Jurnal Syarikah : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat berbagai sektor terguncang, termasuk sektor ekonomi. Banyak masyarakat y... more Pandemi Covid-19 membuat berbagai sektor terguncang, termasuk sektor ekonomi. Banyak masyarakat yang mengalami penurunan pendapatan sebagai dampak meluasnya covid-19 di Indonesia. Disisi lain, meskipun terjadi krisis di masa pandemi ini, penghimpunan infak justru meningkat. Berdasarkan data Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS), dari tahun ke tahun penghimpunan infak sedekah mengalami peningkatan. Meskipun terjadi krisis di masa pandemi ini. Peningkatan signifikan terlihat justru terjadi pada tahun 2020 saat pandemi terjadi. Tingginya penghimpunan dana infak turut didukung dengan potensi muslim yang ada di Indonesia. Sementara itu, berdasarkan Charities Aid Foundation menobatkan Indonesia sebagai negara yang paling dermawan pada tahun 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi masyarakat khususnya generasi Z dalam berinfak. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah generasi Z di Jawa Timur yang pernah melakukan infak ataupun tidak. Penentuan r...
Pekobis : Jurnal Pendidikan, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis
Covid-19 pandemic is blamed to be the one which steal one country’s generation because of its sev... more Covid-19 pandemic is blamed to be the one which steal one country’s generation because of its severe impacts in economic growth. The study investigates the determinants of output growth during Covid-19 pandemic in six ASEAN countries e.i. Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam over the 2020:I - 2021:I period. This study utilises secondary data with panel regression pooled least square (common effect) estimation technique to answer whether the independent variables e.i. central bank policy rate (cbpr), total positive case of Covid-19 (covid), and credit default swap (cds) have significant impact on those six ASEAN countries.We find that cbpr, covid, and cds impact significantly (critical value 95%) on output growth in the six Asian countries. However, cbpr and cds still become puzzle which have a positive relationship with output growth, that might be normal tot the crisis situation. We recommend to include innovation as one prominent factor boosting ...
International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific
The idea of sustainability was risen according to climate change since the beginning of industria... more The idea of sustainability was risen according to climate change since the beginning of industrialization in the 18th century. As consequence, the effect will be physical disasters that lead to disadvantages for businesses. The role of banking as an intermediary makes it an agent of trust. Thus, the proper business conduct of its practice is an obligation. Attempts for green finance can be seen by the SRI KEHATI index which has the 25 most favorable issuers that mostly apply ESG criteria. This study conducts an analysis of KBMI 4 banks and then analyze the relation of ESG score compared to the financial performance, i.e NPM, ROA, and ROE from the 2017 to 2021 periods. The result shows that there is a correlation between the performance indicated by the ESG score to the financial performance of each issuer. The results showed that ESG and NPM, ROA, and ROE do not have significant relation. It was because there was no direct correlation between the ESG and the independent variables. Both, ESG and independent variables are indicators of a company's performance. Needs further study to connect those two to find how strong the scoring is affecting a company's performance, especially in the profitability ratio.
Sciendo eBooks, Oct 9, 2022
This study aimed to determine the effect of public sector expenditure on economic growth and rura... more This study aimed to determine the effect of public sector expenditure on economic growth and rural poverty in Indonesia. Using data from 32 provinces from 2006 to 2008 and the simultaneous equations model, this study revealed that government spending on education and health sectors have a significant impact in stimulating economic growth, through the output of each sector. Both sectors also have a significant effect in reducing the number of rural poor through the outcome of school enrollment, illiteracy, infant mortality and life expectancy. In contrast, expenditure on infrastructure had no significant effect both in accelerating the economic growth and in reducing poverty. Whereas, the effect of economic growth to decline the number of poor people in rural areas was also not significant.
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2021
The poverty reduction rate in Java was considered very low, thus requiring new strategies and pol... more The poverty reduction rate in Java was considered very low, thus requiring new strategies and policies, such as the improvement of internet accessibility. This study, using the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) data, aimed to examine the role of internet accessibility to reduce poverty rates in Java through a spatial approach. The results showed that internet accessibility had a significant effect on the reduction of poverty rates in Java. It also found that the poverty rates in an area in Java were influenced by the types of works of household heads in the same location and the poverty rates in neighboring areas (spatial spillover effects). This study recommended that the Government, in reducing poverty rates, focuses on providing internet infrastructure and, more, on spatial aspects
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2021
The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of tourists in two tourist destinations... more The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of tourists in two tourist destinations in DKI Jakarta which are included in the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN), namely Kota Tua and Kepulauan Seribu by conducting a sentiment analysis. The analysis was carried out on traveler reviews in the form of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) submitted on the tripadvisor site. The results of the study found that in general the sentiment of tourists towards these two destinations was positive, and each year there was an increasing trend. However, based on the exploration of sentiments that have negative connotations, it is known that the problems of odor, garbage and pollution are of great concern to tourists. Other aspects of concern to tourists are the need for better governance by local governments, and the need for standard facilities and services.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Feb, Apr 29, 2014
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Feb, Oct 31, 2014
Kredit merupakan usaha pokok dari Lembaga Keuangan Bank, semakin besar volume kredit yang diterim... more Kredit merupakan usaha pokok dari Lembaga Keuangan Bank, semakin besar volume kredit yang diterima bank maka semakin besar kemungkinan laba yang akan diperoleh. Non-Performing Loan merupakan salah satu indikator dalam menilai kinerja fungsi bank, dimana fungsi bank adalah sebagai lembaga intermediasi. Semakin rendah rasio NPL maka akan semakin rendah tingkat kredit bermasalah yang terjadi yang berarti semakin baik kondisi dari bank tersebut. Berbicara tentang jenis-jenis kredit, Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) merupakan salah satu jenis kredit yang cukup populer. Prediksi terjadinya Non-Performing Loan (NPL) dapat dilihat dari beberapa faktor diantaranya yang tercermin dalam rasio kinerja keuangan seperti Bank Size, Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR), dan Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), serta faktor makroekonomi seperti rasio pertumbuhan Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dan Inflasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kinerja keuangan dan variabel makroekonomi terhadap NPL KPR pada bank umum selama periode tahun 2010-2013. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisa regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Hasil analisis pengaruh kinerja keuangan dan makroekonomi terhadap NPL KPR dapat diketahui bahwa variabel bebas yang tercermin didalam kinerja keuangan yang meliputi Bank Size, LDR, CAR, dan makroekonomi yang meliputi GDP, Inflasi secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap rasio NPL KPR Bank Umum selama periode tahun 2010-2013. Kata Kunci:Kinerja keuangan( Bank Size ,LDR,CAR), Makroekonomi(GDP,Inflasi),dan Non-perfoming loan /NPL.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Feb, Sep 24, 2014
(BPS) Malang in 2008 to 2012 and multiple regression analysis, this study is aimed to analyze the... more (BPS) Malang in 2008 to 2012 and multiple regression analysis, this study is aimed to analyze the factors that influence the demand of mortgage loan in BTN University of Brawijaya Branch Office Malang from 2008 to 2012. BTN is the biggest bank in Indonesia that provides mortgage loan as the main product. The results of multiple regression analysis show that the factors include lending rate, inflation, income, and exchange rate are simultaneously influence the demand of mortgage loan. Inflation and income have significant influence towards the demand of mortgage loan, but lending rate and exchange rate has insignificant influence towards the demand of mortgage loan.