Military History and geopolitics are my main passions and interest since childhood. I served in the French Marines (Troupes de Marine, ex. Colonial troops) early in the 90s. With support from the American School of Classical Studies, from Prof. Charles K. Williams II, former Director of the Corinth Excavations (1966-1996) and some research grants from the French Archaeological Schools at Rome and Athens and the Mellon Foundation, I worked on the Castles of the Morea (Peloponnese -Greece) and the war between the Ottomans, Venice and the Holy League (1683-1718). I finished my Ph.D. in 2003. The late Dr Daniel Panzac, specialist of the Ottoman Navy, was my Thesis Supervisor. In 1998 I was rewarded with the Military History Award as the best Military research work of the year in French Language, together with Olivier Lepick, WW1 and chemical warfare specialist. Apart from that, I studied many recent conflicts by going directly on the spot, to be able to have my own impartial opinion. I served as adviser to the UNESCO ROSTE, I write articles on geopolitics and an Historical novel that takes place in the 17th Century. I taught Ethics, History and Geography at the International School of Manosque- ITER, France. Previously, I worked with the Alliance française where I held the position of Vice Director of the Manaus – Brazil center. I received extensive linguistic training in intercomprehension (Galatea, EuRom4, EuroComRom) from the Latin Union in 2011 and worked in in-numerous translations mainly in English and Latin languages (Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish).
Supervisors: Mme Brigitte Marin, Ecole française de Rome; M. Daniel Panzac, IREMAM-CNRS, Doct. Charles K. Williams II, ASCSA.
Supervisors: Mme Brigitte Marin, Ecole française de Rome; M. Daniel Panzac, IREMAM-CNRS, Doct. Charles K. Williams II, ASCSA.
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Papers by Eric G. L. PINZELLI
Faisant suites aux fuites des Pentagon Papers de 1971, les révélations de Snowden, et la publication de la correspondance électronique d'Hillary Clinton de 2010 à 2014 par Wikileaks, les nouvelles fuites du Pentagone n'ont pas fini de faire des vagues. Le contenu des fuites met à bas la version officielle avancée par l'OTAN et répétée verbatim par tous les médias occidentaux d'une armée ukrainienne sur le point de « triompher de l'ogre Russe ». Le 8 avril, le Washington Post, citant un haut responsable ukrainien, écrivait que la révélation des vulnérabilités de l'armée ukrainienne a provoqué la colère des dirigeants de Kiev et "la panique" parmi les responsables du Pentagone. Quelques jours après l'arrestation d'un coupable désigné d'office, faisons le point sur les origines de l'affaire et les incohérences dans la version des faits livrée par la presse, les grands médias et les réseaux sociaux. Ce qu'on sait de la piste à l'heure actuelle
After a much celebrated reconquest of the Morean peninsula by Captain General-turned-Doge Francesco Morosini in the 1680s which was greeted by an incredible popular enthusiasm back in the Dominante, the Venetian Senate struggled to find reasons to keep this poor and desolated land... and even more, to find ways to preserve it.
Throughout the period Venice held the land (1685-1715), Venetian local officials put all their efforts, and investments, into a handful of strategic strongholds, Modon included, that could be upgraded, and hopefully withstand the future Ottoman onslaught that was expected to come.
First arrived in the heat of battle during the horrendous 1688 Negroponte campaign, the young Antonio Giansich was to participate to all the military consulte, sparing no efforts to map the land, plan the army’s next moves and strategies, fight himself on the battlefields, propose and implement much-needed improvements for the often crumbling medieval fortifications... After the war, Giansich was an appreciated member of Alessandro Molin’s close staff, participating in the defense of the Venetian neutrality during the War of Spanish Succession.
A decade later, when Modon was about to be stormed by the huge forces of Grand Vizier Damat Ali Pasha during his swift reconquest of the Peloponnese, Giansich, now a respected veteran and Sergeant General, was sent back and appointed military governor of Modon to fight what seemed to be his last desperate battle with his 700 men against 70,000. Nothing short of a miracle was expected: Modon was the Serenissima’s last stronghold in the Morea, Venice's preservation was at stake.
Règlements et justice militaire dans l'armée vénitienne à l'aube du 18e siècle: les Statuti du comte Adam Heinrich von Stenau.
The Standing Committee of the People's Assembly wants to put in place an electoral reform in which a Nominating Committee would pre-select the candidates before presenting them by universal ballot. The elected officials would also be appointed by Beijing before taking office. Regarding the Chief Executive, the CPAP would insist that the new elected needs to "loves the country and Hong Kong", in other words, that "anyone who opposes the central government could not occupy this function".
In May, a very strong explosion in Sanaa had a certain media impact, the video having been quite widely commented on Youtube. Some spoke of the use of a tactical nuclear weapon by the Saudis, and Yemen made more headlines. A brief return in the past is necessary to try to see more clearly.
After the first round of the current Presidential election, the candidate Marina Silva, who came third, has rallied to Aecio Neves against Dilma Rousseff, possibly compromising the re-election of the outgoing president who sees the number of her opponents increase. To date, polls give the two finalists an almost perfect tie. In this context, many members of the Brazilian Armed Forces (FAB) would not be unhappy to see Rousseff's defeat on the evening of 26th October...
Great things have small beginnings. Just ten years ago, Google made its initial public offering. Today, an analyst predicts that the company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin would be the first to reach the trillion (1012) of market capitalization dollars (NYPost of October 10, 2014). According to analyst Colin Gillis employed by BCG Partners, "Google will grow as fast as a wildfire thanks to investments in sectors such as autonomous cars and robotics". Originally valued at $ 23 billion, the company now has $ 366 billion, becoming the 4th largest company in the world, very close to Microsoft and Exxon Mobil.
Thesis Chapters by Eric G. L. PINZELLI
Books by Eric G. L. PINZELLI
*Depicts 2,600 years of warfare
*Redresses the Western bias of most such surveys, with Asian leaders included
*Naval as well as land-based commanders included
*Presented in chronological order, each entry is illustrated and has a concise overview of the subject's career and the reasons for their inclusion.
*Taken together, they form a fascinating survey of the developments and continuities in the art of command around the world and through the ages.
In Masters of Warfare, Eric G. L. Pinzelli presents a selection of fifty commanders whose military achievements, skill or historical impact he believes to be underrated by modern opinion. He specifically does not include the household names (the ‘Gods of War’ as he calls them) such as Alexander, Julius Caesar, Wellington, Napoléon, Rommel or Patton that have been covered in countless biographies.
Those chosen come from every period of recorded military history from the sixth century BC to the Vietnam War. The selection rectifies the European/US bias of many such surveys with Asian entries such as Bai Qi (Chinese), Attila (Hunnic), Subotai (Mongol), Ieyasu Tokugawa (Japanese) and Võ Nguyên Giáp (Vietnamese). Naval commanders are also represented by the likes of Khayr al-Dīn Barbarossa, Francis Drake and Michiel de Ruyter.
These 50 “Masters of War” are presented in a chronological order easy to follow, with a concise overview of their life and career. Altogether they present a fascinating survey of the developments and continuities in the art of command, but most importantly their contribution to the evolution of weaponry, tactic and strategy through the ages.
En 1684, pour la première fois de son histoire, Venise déclarait la guerre à l’Empire Ottoman en rejoignant la Sainte Ligue. L'armée du grand vizir Kara Mustapha Pacha venait de subir une défaite écrasante lors du siège de Vienne: le Saint-Empire romain germanique, la Pologne, Venise et la papauté tenaient enfin l'occasion de porter un coup décisif contre leur ennemi commun.
Le capitaine général Francesco Morosini, illustre défenseur de Candie, fut appelé à reprendre du service. À nouveau chargé du commandement général des forces de la Sérénissime au Levant, le vieux soldat entouré de marins, de soldats et d’ingénieurs chevronnés, conquit la Morée (Péloponnèse) en quatre campagnes épiques, s’emparant des principales forteresses les unes après les autres.
Le conflit se prolongea de façon inattendue, les Turcs résistant avec une détermination renouvelée, tandis que l’ouverture par l’Empire d’un nouveau front contre la France, détournait le meilleur de ses forces des combats en Hongrie. Les Vénitiens, bien obligés de défendre leurs nouveaux territoires, s’efforcèrent de mettre en place un semblant d’administration dans un «Royaume de Morée» dévasté par la guerre et le banditisme. Les défis à relever étaient innombrables; priorité étant donnée à la coûteuse modernisation des châteaux médiévaux et à la création de nouvelles fortifications à la pointe de l’architecture militaire.
En 1699, le traité de Karlowitz entérina la possession de la Morée. Venise avait vengé la perte de la Crète et restait une puissance européenne incontournable. Quinze ans plus tard cependant, une irrésistible offensive ottomane reconquit l'ensemble du Péloponnèse en seulement trois mois. Les îles ioniennes, dernier vestige de l’ancien Stato da Mar, ne furent sauvées que grâce aux vaillants défenseurs de Corfou et à la victoire du prince Eugène à Peterwardein. Après les succès de la Grande Guerre Turque, comment cette monumentale débâcle vénitienne a-t-elle été rendue possible?
Basé sur un volume considérable de documents d’archives inédits et de sources imprimées contemporaines, cet ouvrage immerge le lecteur au cœur des intrigues diplomatiques européennes des 17e - 18e siècles, et révèle les mécanismes d’une tactique militaire en rapide évolution. Sur les théâtres d’opération de l'Europe centrale, du sud des Balkans et de la mer Égée, la dimension religieuse du conflit entraîna souvent un mépris des lois de la guerre : les combats atteignirent des niveaux de violence inégalés depuis la Guerre de Trente Ans.
Faisant suites aux fuites des Pentagon Papers de 1971, les révélations de Snowden, et la publication de la correspondance électronique d'Hillary Clinton de 2010 à 2014 par Wikileaks, les nouvelles fuites du Pentagone n'ont pas fini de faire des vagues. Le contenu des fuites met à bas la version officielle avancée par l'OTAN et répétée verbatim par tous les médias occidentaux d'une armée ukrainienne sur le point de « triompher de l'ogre Russe ». Le 8 avril, le Washington Post, citant un haut responsable ukrainien, écrivait que la révélation des vulnérabilités de l'armée ukrainienne a provoqué la colère des dirigeants de Kiev et "la panique" parmi les responsables du Pentagone. Quelques jours après l'arrestation d'un coupable désigné d'office, faisons le point sur les origines de l'affaire et les incohérences dans la version des faits livrée par la presse, les grands médias et les réseaux sociaux. Ce qu'on sait de la piste à l'heure actuelle
After a much celebrated reconquest of the Morean peninsula by Captain General-turned-Doge Francesco Morosini in the 1680s which was greeted by an incredible popular enthusiasm back in the Dominante, the Venetian Senate struggled to find reasons to keep this poor and desolated land... and even more, to find ways to preserve it.
Throughout the period Venice held the land (1685-1715), Venetian local officials put all their efforts, and investments, into a handful of strategic strongholds, Modon included, that could be upgraded, and hopefully withstand the future Ottoman onslaught that was expected to come.
First arrived in the heat of battle during the horrendous 1688 Negroponte campaign, the young Antonio Giansich was to participate to all the military consulte, sparing no efforts to map the land, plan the army’s next moves and strategies, fight himself on the battlefields, propose and implement much-needed improvements for the often crumbling medieval fortifications... After the war, Giansich was an appreciated member of Alessandro Molin’s close staff, participating in the defense of the Venetian neutrality during the War of Spanish Succession.
A decade later, when Modon was about to be stormed by the huge forces of Grand Vizier Damat Ali Pasha during his swift reconquest of the Peloponnese, Giansich, now a respected veteran and Sergeant General, was sent back and appointed military governor of Modon to fight what seemed to be his last desperate battle with his 700 men against 70,000. Nothing short of a miracle was expected: Modon was the Serenissima’s last stronghold in the Morea, Venice's preservation was at stake.
Règlements et justice militaire dans l'armée vénitienne à l'aube du 18e siècle: les Statuti du comte Adam Heinrich von Stenau.
The Standing Committee of the People's Assembly wants to put in place an electoral reform in which a Nominating Committee would pre-select the candidates before presenting them by universal ballot. The elected officials would also be appointed by Beijing before taking office. Regarding the Chief Executive, the CPAP would insist that the new elected needs to "loves the country and Hong Kong", in other words, that "anyone who opposes the central government could not occupy this function".
In May, a very strong explosion in Sanaa had a certain media impact, the video having been quite widely commented on Youtube. Some spoke of the use of a tactical nuclear weapon by the Saudis, and Yemen made more headlines. A brief return in the past is necessary to try to see more clearly.
After the first round of the current Presidential election, the candidate Marina Silva, who came third, has rallied to Aecio Neves against Dilma Rousseff, possibly compromising the re-election of the outgoing president who sees the number of her opponents increase. To date, polls give the two finalists an almost perfect tie. In this context, many members of the Brazilian Armed Forces (FAB) would not be unhappy to see Rousseff's defeat on the evening of 26th October...
Great things have small beginnings. Just ten years ago, Google made its initial public offering. Today, an analyst predicts that the company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin would be the first to reach the trillion (1012) of market capitalization dollars (NYPost of October 10, 2014). According to analyst Colin Gillis employed by BCG Partners, "Google will grow as fast as a wildfire thanks to investments in sectors such as autonomous cars and robotics". Originally valued at $ 23 billion, the company now has $ 366 billion, becoming the 4th largest company in the world, very close to Microsoft and Exxon Mobil.
*Depicts 2,600 years of warfare
*Redresses the Western bias of most such surveys, with Asian leaders included
*Naval as well as land-based commanders included
*Presented in chronological order, each entry is illustrated and has a concise overview of the subject's career and the reasons for their inclusion.
*Taken together, they form a fascinating survey of the developments and continuities in the art of command around the world and through the ages.
In Masters of Warfare, Eric G. L. Pinzelli presents a selection of fifty commanders whose military achievements, skill or historical impact he believes to be underrated by modern opinion. He specifically does not include the household names (the ‘Gods of War’ as he calls them) such as Alexander, Julius Caesar, Wellington, Napoléon, Rommel or Patton that have been covered in countless biographies.
Those chosen come from every period of recorded military history from the sixth century BC to the Vietnam War. The selection rectifies the European/US bias of many such surveys with Asian entries such as Bai Qi (Chinese), Attila (Hunnic), Subotai (Mongol), Ieyasu Tokugawa (Japanese) and Võ Nguyên Giáp (Vietnamese). Naval commanders are also represented by the likes of Khayr al-Dīn Barbarossa, Francis Drake and Michiel de Ruyter.
These 50 “Masters of War” are presented in a chronological order easy to follow, with a concise overview of their life and career. Altogether they present a fascinating survey of the developments and continuities in the art of command, but most importantly their contribution to the evolution of weaponry, tactic and strategy through the ages.
En 1684, pour la première fois de son histoire, Venise déclarait la guerre à l’Empire Ottoman en rejoignant la Sainte Ligue. L'armée du grand vizir Kara Mustapha Pacha venait de subir une défaite écrasante lors du siège de Vienne: le Saint-Empire romain germanique, la Pologne, Venise et la papauté tenaient enfin l'occasion de porter un coup décisif contre leur ennemi commun.
Le capitaine général Francesco Morosini, illustre défenseur de Candie, fut appelé à reprendre du service. À nouveau chargé du commandement général des forces de la Sérénissime au Levant, le vieux soldat entouré de marins, de soldats et d’ingénieurs chevronnés, conquit la Morée (Péloponnèse) en quatre campagnes épiques, s’emparant des principales forteresses les unes après les autres.
Le conflit se prolongea de façon inattendue, les Turcs résistant avec une détermination renouvelée, tandis que l’ouverture par l’Empire d’un nouveau front contre la France, détournait le meilleur de ses forces des combats en Hongrie. Les Vénitiens, bien obligés de défendre leurs nouveaux territoires, s’efforcèrent de mettre en place un semblant d’administration dans un «Royaume de Morée» dévasté par la guerre et le banditisme. Les défis à relever étaient innombrables; priorité étant donnée à la coûteuse modernisation des châteaux médiévaux et à la création de nouvelles fortifications à la pointe de l’architecture militaire.
En 1699, le traité de Karlowitz entérina la possession de la Morée. Venise avait vengé la perte de la Crète et restait une puissance européenne incontournable. Quinze ans plus tard cependant, une irrésistible offensive ottomane reconquit l'ensemble du Péloponnèse en seulement trois mois. Les îles ioniennes, dernier vestige de l’ancien Stato da Mar, ne furent sauvées que grâce aux vaillants défenseurs de Corfou et à la victoire du prince Eugène à Peterwardein. Après les succès de la Grande Guerre Turque, comment cette monumentale débâcle vénitienne a-t-elle été rendue possible?
Basé sur un volume considérable de documents d’archives inédits et de sources imprimées contemporaines, cet ouvrage immerge le lecteur au cœur des intrigues diplomatiques européennes des 17e - 18e siècles, et révèle les mécanismes d’une tactique militaire en rapide évolution. Sur les théâtres d’opération de l'Europe centrale, du sud des Balkans et de la mer Égée, la dimension religieuse du conflit entraîna souvent un mépris des lois de la guerre : les combats atteignirent des niveaux de violence inégalés depuis la Guerre de Trente Ans.