öldürülmesinin yol açtığı protestolarla sonsuza dek değişmiş olabilir.
Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siyasi [Critique of Political Economy], 2022
Jadaliyya, 2022
The future of Iran could be changed forever by the protests in September 2022 sparked by the deat... more The future of Iran could be changed forever by the protests in September 2022 sparked by the death in police custody of Jîna (Mahsa) Amini, a Kurdish woman from the city of Saqez who was arrested for wearing her hijab "improperly." The protests have generated an inspiring and newfound solidarity among Iranians of all ethnic backgrounds, as well as promising internationalist feminist solidarity. However, as two Kurdish women, we have been deeply disappointed to see Jîna's Kurdish background routinely ignored by mainstream media and among allies in diasporic solidarity rallies and in expressions of international solidarity.
The Cambridge History of the Kurds, 2021
Cambridge History of the Kurds, 2021
The emergence of modern Kurdish poetry marks a period of great significance in the history of Kur... more The emergence of modern Kurdish poetry marks a period of great significance in the history of Kurdish literature since it witnessed the advent of modernity, the rise of Kurdish nationalism, the fall of the Persian and Ottoman Empires, and the creation of the Middle East with no country for Kurds. In this article I examine the complex process of the poetic modernisation which unfolded over the oeuvres of generations of poets from the late 19th century till its culmination in the 1940s. I illustrate that modern Kurdish poetry was an aesthetic response to the advent of modernity and its socio-political implications such as nationalism in Kurdish society.
The Translator, 2021
Inspired by studies on minority language in translation and feminist translation studies, this ar... more Inspired by studies on minority language in translation and feminist translation studies, this article presents an analysis of a small corpus of Kurdish literature in English translation and examine the process of its constitution, its main actors and practices, and the image of Kurdish literature it depicts. In the absence of state and institutional support, Kurdish translation initiatives are largely individual supply-driven and they entail a form of activism. Presenting a historical overview of Kurdish literary translation into English, we illustrate the diversity of actors in its complex evolution. We examine the opportunities collaborative practices such as co-translation offer Kurdish as a stateless minority language but also the perils of such practices in reinforcing the minority and dominated status of Kurdish. Finally we assess the (re)presentation of Kurdish literature in English translation and demonstrate that it is at odds with the Kurdish canons.
Puxte: Tevgera femînîzmê ya ku di sala 1890î de dest bi têkoşîna xwe kiriye di dîroka xwe ya heyî... more Puxte: Tevgera femînîzmê ya ku di sala 1890î de dest bi têkoşîna xwe kiriye di dîroka xwe ya heyî de her gav ji bo jiholêrakirina baweriya pederşahiyê, berterefkirina serdestiya ciyawazkirina zayendekê, bidestxistina mafên medenî û ji bo azadiyên civakî yên jinan di xirecirê de bûye. Guherînên vê tevgerê ji pêla yekem bigire heya pêla duyem eşkere li holê ne. Her çiqas li welatên pêşketî guherînên vê tevgerê çê bûne û çareserî û fikirên cuda hatibin peydakirin jî lê belê mixabin li welatên ku di rewşa pêşketinê de ne em hê jî di gelek meseleyên ku divê di pêla yekem de bihatana çareserkirin, bê par mane. Ev gotar hewl dide ku ji destpêkê heya niha li ser seyra veguherîna femînîzmê rûpeleke şênber bîne ber çavan û bi her awayî nêrîn û tesîrên teorîsyenên xwedî tesîr ên vê tevgerê jî lêkole û bide nasîn. Destpêk Her çiqas femînîzm di dawiya sedsala nozdehemîn de wek tevgereke terefdariya hiqûqî û azadiya jinan dest pê kiribe jî ya rastî ew e ku têkoşîna jinan a ji bo başkirina rewşa wan, xwe digihîne demên gelek berê. Berê jin usûlen wek " mêrê kêm " dihat pênasekirin ku heya sedsala hijdehemîn bawerî li ser vê yekê bû; tenê û tenê cinsek di sirûştê de heye û ew cins jî mêr e. Mesela li gor nêrîna Arîsto jin, parçeyeke winda ji taybetiyên mêraniyê ye. Zanista biyolojiyê jî di vê baweriyê de bû. Çimkî di lêkolînên anatomiyê de yên heya berî sedsala hijdehemîn, cudahî di navbera biyolojiya mêr û jinê de qebûl nedikirin û di ser de jî endamê jinaniyê, wek endameke kurt û zeîf a mêraniyê dihesibandin û jinê wek " mêrê xesandî " bi nav dikirin. Ev fikra nedîtî, jinan wek cinseke ku bê îstîsmarkirin, dida nîşan. Lê belê piştî ku di sedsala hijdehemîn de hin guherîn di zanista biyolojiyê de pêk hatin, bi wê yekê re nedurustbûna vê fikrê jî derkete holê û jin ji aliyê biyolojîk, ji nû ve hatin nasîn. Her çend piştî vê yekê heya radeyekê, nêrîna mêran a li ser jinan guherî be jî di pratîkê de cudahiyeke berbiçav nehat dîtin. Dirûvê civakê berî pîşesazîbûna civakê jî di rewşeke wisa de bû ku jin hay ji mehrûmiyeta xwe nebûn, çimkî kar û dahênan di nav jiyana malê de dirûv digirt û jin bixwe jî gelek paşê di dahênanê de cihê xwe girtin. Bi pîşesazîbûna civakê û derketina kapîtalîzmê re jiyana kar û jiyana malê ji hev cuda bû û di encamê de di aboriyê de neqşên mêran rengîntir bûn û jin jî di nav dîwarên malê de zindanî man. Ev mesele bû sedem
Kurte Nivîsîna tarîxa edebîyata kurdî, anku nivîsîna tarîxa werar û geşeya edebîyata kurdî, hewld... more Kurte Nivîsîna tarîxa edebîyata kurdî, anku nivîsîna tarîxa werar û geşeya edebîyata kurdî, hewldaneke nû ye. Rexnegirên edebî hewla wê yekê dane ku wêneyekî giştgîr ê şi'r û pexşana kurdî bikêşin û berhemên ni-vîseran jî di nav rewt û hereketên edebî de bisenifînin. Lêbelê, ev yek kar û erkeke zehmet e di çarçoveya edebîyata kurdî de, lewre windabûn an belavnebûna gelek ji destnivîsan nahêle ku zanyarîyên saxlem û berfireh bi dest bikevin li ser edebîyata klasîk û hevçerx. Lewma bi tenê zanyarîyên belawela hene li ber destê me sebaret bi tarîxa edebîyata kurdî. Ev gotar binemayên îdeolojîk/hizrî yên tarîxnivîsîya edebîyata kurdî û kêşeyên wê yên mêtodolojîk rave dike û balê dikêşe ser girîngîya berhevkirin, amadekirin û belavkirina belge û destnivîsaran wek pêngaveke esasî di jinûve-nivîsîna tarîxa edebîyata kurdî de, hewldanek ku dikare têgihiştina me li ser edebîyata kurdî biguherîne.
Kurdish Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2015), pp. 3-25.
Writing Kurdish literary history, that is a historical account of the development of Kurdish lite... more Writing Kurdish literary history, that is a historical account of the development of Kurdish literature, is a fairly new project. Literary critics have strived to construct a comprehensive narrative of the evolution of poetry and prose and to classify individual works into certain schools and movements. Doing so, however, has proved to be a challenging task for Kurdish literature predominantly due to the lack of adequate knowledge of classical, and even contemporary, literature as a consequence of sizeable unpublished or lost manuscripts. In fact, the scarcity of knowledge on classical literature has left critics with a fragmented and episodic picture of Kurdish literary history. In this article I evaluate Kurdish literary historiography in the light of the scarcity of information and examine its ideological foundation and methodological problems. I discuss the significance of collecting, editing and publishing documents and manuscripts as a crucial step in rewriting Kurdish literary history and the way this might change our understanding of Kurdish literature.
Kurte: Di ve gotarê de ez li dij fama kevneşopî ya derbarê helbesta kurdî ya modern derdikevim û ... more Kurte: Di ve gotarê de ez li dij fama kevneşopî ya derbarê helbesta kurdî ya modern derdikevim û pênase û senifandina wê ya hatiye qebûlkirin, bi riya lêpirsîna duyatiya kevn û nûjen, red dikim. Rexneya wêjeyî ya kurdî ya kevneşopî dest nîşan dike ku helbesta klasîk heta salên 1930 û 1940î ku Evdila Goran şêwaza helbestkî veguherand û “bû bavê” helbesta modern, berdewam kiriye. Li gor vê nerînê, helbest tenê li gor taybetiyên wê yên şêwazî tê nirxandin û tê bawerkirin ku Goran daye ser şopa helbestvanên tirk ên modern. Her wiha guherîna wêjeyî tê daxistin asta teqlîdeke wêjeyî. Bi riya vekolandina peydabûna helbesta modern wek pêvajoyeke ji dawiya sedsala 19mîn ve û bi tevkariya çendîn helbestvanan gihîştina lûtkeya wê, ez nêzîbûneke bêtir bi nuans pêşniyaz dikim.
Classical Gorani literature is believed to be the oldest Kurdish literary tradition whi... more Abstract
Classical Gorani literature is believed to be the oldest Kurdish literary tradition which under the patronage of the Ardalans developed into a “literary koinè” in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. However, despite its antiquity and significance in the history of Kurdish literature, it has remained largely under-studied. It is against this backdrop that I offer an overview of Gorani literature, its history of development, and main literary characteristics in this article. Through extensive text analysis I examine the classical Gorani poetry for its major genres and forms and predominant themes and images. I study Gorani oral and written literature and their interactions, and the role it played in Kurdish poetic modernisation in the twentieth century.
Anvar, L. (2010). The Radiance of Epiphany: The Vision of Beauty and Love in Hāfiz’s Poem of Pre-Eternity. In L. Lewisohn (ed.). Hafiz and the Religion of Love in Classical Persian Poetry (123–143). London: I. B. Tauris.
Bahrami, I. (2004). Introduction. In I. Bahrami (ed.). Shahname-ye Kurdi (13–52). Tehran: Entesharat-e Hirmand.
Behn, W. (1988). Bābān. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 12 March 2016).
Bêsaranî. (1375/1996). Dîwanî Besaranî. H. Mela Salih (ed.). Sanandaj: Goran.
Bidlisi, Sh. Kh. (1964). Sharafnameh, Tarikh-i Mufassal-i Kurdistan. Tehran: Moassesse-ye Matbuʿat-e ʿElmi.
Blau, J. (1996). Kurdish Written Literature. In Ph. G. Kreyenbroek & Ch. Allison (eds.). Kurdish Culture and Identity (20–28). London: Zed Books.
Chamanara, B. (2013). An Investigation into the Kurdish Genre of the Shāhnāma and Its Religious Dimensions. Journal of Persianate Studies, 6(1-2), 163–177.
During, J. (1988). Barbaṭ. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 20 April 2016).
Erdelan, M. (1946). Tarikh-e Ardalan. N. Azadpour (ed.). Sanandaj: Chapkhane-ye Bahrami.
Erdelan, M. (1998). ʿAqayed.ʿE. Merdûx (ed.). Stockholm.
Gerdî, ʿE. (1999). Serwa [Rhyme]. Hewlêr: Aras.
Erdelan, M. (2005). Sharʿiyat. J. Ahmadi Ayin (ed.). Hewlêr: Aras.
Erdelan, M. (2005). Dîwanî Mestûre. M. M. Ruhanî (ed.). Hewlêr: Aras.
Ghaderi, F. (2015). The Challenges of Writing Kurdish Literary History: Representation, Classification, and Periodisation. Kurdish Studies, 3(1), 3–25.
Ghaderi, F. (2016). The Emergence and Development of Modern Kurdish Poetry. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Exeter, Exeter.
Goran, M. (2004). Shahname-ye Kurdi: Javahirpush wa Bizhan-u Manizha [Kurdish Shahnameh: Javaherpush and Bijan and Manijeh]. I. Bahrami (ed.). Tehran: Hirmand.
Gunter, M. (2009). A to Z of the Kurds. Toronto: The Scarecrow Press.
Halm, H. (1982). Ahl-e Ḥaqq. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 12 March 2016).
Hamzeh’ee, R. (1990). The Yarsan: A Sociological, Historical and Religio-Historical Study of a Kurdish Community. Berlin: Klaus Schwartz Verlag.
Hassanpour, A. (1998). The Identity of Hewrami Speakers: Reflections on the Theory and Ideology of Comparative Philology. In A. Soltani (ed.). Anthology of Gurani Kurdish Poetry (35–49). London: Soane Trust for Kurdistan.
Hassanpour, A. (1990). The Language Factor in National Development: The Standardization of the Kurdish Language, 1918–1985. Published Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Hewramanî, M. E. (1981). Zarî Zimanî Kurdî le Terazûy Berawurd da [Kurdish Language from a Comparative Perspective]. Baghdad: Dezgay Roşinbîrî w Biławkirdnewey Kurdî.
Hewramanî, M. E. (2004). Gułzarî Hewraman, Zimannasî û Edebiyat [The Rose Garden of Hawraman: Linguistics and Literature]. Hewlêr: Aras.
Hooshmandrad, P. (2004). Performing the Belief: Sacred Musical Practice of the Kurdish Ahl-i Haqq of Guran. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Berkeley.
Jayhunʹabadi, N. (1966-1971). Shahnamah-ʼi hhaqiqat: tarikh manzum buzurgan-i ahl-i haqq [The Book of the Kings of Truth: A versified History of the the Great Ones of the Ahl-e Haqq]. 2 vols. M. Mokri (ed.). Tehran: Institut Iran va Faranseh.
Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (1992). On the Kurdish Language. In Ph. G. Kreyenbroek & S. Sperl (eds.). The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview (53–65). London: Routledge.
Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2010). Orality and Religion in Kurdistan: The Yezidi and Ahl-e Haqq. In E. Yarshater (ed.). A History of Persian Literature, Vol. XVIII, (70-89). New York: I. B. Tauris.
Leezenberg, M. (1993). Gorani Influence on Central Kurdish: Substratum or Prestige Borrowing? Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam, ILLC Pre-Publication Series X--93-03. Available at
Losensky, P. (2009). Sāqi-nāma. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition, 2009. Available at (last accessed 17 May 2016).
MacKenzie, D. (1961). Kurdish Dialect Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie, D. N. (1965). Some Gorani Lyric Verse. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, XXVIII (2), 255–83.
MacKenzie, D. (2002). Gurāni. Encyclopaedia of Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 15 March 2016).
McDowall, D. (2007). A Modern History of the Kurds. London, New York: I. B. Tauris.
Mahmoudveysi, P., et al. (2012). The Gorani Language of Gawraju (Gawrajuyi), a Village of West Iran. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag.
Mahmoudveysi, P. & Bailey, D. (2013). The Gorani Language of Zarda, a Village of West Iran. Texts, Grammar, and Lexicon. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag.
Mela Salih, H. (2008). Mewlewî û Teqînewey Ziman [Mewlewî and the Explosion of Language]. Hewlêr; Aras.
Mewlewî,ʿE. (2003). Dîwanî Mewlewî. H. Goran & M. Hicazî (eds.). Sanandaj: Goran Publishers.
Minorsky, V. (1943). The Gūrān. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 11(1), 75–103.
Minorsky, V. (2012). Ahl-i Ḥaḳḳ. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Second Edition. P. Bearman et al. (eds.). Brill Online. Available at (last accessed 2 March 2016).
Mohammadirad, M. & Tabibzadeh, O. (1393/2015). Wazn wa Qafiye, Do Meʿyar baraye Teʿin-e Qedmat-e Ashʿar-e Shafahi. Motaleʿe-ye Moredi dar Wazn wa Qafiye-ye Kalamat-e Yarsan [Metre and Rhyme as Two Criteria for Archaism of Oral Poetries: A Case Study of Metre and Rhyme in Yarsan Kalams]. Majale-ye Zaban Shenasi, 10(20), 1–16.
Mohammadpour, A. (2006). Mestûre û Badanewe bo Lîrîkay Erîstokratiyaney Farsî [Mestûre and turning to Persian Aristocratic Lyric]. In Bîranînê Mstûrey Erdelan [Commemorating Mestûre Erdelan], (159–176). Hewlêr: Aras.
Mokri, M. (1966). La légende de Bīžan-u Manīǰa: version populaire du sud du Kurdistan: en langue gouranie (Épisode du Shāhnāma, épopée iranienne). Paris: Klincksieck.
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Sefîzade (Borekeyî), S. (1990). Mêjûy Wêjey Kurdî [The History of Kurdish Literature]. Vol. 1. Bane: Enteshārāt-e Najī.
Sefîzade (Borekeyî), S. (1375/2006). Name-ye Sananjam ya Kalam-e Khazane [The Book of Saranjan or the Kalam of the Treasury]. Tehran.
Seydî Hewramî. (1971). Dîwanî Seydî. M. E. Kardoxî (ed.). Silêmanî: Çapxaney Kameran.
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Soane, E. B. (1921). A Short Anthology of Guran Poetry. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, I, 57–81.
Soltani, A. (1997). Bêsaranî yan Mehzûnî? [Bêsaranî or Mehzûnî?]. In A. Soltani (ed.). Destnûsî kurdî û Farsî Sebaret be Kurd le Kitêbxanekanî Berîtanya [Kurdish and Persian Manuscripts in British Libraries], (19–28). Sweden: Çapî Erzan.
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Xeznedar, M. (2001). Mêjûy Edebî Kurdî [The History of Kurdish Literature]. Vol. 1. Hewlêr: Aras.
Xeznedar, M. (2002). Mêjûy Edebî Kurdî [The History of Kurdish Literature]. Vol. 2. Hewlêr: Aras.
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Threshold, Scholarly Journal of the Department of English, Shahid Beheshti University, Vol. I, No. 4 (Winter 2008), pp. 12-22.
Film Review by Farangis Ghaderi
Papers by Farangis Ghaderi
Classical Gorani literature is believed to be the oldest Kurdish literary tradition which under the patronage of the Ardalans developed into a “literary koinè” in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. However, despite its antiquity and significance in the history of Kurdish literature, it has remained largely under-studied. It is against this backdrop that I offer an overview of Gorani literature, its history of development, and main literary characteristics in this article. Through extensive text analysis I examine the classical Gorani poetry for its major genres and forms and predominant themes and images. I study Gorani oral and written literature and their interactions, and the role it played in Kurdish poetic modernisation in the twentieth century.
Anvar, L. (2010). The Radiance of Epiphany: The Vision of Beauty and Love in Hāfiz’s Poem of Pre-Eternity. In L. Lewisohn (ed.). Hafiz and the Religion of Love in Classical Persian Poetry (123–143). London: I. B. Tauris.
Bahrami, I. (2004). Introduction. In I. Bahrami (ed.). Shahname-ye Kurdi (13–52). Tehran: Entesharat-e Hirmand.
Behn, W. (1988). Bābān. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 12 March 2016).
Bêsaranî. (1375/1996). Dîwanî Besaranî. H. Mela Salih (ed.). Sanandaj: Goran.
Bidlisi, Sh. Kh. (1964). Sharafnameh, Tarikh-i Mufassal-i Kurdistan. Tehran: Moassesse-ye Matbuʿat-e ʿElmi.
Blau, J. (1996). Kurdish Written Literature. In Ph. G. Kreyenbroek & Ch. Allison (eds.). Kurdish Culture and Identity (20–28). London: Zed Books.
Chamanara, B. (2013). An Investigation into the Kurdish Genre of the Shāhnāma and Its Religious Dimensions. Journal of Persianate Studies, 6(1-2), 163–177.
During, J. (1988). Barbaṭ. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 20 April 2016).
Erdelan, M. (1946). Tarikh-e Ardalan. N. Azadpour (ed.). Sanandaj: Chapkhane-ye Bahrami.
Erdelan, M. (1998). ʿAqayed.ʿE. Merdûx (ed.). Stockholm.
Gerdî, ʿE. (1999). Serwa [Rhyme]. Hewlêr: Aras.
Erdelan, M. (2005). Sharʿiyat. J. Ahmadi Ayin (ed.). Hewlêr: Aras.
Erdelan, M. (2005). Dîwanî Mestûre. M. M. Ruhanî (ed.). Hewlêr: Aras.
Ghaderi, F. (2015). The Challenges of Writing Kurdish Literary History: Representation, Classification, and Periodisation. Kurdish Studies, 3(1), 3–25.
Ghaderi, F. (2016). The Emergence and Development of Modern Kurdish Poetry. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Exeter, Exeter.
Goran, M. (2004). Shahname-ye Kurdi: Javahirpush wa Bizhan-u Manizha [Kurdish Shahnameh: Javaherpush and Bijan and Manijeh]. I. Bahrami (ed.). Tehran: Hirmand.
Gunter, M. (2009). A to Z of the Kurds. Toronto: The Scarecrow Press.
Halm, H. (1982). Ahl-e Ḥaqq. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Online Edition. Available at (last accessed 12 March 2016).
Hamzeh’ee, R. (1990). The Yarsan: A Sociological, Historical and Religio-Historical Study of a Kurdish Community. Berlin: Klaus Schwartz Verlag.
Hassanpour, A. (1998). The Identity of Hewrami Speakers: Reflections on the Theory and Ideology of Comparative Philology. In A. Soltani (ed.). Anthology of Gurani Kurdish Poetry (35–49). London: Soane Trust for Kurdistan.
Hassanpour, A. (1990). The Language Factor in National Development: The Standardization of the Kurdish Language, 1918–1985. Published Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Hewramanî, M. E. (1981). Zarî Zimanî Kurdî le Terazûy Berawurd da [Kurdish Language from a Comparative Perspective]. Baghdad: Dezgay Roşinbîrî w Biławkirdnewey Kurdî.
Hewramanî, M. E. (2004). Gułzarî Hewraman, Zimannasî û Edebiyat [The Rose Garden of Hawraman: Linguistics and Literature]. Hewlêr: Aras.
Hooshmandrad, P. (2004). Performing the Belief: Sacred Musical Practice of the Kurdish Ahl-i Haqq of Guran. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Berkeley.
Jayhunʹabadi, N. (1966-1971). Shahnamah-ʼi hhaqiqat: tarikh manzum buzurgan-i ahl-i haqq [The Book of the Kings of Truth: A versified History of the the Great Ones of the Ahl-e Haqq]. 2 vols. M. Mokri (ed.). Tehran: Institut Iran va Faranseh.
Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (1992). On the Kurdish Language. In Ph. G. Kreyenbroek & S. Sperl (eds.). The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview (53–65). London: Routledge.
Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2010). Orality and Religion in Kurdistan: The Yezidi and Ahl-e Haqq. In E. Yarshater (ed.). A History of Persian Literature, Vol. XVIII, (70-89). New York: I. B. Tauris.
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Film Review by Farangis Ghaderi
Classical Gorani literature is believed to be the oldest Kurdish literary tradition which under the patronage of the Ardalans developed into a “literary koinè” in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. However, despite its antiquity and significance in the history of Kurdish literature, it has remained largely under-studied. It is against this backdrop that I offer an overview of Gorani literature, its history of development, and main literary characteristics in this article. Through extensive text analysis I examine the classical Gorani poetry for its major genres and forms and predominant themes and images. I study Gorani oral and written literature and their interactions, and the role it played in Kurdish poetic modernisation in the twentieth century.
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Mohammadirad, M. & Tabibzadeh, O. (1393/2015). Wazn wa Qafiye, Do Meʿyar baraye Teʿin-e Qedmat-e Ashʿar-e Shafahi. Motaleʿe-ye Moredi dar Wazn wa Qafiye-ye Kalamat-e Yarsan [Metre and Rhyme as Two Criteria for Archaism of Oral Poetries: A Case Study of Metre and Rhyme in Yarsan Kalams]. Majale-ye Zaban Shenasi, 10(20), 1–16.
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